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UKVI 05 / 3313846
Date: 16 Nov 2023
application for a visit visa to the United Kingdom has been refused.

What this means for you

Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits,
however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change.
In relation to this decision, there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

The reasons for this decision are set out on the next page.

Yours sincerely,


The Data Protection Act 2018 governs how we use personal data. For details of how we will
use your personal information and who we may share it with please see our Privacy Notice
for the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system at
citizenship. This also explains your key rights under the Act, how you can access your
personal information and how to complain if you have concerns.


You have applied for a visa to visit the UK.

In deciding whether you meet the requirements of Appendix V: Visitor of the Immigration
Rules (,
I have considered:
 your application and any additional relevant information you have provided with it
 your immigration history

Visit refusal template - No RoA 19-Jan-22

The decision

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the
requirements of paragraph(s) 4.2 of Appendix V because:

You have applied for permission to enter the UK to visit for 7 days to visit your partner’s

The onus is on you to meet the Immigration Rules based on your own circumstances and
your own intentions. You have said that your partner will help you with this visit by providing
funding. While I take that into account in assessing your proposed maintenance and
accommodation in the UK, this is only one aspect of the visitor rules and this sponsorship
does not satisfy me of your own intention to leave the UK on completion of your visit.

You state that you are self-employed in property rental earning 200,000,000 IDR
(£10,346.70) per year. However, the documents provided do not demonstrate that you own a
property or have any rental agreement in place.

I have noted a letter on headed paper with the logo and name MIRA BEAUTY SALON,
stating you are the owner, however this is not consistent with your statements. A
letter such as this, is not in isolation, reliable to show ownership of a business. The
documents provided do not demonstrate the registration of a business, nor any
business activity. Given these inconsistencies, I am not satisfied that your
circumstances are as stated.

You have provided a number of documents from your stated partner, however, I note
the only connection to you is a typed letter which is of limited reliability on its own.
This does not establish a long term or ongoing relationship between you, and as
such I have concerns over your stated relationship and purpose for travel.

I also note that the Indonesian entry permit in your sponsor’s name expires in less
than two months. Given the concerns outlined above, I am not satisfied that you
have demonstrated any economic or family ties, which would necessitate your
departure from the UK.

In assessing your entry clearance application, I have considered all of the documents and
information provided against the requirements of Appendix V, and have also taken into
account the published Visit guidance. The guidance indicates a number of factors which can
help assess if an applicant is a genuine visitor, including but not limited to the following:

· their financial circumstances as well as their family, social and economic background
· their personal and economic ties to their country of residence
The concerns noted in the paragraphs above mean that I am not satisfied that you have
accurately declared your personal and income circumstances, which in turn means I am not
satisfied on the balance of probabilities that you are a genuine visitor.

While I note the documents you have provided in support of your sponsor, I am not satisfied
that these factors outweigh the concerns noted above. Therefore, I am not satisfied that you

Visit refusal template - No RoA 19-Jan-22

are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor and that you will leave the UK at the end of your
visit. Your application is therefore refused under paragraphs V4.2 (a) and (c) of the
Immigration Rules.

Rate of exchange: 19,329.83 IDR: £1 (reference – at the date of this


In relation to this decision, there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

Visit refusal template - No RoA 19-Jan-22

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