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Psychology of Kindness and Wellbeing at Work

Interventions to promote kindness and wellbeing

The Tree of life exercise

(Narrative therapy)

We will be conducting it together in the Week 2 live workshop. If you miss this workshop or
not completed it in class, please complete the intervention on your own.

This intervention is about identifying the different aspects of your identity; including your
past, future goals, strengths and support system.

Step 1: Please draw a tree.

Step 2: Then for each part of the tree write brief notes on the following points:
 The roots: Write down key elements of your background. This can be your
family, hometown, state, country, culture, etc. It could also include significant
life events.
 The ground: Write down the things you do routinely. Is your daily life fairly
stable or frequently changing? You can also consider what influences your
daily experiences.
 The trunk: Write your key resources, skills, talents, strengths and values on
the trunk.
 The branches: Write down your main goals, hopes, dreams, or wishes on the
branches. These can be personal or wider. Think both long and short term.
 The leaves: Write down the names of those who are significant to you
and contribute/influence your life: family, friends, teachers, heroes, including
those who passed away. Consider what influence they have on your life, how
your relationships have changed or may change in the future and what role
you play in their lives.
 The fruits: Write down the gifts that you receive from others as well as those
that you endow to others: love, care, attention, etc.
 The flowers: Write down the legacies you wish to leave to others on the
flowers and seeds.
Step 3: Now consider a time when your tree withstood harsh weather. Draw the harsh
weather: what was it?
Step 4: Consider:
 Which parts of your tree were affected?
 Which parts helped you cope with/withstand/recover from the harsh weather?
Which parts of your tree grew stronger following this experience?

Please use the space below to make notes on the different sections of the interventions.

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