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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Aklan
District of Buruanga


Theme: “Unleashing Potentials, Ignite


Scouting is a fun activity filled with values which plays a great role and influence in pupil’s lives
and also develops skills which are also useful to them in their daily lives and to the community. These are
just some of the things everyone gained during the Joint GSP and BSP Division wide School-Based
Scouting Activity 2023 that was held at Alegria Elementary School last October 19-20, 2023. It was a two-
day camping activity participated by different troops in each grade level.

The registration and parade happened on the first day. This was followed by an opening
ceremony, Scout Orientation and Hand Signals. After which it was followed by the songs, yells and games,
and lecture/Demo (First Aid and Knot Tying). When evening came, they had their Campfire Program
Showcasing their prized talents and the Twinkler and Star Scout fashion show.

On the second day, the program started with the Scouts Oath and followed by a Zumba. Since
they were already energized, they proceeded to their Arts and Crafts Activity and Cook-Out. After which it
was followed by the games for their Money Hunting. And on the last day, was the giving of awards and
certificates to our scouters and the closing ceremony. The two-day encampment was full of activities in
developing scouters’ physical, mental, social, and spiritual development that they may apply constructively
in doing their roles in such full of challenges society they presently living with.

Prepared by:


School GSP Coordinator


School Principal II

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