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Republic of the Philippines


Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

College of Nursing
Center of Excellence (COE) | Level IV Re-Accredited (AACCUP)
Telephone No: (032) 254 4837

Read and analyze each question. Answer each item briefly but concisely.

1. Why do you think Rizal wrote the original Noli Me Tangere in Spanish,
considering that it is the language of the colonizers?

Jose Rizal chose to write the original Noli Me Tangere in Spanish because
he knew that Spanish was the language of the rulers in the Philippines at that
time. He wanted to talk directly to the people in charge and the influential
Spanish-speaking elite who had a lot of power. By using Spanish, he could share
his revolutionary ideas with those who held significant positions in the colonial
system. This language choice was a way for him to communicate his thoughts
quickly and strongly to impact the way people thought during that time. Rizal
understood that language was a powerful tool for bringing about change in
society. He used Spanish to challenge and criticize the oppressive colonial
system, strategically using the language that represented the dominance of the
colonizers. In doing this, he skillfully dealt with the challenges of his time, using
language as a strong tool to advocate for social reform and the freedom of the
Filipino people.

2. Prove or Contradict: Noli Me Tangere is anti-clerical and anti-patriotic.

Noli Me Tangere was frequently referred to as anti-clerical due to its

critique of the Catholic Church's abuses and corruption during the Spanish
colonial period in the Philippines. It highlighted oppressive practices and
hypocrisy, particularly among the Spanish friars. On the other hand, the novel's
portrayal as anti-patriotic is complex. It does not necessarily reject the idea of
patriotism, even as it confronts the injustices committed by colonial rulers; rather,
Rizal aimed to give Filipinos a feeling of national identity and consciousness. In
essence, rather than representing a rejection of patriotism, Noli Me Tangere
represents the Filipino people's fight against oppression, calling for Filipinos to
reclaim their national identity and dignity.

3. Between Elias and Ibarra, who do you prefer? Why?

Elias symbolizes a more aggressive and somewhat uncivilized strategy for

instigating change, whereas Ibarra epitomizes a more refined and civil method. In
Republic of the Philippines
Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

College of Nursing
Center of Excellence (COE) | Level IV Re-Accredited (AACCUP)
Telephone No: (032) 254 4837

assessing the characters and their respective representations, I find myself

leaning towards Ibarra. I appreciate his unwavering commitment to fighting for
one's beliefs and his preference for achieving reform through civil discourse
rather than resorting to bloodshed. Ibarra's approach aligns more closely with my
values, emphasizing the power of reasoned discussion in pursuit of positive
societal transformation.

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