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CLIL Test 2: Guiding, understanding and scaffolding

Sander van Hees

1. The scaffold

Part 1
Kijk op pagina 5 van het boekje ‘Anne Frank, haar leven’.

Zoek op pagina 5 naar woorden die passen bij elke categorie. Zoek 5 woorden per categorie.
Schrijf ook de betekenis op in het Engels of in je eigen taal.

Familie Werkwoorden
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Kijk op pagina 6 van het boekje ‘Anne Frank, haar leven’.

Zoek op pagina 6 naar woorden die passen bij elke categorie. Zoek 5 woorden per categorie.
Schrijf ook de betekenis op in het Engels of in je eigen taal.

Werk / economie Werkwoorden

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Zoek op pagina 6 en 7 naar de Nederlandse vertaling van deze Engelse woorden en zinnen. Schrijf de
Nederlandse vertaling erachter.

- There is something else that Anne’s parents worry about.

- The leader
- Jews
- Bad times
- To blame…
- To hate…
- Difficult
- Job
- They lose their job
- Children
- They are bullied

Part 2
In a plenary setting we will discuss the meaning of the most important words for understanding the
text. We will also pronounce them together.

These words are:

- Meisje
- Zusje
- Grappig
- Geboren
- Heel anders dan
- Rustig
- Karakter
- Ik praat
- Ik vraag
- Spelen
- Iedere dag
- Bank
- Werk / Werken
- Goed / Slecht
- Rijk / arm
- Fabriek
- Winkel
- Crisis
- Zorgen maken
- Leider
- Een hekel hebben aan….
- De schuld geven aan…
- Gelijk hebben
- Makkelijk/moeilijk
- Nazi’s
- Wet / wetten
- Gemeente
- Klas
- Verliezen
- Baan
- Pesten
- Voorbeeld

Part 3
Lees hoofdstuk 1 (‘Anne’) van het boekje ‘Anne Frank, haar leven’.

Beantwoord de volgende vragen:

1. Wanneer is Anne geboren?

2. Waar is Anne geboren?
3. Hoeveel mensen zijn er in Annes gezin? Wie zijn dat?
4. Hebben Anne en haar zus hetzelfde karakter? Wat is het verschil?

Lees hoofdstuk 2 (‘Ongerust’), paragraaf 1 en 2.

Beantwoord de volgende vragen:

5. Wat doet Anne overdag?

6. Waar werkt de vader van Anne?
7. Gaat het goed of slecht met de economie van Duitsland? Hoe weet je dat?

Lees paragraaf 3, 4 en 5.
8. Wie is de nieuwe leider van Duitsland?
9. Wat vindt de nieuwe leider van Joodse mensen?
10. Waarom vindt hij dat?

Op bladzijde 7 staan vier voorbeelden van discriminatie tegen Joden. Schrijf deze op:

a) …………………………………………………………..
b) …………………………………………………………..
c) …………………………………………………………..
d) …………………………………………………………..

11. Waarom is dit discriminatie? Leg uit en gebruik de definitie van discriminatie.

12. Is dit discriminatie op basis van seksuele voorkeur, religie, ras, handicap, leeftijd of geslacht?
Omcirkel het goede antwoord.

13. Leg uit waarom je dat woord hebt omcirkeld.

2. Type of scaffold
This is a ‘reception scaffold’, which is described by Dodge (2009) as a scaffold that helps to “direct
learners’ attention to what is important in information sources, and helps them to organise,
understand and record what they observe.” I chose this scaffold type because I teach to a group of
Dutch as a second language learners with limited knowledge of the Dutch language (A0-A1). The
book ‘Anne Frank, haar leven’ is a simple-language version of Anne Frank’s diary, but still may be a
little bit too difficult for my students. Therefore, I chose a scaffolding that helps them to analyse the
text step by step. They might get lost in the large amount of new words without a proper scaffold. A
reception scaffold hopefully helps them to understand the text.

3. Underpinning
The scaffold above matches with the characteristics of a reception scaffold as described by Dodge:
- It direct learners’ attention to what is important in the source of information (the chapters
of the book), as it asks questions about the elements of the story that a student must know
in order to understand the history of Anne Frank in the context of the 30s and the 40s.
- It helps them to organise the information by first (part 1) asking the students to organise the
new words under different categories, that hopefully helps them to understand which words
they need to answer the substantial questions in part 3. In Part 3 questions are asked about
specific aspects of the story (family, jobs, the situation in Germany), which helps the students
to look for specific bits of information in the text, and to organise that information by
answering the questions.
- It helps the students to understand and record what they observe by first helping them with
the new vocabulary in part 1 and 2, and second asking them to apply those new words in part

CLIL Skills (2011) gives the ‘watching frame’ (a table) as an example of a reception scaffold. It helps
students to understand the provided information. In the watching frame, ‘learners decide how to
organise factual information that they have seen on a video.’ Part 3 of the scaffold that I has the
same function: to help students to organise factual information. By providing questions, I organise
the important information for the students (just as with the watching frame). It helps students to
focus on the important information, and to ignore less important information. Parts 1 and 2 of my
scaffold helps students to understand the language: it helps them to notice the important words that
they need to complete part 2.
Lee and Muncie (2006) stress that ‘multimode exposure’ or ‘integrated skills approach’ is important
for making sure that students will actually remember and use new vocabulary. According to these
authors the combination of a number of elements can be valuable in this respect. These elements
are listed in the first column. In the second column I indicated in which of the parts of my scaffold I
tried to address these elements of effective vocabulary learning and remembering.

The students:
See the words (spelling) By reading the book
Hear the words (teacher modeling) In part 2, where we discuss the most important
Repeat the words after the teacher In part 2 we will also pronounce the words together.
Learned the words in context (through The context is seen in the book, and further
further explanation and discussion) elaborated on through the questions in part 3.
Write the words (in the writing frame) The students have to write the words as answers to
the questions in parts 1 and 3.
Use the words in context This is not covered by this scaffold, and could be
part of a subsequent production scaffold.

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