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To Kill a Mockingbird Screenplay Test

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 1. The African-American community of Maycomb is bitter toward Atticus.

____ 2. In Maycomb, the word of an honest African-American outweighs that of a dishonest white man.

____ 3. Atticus encourages Scout to keep her fists down and fight with her head.

____ 4. Scout is older than Jem.

____ 5. Jem kills Bob Ewell.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 6. Which character is encouraged to “climb into another person’s skin and walk around in it” in order
to understand others?
a. Scout
b. Dill
c. Tom Robinson
d. Mayella Ewell

____ 7. Which character spat in Atticus’ face?

a. Dill
b. Scout
c. Mayella Ewell
d. Bob Ewell

____ 8. Which character was disabled because of a cotton gin accident?

a. Tom Robinson
b. Atticus
c. Dill
d. Scout

____ 9. Atticus thought that ___ had killed Bob Ewell

a. Scout
b. Jem
c. Mayella Ewell
d. Boo Radley
____ 10. The setting of the story is ___.
a. Alabama, 1930s
b. Alabama, 1960s
c. Mississippi, 1960s
d. Mississippi, 1930s

____ 11. All of the following are examples of conflict in the story, except for ___.
a. person vs. person
b. person vs. nature
c. person vs. society
d. person vs. himself

____ 12. Which two characters could be represented by mockingbirds?

a. Boo and Tom
b. Scout and Dill
c. Mrs. Dubose and Jem
d. Atticus and Heck

____ 13. Atticus accepted Tom Robinson’s case because ___.

a. the citizens wanted him to
b. he needed the money
c. he knew he could win
d. he was morally committed to it

____ 14. Tom arouses the hostility of the jury and spectators by ___.
a. his arrogance
b. feeling sorry for Mayella Ewell
c. calling Mayella a liar
d. running away

____ 15. In his final argument to the jury, Atticus says that there is one human institution which makes us all
equal, and that is ___.
a. a court
b. a church
c. a family
d. a job

____ 16. When Tom stood up in court, everyone could see that ___.
a. his left arm was shorter than his right
b. his right arm was shorter than his left
c. his left arm was in a sling
d. his right hand was missing

____ 17. Who is the narrator of the story?

a. Jem
b. Tom Robinson
c. Scout
d. Atticus

____ 18. “High and mighty” is an example of ___.

a. an idiom
b. a hyperbole
c. an allusion
d. mood

____ 19. Tom Robinson could not have raped and beaten Mayella because ___.
a. he was out of town that day
b. he is dead
c. he has no use of his left arm
d. he promised he did not

____ 20. Atticus helps Scout to understand others by telling her ___.
a. to stop fighting
b. to be a nicer person
c. to talk things through with them
d. to walk around in their skin for awhile

____ 21. At the trial, the children sit ___.

a. by Atticus
b. in the jury box
c. three rows behind Atticus
d. in the colored balcony

____ 22. Which of the following items is not found in the knothole of the tree?
a. a medal
b. a harmonica
c. soap dolls
d. a pocketknife

____ 23. Soon after the trial, Atticus finds out that ___.
a. Bob Ewell left town
b. Tom Robinson is dead
c. Tom Robinson killed Bob Ewell
d. Bob Ewell killed Tom Robinson

____ 24. Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird?

a. They are Atticus’s favorite bird.
b. They are endangered.
c. They are innocent.
d. They are pretty.
____ 25. They mockingbird described in the story is an example of ___.
a. a symbol
b. an allusion
c. a hyperbole
d. a simile

____ 26. Who saves the children from Bob Ewell’s attack?
a. Atticus
b. Boo Radley
c. Tom Robinson
d. Heck Tate

____ 27. How does Scout save her father and Tom Robinson from being attacked by the mob?
a. she kicks one of the men in the shin
b. she reminds Cunningham of his entailment
c. she shoots the men
d. she starts crying and asks them to leave

____ 28. Atticus goes to the jail to ___.

a. prevent Tom’s escape
b. prevent Bob Ewell from entering the jail cell
c. assist Mr. Ewell’s attack
d. prevent Tom from being harmed

____ 29. Which of the following events happened after Jem and Scout were attacked while walking home?
a. Tom Robinson is found guilty of rape.
b. Tom Robinson is shot and killed.
c. Bob Ewell is killed.
d. Boo leaves items in the tree.

____ 30. Heck Tate says that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife because ___.
a. he refuses to bring Ewell’s killer into the spotlight
b. he is protecting Jem
c. he really believes that Ewell fell on his own knife
d. Atticus asked him to say that Ewell fell on his knife

____ 31. Which of the following is not used in the screenplay to show that Jem loves Scout?
a. he tells Scout to run when they are attacked
b. he pulls Scout away from fights
c. he tells Scout that he loves her
d. He plays with Scout

____ 32. The historical setting of the story is ___.

a. the Civil War
b. the Civil Rights Movement
c. World War II
d. the Great Depression

____ 33. One theme of the story could be ___.

a. People often fear what they don’t understand.
b. Scout is a tomboy.
c. Lawyers make good money.
d. Telling lies only hurts you and the people around you.

____ 34. In a screenplay, a voice over is ___.

a. a voice that belongs to someone not seen on-camera
b. a voice that belongs to someone seen on-camera
c. when one character speaks more loudly than another character
d. when one character speaks more quietly than another character

____ 35. The words that characters speak can be defined as ___.
a. a voice over
b. a character cue
c. dialogue
d. a camera cue

____ 36. What gives additional information about the characters, setting, etc?
a. character cues
b. stage directions
c. camera cues
d. all of the above

____ 37. The line “Although Maycomb County had recently been told it had nothing to fear but fear itself”
(3) is an example of ___.
a. an idiom
b. an allusion
c. a metaphor
d. dialect

____ 38. Describing Scout as “six, dressed in blue jeans” and as someone who likes to climb trees is ___
because ___.
a. direct characterization; the author tells us what she is like
b. direct characterization; the author shows us what she is like
c. indirect characterization; the author tells us what she is like
d. indirect characterization; the authors shows us what she is like

____ 39. Describing Miss Maudie as someone who is “strong, warm-hearted...[and] keenly interested in
Atticus and the children” (6) is ___ because ___.
a. direct characterization; the author tells us what she is like
b. direct characterization; the author shows us what she is like
c. indirect characterization; the author tells us what she is like
d. indirect characterization; the author shows us what she is like
____ 40. “There were bruises already comin’ on her arms. She had a black eye startin’ an’...” (56) is an
example of ___.
a. dialogue
b. an idiom
c. dialect
d. an allusion

____ 41. “Thus began our longest journey together” (74) is an example of ___.
a. an idiom
b. an allusion
c. foreshadowing
d. dialect

____ 42. Describing Halloween night as a “black dark” night with the only sound that of a dog howling (75)
helps create ___.
a. an idiom
b. personification
c. mood
d. tone
To Kill a Mockingbird Screenplay Test
Answer Section


1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. F


6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. D
21. D
22. B
23. B
24. C
25. A
26. B
27. B
28. D
29. C
30. A
31. C
32. D
33. A
34. A
35. C
36. B
37. B
38. D
39. A
40. C
41. C
42. C

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