Assessment 3

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Question 1

1.1 How is the concept 'class' explained by the following theorists?

a) A conflict theorist (3)
b) A functionalist theorist (3)

1.2 Discuss the two types of citizenship education and indicate which approach (active or
passive) you think is the best one for learners. Substantiate your answer. (10)

1.3 Explain the main aspects of citizenship education in post-apartheid South Africa. (4)


Question 2

2.1 Explain the main aspects of citizenship education in the United Kingdom. (6)

2.2 Explain 'soft' and 'hard' notions of community participation in citizenship education. (4)

2.3 Explain what a cosmopolitan approach to citizenship education entails and indicate
how learners could benefit from this approach. (10)

Question 3

3.1 What is social stratification? (4)

3.2 From a sociological perspective, discuss what is meant by:

i) Race (3)
ii) Gender (3)

3.3 "Access to schooling largely depends on race, class and gender." Briefly discuss the
term "access". (4)

3.4 Provide an argument to argue that access depends on the race, class, and gender of
the learner. (6)

Question 4

4.1 Briefly discuss what is meant by race from a sociological perspective. Provide an
example in your discussion. (4)

4.2 Discuss and provide ONE example of the following:

i) Culture as information bits (4)

ii) Culture as a motive and emotion (4)
iii) Culture as distributed along lines of power in society (4)

4.3 If you had the power to change discrimination in schools, what practices would you
introduce as a teacher? (4)

Question 5

5.1 Identify yourself with a teacher. Discuss the guidelines for gender-
fair teaching in schools and explain with examples why there might
be problems in schools with the implementation of some of the

5.2 Discuss what is meant by ascribed characteristics.


5.3 In which social class do you think school principals are? Provide
a reason for your answer.


TOTAL: [100]

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