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A. Choose A,B,C or D for correct answer.

1. You meet your new neighbor at the nearest park at 9 AM. How would you greet him?
A. Goodbye, Sir.
B. Good morning, Sir.
C. Good afternoon, Sir.
D. How do you do?

2. Irwan : Hi, Mita. Long time no see. How are you?

Mita : Hello, Irwan. _________ How about you?
Irwan: Fine, thanks.
A. I'm sorry
B. Thank you
C. I'm good
D. Glad to meet you

3. Rika : Oh, no. It's already three-fifteen. Sorry, Tara, I have to go home now.
Tara : It's all right. I'll see you tomorrow.
Rika : O.K. Bye, Tara.
Tara : Bye, Rika.
Rika : Sure, thanks.
A. Take care
B. Good luck
C. You're welcome
D. Nice to meet you

4. Fifi : Mom, I want to go to my room now. I'm very sleepy.

Mother : All right, Dear _____ Sweet dreams.
Fifi : You too, Mom.
A. Good evening, dear
B. Wish you luck, dear
C. See you tomorrow
D. Good night

5. Dika : Hi, Rio.

Rio : Hi, Dika. Who is she? Is she your sister?
Dika : No, she's not. She's my cousin.
Arina : Hello, Rio. Nice to meet you.
Rio : Nice to meet you too, Arina.
A. What a coincidence to meet you here!
B. May I know your name, please?
C. This is Arina. Arina, this is Rio, my friend.
D. Arina, Rio wants to be your friend.

The following dialog is for questions 6 and 7.

Rifat : Hello, I'm Rifat. May I know your name, please?
Trisna : Hello, Rifat. I'm Trisna.
Rifat : Where are you from, Trisna?
Trisna : I'm from East Nusa Tenggara.
Rifat: Where do you live?
Trisna : I live on Jalan Lintas Waihibur-Waingapu Km. 5, Umbu Maminjuk, Umbu Ratu, West Nggay,
Central Sumba.
Rifat : I see.

6. The conversation is about asking for and providing information related to_________
A. one's interest
B. one's address
C. one's identity
D. one's name

7. Why does Rifat start the conversation?

A. He wants to know Trisna.
B. He has a task to interview Trisna.
C. He wants to visit Trisna's house.
D. He wants to kill the time.

The following dialog is for questions 8 to 10.

Adit :Good morning, Ma'am.
Ms. Ratna: Morning. What can I do for you?
Adit : Is the library closed, Ma'am?
Ms. Ratna: Yes, it's temporarily closed due to renovation.
Adit : I see. So, when will it be opened?
Ms. Ratna : Next Monday.
Adit : O.K., Ma'am. Thanks for the information. Goodbye.
Ms. Ratna : You're welcome. Bye.
8. Where does the dialog take place?
A. In a teacher's room
B. Inside the library
C. In front of a library
D. In a classroom

9. From the dialog, we can conclude that

A. the place will be closed until next Monday
B. the place is full of people at the moment
C.Adit will return to the place tomorrow
D. the renovation will end on Sunday

10. Adit asks, "So, when will it be opened?"

What does the word 'it' refer to?
A. The information
B. The library
С. The renovation
D. The closing

B. Fill in the blanks correctly.

1. You are going to leave your neighbor in the evening. You would say, "________"
2. You lost your friend's sharpener. You would better say, "________"
3. Sani : Hi, I am Sani. Are you new here?
Gita: Hi, Sani. I'm Gita. Yes, I'm. My family and I just moved here yesterday.
Sani: Nice to meet you, Gita.
Gita :. The suitable sentence to complete the dialog is "__________"
The following dialog is numbers 4 and 5.
Gita : Hello, Dimas.
Dimas : Hello, Gita. What's up?
Gita : I am sorry. I have to cancel our appointment to see a computer fair this afternoon.
Dimas : May I know why?
Gita : My mom asks me to buy some groceries. She receives many orders of cakes and snacks.
Dimas : I see. No problem, there are still two days to see the fair.
Gita : What about tomorrow, after school?
Dimas : Sure.
Gita : O.K. Well, I have to go shopping now. Bye, Dimas.
Dimas : Bye, Gita.

4. Dimas and Gita promise to _______ together.

5. Gita cancels the appointment because she needs to _________

C. Create a dialog based on the following situation.

This is your first day at a new school. How would you start a conversation with your new friend?
How would your friend reply?

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