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Talent boost feedback: Mariana López Ibarra

• what was you main task during the planning phase of this project?

I did not have a personal task as such, all the tasks were developed as a team, we took care
of making a work that will interpret what the process of a recruitment interview for a job
is like and in this way make it funnier for the people who attended the event. In the same
way, we help how you are at the event so that clients will find the rooms where the Work
Shops will take place and welcome them.

• what was your main task at the event?

my personal task at the event was to help customers find their name tags so they could
identify each other

• describe the event brief - what were the most important points you learned from the

The event was about companies networking with people who were interested in entering the
world of work in Finland.

It seems to me that what I would improve is the communication between the teams from
different universities that worked, since it seems to me that it was null or very inefficient.

• what observations did you do at the event (audience, security, people flow, information
on site, decoration / bränding, signage, service, food and beverage offering, program
content and activities etc)

It seems to me that the organization was quite good since the staff always knew where each
group had to be and how the rooms were going to be organized in the same way, the time
of the tasks and the people who were going to speak in the workshops were always highly

• what elements made the event successful?

the organization and that they tried to see every detail within the event Without leaving me
out of any possible failure that could appear on the day of the event

• what could have been improved?

It seems to me that the aspect that can be improved is the communication that could have
been had between the groups of both universities since it seems to me that there was
never a bridge or any support from the talent team so that there would be better
communication between these two teams

• How did you reach your goals with Talent Boost event?

The way in which I managed to achieve my objectives in this event was that I learned to adapt
to communication or the way of communicating from other cultures since I am not used to
the way of working, for example, of the French and I liked learning from it.

• What were the key learnings from this event project?

The learning was to have patience and try to understand the mentality of other people as well
as their times and how they want the tasks to be carried out because one must always
put the client first before how I think the client wants things.

• what kind of feedback did you receive at the event?

I was told by my team that I did a good job since I was always willing to comply with the
orders that were indicated to me and I had the necessary time to go to the meetings
before and after the event

• what kind of feedback did you give to your closest team members and other

I gave him feedback similar to the one I received in which it seems to me that all parties were
always willing to work within the stipulated hours and with a good attitude from the
Stakeholders, there was always a willingness to listen to opinions from outside groups
and implement actions regarding these

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