Detailed Lesson Plan in Types of Fictions and Genres Corrected

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Republic of the Philippines

Tayug, Pangasinan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Type of Fictions and Genres

(English 10)


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. define fiction as a genre of creative writing;

b. enumerate all types and genres of fiction; and
c. create a short story applying the genre of fiction.


Topic: Types of Fiction and genres.
Materials: PowerPoint, Laptop, Handouts, and Cartolina.
Values Integration: Able to form judgments and Appreciative.


Teachers Activity Students’ Activity

a. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, Sir!

b. Prayer
Let us start our day by asking the Lord’s Let’s bow our head. Heavenly father we thank
guidance, please lead the prayer, Faith. You for today…. Amen.
(Students prayed)

Before you take your seat, kindly pick up all (The students will pick up all the trashes and
the trash and arrange your chair properly. arrange their seats properly)
Now, please be seated.
c. Checking of attendance
Is anyone absent today?
Nobody is absent today, Sir.
That’s great. Thank you, Venice.

Class, can anyone recall what we tackled last
Sir, we have discussed about the story of The
Origin of Rice and Streams.
Very good, Jericho.

It’s about the two blind women who received

What was the story about?
one sack of rice and one bottle of water that
never emptied Sir.

You got it, Jorence.

Before proceeding to our lesson, I want you
to observe the pictures of famous books and
movies and ask the following questions:

1. Guess the movie title?

2. What have you observed in these

Sir, those are examples of fictions.
Very good, Honey.

3. What is their common attribute?

Very good, Faisal. Sir, they are all imaginations.

Based on what we have just done, do you
already have an idea of what we are going to
discuss today?
(Students raised their hands)
Yes, James? Sir, I think it’s all about Fiction.

Correct, James!
Today, we will be discussing the types and
genres of Fiction

Princess, what is Fiction? Fiction is created in the mind through your
imagination. Fiction is derived from the Latin
word “fictus” which means “to form”. You
invent stories and choose characters appropriate
for the story. Fiction aims to entertain, educate,
and inspire.

Now, there are some types of fiction. Let’s

have the first one. What is a short story?
Yes, Justine? A short story is a fictional work containing 1,000
to 20,000 words and measures no longer than 25
to 30 pages in length.

Thank you, Justine.

A short story can be read in only one sitting.
An example of it is the legend of the rice and
streams that we discussed the last time.

What about Novella? (Students raised their hands)

Yes, Christine?
The novella is longer than the short story,
Novellas typically have 20,000 to 50,000 words
and measures from 60 to 120 pages in length.
Because have more room to work with, they
typically have a more complex plot or storyline
and more characters than short stories.

Thank you, Christine.

A novella is shorter than most novels but
longer than most short stories. I am legend by
Richard Matheson is an example of this. An
awesome story that takes place in a vampire
apocalypse scenario and the only survivor is a
surly human with a drinking problem. He
drives around in the daylight and kills blood-
suckers, and spends his nights inside his (Students raised their hands)

What Is a Novel? Novel is a work of fiction that contains over

50,000 words or 120 pages. Novels are even
Yes, Faith? more complex than Novellas, and they usually
have more than one plot or storyline and many
well-developed characters.

Thank you, Faith.

A novel can’t be read in one or two sittings
because of its complexity. A novella contains
fewer characters and themes, while novels
contain more characters, themes, and sub-
themes and are also divided into chapters or
sometimes into volumes. An example of this
is The Lord of the Rings. The Lord of the
Rings has three volumes. the fellowship of the
ring, the two towers, and the return of the

Fiction can be broken into different categories

called genres. There are many different genres The genre typically has no basis in scientific fact
of fiction. or speculation. It includes implausible
supernatural and magical elements.
What Is a Fantasy? Yes, Allysa.

A story that has believable events and

characteristics that could actually happen in real
life. Although it can take place in a real setting, it
Next, Realistic Fiction? Yes, Jericho? is not based on history or science.

It features technology and natural or

technological scenarios that are currently
possible or may realistically become possible in
What about a Science Fiction? Yes, the future.

In a mystery fiction story based on a mysterious

event or crime, the story provides clues
throughout, but the mystery isn’t typically solved
Lastly, what Is a Mystery? Yes, John? until the end of the story.

Thank you, John.

Now, if you really understand our topic. Let’s
have a recap. Sir, Fiction is created in the mind through your
What is Fiction? imagination.
Yes, Princess?

Very good, Princess.

Give examples of a fiction story like a Novel, Sir, Harry Potter, Avatar, Avengers, Alice and
Movies, or short story? wonderland, Wizard of Oz. etc.
Yes, James?

Very good, James.

Class, I want you to have an activity which is (The students are creating their own Fiction
regarding the topic that we’ve discussed.
I want you to create a Fiction story of not less story.)
than 150 words.
Content 5
Creativity 5
Uniqueness 10

DIRECTION: On a one-fourth sheet of paper, answer the following questions.
1. Based on a mysterious event or crime that provides clues throughout the story (Mystery)
2. A form of fiction that deals principally with the impact of actual or imagined science? (Sci-Fi)
3. A fictional work containing 1,000 to 20,000 words and measures no longer than 25 to 30 pages
in length? (Short Story)
4. Longer than the short story, typically have 20,000 to 50,000 words and measures from 60 to
120 pages in length. (Novella)
5. A work of fiction that contains over 50,000 words or 120 pages? (Novel)
6. A story that has believable events and characteristics that could actually happen in real life?
(Realistic Fiction)
7. The genre typically has no basis in scientific fact or speculation. (Fantasy)
8. Derived from the Latin word “fictus” which means “to form”? (Fiction)
9. – 10 Give at least two fictional movies or books.


Have an Advanced Reading Search for the Communicative Style for various Situations.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Limuel C. Agustin Miczelyn Johanna P. Racraquin

Student–Teacher Cooperating Teacher


Jacqueline L. Balza

Principal, High School Department

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