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List Files/Directories:

● ls: List files in the current directory.

● ls -l: List files with detailed information.
● ls -la: List all files, including hidden ones.

● cd: Change directory.
● pwd: Print current working directory.

Directory Management:
● mkdir: Create a new directory.
● rm: Remove files.
● rmdir: Remove an empty directory.

File Viewing:
● echo: Use to display/print on screen.
● cat: Concatenate and display file content.
● zcat: Display compressed file content.
● touch: Create an empty file.
● head: Display the first few lines of a file.
● tail: Display the last few lines of a file.
● tail -f: Display and continuously update the last part of a file.
● less: View file content interactively.
● more: Display file content one screen at a time.

File Copy/Move:
● cp: Copy files or directories.
● mv: Move or rename files or directories.

Word Count:
● wc: Count lines, words, and characters in a file.

Text Editors:
● vi: Open the vi text editor.
● nano: Open the nano text editor.
Linking Files:
● ln: Create hard or soft links.
● ln -s file-path dest: Create a symbolic link.

Text Processing:
● cut: Cut out selected portions of a file.
● tee: Redirect output to multiple files.
● sort: Sort lines of text.
● clear: Clear the terminal screen.
● diff: Compare files line by line.


Routing and Network Scanning:

● route: Display or manipulate the IP routing table.
● nmap: Network exploration tool and security scanner.
● wget: Retrieve content from web servers.
● watch: Execute a program periodically.
● iptables: Administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering.
● curl: Transfer data with URLs.
● ssh: Secure Shell.

Network Information:
● ping: Send ICMP Echo Request to network hosts.
● netstat: Display network connections and routing tables.
● ifconfig: Configure network interfaces.
● traceroute: Trace the route that packets take.
● tracepath: Traceroute to a network host.
● mtr: Network diagnostic tool.
● nslookup: Query Internet domain name servers.
● telnet: Communicate with another host using the Telnet protocol.
● hostname: Show or set the system's host name.
● ip: Show or manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels.
● iwconfig: Configure wireless network interfaces.
● ss: Show socket statistics.
● arp: Display or manipulate the ARP table.
● dig: DNS lookup utility.
● nc: Netcat - networking utility.
● whois: Query WHOIS database.
● ifplugstatus: Check the status of a network interface plug.

Firewall Management:

● iptables -L: List current firewall rules.
● iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT: Allow SSH traffic on port
● iptables -A INPUT -j DROP: Drop all other incoming traffic.
● iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4: Save current firewall rules.
● iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4: Restore firewall rules from a

UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall):

● ufw status: Show the current status of UFW.
● ufw enable: Enable the firewall.
● ufw allow 80/tcp: Allow incoming traffic on port 80.
● ufw deny 8080/tcp: Deny incoming traffic on port 8080.
● ufw delete 2: Delete the rule with index 2.

● ipset create myset hash:ip: Create an IPSet named 'myset'.
● ipset add myset Add an IP address to the IPSet.
● ipset list myset: List the contents of the IPSet.

System-Level Commands:

System Information:
● uname: Print system information.
● uptime: Display how long the system has been running.
● date: Print or set the system date and time.
● who: Show who is logged on.
● whoami: Print the effective username.
● which: Show the full path of shell commands.
● id: Print user and group information.

System Administration:
● sudo: Execute a command as another user.
● shutdown: Halt or reboot the system.
● reboot: Reboot the system.
● apt: Advanced Package Tool (for Debian-based systems).
● yum: Yellowdog Updater Modified (for RPM-based systems).
● dnf: Package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions.

User & Group Management:

User Management:
● sudo: Execute a command as another user.
● useradd: Create a new user account.
● su: Switch user.
● passwd: Change user password.
● userdel: Delete a user account.

Group Management:
● groupadd: Create a new group.
● gpasswd: Administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow.
● groupdel: Delete a group.

File Permission:

File Permissions:
● umask: Set the file creation mask.
● ls -l: List files with detailed information.
● chmod: Change file mode bits.
● chown: Change file owner and group.
● chgrp: Change group ownership of a file.

Compression Commands:

● zip: Package and compress files.
● tar: Archive files.
● tar -xvf: Extract files from a tar archive.

File Transfer:

File Transfer:
● scp: Secure Copy Protocol.
● rsync: Remote file synchronization.

Process and System Monitoring:

Process Management:
● ps: Report a snapshot of the current processes.
● top: Display and update sorted information about system processes.
● fuse: Implement a filesystem in userspace.
● kill: Terminate or signal processes.
● nohup: Run a command immune to hangups.
● free: Display amount of free and used memory.
● vmstat: Report virtual memory statistics.
● vmstat -a: Display active and inactive memory statistics.

Advanced Text Processing:

Text Processing:
● awk: Pattern scanning and processing language.
● sed: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
● grep: Print lines matching a pattern.
These commands cover a wide range of tasks, from basic file manipulation to system
administration and network management on a Linux system.

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