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To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz

Use your knowledge of To Kill a Mockingbird and of critical NAME

literary analysis to answer these questions.

1 When Scout Finch says “Maycomb County had recently been told it had nothing to
fear but fear itself,” this is an allusion to what event?
A President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1931 inaugural address
B The 1931 Scottsboro Trials
C Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech
D The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and ‘30s

2 Atticus Finch faces the challenge of fighting against the prejudice that exists in his
community in order to fairly defend Tom Robinson. This is an example of what kind of
A Man versus Self
B Man versus Society
C Man versus Man
D Man versus Nature

3 “Those are twelve reasonable men in everyday life, Tom’s jury, but you saw something
come between them and reason […] There’s something in our world that makes men
lose their heads—they couldn’t be fair if they tried.”
In this excerpt, Atticus explains to his children why the jury found Tom Robinson
guilty. Which theme of the novel best fits his explanation?
A social inequality
B racism
C morality
D prejudice

Lightbox Literature Studies Page

2017 © Smartbook Media Inc.
To Kill a Mockingbird All rights reserved.
Reference: All Pages 1 of 4
To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz
Use your knowledge of To Kill a Mockingbird and of critical NAME
literary analysis to answer these questions.

4 In Why We Can’t Wait, which scene does Martin Luther King Jr. refer to when he
describes Atticus Finch as a symbol of nonviolent heroism?

A The scene in which Atticus faces the mob at the courthouse steps.
B The scene in which Atticus has to shoot the mad dog at the end of the street.
C The scene during Tom Robinson’s trial, in which Atticus delivers his
closing statements.
D The scene in which Bob Ewell threatens to kill Atticus.

5 Which of the following is not a component of Freytag’s Pyramid?

A resolution
B climax
C narrative
D exposition

6 Which symbol used in To Kill a Mockingbird represents a fear of the unknown?

A the mad dog

B the Radley house
C the Finch children’s tree house
D Mrs. Dubose’s camellias

Lightbox Literature Studies Page

2017 © Smartbook Media Inc.
To Kill a Mockingbird All rights reserved.
Reference: All Pages 2 of 4
To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz
Use your knowledge of To Kill a Mockingbird and of critical NAME
literary analysis to answer these questions.

7 Which excerpt from the novel most clearly refers to the theme of morality?

A “There’s four kinds of folks in the world. There’s the ordinary kind like us and the
neighbors, there’s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like
the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes.”
B “In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man
always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life.”
C “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of
view […] until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
D “Atticus said professional people were poor because the farmers were poor. As
Maycomb County was farm country, nickels and dimes were hard to come by for
doctors and dentists and lawyers.”

8 In Chapter 1, Scout Finch refers to Maycomb as “a tired old town.” This is an example
of which literary device?

A mood
B personification
C metaphor
D satire

9 Which historical event is generally thought to have inspired Tom Robinson’s trial in To
Kill a Mockingbird?

A the Scottsboro Trials

B the Montgomery Bus Boycott
C Brown v. Board of Education
D the Selma to Montgomery March

Lightbox Literature Studies Page

2017 © Smartbook Media Inc.
To Kill a Mockingbird All rights reserved.
Reference: All Pages 3 of 4
To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz
Use your knowledge of To Kill a Mockingbird and of critical NAME
literary analysis to answer these questions.

10 Scout tells Atticus that to give Boo Radley credit for saving the Finch children from Bob
Ewell would be “sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird.” In this particular moment, how
can Boo be described as a mockingbird?

A Many people in Maycomb look upon Boo with suspicion and fear because they do
not know him.
B Boo stays away from others because his family keeps him ‘caged’ in their house.
C Being forced to kill Bob Ewell destroyed Boo’s innocence and youthful perspective
D As he is so shy and reclusive, all the attention Boo would receive for doing this
good act would be unwelcome and hard to deal with.

Lightbox Literature Studies Page

2017 © Smartbook Media Inc.
To Kill a Mockingbird All rights reserved.
Reference: All Pages 4 of 4

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