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Steps Procedure to enroll in Bancnet eGov

Step 1 Obtain the ff. from Client

a) Two (2) copies of the eGov Payment Instruction Form (PIF)
b) One (1) copy of the notarized Software License Agreement (SLA)
Step 2 Verify correctness of the following details in the eGov PIF:
- Source Account No.
- Complete Corporate Name
- eGov Card. No.
Step 3 Authenticate the Client’s authorized signatories thru two (2) branch
Step 4 Bancnet Registration. Provide the following to the Client:
- 16 digit eGov No.
- Corresponding PIN mailer
- eGov BancNet Registration Procedure (click to open the pdf file and
Step 5 Remind the Client that they must sign up at to set up the eGov card in the
“Card Maintenance” module otherwise they will not be allowed by BancNet to
proceed with their enrollment and payments
Step 6 Request from the Client a “Print Screen” or screenshot of the completed BancNet
eGov Card Maintenance module
Step 7 ElectraDebit. Link the 16 digit eGov No. to the Client’s 13-digit Source Account
No. via Electradebit
Step 8 Ensure that the values in the following fields are correct:
- Product “eGOV”
- First/Family Name <Complete Corporate Name>
- Card Status active eGov Card Number
- Dummy Account (9999999999999) “De-Linked”
- Account No. (13-digits) “Linked”
- Account Type <Savings or Checking>
Step 9 Print Screen the successful linking of eGov No. to the Client’s Source Account No.
Step 10 Black Screen 3270. Access to “File Maintain” the Clients Source Account No.
Step 11 Tag the account as follow: (Choose ONLY one of the items below)
 For Checking Account (IM2A) User 1 field = “1”
 For Savings Account (ST2A) ATM/ACH field = “7”
Step 12 Print Screen the successful tagging of the Account
Step 13 Consolidate the documents specified in Steps 1a, 6, 9 & 12 which include:
- Sig verified eGov PIF
- Screenshots of
 BancNet eGov registration
 Electradebit
 3270
Step 14 Forward to: Client Management Department - Enrollment
12/F MBTC Annex Bldg
Mailing Code: 23700
Step 15 Forward ICF (Implementation Checklist Form) and notarized SLA (document in
Step 1b) to: Client Management Department - Implementation
12/F MBTC Annex Bldg
Mailing Code: 23700
Step 16 To check the status of eGov enrollment, pls. visit
http://mbtc-wss/cmd2/default.aspx or click this link
Step 17 Need further assistance? Call Customer Care Desk (02) 898 8000 press 1 then 2 or
email at

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