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Eating disorders are one of the most common mental disorders faced by today's
youth, yet one of the least talked about mental illnesses. Eating disorders are a
range of psychological conditions that cause unhealthy eating habits to develop.
They might start with an obsession with food, body weight, or body shape, and
although the word food is right there in the name, eating disorders are about a lot
more than food, it is a mental health condition that usually requires medical
intervention. An eating disorder is an illness that if taken lightly can have serious
mental and physical repercussions. They are usually developed trying to gain “the
perfect body”. Some of the most common eating disorders are-

Anorexia Nervosa-Anorexia Nervosa is considered to be one of the deadliest mental

illnesses as it has the highest mortality rate. People suffering from this disorder
tend to restrict food and exercise excessively

Muscle dysmorphia-This disorder is characterized by a disruptive obsession with

musculature and physique.

Bulimia nervosa-this condition occurs when a person eats large amounts of food
and then purges it. Purging behaviors can include forcing oneself to throw up,
consuming diet pills or laxatives, etc.

Binge eating disorder-Binge Eating Disorder or BED can be characterized by

episodes of binging on large amounts of food. A binge describes when someone
consumes an excessive amount of food within a period of two hours. Binges are
accompanied by a trance-like state, feeling guilty and ashamed afterward, and
weight gain. Unlike bulimia, BED does not usually include any purging behaviors.

Orthorexia Nervosa-orthorexia Nervosa can be defined as an unhealthy focus on

eating healthily, eating healthy food is a positive but when one develops an
unhealthy fixation on eating healthy, it starts to affect their overall well-being.

 Some symptoms are

 Stomach cramps, other non-specific gastrointestinal complaints
(constipation, acid reflux, etc.)
 Noticeable fluctuations in weight both up and down
 Dizziness, especially upon standing
 Fainting/syncope
 Feeling cold all the time

It is not necessary that all people who suffer from an eating disorder are thin and
not all thin people suffer from an eating disorder.

“I finally realized that no one is perfect and I like the fact that I look different and
don’t have the perfect body. No one does! –Shay Mitchell

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