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Institution : Mts Ar-Ridwad Al-Maliky
Lesson : Speaking
Program : Basic speaking
Standard competition : Telling time
Basic competition : Understanding the function of the structure of the text, and linguistic
elements from spoken and written to tell time, respond in English.
: Compose spoken and written texts to state and ask, time with correct and
contextual linguistic elements.
Indicator : - students understand grammar about time.
- students can practice in their daily activities.
- students are able to read and pronounce correctly.
Allocation time : 1 hour ( 90 Minutes )

a. Purpose :
 Students can identify the time well, read, spell and write hours in words properly and
correctly, for example It's a quarter past three.
b. Material of learning :
 How to ask about time in English.
 Kinds/tyle of time.
1. American style
Hours + Minutes, E.g. : 07 : 30 = seven : thirty
2. British style
Minutes + Hours, E.g. : 07 : 30 = a half past seven
3. Function of
a.m : ante medium (12.00 - 11.59)
p.m : post medium (12.00 - 11.59)

c. Method of learning :
 Approach
 Discussion
 Practice

d. Learning activity steps :

 opening program :
 greeting, opening by reciting basmallah and pray together, asking someone condition,
absence, Brain storming, Brush up.

 core program :
 giving material
 explaining material
 exercise
 Practice

 closing program :
 explain practice which has done .
 giving assignment
 closing do’a
e. Source of learning :
 Basic Speaking book
 Internet

f. Score
Vocabulary Grammar Fluency Pronounciation Coprehension

A : 81 – 100 ( Very good )
B : 61 – 80 ( Good )
C : 41 – 60 ( Fair )
D : 21 – 40 ( Bad )
E : 0 – 20 ( Very bad )

Bojonegoro, 3rd July 2020

A.Syafi’ul Mushofa

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