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Module 1 Week 2 - HMH Matching

1. What is the definition of the word resolutions?

a. promises to do or not do something
b. not sure about something
c. trusting or depending on that person

2. What is the definition of the word doubts?

a. promises to do or not do something
b. happening in a careless way
c. unsure of something

3. What is the definition of the word relying?

a. unsure of something
b. trusting or depending on someone or something
c. happening in a careless way

4. What is the definition of the word clumsy?

a. promises to do or not do something
b. feeling tense and uncomfortable
c. happening in a careless way

5. What is the definition of the word awkward?

a. tense and uncomfortable
b. trusting or depending
c. unsure of something

6. What is the definition of the word heritage?

a. ordinary and dull
b. very, very old
c. beliefs and traditions passed down from people who lived before

7. What is the definition of the word ancient?

a. very, very old
b. ordinary and dull
c. tense and uncomfortable
Module 1 Week 2 - HMH Vocabulary in Context

1. My family and I made our for the new year together.

a. resolutions
b. relying
c. awkward

2. When I haven't studied for a test, I have about my ability to get a good
a. resolutions
b. clumsy
c. doubts

3. The students are on the teacher to tell then assembly is today.

a. relying
b. clumsy
c. resolutions

4. I am so that I tripped over my own feet.

a. awkward
b. clumsy
c. doubts

5. It was walking into class late while the teacher was taking attendance.
a. awkward
b. relying
c. resolutions

6. My grandparents passed down important parts of our

a. heritage
b. ancient
c. resolutions

7. Scientists are still finding artifacts in parts of the world.

a. heritage
b. ancient
c. resolutions

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