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thinner sugar-phosphate backbone.

(For a comparison of the

structures of B-DNA and Z-DNA, see Figure 16-8.)
RNA structure also depends in part on base pairing, but
Atoms Atoms in bases this pairing is usually between complementary regions within
in backbone the same strand and is much less extensive than the inter-
strand pairing of the DNA duplex. Of the various RNA species,
secondary and tertiary structures occur mainly in rRNA and
C tRNA (see Chapter 19). In addition, some infectious viruses
consist of double-stranded RNA held together by hydrogen
bonding between complementary base pairs.
Hydrogen Sugar-phosphate
bonds backbone 5¿
5¿ 3¿
Like proteins, nucleotides are important informational
macromolecules. How are they similar to proteins and how
do they differ in terms of monomer types and assembly,
C G polymer structure, and cellular functions?
Base pairs

3.3 Polysaccharides
The next group of macromolecules we will consider are the
polysaccharides, which are long-chain polymers of sug-
ars and sugar derivatives. Polysaccharides usually consist of
G C a single kind of repeating unit, or sometimes an alternating
pattern of two kinds. They serve primarily in energy storage
and as cellular structures rather than carrying information.
A T However (as we will see in Chapter 7), shorter polymers called
oligosaccharides, when attached to proteins on the cell surface,
play important roles in cellular recognition of extracellular
C G signal molecules and of other cells. As noted earlier, polysac-
A T charides include the storage polysaccharides starch and glyco-
gen and the structural polysaccharide cellulose. Each of these
polymers contains the six-carbon sugar glucose as its single
repeating unit, but they differ in the nature of the bond be-
G C tween successive glucose units as well as in the presence and
5¿ extent of side branches on the chains.
5¿ 3¿
(a) DNA double helix (b) Space-filling model The Monomers Are Monosaccharides
The repeating units of polysaccharides are simple sugars
Figure 3-19 The Structure of Double-Stranded DNA. (a) A
called monosaccharides (from the Greek mono, meaning
schematic representation of the double-helical structure of DNA. The
continuously turning strips represent the sugar-phosphate backbones “single,” and sakkharon, meaning “sugar”). A sugar can be de-
Acids: The of the molecule, and the horizontal bars represent paired bases of the fined as an aldehyde or ketone that has two or more hydroxyl
Double Helix groups. Thus, there are two categories of sugars: the aldo-
Activity: DNA two strands. (b) A space-filling model of the DNA double helix, with
Double Helix color-coded atoms as shown at the top of the figure. sugars, with a terminal carbonyl group (Figure 3-20a), and
the ketosugars, with an internal carbonyl group at carbon 2

helix is just sufficient to accommodate one of each kind of O

base. If we envision the sugar-phosphate backbones of the 1 1
two strands as the sides of a circular staircase, then each step
or rung of the stairway corresponds to a pair of bases held in H
place by hydrogen bonding (Figure 3-19).
The right-handed Watson–Crick helix shown in Figure (H C OH) n-3 (H C OH) n-3
3-19 is actually an idealized version of what is called B-DNA. nCH nCH
OH 2
B-DNA is the main form of DNA in cells, but two other forms 2

may also exist, perhaps in short segments interspersed within (a) Aldosugar (b) Ketosugar
molecules consisting mainly of B-DNA. A-DNA has a right- Figure 3-20 Structures of Monosaccharides. (a) Aldosugars
handed, helical configuration that is shorter and thicker than have a carbonyl group on carbon atom 1. (b) Ketosugars have a
B-DNA. Z-DNA, on the other hand, is a left-handed double he- carbonyl group on carbon atom 2. The number of carbon atoms in a
lix that derives its name from the zigzag pattern of its longer, monosaccharide (n) varies from three to seven.

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(Figure 3-20b). Within these categories, sugars are named ge- 6
nerically according to the number of carbon atoms they con-
tain. Most sugars have between three and seven carbon atoms 5 5
and thus are classified as trioses (three carbons), tetroses (four
4 1 4 1
carbons), pentoses (five carbons), hexoses (six carbons), or hep- OH OH
toses (seven carbons). We have already encountered two pen- HO 3 2 OH HO 3 2
toses—the ribose of RNA and the deoxyribose of DNA.
The single most common monosaccharide in the biolog- OH OH
ical world is the aldohexose D-glucose, represented by the for-
a-D-glucose, the b-D-glucose, the
mula C6H12O6 and by the structure shown in Figure 3-21. repeating unit of repeating unit of
The formula CnH2nOn is characteristic of sugars and gave starch and glycogen cellulose
rise to the general term carbohydrate because compounds Figure 3-22 The Ring Forms of D-Glucose. The hydroxyl
of this sort were originally thought of as “hydrates of car- group on carbon atom 1 (blue oval) points downward in the a form
bon”—Cn(H2O)n. Although carbohydrates are not simply and upward in the b form.
hydrated carbons, we will see in Chapter 11 that, for every
CO2 molecule incorporated into sugar during photosynthe-
sis, one water molecule is also added (see Reaction 11-2 on
page 308). Therefore, the more satisfactory representation of glu-
In keeping with the general rule for numbering carbon cose is the Haworth projection shown in Figure 3-21b.
atoms in organic molecules, the carbons of glucose are num- This view shows the spatial relationship of different parts of
bered beginning with the more oxidized end of the molecule, the the molecule and makes the spontaneous formation of a bond
carbonyl group. Because glucose has four asymmetric carbon between an oxygen atom and carbon atoms 1 and 5 appear
atoms (carbon atoms 2, 3, 4, and 5), there are 24 = 16 differ- more likely. In the Haworth projection, carbon atoms 2 and 3

Chapter 3
ent possible stereoisomers of the aldosugar C6H12O6. Here, we are intended to stick out of the plane of the paper, and carbon
will concern ourselves only with D-glucose, which is the most atoms 5 and 6 are behind the plane of the paper. The —H and
stable of the 16 isomers. —OH groups then project upward or downward, as indicated.
Either of the representations of glucose shown in Figure 3-21

| The Macromolecules of the Cell

Figure 3-21a illustrates D-glucose as it appears in what
chemists call a Fischer projection, with the —H and —OH is valid, but the Haworth projection is generally preferred be-
groups intended to project slightly out of the plane of the pa- cause it indicates both the ring form and the spatial relation-
per. This structure depicts glucose as a linear molecule, and it ship of the carbon atoms.
is often a useful representation of glucose for teaching purpos- Notice that formation of the pyranose ring structure re-
es. Note that the carbon atoms are numbered from the more sults in the generation of one of two alternative forms of the
oxidized end of the molecule. molecule, depending on the spatial orientation of the hydroxyl
In reality, however, glucose exists in the cell in a dynamic group on carbon atom 1. These alternative forms of glucose
equilibrium between the linear (or straight-chain) configura- are designated a and b. As shown in Figure 3-22, a-D-glucose
tion of Figure 3-21a and the ring form shown in Figure 3-21b. has the hydroxyl group on carbon atom 1 pointing downward
This ring forms when the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group in the Haworth projection, and b-D-glucose has the hydroxyl
on carbon atom 5 forms a bond with carbon atom 1. This six- group on carbon atom 1 pointing upward. Starch and glyco-
membered ring, formed by five carbon atoms and one oxygen gen both have a-D-glucose as their repeating unit, whereas
atom, is called a pyranose ring. This pyranose ring form is the cellulose consists of strings of b-D-glucose.
predominant structure because it is more stable energetically In addition to the free monosaccharide and the long-
than the linear form. chain polysaccharides, glucose also occurs in disaccharides,
which consist of two monosaccharide units linked covalent-
ly. Three common disaccharides are shown in Figure 3-23.
H O Maltose (malt sugar) consists of two glucose units linked to-
1C 6
CH2OH gether, whereas lactose (milk sugar) contains a glucose linked
2 5 to a galactose and sucrose (table sugar) has a glucose linked
H H to a fructose. Note that fructose contains a five-membered
HO C H H ring known as a furanose ring, a type also found in ribose and
4 1
4 OH H deoxyribose.
H C OH HO OH Each of these disaccharides is formed by a condensation
H C OH 3 2 reaction in which two monosaccharides are linked together
H OH via an oxygen atom following the elimination of water. The
H C OH resulting glycosidic bond is characteristic of linkages be-
tween sugars. Note that the “corners” on the glycosidic bonds
do not imply the presence of additional atoms—there is only
(a) Fischer projection (b) Haworth projection
a single oxygen atom connecting the two monomers. In malt-
Figure 3-21 The Structure of D-Glucose. The D-glucose ose, both of the constituent glucose molecules are in the a
molecule can be represented by (a) the Fischer projection of the form, and the glycosidic bond forms between carbon atom 1
straight-chain form or (b) the Haworth projection of the ring form. of one glucose and carbon atom 4 of the other (Figure 3-23a).

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a glycosidic bond found in animal cells and bacteria (Figure 3-24b). Both of
CH2OH CH2OH these polymers consist of a-D-glucose units linked together
O O by a glycosidic bonds. In addition to a(1 S 4) bonds that link
carbon atoms 1 and 4 of adjacent glucose units, these poly-
OH saccharides may contain occasional a(1 S 6) linkages along
the backbone, giving rise to side chains (Figure 3-24c). Stor-
OH OH age polysaccharides can therefore be branched or unbranched
a-D-glucose a-D-glucose polymers, depending on the presence or absence of a(1 S 6)
(a) Maltose
Glycogen is highly branched, with a(1 S 6) linkages oc-
curring every 8 to 10 glucose units along the backbone and
b glycosidic bond
giving rise to short side chains of about 8 to 12 glucose units
(Figure 3-24b). In our bodies, glycogen is stored mainly in the
HO O O OH liver and in muscle tissue. In the liver, it is used as a source of
glucose to maintain blood sugar levels. In muscle, it serves as
a fuel source to generate ATP for muscle contraction. Bacteria
also commonly store glycogen as a glucose reserve.
Starch, the glucose reserve commonly found in plant tis-
b-D-galactose b-D-glucose sue, occurs both as unbranched amylose and as branched
(b) Lactose amylopectin. Like glycogen, amylopectin has a(1 S 6)
branches, but these occur less frequently along the backbone
a glycosidic bond (once every 12 to 25 glucose units) and give rise to longer
CH2OH side chains (lengths of 20 to 25 glucose units are common;
O Figure 3-24a). Starch deposits are usually 10–30% amylose
and 70–90% amylopectin. Starch is stored in plant cells as
OH OH starch grains within the plastids—either within the chloro-
plasts that are the sites of carbon fixation and sugar synthesis
OH OH in photosynthetic tissue or within the amyloplasts, which are
a-D-glucose b-D-fructose specialized plastids for starch storage. The potato tuber, for ex-
ample, is filled with starch-laden amyloplasts.
(c) Sucrose
A common example of a structural polysaccharide is
Figure 3-23 Some Common Disaccharides. (a) Maltose the cellulose found in plant cell walls (Figure 3-25). Cellu-
consists of two molecules of a-D-glucose; (b) lactose consists of lose is an important polymer quantitatively—more than half
a molecule of b-D-galactose linked to b-D-glucose; and (c) sucrose of the carbon in many plants is typically present in cellulose.
consists of a molecule of a-D-glucose linked to b-D-fructose. Note Like starch and glycogen, cellulose is a polymer of glucose;
that monomers in maltose and lactose are joined by a glycosidic however, the repeating monomer is b-D-glucose, and the link-
bonds, but by a b glycosidic bond in sucrose age is therefore b(1 S 4). This bond has structural conse-
quences that we will get to shortly, but it also has nutritional
implications. Mammals do not possess an enzyme that can hy-
This is called an a glycosidic bond because it involves a carbon
drolyze this b(1 S 4) bond and therefore cannot use cellulose
atom 1 with its hydroxyl group in the a configuration. Lac-
as food. As a result, you can digest potatoes (starch) but not
tose, on the other hand, is characterized by a b glycosidic bond
grass and wood (cellulose).
because the hydroxyl group on carbon atom 1 of the galac-
Animals such as cows and sheep might seem to be excep-
tose is in the b configuration (Figure 3-23b). Some people lack
tions because they do eat grass and similar plant products.
the enzyme needed to hydrolyze this b glycosidic bond and are
But they cannot cleave b glycosidic bonds either; they rely
considered lactose intolerant due to their difficulty in metabo-
on microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) in their digestive
lizing this disaccharide. Sucrose consists of a molecule of a-D-
systems to do this for them. The microorganisms digest the
glucose linked to a molecule of b-D-fructose by an a glycosidic
cellulose, and the host animal then obtains the end-products
bond (Figure 3-23c). The distinction between a and b again
of microbial digestion, which are in a form the animal can
becomes critical when we get to the polysaccharides because
use (glucose). Even termites do not actually digest wood, but
both the three-dimensional configuration and the biological
simply chew it into small pieces that are then hydrolyzed
role of the polymer depend critically on the nature of the bond
to glucose monomers by microorganisms in the termite’s
between the repeating monosaccharide units.
digestive tract.
Although b(1 S 4)-linked cellulose is the most abun-
The Polymers Are Storage and Structural dant structural polysaccharide, others are also known. The
Polysaccharides celluloses of fungal cell walls, for example, contain either b
Polysaccharides typically perform either storage or structural (1 S 4) or b(1 S 3) linkages, depending on the species. The
roles in cells. The most familiar storage polysaccharides are cell wall of most bacteria is somewhat more complex and
starch, found in plant cells (Figure 3-24a), and glycogen, contains two kinds of sugars, N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)

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Chloroplast Starch


(a) Starch

Plant leaf cell with starch grains in chloroplast

1 mm

Glycogen granules Mitochondrion

Chapter 3
| The Macromolecules of the Cell

(b) Glycogen
Liver cell with glycogen granules in the cytosol
0.5 mm

CH Sid
e ch
2 ain
a(1 6)
OH OH O bond OH

CH2 6 CH CH2
Figure 3-24 The Structure of Starch and Glycogen.
1 4
(a) Starch from plant cells and (b) glycogen from animal cells and OH
bacteria are both storage polysaccharides composed of linear
chains of a-D-glucose units, with or without occasional branch points
(TEMs). Glycogen occurs as the branched form shown in a(1 4)
part b. (c) The straight-chain portions consist solely of a-D-glucose bond
units linked by a(1 S 4) glycosidic bonds, whereas branch chains
originate at a(1 S 6) glycosidic bonds. (c) Glycogen or amylopectin structure


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Cellulose Cellulose, by contrast, forms rigid, linear rods. These in
microfibrils in turn aggregate laterally into microfibrils (see Figure 3-25).
plant cell wall
Cell Microfibrils are about 5–20 nm in diameter and are com-
walls posed of about 36 cellulose chains. Plant and fungal cell walls
consist of these rigid microfibrils of cellulose embedded in a
noncellulosic matrix containing a rather variable mixture of
several other polymers (hemicellulose and pectin, mainly) and
a protein called extensin that occurs only in the cell wall. Cell
walls have been aptly compared to reinforced concrete, in
Plant cells which steel rods are embedded in the cement before it hardens
Cellulose to add strength. In cell walls, the cellulose microfibrils are the
chains Microfibril “rods” and the noncellulosic matrix is the “cement.”


Polysaccharides are also important macromolecules in cell
b(1 4) bond structure and function. How are they similar to proteins and
nucleic acids, and how do they differ?

O 3.4 Lipids
Strictly speaking, lipids differ from the macromolecules dis-
OH OH cussed so far in this chapter because they are not formed by the
kind of linear polymerization that gives rise to proteins, nucleic
Figure 3-25 The Structure of Cellulose. Cellulose consists acids, and polysaccharides. However, they are commonly regard-
of long, unbranched chains of b-D-glucose units linked together by
ed as macromolecules because of their high molecular weights
b(1 S 4) glycosidic bonds. Many such chains associate laterally and
and their presence in important cellular structures, particularly
are held together by hydrogen bonds to form microfibrils, which can
be seen in the micrograph of a primary plant cell wall shown here
membranes. Also, the final steps in the synthesis of triglycerides,
(TEM). phospholipids, and other large lipid molecules involve condensa-
tion reactions similar to those used in polymer synthesis.
Lipids constitute a rather heterogeneous category of cel-
lular components that resemble one another more in their
and N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc). These two sugars occur
solubility properties than in their chemical structures. The
in a strict alternating sequence. As shown in Figure 3-26a,
distinguishing feature of lipids is their hydrophobic nature. Al-
GlcNAc and MurNAc are derivatives of b-glucosamine, a glu-
though they have little, if any, affinity for water, they are read-
cose molecule with the hydroxyl group on carbon atom 2
ily soluble in nonpolar solvents such as chloroform or ether.
replaced by an amino group. GlcNAc is formed by adding a
Accordingly, we can expect to find that they are rich in nonpo-
two-carbon acetyl group to the amino group, and MurNAc
lar hydrocarbon regions and have relatively few polar groups.
requires the further addition of a three-carbon lactyl group
Some lipids, however, are amphipathic, having both a polar and
to carbon atom 3. The cell wall polysaccharide is then formed
a nonpolar region. As we have already seen in Figures 2-11
by the linking of GlcNAc and MurNAc in a strictly alternating
and 2-12, this characteristic has important implications for
sequence with b(1 S 4) bonds (Figure 3-26b). Figure 3-26c
membrane structure.
shows the structure of yet another structural polysaccharide,
Because they are defined in terms of solubility characteris-
the chitin found in insect exoskeletons, crustacean shells, and
tics rather than chemical structure, it should not be surprising
fungal cell walls. Chitin consists of GlcNAc units only, joined
that lipids as a group include molecules that are quite diverse
by b(1 S 4) bonds.
in terms of structure, chemistry, and function. Functionally,
lipids play at least three main roles in cells. Some serve as
Polysaccharide Structure Depends on the forms of energy storage, others are involved in membrane struc-
Kinds of Glycosidic Bonds Involved ture, and still others have specific biological functions, such as
The distinction between the a and b glycosidic bonds of stor- the transmission of chemical signals into and within the cell.
age and structural polysaccharides has more than just nu- We will discuss lipids in terms of six main classes, based on
tritional significance. Because of the difference in linkages their chemical structure: fatty acids, triacylglycerols, phospho-
and therefore in the spatial relationship between successive lipids, glycolipids, steroids, and terpenes. Note that because of
glucose units, the two classes of polysaccharides differ mark- the wide variety of lipids and the fact that members of differ-
edly in secondary structure. The helical shape already estab- ent classes sometimes share structural and chemical similari-
lished as a characteristic of both proteins and nucleic acids ties, this is only one of several different ways to classify lipids.
is also found in polysaccharides. Both starch and glycogen The six main classes of lipids discussed here are illustrated in
coil spontaneously into loose helices, but often the structure Figure 3-27, which includes representative examples of each
is not highly ordered due to the numerous side chains of class. We will look briefly at each of these six kinds of lipids,
amylopectin and glycogen. pointing out their functional roles in the process.

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