CODE OF CONDUCT Edited Dec 2019

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Employees to Students
When dealing with students, employees/teachers should:

 Not shout, shame, ridicule, discriminate, use any profane and insulting language to
learners, such as but not limited to “tanga”, “bobo”, “shunga”, “gago”, “para kang
mangyan” and the likes, that are demeaning to the well-being of the learners.

 Not use sexually suggestive word such as but not limited to green jokes, remarks
such as “Ang laki ng dibdib mo!” “Ang ganda ng pwet mo” and other statements
with sexual under tones and innuendos.

 Not smart-shame learners such as using rude and sarcastic remarks like (“Ikaw na
ang magaling!” and the likes).

 Not ask intrusive or too personal questions except during case management and
one on one counseling with Guidance Counselor designate and/or adviser.

 Not Have private or unobserved conversation or situations with students in an

enclosed room/space (such as but not limited to one on one tutorials).

 Not leave students unattended when handling/using hazardous tools or chemicals.

Students shall not be asked to bring sharp/pointed and hazardous tools/ chemicals
to school except for instructional purposes. Injurious objects/harmful chemicals
should not be left unkept by the school personnel

 Not give special favors or special treatment/attention to students such as but not
limited to giving gifts, money, sharing load, treating to a lunch/recess, etc.

 Not initiate gatherings and/or take learners to unofficial/unsanctioned outings or

gatherings. Teachers/Employees may attend parties where other consenting adults
are present.

 Not conduct unofficial home visitations and/or conduct home visitations alone.

 Not ask students to run personal errands that involves inappropriate physical
contact such as but not limited to asking students for a massage, plucking of hair,

 Not put an arm around a learner’s shoulder or touch any parts of the body
inappropriately that would make the learner feel uncomfortable (e.g. prolonged
touch, rubbing, holding hands, locking and unlocking of zippers, buttons and
pants, during poop and pee, etc.) under any circumstances.

 Not give free rides to learners unless otherwise related to the learner or
authorized by the legal guardian and in cases of emergencies.
 Not employ learners. Financial and any form of assistance shall be coursed through
the official school program like adopt-a-student and other similar projects.

 Not invite or allow learners to visit the house except during cultural and special
celebration, and as much as possible, with learners’ parents’/guardians’
knowledge. However, drinking liquor/alcoholic beverages with learners is strictly

 Not use terms of endearment such as but not limited to bebe, bhabe, mahal and
the likes.

 Not display confusing concern or affection towards learners such as but not
limited to petting, holding hands, kissing on the cheeks and excessive hugging, etc.

• Not meddle with personal affairs of the learners not related to academic or safety
concerns (e.g. checking of learner’s cellphone, unofficial home visits, stalking). For
the exceptions, still formal processes shall be followed, which includes
consultation with the guidance counselor/teacher and other school personnel.

• Not dress inappropriately such as but not limited to wearing clothes that are too
revealing, too tight and are sexually provocative. (eg extreme plunging necklines,
skimpy shorts and dresses, etc)

• Not drink, smoke and gamble in front of learners within school perimeters, or with
learners at any time.

• Not gossip in front of learners.

• Not use any instructional materials which contain violence, profanity, and
inappropriate sexual content.

• Not watch, access, or bring pornographic materials in school.

• Not lend personal laptop/cellphone to learners.

• Not close doors or windows of classrooms during school hours or when classrooms
are still occupied by learner/s.

• Not enter changing rooms or toilets occupied by learners.

• Not give remedial classes/ activities outside of school hours and school premises.
Should reasonable cause compel such conditions, remedial classes must be
authorized by the school head and with signed agreement with the parent

• Not send sick learners at will and without permission from school clinic designate
and school head. Sick learners must be fetched by parents or legal guardian from
the school. Adviser shall document the incident in the students’ anecdotal records.

o If parents/guardians are out of reach, adviser and school designated driver

shall send learner home. If in need of medical attention, learner must be
brought to the nearest hospital. Advisers shall notify the parents/guardian

• Not display excessive affection (smooching, torrid kissing, etc.) with partner in
front of learners or within school perimeters at any time.

• Not use i]4nappropriate/obscene words in public and within school premises at

any time (eg. Cursing, swearing, etc)

• Not engage in any physical or verbal fight with learners and other employees
particularly in front or observed by the learners. Work related issues must be
settled in the confines of an office or a safe and private area.

• Not engage in any romantic relationship with learners

Practice Teachers/ Immersion Students to Learners

When dealing with learners, practice teachers/ immersion students/ job orders should
follow the code of conduct set for teachers/employees to students.

Visitors/ Parents/ Guests

When visiting school, visitors, parents and other guests such as but not limited to
construction workers, peddlers, etc., should:

 First time visitors to present a valid id to the security guard and wear visitor’s
badge while in the school premises and then sign in the log book before
proceeding to the office concerned.

o Transaction slip must be filled out and signed by security guard upon
entering and returned to the latter upon exiting. It must also be signed by
the concerned office once transaction is completed.

o In cases of schools with no security guards, visitors must proceed to the

designated receiving area (e.g. Principal’s Office, Guidance Office, Faculty

 Authorized vendors/peddlers must wear their IDs inside school premises and
must only stay within school premises during recess.

 Designated areas for visitors are posted by the gate. Only enter school
premises on official business/ appointment. No official business, no entry.

Observe the following dress code:

o Wearing of sando, shorts for men is not allowed (except for IPs)

o Wearing of sleeveless, tube top, shorts and other revealing clothes for women
is not allowed (except for IPs)

o Construction workers and other part time workers shall be oriented on proper
decorum inside school premises which includes but not limited to dress code,
smoking, how to interact with students and other possible misdemeanors.

 Not loiter around the school perimeters and are not allowed to enter classrooms.
They shall stay in the designated area for visitors or the office they transact with.

 Not be allowed to talk and take students outside of school premises during class
hours without the adviser’s knowledge and permission. They shall course their
concern to school authority at all times to be guided accordingly.

 Submit themselves, vehicles and belongings for security checks before entering
school premises.
 Parents and private vehicles are not allowed to enter school premises unless
authorized by the school administration.

 Employees and guests’ vehicles must be parked in the school’s designated area.

 Vehicles used by students, employees or visitors with disabilities are allowed

inside school premises and are parked in their own designated areas.

 Not be allowed to enter school perimeters when they are under the influence of
alcohol or drugs. If the visitor insisted, incident shall be reported immediately to
authority (e.g. barangay officials, Police).

 Observe proper decorum. Shouting, using of foul words, fighting, smoking,

gambling, attacking learners and employees and creating scenario that may cause
harm and traumatic experience to school community shall not be tolerated.

 Not have any private and unobserved conversation with learners at any time.

 Not be allowed to take pictures within school premises except during school
programs or events or if authorized by the school administrator.

 Ensure safety of students in school events where visitors and guests are allowed to

o School administrators shall coordinate with barangay officials and ask for
assistance from Police Officers if needed.

 Stay at the designated waiting area when sending and fetching learners from

 Not act in any other way which shall disrupt the overall peace of the school

 In conflicts between or among learners, the guardians/parents and visitors must course their
concerns through the proper school authority (Class Adviser, School Heads, Guidance Counselor)
o A parent/visitor is not allowed to directly confront a student about a particular case and
without the presence of his/her guardian.

In cases where learners are attending activities outside of school, teachers/employees


 Ensure that there are available medical staff during the event and are accessible at
all times; health and first aid kits are readily available; facilities and equipment
are safe and free from hazard.

 Not have private or unobserved conversation with learners such as but not limited
to (one on one coaching, training, etc.)

 Not travel with learners alone or with no chaperon.

 Not allow non participants, visitors, parents, guests inside the learner’s quarters.
A designated area shall be assigned for them.

 Provide IDs and ensure that learners wear it at all times.

 Ensure that the venue is away from armed conflicts, bars, clubs where learners
may be exposed to danger, trafficking and other untoward incident.

 Ensure that vehicles:

o Are properly checked for safety before departure

o Are driven by someone with valid professional driver’s license and are not
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

o Follow the speed limit set by the Land Transportation office

o Are not overloaded

 Shall always occupy the front passenger seat of the vehicle, ensuring no learner
occupies this space.

 Conduct orientation with parents, learners and other personnel involved before
the event.

 Not allow learners to wander or loiter around the venue without the company of a

 Report untoward incidents immediately to person in authority.

 Endorse learners to parents or guardian after the event.

o In cases where the learner is not fetched on the specified time and place,
teacher/adviser, together with another chaperon, shall accompany the
learner home.

o In cases that the parent/guardian is not around, the student may be

endorsed to the barangay
In cases where learners are attending activities outside of school, stay-in,
teachers/employees shall:

Pre- Activity Protocol

 Create a monitoring checklist to ensure that the pre, during and post activity
guidelines are followed

 Students shall secure consent forms signed by their parents or guardian. No

consent form, no travel or participation.

 Persons-in-charge shall conduct inspection of venues in advance, to ensure that

venue is safe and conducive (such as but not limited to, properly ventilated;
sanitized; secured quarters/sleeping are; with functional comfort rooms; potable
water supply

 Organizers shall ensure that the venue:

o is away from areas with armed conflicts and must coordinate with proper
authority such as but not limited to Police Officers, Hospitals, BFP, MDRRM
and barangay officials of the venue.

o Is away from bars, clubs and the likes.

o that food stalls within the venue have sanitary permits

 Organizers shall conduct orientation on code of conduct such as but not limited to
house rules, safety precautions, sleeping arrangements and other expectations.
Organizers, students, parents, driver and other participants are required to attend.

 Division Office shall secure insurance for students.

 Designated drivers shall be screened accordingly and be required to present valid

professional driver’s license by the organizers.

 Vehicles to be used shall be validated

 Organizers shall designate enough number of medical staff according to the

number of students.

 Organizers shall provide identification cards to all students which includes

emergency contact numbers and shall be worn at all times.

 Organizers shall ensure that the activities and the materials to be used are safe
before and after use.

Travel Guidelines

 Number of students in the vehicle shall be according to its capacity and shall be
accompanied by assigned teachers/advisers.
 Driver of the vehicle shall strictly follow safe speed limit (60kph) prescribed by
Land Transportation Office.

 Students shall maintain orderliness and refrain from playing inside the vehicle
while travelling.

 Vehicle shall strictly follow the itinerary set by the organizers. No unauthorized
stops and detours.

 Vehicle shall have medical first aid kits and teacher-in-charge is equipped with
basic knowledge.

 In cases of vehicles provided by:

A. Local government unit: Organizers shall ensure that vehicles and drivers are
properly checked/ screened for safety measures. Driver must have valid
driver’s professional license

B. Public transport: Organizers shall accompany students when commuting and

ride vehicles that are safe and are authorized by the Land Transportation
Office to provide public transport services.

C. Private vehicles: Organizers shall ensure safety of the vehicle to be used

and is documented. Designed drivers shall be screened and present valid
driver’s professional license.

During the Activity Protocol

 Students are not allowed to wander without company of teachers/advisers; stay

within their quarters on designated schedules; seek permission from

 Organizers shall ensure that quarters:

o Are safe from outsiders

o have secured locks

o Are well lit (lights must be on at night).

 Organizers shall ensure that quarters and sleeping arrangements are organized.
Teachers/Advisers shall have separate sleeping quarters but close enough to
students’ quarters.

 Teachers/ Advisers shall conduct round the clock spot checking or head count.

 Medical staff shall be available and are accessible at all times.

 Visitors are not allowed the sleeping quarters. Designated visiting area shall be
assigned by the teachers/advisers.
 Drinking, smoking, gambling and other activities unbecoming of a teacher are
strictly not allowed during the entirety of the event or activity.

 Any untoward incidents shall be reported immediately to persons-in-charge.

o For instances of:

a. Injury, accident, health hazard and the likes – Medical Staff

b. emotional, mental and psychological breakdown – Guidance Counselor


c. other untoward incidents – teacher/Adviser

d. Persons-in-charge shall act according to what is required and according

to call of duty.

Grade 12 students are required to complete hours of immersion program outside

of the school. Thus, teachers/employees and immersion partners shall agree and
observe the following:

Selection of Industry Partners and Pre-Deployment Protocol

• Integrity of the establishment.

o Must have license to operate.

o Employees must have no criminal record or misconduct

• Safety Requirements

o Must have evacuation plan

o Must have entrance and exit (in case of emergency)

o Must have permit from Bureau of Fire, Department of Health and Sanitation

o Must have emergency hotlines (PNP, BFP, MDRRM, BLGU, MLGU, DSWD) readily

o Must have clinic, clinic personnel and materials

• Location of the immersion partner from school.

o Must be within the province except for unavailability of partners in the locality

o Accessible to all forms of transportation

o Free from armed conflict and away from clubs, bars where learners may be
exposed to threat, trafficking and the likes.

• Absorptive capacity.

o Must have 1:10 ratio of staff to immersion student.

o Availability of staff capable of handling immersion students.

o Presence of training certificates

• Code of ethics:

o Immersion partner must have code of conduct known to school and that
students must be oriented.

o In cases where immersion partner does not have one, code of conduct by the
school may be applied in agreement with the immersion partner which shall be
stated in the memorandum of agreement.
• Orientation

 Must be conducted for students and parents where clearances, medical

certificates and other documents shall be discussed, including but not limited
to immersion policies, guidelines and code of ethics.

 Parents shall be oriented on the following:

o Parental consent

o Transportation

o Parents may have the option to choose any means of transportation (i.e.
tricycle, jeepney, motorcycle, van, multicab) at their own expense and
ensure safety of students when going and coming from immersion.

o Parents shall shoulder the travel expenses

 Selection of boarding house/lodging house (dorms)

o Presence of safety measures such as but not limited to:

 evacuation plan

 With entrance and exit (in case of emergency)

 permit from Bureau of Fire, Department of Health and Sanitation

 Presence of emergency hotlines (PNP, BFP, MDRRM, BLGU, MLGU,


 Warning device (i.e. buzzer)

 Visits and visiting hours

o only the designated immersion teacher, guidance counselor, parents,

and school head are allowed to visit on schedule

o no private or unobserved conversation with students when visiting

o visitor’s area must be designated

o Mechanism on informing the boarding house owners when leaving the

house during free hours
Deployment Protocol

Before student are deployed to respective industry partners, teachers/immersion

advisers shall:

 Properly endorsed students to immersion partners.

 Attend orientation of industry partners to students and staff on the following:

o Code of conduct for employees

o Work immersion policies/guidelines by the industry partners

o The use of facilities including the materials and equipment.

 Ensure that immersion students must follow the tipping policy set by the partner
institution thus, they are not allowed to accept personal tips from customers.

 Ensure that students shall do only prescribed immersion activities that will
develop the skills required during the immersion period.

 Not allow students to extend favors like buying and preparing snacks, doing
laundry activities (jobs outside immersion program of activities).

 Not allow Night shifts and overtime work.

 Require students to prepare daily Work Immersion Journal which include but not
limited to the following:

o Learnings and/or accomplishments

o Daily work experiences

o Behavior of supervising personnel/staff

o Feelings toward work

o Challenges or difficulties encountered

 Conduct regular monitoring of students on the following:

o Attendance

 Immersion students must report to the immersion venue daily until the completion
of the prescribed number of hours

 Immersion students must work from 8:00am to 5:00pm daily with provision for
breaks (snack and lunch)

 Behavior and/or observance of work ethics

o Follows the code of ethics for employees

o Immersion students must utilize the transportation officially provided by the
partner institution, if there’s any. Free ride offered by employees are not

o Boarding house owners should have records of visits (i.e. log books) and must
be available upon request by school (School Head, Work Immersion Teacher,
Guidance Counselor).

o Untoward incidents must be reported by the boarding house owners and

industry partners to school authorities for immediate and appropriate action.

o In case of emergency, both immersion partner (it’s representative) and

boarding house owners are allowed to send immersion student to hospital
without the consent of the parent or the school but notification must be given


Teachers/employees shall:

 Not engage with learners on any social media platforms (e.g. sms, facebook, ig) on
a personal level. (e.g. flirting, talking about personal problems).

o Group chats, facebook pages shall be used for academic and emergency
purposes only.

o Group chats, pages and other social media platforms shall be authorized
and moderated by the school administrator, otherwise,
teachers/employees shall be personally liable for these platforms where
learners are involved.

 Not post and comment on social media that are unbecoming of a

teacher/employee of the Department of Education (e.g. sexually provocative,
culturally offensive, hurtful and foul posts).

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