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Design Plate Heat Exchangers Online Since we delivered our first domestically-produced device in 1953, HISAKA plate heat exchangers have been used In all kinds, of industries as compact heat exchangers with maximum efficiency. In order to meet more diverse and more sophisticated needs, we have arranged a rich variety of models, from small models of 0.18 m’/unit to large models up to 3,400 m’/unit @ Basic Structure Heat transter plates ara made by pressing thin sheets of corrosion resis: tant metal such as stainless stee! or titanium, then set them with seal {gaskets and hang and pile them on th guide bar. ‘Then, plates are tightened wath bolts between the fixed frame and the movable frame, Hore, there is a certain gap betwaen the heat transfer plates that allows liquid to fow. The liquid inlets and outlets are in the fod frame or the movable frame, I Flow Channel of Fluid Hot site ine Hot side cuter Biot Front @ Structure of a Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) Deplate Ap With 4 sng gaa far ach porthole to Brovent fd ot Sorta 19 Shame 89 Fubber boot or meta boot B-plate @ Heat Transfer Plate Each heal transfer plate is corrugated to various patterns to Increase ‘its strength and surlace area, Furthermore, the corrugation makes high turbulence and theraby achieves high hheat transfer coefficient. Portholes are formed in the plate's four corners. The gaskat is get into the groove around the plate edge al in the fuid. (Reter to P2) Hanger 7 Pothole Diatbution Doubie soa Heat tanator section Gasket Heringbene pater pte * plate simply tuned upside-down Apt. em plate hasno porthowto prevent fluids not contact betrame Double-lined Gasket Plate Hestia NX-50 Characteristics @ The double-gasketed line design provides a gasket line to the ‘outermost periphery to inhibit oxidation degradation in the = Inner gasket (which serves as a seal from outside alr. ‘@ it prevents leakage dispersal. Should @ leak ocour in the inner: this prevents the fluid from reaching outside. gasket, @ To achieve high heat-resistance, the compounding ratio of the = Characteristics gasket has been improved. ‘@ The improved gasket groove and plate pattern increase seal Pressure and ensure high pressure-resistance. @ tt achieves a life time 5 times longer than Hisaka's conventional Plate Heat Exchangers. @High heat-resistance and pressure-resistance allow for environments with high temperature of 250°C and seal pressure of 9.5Mpa or higher, which conventional PHE coukin't use. 1 Appiications @ High temperature / High pressure fluids High temperature, high pressure heat exchangers around boilers or the like Heat exchangers in conventional /nuciear power appications @ Dangerous fluids Heat exchangers for flammable and dangerous fluids in Jocations such as chemical plants I High-Heat / High-Pressure Resistance eanenaave0d 7 120 _ Semi-welded Plate (WX) Unified Welded Piate ‘Structure of a Welded Plate Heat Exchanger | | @A couple of plates are laser welded with o-ring at portholes: between the plates. One fluid flowing through the inside of the: cassettes and the other fluid flowing on the outside of the cassettes. @ As disassembly is possible for each plate cassette, both sides: of the plate cassette can be cleaned. @ As plate cassettes is sealed by laser welding except the portholes, this product is fit for high pressure duty, Freon refrigerants or fluids that corrode synthetic rubber, @ There are two types of ring gaskets; a synthetic rubber, and PTFE gasket (TCG) with outstanding chemical resistance. Applications @ Heating / cooling of fluids that corrode synthetic rubber Heating / cooling of dangerous fluids such as sulfuric acid Heating / cooling for the duty exceeding the heat or pressure resistance of gasket-type plate heat exchangers: @ Heating / cooling in refrigeration cycies using refrigerant Plate Heat Exchanger Lineup Welded Plate Heat Exchangers Woidra etna 19 ~" Flow channel of hue Variety of plate gap us Prose-molced ates are layne! a an olde: to" crouto tala Row caanee, (1) Both sicios arty Macs XS: Both sida wectangula fhe gap crcuts ean wih studs, (2) On sido highly reed ft HXE: One side free gap cirult and the othar side dimpled cru (@) One chargod tid HXC Freeflow: One side tre gap corrugated crcu ‘and the other side corugatad cic tg Fy : free gap Plan gan wth Pe contact between tn heat ante plates i Charactoristics ‘@ The prese-molded plate is molded with a special corrugation pattern to ensure a high transter coeticient. @ it supports high temperatures and high pressures, showing Its performance in a wide range of fields, @ The sea! gasket consists only of the side cover, 80 there are vitally no restrictions due to gasket material @ As battios can be installed to enable a multi-pass design, ‘heat transfer performance is close to a counter-current flaw, ‘aid has a flexible flow rate. @ As the holding volume ie smal, the amount of fuid remaining {in the unit Is also small and only a small amount of CIP detergent can be used. @ Easy mechanical cleaning by the cross flow chanel structure, (4) Both skios ahty charged fic HXC: Both sides corrugated circuits Applications @ Heat transtor process for higher efficiency than Shell & Tube hoa exchangers © Heat recovery in high temperature /high pressure applcations Condensers Vaporizers Heat transfer process where a Gasketed PHE cannot be used They are also able to replace Shell & Tube heat exchangers in ‘ther cases as wal @ Specification Tax, working prowsure [3.8 (PAG Max. working wrnperatire [Up 10380) ‘Connection sew A 6 600 Max. eat anator aren | Up'0700 want Pate mata ‘Stars sol, Maur igh cht ay “Te above mriioned varea Gaparcng othe operating conditions Fleas ire with our campy when aN. 18 Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers eppee J j team ‘aan Hot ade et a soe outat un Hot se outer (Coda na * Outer net na * e4ere oat anette Brazing er meta Shame Characteristics @ Brazed plate heat exchangers are brazed stainless steel plates: by brazing fe meta such as copper oF nickel ttle Nigh perormance and allows for a smal heat transter area © Due to tho small heat transfer aroa and the thin material by sturdy brazed structure, ight weight, and compact design are achieved © With brazed structure, it provides a high fevel of sealing and ‘outstanding heat and pressure resistance. @ The brazed structure reduced material to minimum is fit for ‘mass production and is economical outstanding Applications @ Vaporizers / condensers of refrigerant in compression refrigeration cycles (refrigerators / heat pumps) ‘Solution heat exchangers for absorption refrigerators @ industrial and home water heaters @ Heat recovery heat exchangers for cogeneration systems or ‘gas heat pumps Oil coolers for hydraulic equipment @ Heat exchangers for temparature control of various industrial ‘equipment and medical examinations Specification Design pressure: FY. 1o 4.5 MPa Design temperature: 100°C to 200°C “The above mentioned varies by model. Please inquire wth ovr company when planning. Maintenance Menu PHE Total Maintenance [Full Service Package] from pickup to assembly The Full Service Package is a total maintenance service in HISAKA. PHE disassembly, visual checks of plates, cleaning, regasketing, frame repairs, assembly, and fal inspection are all performed by service Centers, for the best possible performance ‘and a long operating lite time for PHEs. We also offer the “Full Service Package" for plates only Retum Containers tor “Full Service Package" for plate only (Optional) Im containers that precisely ft plates that are current ine ave provided upon customers’ request On-site Maintenance HISAKA can send skiled service engineers to perform maintenance work at the customer's site, We use specialized tools, such as automatic tighter efficiently dissemble and assemble the PHE and high temperature hat water jet cleaning to remove to sticky oil residues, providing high quality maintenance service at the customer's site Cleaning In Place (CIP) Disassembly and cleaning a PHE makes it possible to remove hard scale and clogging matters and to recover performance to nearly the same level as new. However, f disassembly and cleaning are not possible, HISAKA offers CIP using “Plate-Clean” at custorners’ site. Before scaling, CIP with Piate-Ciean can restore performance by removing Scale through washing and dissolving. This is effective in prolonging the disassembly cleaning cycie of the PHE. This is ‘eftective for extending the disassembly cleaning cycle of plate heat exchangers. Plate-Clean Plate-Cleen is a dedicated cleaner for PHES. By circulating the Gleaner inside the PHE, hard scale that forms on the cooling water, warm water, and steem sides can be easily removed by CiP without disassembling the unit. “Each cleaner can be purchased. 19 devices, to Compressor (tor discharging chemicals) Cianer’ Inout ‘Ciaaning tank — Closing piste pinto heat exchanger (Cleaning pump CIP Flow Chart Prate-Cioan S For slime Pate-Ciean © ForCa-scales For ron st Strength of Materials Axial Stress O=F (Nj Stain €= © ) (MPa) A fmm) (Nounits) — L (mm) : Le - - A= Awa Modulus E= (MPa) Asia Suess Tension oF Compression mye) fon = te seclon that woud eax apon. | Modus of lasity (or Youngs Meauts) We use i and mm hie aly given GPa (1000 MPa) — rudlis ‘Shear Stress Ther te Ge Ry Noy sneer Oven (7) = Sheer Fore J Polar Moment of Inertia mu 7a (rem) Shear Strain ts usuaty smas Welded Joints {0 oro change of L with angle ¢. (Note: $ = radians). — | Area in shear is the section that tes s —— oie apor. r ~ Soar Stain f)* movement (x) ‘depth (Ly - Feo707 fLs e = aw ses (MPa) Bolted Joints f (Chern te) (all in mm) size (men) Bolt Diam d x Fs Fores(t) Plate Width W = ‘Thickness ¢ mh o-E | Cylinder ‘ 4 Type of SHEAR TENSILE Stress Slide the bolt apart Elongate hole Rip plate apart Area of = nd? _pD Failure As 4 A,= dt A,=Wtdt || O,= "FZ peritith \ e " er eee 4) jen 20 a 64 cant —ie Pn te fe et 3 2 me forma nl} | te= Dh feat HTX oss 12 b Se Height of = Area in Now tod tc A y 8MD SFD. Element A jy Ay 4 ae « 11672 121 tat fa 7e4 [4.6899 “1478 07 Is768S boat! (peal 2 [x06 [10,7 /x62.42 [135.12 /3.9108 1232.28 2367.4 ‘Sreae ending Toul 1478na 1003540 [nana Force _Momen Controid po o = Bending Stress (MPa) Bending _O _ Formula" y y= distance to Neutral Axis (mm) ‘M = Bending Moment (Naum) = Second Moment of Area (mm') E = Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) N= Radius of curvature (mm) Tim Lovett wntes de Ciencia de Materiales Lucas David Marinero Martin Yeserc], epeDuarTe (Tae) Fundicioves / MERRo owns THERMOPLASTIC PLASTICS IDENTIFICATION FLOW CHART PLASTIC MATERIAL sorte DROP ASHALL SAMPLE WATER (Coenen TORN SWaL SAMPLE THERMOSETTING CONTINUES TO BURN PRESS AVEATED METAL TP ]_DOESNOT SOFTEN "AGAINST THE SAUPCE sins LOTS ERETNGUSHING WORN A SAAT ‘Sate I CONTINUES TO BURN Tartar || FE COLOUR Lorman: epoun [rawr L Peto OF eam = | restos: SER ETINGUSHING Jaco FoG6 oH ts KL UM ON OP rks 1 aia argos 7 mount See te| Mates |store = || [=== = SE] = fe : sear ae cm 1 licrmie tnw aaitoen [uaneie| UE er ew aaa facrtawae on a fucrawavetare iar [samo [enor] Be aaa Tere |e faerie a Lena. ape aire | Ta feceune | a Eiecaum one al hae q 7 or on aE be. 7 conn a 7m 2 rire cal 2 3) tiie anes tt Hy pee at oa) ff a | | Ete ~ =a rar a fet = _ Teas ‘51 pe best sulted for wanaport oa; watt seam andol i low and medium pressure appeaons actos the industal spectum alee commany Wed as suet tet A ‘A106 Orde A usualy has 0.2710 0.93% mungarse while A106 Grade B and generally have 0.28 o 1.06% Manganese, The neximum percertagect lhe eames the phospho ‘AP SLs normaly weed for both seul ate ples and welded tel ppetbut ASTM A1DG 8 anelay or seamless cathon see pipes Which canbe used for Mh temperate Bridge deck Guardrail (or safety wall) Ape al Wing wall abutment ra Low steel Vertical abutment Pile cap —"” Piles Spread footer COMPONENTS OF BRIDGE civil_ka_adda PARAPET OR RAILING SUB-STRUCTURE Unique Stain + Corrosion Resistant < Magnetic J Ni * Corrosion Resistance & Hardenable Magnetic x Ni ¥ ct Superior Corrosion Resistance & Good Mechanical Properties Type 304, 316, 317, Type : 410 , 414, 416, 420, 431, 440 etc Stainless Steel (SS) Low ¢ Magnetic x Ni coo High Strength and Moderate Corrosion Resistance Type 17-4, 15-5 Magnetic / Nix cr ¢ Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance Ferrite SS Type : 405 , 409, 430, 434 436, 442,446 et Typically Magnetic Ni ¥ cr Ot Combination of Martensitic and ASS Type 2205, 2304, Ohi taal ae) Clee Pa | BCC & FCC SS (Hd) Buuapsoy “uolDy diag AGTOMATION Types of Valves de Make Valve Automation Fasy Quarter-turn Valves Rising Stem Valves Compact, Fast-acting On/Off Valves Ball Valve Globe valve Solenoid Valve FULL OPEN CLOSED cose sen Brerose mo, Hse ‘ter & all Rotate rom OPEN ta CLOSED Spina tekt pungerdonn Cath magnet ore ula pungere Plug Valve Coaxial Valve ‘Stem & Plug Rotate 90° from OPEN to CLOSED ‘Stem zedge Gate Rise an Lower toContal ow Butterfly Valve Needle Valve Pen cLoseo Stem &Dise Rotate 50" rom OPEM to CLOSED 1-800-899-0553 ae Sana Christmas tree Hole section 1 600+ 200 m—, Hole section 2 1800+ 300 Hole section 3 ~— Emergency Shutdown aes Device (ESD) Flow wing valve (FW) +—— Flowline valve (LMV) 1 Tubing hanger fo ARC WELDING (AW) are stud welding atomic hydrogen welding bare metal are welding carbon arc welding gas carbon arc weiding shielded carbon arc welding twin carbon are welding electrogas welding flux cored are welding ‘gas shielded flux cored are welding self-shielded flux cored arc welding gas metal arc welding pulsed gas metal arc welding short circuit gas metal arc welding gas tungsten arc ey mee’ are welding apreticaly mipeled are welding plasma arc Seating shielded metal arc welding submerged arc welding series submerged arc welding Se electron beam welding high vacuum electron beam welding EaWHV medium vacuum electron beam welding EBW-MV nonvacuum electron beam welding EBW-NV laser beam welding Law Projection welding resistance seam welding R high-frequency seam welding RSEW-HF induction welding RSEW-| mash seam RSEW-MS resistance spot welding RSW upset welding uw torch brazing 1B high-frequency UW-HF tie UWI SOLDERING (5) dip solderi os furnace soldering FS induction soldering is hoe ine WELDING SOLID-STATE WELDING (SSW) i en AND | 1 sere toe or onan a USS JOINING diffusion welding DFW wave soldering S PROCESSES hot isostatic panier wekding HIPW forge welding FOW friction welding FRW 7 direct drive friction welding FRW-DD OXYFUEL GAS WELDING (OFW) friction stir welding FSw inertia friction welding FRW- air acetylene welding AAW eee rae viyarcgon welgr@. SMW rl wo “ Le on wel : preseure gas welding = PGW ultrasonic welding usw SRArEGIPS OTHER WELDING AND JOINING paiab py it AB adhesive bonding AB twin carbon are brazing TCAB tee a ing ey San DB carbon arc braze welding cABwW eckon been Eee electron bearn braze welding EBaW Sorawmetere erotic braze wold exothermic brazing EXE ener ng exeW es Te z ingucson prazing 1B electrosiag wel EsSw iotrared biasiog, ine consumable guide electrosiag welding ESW-CG cor © ane i = tad thermite welding essories types are avaiiabte to meat romans Fail Mode -to-close on loss is standard, Fail- ono toes of alt ts also avallatsle iphragm, piston, hydraulic, and etric actuation is available k Chango Trim ternal parts can inspected easily maving bannet and cage Mutt-spring Muiti-spring design aitov low hysteresis and decd Ralling Qlaphragm Actu Rotting diaphragm design minimizes variance of aftac pressure area and increases accuracy Proven Trim Design Single Pepa, erst step, Venoteh type cage Nitrogen Pressure Pressu Recorder Spare for other Pressure conn NS tO, 3 Way Guage_ pipe if required Thamometer robe to fecorder Manifold Arrangment for Pneumatic Testing CONFINED SPACE - SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK FH eee i ert ae cou Peer ere ny eee orcesticce oo (appa fa nn a | elle sec aren {| oceneeeree: ce MSRA - SPACE Ri Feu Anoensd ST eu omar Preto Cell OR lL de EO Leak scehilied te} MH oy se fess roohibanla oioorany ota) Lary Deed pen ets Ability eee he Ta CR) Check palaces. pe genetaent rel peering St ts tion petciorsn: untes de Ciencia de Materiales fac eto [reat oP usvenunee (me) SK ye ocRoRi (res! Ere i pentirn =— | fea fe @ pee ae le menaal MEAG. Witoeurecroine a ACEROS Fuadiciowes / WiERPo _FuMDino MIFIED INCH SCREW THREADS: B11 peearrrmeriecans: m2) SQUARE & HEXAGONAL MTS: (A> g ‘SAFETY: APISZOIPART! & PARTI {APIS APIS268.APISZ7 * wen l A FLINOED FITTINGS: SIZE(W"=24" NPS) ( 1] LwrLanoe BAS Biase nnn A ORTEN Gace noMRTTALC mn reser _ a ere | ' MEAD: vos use “ee: ractorr Mane mus = Texiswanere = FLANGE(SW aT: = sem ven : || pow arcroow 4 | eaowenrown haus coumpetsm aren FLANGE LAP JORTT STUB BS | L nou ae eee . STEELVALVESIOATE. Lue MALL Mota Anan survenryvauve 0100 SE ese: ue owner a EADS SPLOWLPEYALYES: W7LsA POE: uss YALEROPECTONGTESTO ApiSna aia} oa metals hut COMMON % USE IN STEEL usualy at east 10.5% and up , a yw ELEMENT | EFFECT ON STEEL Teco engi of welds doesn. nay ot na 9 ne Manganese (Mn) tasatnterstiereateseygheteetuncrion {snewben sedis his — Relaaseouemares “Usually less than 1%, | xm gh rr te 86% a ini GP 0m _ | Rereases mochinabitiy. Can increase rergth bt majorly redvees, Can be adked upto 0.1% tolunaliy Phosphorous | Span eth eped eran pestength ste pepe avd ronoaaaeen ‘Usuatly between 0.1% to 19%. Can be ei“ sr War ee sa feaiormnsin ry: Sulphur (5) a IERTCe ‘Should nor excoed 05% vies the pedemparietveet ot & Teanium cr) | Maes hardnes and eapmens Resse ome TEE Yay beeen 8 aN, Tungsten cw —_| ino Mgh mparatrs song cmceyten moe tah GQ enn ro adem gh ampere strane run a0e anveup 02940 | 1 Weld Neck 2 Slip-On 3 Blind 4 Threaded 5 Lap Joint 6 Socket Weld 7 Orifice 8 Ring-Type Joint WIND 6.6% globat eectncty generation 2079) GEOTHERMAL = tastnetcannecee toa generator that <7% global tactrcty generation 2020) produces electncity Wind flows over the blades of a wind turbine, eating mechanical power ‘As the water reaches the HYDRO 3.7% gions teccty TEB% genaeacncny Deneration generation 202 Thus generates electcty, ttansferred through metal conductors on the PY cel BIOMASS 12.3% hotel eectcty Biomass sbumed | ina boiler produce steam Eames aren : Pea Gases, C1-C4 Steam Turbine Saturated Steam Condensate Hot Flue Gas e Economizer SuperHeater Evaporator WELD NON PURGED PURGED WELD Flange may be replaced ballot slarloss wonton Gas in Ls == ‘equivalent or porous foam rubber | Equipment Class — Design and | Equipment Class > a | L__,_ = -——- — ———=4 ASME | ASME II - Ronee | ASMEIV _ ASME V ASME IX. + — + . . 1 | ASME VII | ASME 1 | | Pressure Vessels ASME V t | | ASME Ix -— J Le + _ Power and —_,, ASME B31.1 | Process Piping * ASME B31.3 + > - | API 128 | AP! 650 L | Storage Tanks ~ API 620 | API2350 LH, - L 1 J ! | _—_ API 610 Pumps * API674.676 [ + | - r + —) ASME B16.34 | | Valves t —> API 600-609 | ---—e-- —- Lg + _{_ ASME | | ASME VIII Saloty Revel + -API2000—S: ° API 520-521 API526 ? - + . 49CFR1B6-199 nelinas 831.4 Pipelines — eat a Fitness-for- *) Service and Repairs _—t | ASME Vil NBIC tT — NBIC API 510 API 572 API 579 | —+? r —+ ASME B31.1 Ap.V API 570 API 574 API 579 Ls - 4 API 653 | apirant * sti sPoo1 | api s79 Arter 4 API 683 T + API 570 API S74 API 591 API 598 — _¥ NBIC API 576 > + B31.4 B31.8 B31.8S An overview of important heat treatments Q Abroad classification of heat treatments possible are given below. Many more specialized treatments or combinations of these are possible. HEAT TREATMENT THERMO- CHEMICAL ANNEALING | | NORMALIZING | HARDENING . — ~» Full Annealiny 55 | + Full Anneatng | MARTEMPERING | __»| Flame [carburcng | * Recrystallization Annealing SS \_sIipaduotien Nitriding = . BULK SURFACE st a THERMAL °°) TEMPERING | - Stress Relief Annealing AUSTEMPERING : f LASER Carbo-nitriding i “ Spheroidization Annealing z Electron Beam VOLUME OF CONCRETE = 1 M3 Now let us consider M20 grade concrete As per IS456:2000, M20 Grade concrete proportion is 1:1.5:3 | CEMENT We Have To Add All The Volume To Know The Total Volume =1+15+3=5.5 “As we know that during concreting when we place wet concrete, it gets harden after certain standard time. Considering the same it had be decided upon by Civil design Engineers to take a factor of safety ranging from 1.54 to 1.57 to counter that shrinkage” DRY CONCRETE WET CONCRETE <= VOLUME OF DRY CONCRETE = 1.4 TO 1.57 TIMES VOLUME OF WET CONCRETE Dry Volume of Conerete = | x 1.54=1.54m3__ (For Dry Volume Multiply By 1.54) VOLUME OF CEMENT VOLUME OF SAND Reno ane cent 17 sax 197 ACCRECNTE __ (CEMENT+SAND+ AGGREGATE. (CEMENT+SAND*AGGREGATE (CEMENT#SANDtAGGREGATE ! x 157 15 x 1.57 2 x 1.57 141.5+3 1+1.5+3 141.543 = 0.28 M3 = 0.42 M3 = 0.85 M3 1M? CEMENT = 1440KGS 1M? SAND = 1600KGS 1M? AGG = 1800KGS 0.28 M? CEMENT=0.28x 1440 0.42M?SAND=0.42x 1600 0.85 M? AGG = 0.85 x 1800 = 403.2 KGS =672 KGS = 1356 KGS No. Of Cement Bags Required Weight Of 1 CFT Sand=43.30x; DAO RRGRRN TRO) For 1m3 Of Conerete = 672/43.30= 15.51 ~ 16 cft SoC bee eee = 403.2/50 = 8.06~8 Bags SUMMARY: - 8 bags of cement required for 11 cu.m of M20 grade concrete. 16 eft of Sand required for 1 cu.m of M20 grade concrete. 21 oft of 20mm Aggregate is required for 1 cu.m of M20 grade concrete. Stacked Combined feed exchanger Naphtha feed from treating Net gas Aromatics fich reformate Variable Spring - S ispepsien es beg There i's —————_ & piston pak, traits Prsthuns dou | Loed and ak | Travel Sprig carl. | rave “ Indicator Spong Coil. ——~ | Then i's a iL . bottom pire | “ ) Leed f Trauel Turn baw le ) Th Seale a — Eye Nut Per M atime eer Lew Plt ta Shel ilot Nozzle ‘Stress = Dasgn Fac | crwven: bees stagnant aes, gro TTS) Fratton Nattura ters This ig not inclusive lis, only mast common defects era Moral Factora Mocerertie Sate contons Cal het hdering Sy Pees etc Eyothermic Welded fen ed = : al ae Cathodic erat Wire ot Threaded Flange Socket Weld Flange Blind Flange df Weld Neck Flange Slip on > Lap Joint Flange oe ( Reducing Flange Plate Flange Expander Flange fy. | ¢ 6 Weldo Flange Elbow Flange Orifice Flange ‘in| Deep Foundation OA ORD PILE GAP - : PILES : | Je Force (Resisting Force) / Bearing Force (Resisting Force) Hv Lif I]. i le | Plareo eox UPSTREAM MIDSTREAM. DOWNSTREAM Ox eee Distribution Network eu staton “TRANSCEND za HR CONSULTANCY 2019-2020 2021~=—=S 202220232028 = 20252026 = 2027-=S 2028 2029-2030 STOOM AZ pa Drees tour $189 AL pant ae fsmien ee « Entire portfolio electrihed Acq ‘Weld ees ‘oo cadly cnet fe BE meets sromocre ecieaton tough 2022 a. = Selene Saint $4sRio se perean Y crtecoy ranting reas ie = as iy 2025 [Wats = 208 inexty i : Gp Delecied mel (8 3EV5 7 onion {iin seaibaternovgh 0 inthe new oe ‘vey hrecarwihove ye ofan evn aie cect : 100m tse tev Technaogesimestedin Momentum Dynamics aap 20.10 HEV “Avon besa a SiR ox lectiicton trough 2025 40% of sles we lettin sist custo pa seve 00000, ~SBEVmodes 2S eectiied model 30% gront ah oar 7 ion eves 3 eves {Saou inary) (attest 2 Bev) 2025 (Goat 700,000 crs) animes st Stub win ec) {Ux Goverment tau a volo troua 2025 FTE ato cel Sart bran ony setng TO BEV TK of sls ae Wh lela we fauchave carwano systems modes ‘eV ‘cirfed DAIMLER, in EuopelN. America Anbion2038: Carer ‘3888 on acceeratna the ranstormation tts eerteicaton/dgizaton touah 2025 ew passenger caret by 2039 —* ararigacte $58 Mave than 30 ected model "ied 8 investment (Jeep atleast 10 PHEV and & BES) ‘ada of US Sag aveLev! sess 5 LAOH oTUS Sls aro LEV! ‘lane Si oh eeu Tension lation prod! n-up between 2025-2050 Sasa |Sawo ty | eo waerted TOBE r= > plants mvestment wit! 24 PREV) | Sin iba sa \'Seimowton | ¢ - ~~" poe paribegin Grass ~~~) SEED | '$300M in Mi piant ($358.00 [AV iovgh 2025, TEV units obary Eq S233m0H $229nFaciory $2680 IN Ee aise F coef terrigaaaeia ey ant plant” _batey pant EV models (up rom 200 Batien slant ZERO MI plat battery a 20 BEV mods up fa 200 120 ange Investments (converted Cac wt ntrosuee new model every & months 10 USD$) or aquisitions 73 elected nodes (SBEV) 44 elected models (23 8EV) @ ‘eee fond ON Blue EV sales forecast yvunoat foBa fa edavsrauh Slear202 yy ev ass ban ~ New addition in updated report investment Stainless & Heat Resisting Steels Grade UNS Typical Composition (9%) Description and Applications Design. ‘No. c | mn | cr | Mo | mi | others Austenitic Stainless Steels 301 ‘30100 7 7 Primarily for deep drawn components and high | strength springs and rall-formed panelling. 302HQ ‘$30430 8 9 Cu 3.5 | Wire for severe cold heading applications such as cross-recess screws. 303 330300 18 9 | $0.3 - | Free machining grade for high speed repetition machining. Aiso available as "Ugima” 303 improved mach inability bar for even higher machinability. 304 $30400 133 | 9 Standard austenitic grade - excellent fabrication characteristics with good comosion resistance. Also available as "Ugima” 304 improved machinability bar. 304L $30403 185 9 Low carbon version of 304 gives resistance to intergranular corasion far heavy section welding and high temperature applications. 308L $30803 19.5 10,5 Filler wire for welding 304 and:similar grades, 309 '$30900 23 135 Good comesion resistance and good resistance to attack by hot sulphur compounds in oxidising gases. Filler for welding dissimilar metals. 0 ‘$31000 25 20 Good resistance to oxidation and carburising 316 531600 wiz) au Higher resistance than 304 to many media, particularly those containing chlorides. Also available as "Ugima” 316 improved machinability bar. 316L 931603 wi}2)]u Low carbon version of 316 gives resistance to intergranular corresion for heavy section welding and high temperature applications. 321 $32100 18 9 | 110.5 | Titanium stabilised grade resists interoranular corrosion during exposure at 425-850°C. High strenoth in this tempereture range. 347 $34700 18 9 | NbO.7 | Niobium stabilised orade resists intergranular corrosion as for 324, but more commonly used as a filler for welding 327. 904. Noagos 20 | 45 | 24 | Cui5 | Super austenitic arade with very high corrosian ennct, te sulphuric acid and warm eT Deh Tt Se II Globe valve PEE > a = - ">. == Open Open —— = ‘Open pen ~~ > ) ¥ = ¥. Closed Closed een Closed + Valve shaped ike a +Foruse when lows only in + Like ts name implies, the + The globe-shaped body + Valve stopper is ball- buttery ‘one direction. gate is lowered to cut off contra the uid into a S-shaped. “Tight shutoff and canbe Lightweight cise allows the path of flow. shaped flow. + For use as an onioft valve Used as a control valve. vertical instalation. + Foruse as an onfoftvaive + Tight shut-off andcanbe (not sutable 8s @ control + Litt resistance to flow + High operating speed (not suitable asa control used as a control valve. valve). {allows smooth flow). prevents water hammer. valve). + Large resistance tofow + Lite resistance to flow + Optimal for automated + Lite resistance to flow (Goes net atiow smooth ‘when fully open (aos ‘operation witha low when fully open (allows flow) ‘smooth flow). operating torque end 20 ‘smooth flow). + Much poweris required to + Optimal for automated degrees operating angie. + Long stroke requires time to open and close the valve operation with a 90 degree + Lightweight and compact ‘open and close; not sultabie (not suitable for large operating angle. (large dlameter models are forquick operation. 08) + Advanced technology ate, fonda Greene hell Anatomy of Compressor Failure Uysal ius eet Environmental Ted ts Impact Impact Impact Undetected ’ Abnormal ’ Avoidable Situations Consequences Diaphragm Diaphragm i ing Press Actuator Spring Actuator Stem Spring Adjuster Stem Connecto: Electrode Tensile in ksi Position E7018-1 H4R Type of coating and current Meets lower temperature impact requirements Hydrogen: H4 = less than 4 ml/100 g, H8 = Less than 8 ml/100 g Meets requirements of absorbed moisture test Position Sample 1 Flat, Horizontal, Vertical, Overhead 2 Flat and Horizontal only Identification of Welding Electrode BASE METAL (ASTM/ASME) PRODUCT FORMS WELDING METAL (Aws) ELECTRODE FILLER PLATE PIPE FORGING TUBE ‘CASTING (SMAW) METAL CARBON STEEL ASIG GR. 70} Al06 GR.B AS5IS GR. 70| API 5L GR.B Ales: A739 A216- WCB E-7018 ER -70S-2 A285 GR. B A5S3 GR.B LOW ALLOY STEEL A387 GR. A335 - Pl A182-Fi A213-TI A217-WCl E-7018-Al ER-80S-G A387 GR.12 | A335 - PI2 AI82-F12 A213-TI2 A217-WC4 E-8018-B2 ER-80S-B2 A387 GR.22 | A335 - P22 A182-F22 A213-T22 A217-wc9 E-9018-B3 | ER-90S-B3 STAINLESS STEEL A312- A213- A240-304L TP304L A182-F304L TP304L A3S1-CF3 E 308L-16 ER-308L A240-316L |A312-TP3I6L| AI82-31GL |A213-TP3IGL| A3SI-CF3M E 316L-16 ER-316L Piping Spool Erection Flow Chart Primary Cyclone 17 nos] [Secondary Cyclone 17 nos [Regenerator Flue Gas to TSS (PLENUM t= [CHAMBER a eo —Recycie Riser Dist. € “-{SP-1140 Reactor, s E SCSF DISTRIBUTOR [IR RINGS. [Recycle Riser fra Se cae [RCSP sas Recycle Riser Gen. sf FRESH A yefreeo. [INJECTOR yl] se en [STEAMRING [Stripper packing (FIM) ems I H [STEAM RING [FLUFING RING [Main Riser Legend — Fabricated =. atSite — Fabricated at Shop pein BASIC VALVE MECHANISMS FLUID CONTROL ELENENTS (DISCS) OPERATED VALVES SELF-OPERATED VALVES GLOBE ROTARY DIAPHRAGM =f} CHECK | REGULATING GATHERING PIPELINES A TRANSMISSION VIA PIPELINES: GAS PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTION PIPELINES HOMES AND: BUSINESSES, NATURAL GAS FLOW aia ieee logit Nil iene From Production to Consumption Export and import tN —o Elemental sulfur: Offgas to incinerator Waste water Condensate to an oil refinery Tp sales gas pipeline Nitrogen-rich gas Meterials Metallic i ‘Non-Metallic Ferrous i ‘Non-Ferrous ] ([eeramie"] (Composite om ae Ca — Tecme—] [eae] on ] om] Camera | fae) Ser aay _ (Potymer ool == aa == es =e ee Co aT Sa iam) cs Tan) WaniGarbon Alloy Phase Diagram JX BY 3 people, 3 lines A people, 6 lines 5 people, 10 lines 6 people, 15 lines 9 people, 36 lines 11 people, 55 lines 12people,66lines 13 people, 78 lines 14 people, 91 lines evan Project Charter Identify Stakeholder, Project Management Plan ex0P Plan Stakeholder Engagemeny O ‘Manage Stakeholder Engagement ‘and Manage Project Work ‘Manage Project Knowledge x Monitor Stakeholder Engage ontar and Control Project Work = ~o7m Integrated Change Control Plan Procurement Managemen, Lo Conduct Procurement <2 Project or Phase Contro! 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Develop Team, ‘Manage Team, ‘ptan Quality Management Tanage Quality Control Quality Control Resources, Based on PMBOK® Gaie - Sixth Edn (English) ‘Contetinlzad & Develpod: © Babou Srahasts The Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures OIL REFINING PROCESS S gasoline s kerosene s diesel s lubricants wax & fuel oil a ee x me bitumen (asphalt) mio @& Ms M6 M5 M4 M3 M25 @ i5mm SOLAR CELL EFFICIENCY FORMULA SOLAR CELL FILL FACTOR fal Focter =P, Yee tn ‘on Solar cas Pat Pact « Seta Cots (icteocy Ae" er toe) were ec = Open Groat Voltage Aes Aten ol Callectes fn MIXING SOLAR PANELS Designated for a LIV telas panel opstem, operating 21 their Manion Pome Pont while delverring the cepted voltage ard current that ‘correwpend 10 this power Washing point aw 10 ee ar RST ida lpcscaniaier-ssdion SCHIDAE OF SOLAR PANELS CONNECTED IN SERIES HOW MANY SOLAR PANELS DO | NEED? 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