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NAME: ________________ SECTION: ____________ ROLL NO.: ______

I. Circle the correct spelling:

1. birilliant 2. brilliant 3. Brilliante

II. Give one word for:

1. to have difficulty in breathing because of pain __________

III. Choose the correct word from the bracket:

1. My friend _________ me a birthday card. (sent, scent)
2. I know how to _________ letters in English. (right, write)

IV. Who said to whom:

1. “This food is horrible!”

V. Use im- and in- to form the opposites of these words:

1. possible x _________
2. visible x _________

VI. Choose the correct pronouns from the bracket and fill in the blanks.:
1. _________ (I / Me) will meet you at the school tomorrow.
2. _________ (Them / They) are good at playing basket ball.

VII. Circle A for demonstrative and P for adjective pronouns:

1. Are these your books? (A / P)
2. That flower is very beautiful. (A / P)
3. This is my cousin, Riya. (A / P)

VIII. Complete these sentences using the correct pronoun from the box:
them she him you

1. Jane is really smart, ___________ always help me with my homework.

2. Abhir and Sameer run very fast. I can’t catch ________.
3. Today is my brother’s birthday. I baked a cake for __________


I.Circle the correct spelling

a)frowned b)frowwned c) frowneed
a)disccussing b)discussing c)discusing

II.Write the word meaning for the words

a)queried - __________________________

III.Write the opposite

a)smiled x ____________
b)reached x ________________

IV.Complete the sentence

a) Gandhiji and some people from the ashram were going to ________.

V. Complete the sentences using the correct time phrases

(Once upon a time, after a while, in the end, once a month)
a)We were planning to visit the museum, ___________ we just stayed at home and did nothing.
b) ___________________________ there was a magician who lived near the river side.
c) I visit my grandparents ___________________.

VI.Fill in the blanks with correct homophone

a) My uncle will come next ___________.
b) Nishal’s Grandma is too ____________.

VII.Punctuate the following

a) he learned to read by himself
b) prayanshansam and zayan are going to watch the match tonight

The Land of story books (poem)

At evening ___________________________________________





_________________________________________along the wall

Prefixes & Suffixes

I. Add prefixes and suffixes to these words to make new words:

1. Kind –
2. Polite –
3. Sense –
4. Respect –

II. Add a prefix or suffix to the root word in the brackets to complete each sentence:
1. She always does her work with ______________. (perfect)
2. Nobody trusts her because she is _______________. (honest)
3. I like this town. The people are very _________________. (friend)
4. Don’t stand near the water. It’s too ___________________. (danger)

III.Choose the correct word from the box for the given meaning:
(restart, untidy, unsafe, disappear)
1. Not safe –
2. Start again –
3. Opposite of appear –
4. Not clean –
L-8 Pronouns

I.Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns:

1. He called the two of ____________ home for dinner.
2. Ram and I are best friends. _________have similar taste.
3. Sheela is my boss. Everyone in the office likes ____________.
4. A dog eats bones. ___________ also drinks milk.

II. Answer these questions using suitable subject and object pronouns:
1. Does Jaya love spicy food?
Yes, ___________ loves _________.
2. Did he call you?
No, ____________ didn’t call __________.

III.Choose the correct options to complete these sentences:

1. ___________ are the magazines __________ bought.
a) Those, she b) Those, hers c) This, he
2. ___________ is the mall __________ visits.
a) This, they b) This, he c) These, he


I.Write ‘S’ for sentence and ‘P’ for phrase.

1) on the table ________ 3) He sat in a corner. _______
2) She is skipping. ________ 4) in the evening _______

II.Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences. Use capital letters and
correct punctuation marks.
1) nests build birds their in trees
2) the faithful animal a is dog

III.Add suitable words to these phrases to frame meaningful sentences.

1) _________________________________________ over the fence.
2) _________________________________________ at the airport.
3) _________________________________________ for a while.

IV.Complete these sentences.

1) The policemen ___________________________________________.
2) Sunday _________________________________________________.
3) Health is ________________________________________________.


I.Underline the adjectives in the following sentences and state their kind
a) The concert was very loud. _______________________
b) This project is very complicated. _____________________
c) Whose pencil is this? ____________________
d) She has poured some soup in the bowl. _______________________

II.Fill in the blanks with the suitable adjectives given in the brackets to complete these
sentences .
(near, stale ,good)
a) Jerry and Jain are __________ friends
b) The fruit which is in the basket is________.
c) My home is ___________ to my school.

I.Complete this table


less ______________________
1) ________________

______________________ ______________________
2) costly

______________________ ______________________
3) much

thicker ______________________
4) _________________

______________________ ______________________
5) courageous

______________________ laziest
6) _________________

II. Fill in the blanks with correct degrees of comparison of adjectives in bracket

a) He is the ___________________________man in the village. (old)

b) Your handwriting is _________________ than mine.(good)
c) Diamond is _______________________than gold.(expensive)
d) She has ________________ confidence.(great )
e) Ethan is the ________________boy that I know.(happy)

Dhani and his parents lived in Mahatma Gandhi's Sabarmati Ashram.Dhani used to take care of
Binni, one of the ashram's goats .Binni was his best friend and he liked talking to her.The ashram had
become very noisy and full of activity in the past few days. Dhani knew something exciting was being
planned at the ashram.Thatmorning,asDhani fed Binni, he said, "Something is going on, Binni! They
all keep discussing something. They are planning something. I know it!"Dhani went to his mother and
asked, "Amma, is Gandhiji going somewhere?" His mother said, "He is going on a march."
1. Who did Dhani take care of at the ashram?
2. What was happening at the ashram?
3. Who did Dhani ask about Gandhiji?
4. What did Dhani's mother say about Gandhiji?
5. Who was Dhani's best friend at the ashram?
Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through the air like
an airplane! Bees can fly because they have wings. They use their wings to fly. Bees can fly fast.
Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down. They need to fly to get to the flowers!
Bees can have three colors. They can be yellow, red, and orange. All bees are black in some places.
Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And, they have a stinger. The
stinger is used to defend against enemies. They also have six legs. They use their legs to stand and
climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect pollen. Bees live in many places. They live in Africa,
Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is
Antarctica! I understand why they don't live in Antarctica. It's too cold! Most of the time, bees are nice
to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not bother you. Have fun watching the bees this
1) What are bees?
A.Mammals B. Birds C. Reptiles D.Insects
2) How do bees fly?
A. They use their legs. B. They use their head. C.They use their wings. D.None of the above.
3) How many legs do bees have?
A. Two B Four C. Six D.Eight
4) What is the stinger used for?
A. To eat food. .B. To defend against enemies C.Both A and B.
D. None of the above.
5) Where do bees live?


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