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This is to certify that the research paper titled “the effect of communication on organizational
performance in Telsom Company in Hagiasa Somaliland” has successfully completed. Work
done by
Student name: Abdiwahab Saed Abdiqadir Signature of Student:_________________
ID: 7610


Hamze Abdikarim Mohamed Signature of Student:_________________

ID: 7644

Advisor name: Mohamed Abdi

Signature of advisor:_________________

Date of submitted:_______________
First of all I thank to Allah who allowed us to complete this research paper. Secondly I would
like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Dear Advisor (Mohamed Abdi) who gave
me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful research on the topic (the effect of
communication on organizational performance), which also helped me in doing a lot of Research
and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.
I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project
within the limited time frame.
This research study focused on Impacts of Effective Communication on Organizational Performance in
Telecommunication Industry with reference to Global Business.

Primary and secondary data were used in this study. A total of (92) questionnaire copies were
administered while (86) copies were valid for analysis in this study. Statistical tools used in analysing the
data collected includes simple percentage analysis with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences

During the course of the research it was discovered that effective communication has significant impacts
on volume of sales of Global Business. The study also revealed that effective communication contributes
positively to organization’s productivity and that communication has a significant role to play in the
success of a business organization.

The study concluded that effective communication can result to high level employee’s turnover
or productivity. The study also recommends that organizations should develop effective
communication strategies. This will facilitate passing of information both within and outside the
organization thus improving performance. And to improve work methods and approach to
accomplishing jobs effectiveness, and efficiency continuously. Also the organization must
focuses external communication as well as internal communication.
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study..................................................................................................................1
1.2Statement of problem..............................................................................................................................1
1.3the purpose of the study..........................................................................................................................2
1.4 objective of the study.............................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Specific objectives..............................................................................................................................2
1.5 Research questions................................................................................................................................2
1.6 Significant of this study.........................................................................................................................2
1.7 scope of the study..................................................................................................................................2
1.8 Operational definitions..........................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................................................4
2.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Communication....................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Concepts of communication..................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Get at Your Goal................................................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Become Acquainted with Your Audience...........................................................................................4
2.2.3 Engage with an Emotional Connection...............................................................................................5
2.3 Organizational performance..................................................................................................................5
2.3.1 Concepts of performance....................................................................................................................5
2.4 Theoretical Foundations of Communication and organizational performance.......................................8
2.4.1 Human Relations – Approach.............................................................................................................8
2.4.2 Systems Theory..................................................................................................................................9
2.5 Empirical Theories on Organizational.................................................................................................10
2.6 Strong Relationships............................................................................................................................13
2.6.1 Ideas and Innovation.........................................................................................................................13
2.6.2 Customer Ambassadors....................................................................................................................13
2.6.3 Strong Teamwork.............................................................................................................................13
2.6.4 Importance of Good Communication in Business............................................................................14
2.6.5 Building a Team...............................................................................................................................14
2.6.6 Making Things Clear........................................................................................................................14
2.6.7 Managing Diversity..........................................................................................................................14
2.6.8 Dealing with Problems.....................................................................................................................14
2.6.9 Surviving Catastrophe......................................................................................................................15
2.6.10 Role of internet in communication..................................................................................................15
2.6.11 Communication and Business.........................................................................................................15
2.6.12 The need for communication skills.................................................................................................16
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................17
3.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................17
3.1 Research design...................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Research population............................................................................................................................17
3.3 Sampling procedure.............................................................................................................................17
3.4 Sample size..........................................................................................................................................18
3.5 Research instrument (Questionnaire and Observation)........................................................................18
3.6.2 Reliability.........................................................................................................................................18
3.7 Data Analysis......................................................................................................................................19
3.8 Ethical consideration...........................................................................................................................19
Limitation of the Study..............................................................................................................................19
Chapter Four..............................................................................................................................................20
DATA ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH FINDINGS.................................................................................20
4.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................34
FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................34
5.1 Findings...............................................................................................................................................34
5.1.1 Objective one....................................................................................................................................34
5.1.2 Objective two....................................................................................................................................34
5.1.3 Objective three..................................................................................................................................34
5.2 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................................35
5.3 RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................................................36
Part one:....................................................................................................................................................39
Part two:....................................................................................................................................................39

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Communication is means of bringing about change. It is the mainstream of any organization
growth. There is need form interaction and understanding of management-employee relations
this will bring about increased performance of all parties involved in the communication process
or chain. According to Banihashemi (2011), communication as a medium, a means to
performance ends, or as constitutive, as the end in itself.Communication is a process of
Transmitting information from one person to another.

According to Stephen (2011), communication is a critical factor in directing and mobilizing the
workforce towards the accomplishment of the organizational goals or objectives. By creating
understanding it enhances co-operation and promote effective performance. According to
Williams (2007) smart managers understand that the end effective,

According to (Mckinney,Barker, Smith& Davis,2004)communication is essential to effective

team performance and communications for any organization is like blood flow in the human
body. Therefore any organization that understands the importance of communication uses it in
their organizational environment. Since, it ensures coordination of factors of production and
most importantly material and human elements of organization as an efficient network of change
and advancement.

According to Snavely (2001) as cited by Robins(2006), communication process is initialed

through the following means the sender-encoding-the message-the channel decoding-the
receiver- noise and feedback. It is estimated that managers spend over 80% of their day
communicating with others. Since most of the basic management process- planning, organizing,
leading and controlling – cannot be performed without effective communication. Importantly,
the relevance of communication keeps advancing as the world becomes a Global village. The
need to become visible to the world has made many organizations to embrace new technology
that would increase organizational performance.

1.2Statement of problem
Poor employee performance in a Telesom company

The indicators of problems that exist in Telesom Company are:

Decrease efficiency

Improper troubleshooting
Frequent complaints without interruption

This problem may cause harm to the company or reduce the ability of the company in the market
because of there’s a competitors (such as Somcable, Somtel)

1.3the purpose of the study

The main purpose of this research is to investigate the most problems related to communication
between companies and their customers

1.4 objective of the study

The general objective of this research would be to analyse how the communication effect the
organizational performance

1.4.1 Specific objectives

1. To understand the importance of communication

2. To identify the relationship between communication and performance

3. To understand the effect of bad communication on organizational performance

1.5 Research questions

1. What is the importance of communication?

2. What is the relationship between communication and good performance?

3. How the bad communication would effect on organizational performance?

1.6 Significant of this study

1. It helps academic and other researchers who need to write something about communication
and performance.

2. Telecommunication companies specially Telesome company they will know through this
research, their strengthens and weakness about communication and its relation with performance

1.7 scope of the study

1.7.1 Geographical scope

This study conducted in Hargeisa, Somaliland Telesom Company

1.7.2 Time scope

Still unknown
1.8 Operational definitions
1. Communication is a critical factor in directing and mobilizing the workforce towards the

Accomplishment of the organizational goals or objectives. By Stephen (2011)

2. Accourding to John Shields; Michelle Brown; et al. (2015) Performance is completion of a task
with application of knowledge, skills and abilities.


2.0 Introduction
2.1 Communication
Communication is a means of bringing about change. It is the mainstream of any organization
growth. According to BaniHashemi (2011), Communication is a process of transmitting
information from one person to another.

According to Stephen (2011) communication is a critical factor in directing and mobilizing the
workforce towards the accomplishment of the organizational goals or objectives. By creating
understanding it enhances co-operation and promote effective performance.

According to Williams (2007) smart managers understand that the end effective, straight
forward communication between managers and employees is essential for success. There is need
form interaction and understanding of management-employee relations this will bring about
increased performance of all parties involved in the communication process or chain.
Communication as a medium, a means to performance ends, or as constitutive, as the end in

2.2 Concepts of communication

2.2.1 Get at Your Goal
As our graduate program mentors will tell you, clearly stating your goal from the outset is central
to an effective communications strategy.. Setting this desired outcome from the very beginning
will make the subsequent development of your strategy more efficient and effective, so carefully
consider what you hope to achieve. In addition, you can assess why you seek to achieve this
goal. By situating your communication goals with your “big picture” timeline, you can feel more
confident with both your message and your motivation to broadcast it.

2.2.2 Become Acquainted with Your Audience

Alongside the determination of your ultimate strategic goals, it is also essential that you
understand your audience and their needs. Without aligning their interests with yours, you will
run the risk of trying to attract a clientele that will remain unconvinced or seek to have their
needs met elsewhere. In other words, knowing your audience will allow you to tailor your
strategy to their set of demands, thereby increasing the likelihood that they will take notice of the
product or service you are trying to sell them.
2.2.3 Engage with an Emotional Connection
Using this knowledge of your audience and their specific needs, you can build a connection with
them by appealing to their sense of humanity. Building this connection can pay off, big time:
according to data published in a 2015 Harvard Business Review article, Millennial consumers
were significantly more likely to invest in a product and repeatedly use that product when they
felt an emotional tie. Accordingly, it is important that you tell your story from a relatable
perspective and communicate in a way that elicits an emotional response from your audience.
People respond to emotion, so it is important to reach out from your heart to reach the hearts of

2.3 Organizational performance

According to John Shields; Michelle Brown; et al. (2015) Performance is completion of a task
with application of knowledge, skills and abilities. According to Winston Bennett; Charles E.
Lance; David J. Woehr (2014). In work place, performance or job performance means good
ranking with the hypothesized conception of requirements of a task role, whereas citizenship
performance means a set of individual activity/contribution (prosaically organizational behavior)
that supports the organizational culture.

2.3.1 Concepts of performance

The concept of performance, as it appears defined in the dictionaries of French, English and

Defines more the idea of outcome, achieved goal, quality, and less the economic aspects of
efficiency and effectiveness. the Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language defines
performance as ʺa result (particularly good) obtained by someone in a sporting contest; a special
achievement in a field of activity; the best result obtained by a technical system, a machine, a
device, etc.ʺ The definition shows that the term performance was originally taken from the
mechanics and sports fields, in order to subsequently be used to characterize the very good
results also achieved another fields. This means that performance is obtained only by a limited
number of entities, those who get the best results. Performance can not be associated with any
result achieved, but only with a special one. What does ʺspecial mean? In the first place, net
superior to what was obtained in an earlier period, in the second place, superior to results
obtained by ʺothersʺ and, in a third place, different by the objectives obviously set, in a favorably
acceptance. Currently there are a variety of definitions attributed to the concept of performance
due to its subjective nature. In the literature there are many articles or studies that define the
concept of performance closely related to environmental factors.

Didier Noyé (2002) believes that the performance consists in ʺachieving the goals that were
given to you in convergence of enterprise orientationsʺ. In his opinion, performance is not a mere
finding of an outcome, but rather it is the result of a comparison between the outcome and the
objective. Unlike other authors, Didier Noyé considers that this concept is actually a comparison
of the outcome and the objective. The author’s definition is far from clear, as both outcomes and
objectives vary, most often, from one field of activity to another.

Author Michel Lebas (1995) characterizes the performance as future-oriented, designed to reflect
particularities of each organization / individual and is based on a causal model linking
components and products. Hedefines a ʺsuccessfulʺ business as one that will achieve the goals
set by the management coalition, not necessarily one that achieved them. Thus, performance is
dependent as much of capability and future. Unlike other authors, MichelLebas noted the
difference between performance and being per formant .

The effect of communication on organizational performance

According to (Mckinney,Barker, Smith& Davis,2004)communication is essential to effective

team performance and communications for any organization is like blood flow in the human
body. Therefore any organization that understands the importance of communication uses it in
their organizational environment. Since, it ensures coordination of factors of production and
most importantly material and human elements of organization as an efficient network of change
and advancement. According to Snavely (2001) as cited by Robins(2006), communication
process is initialed through the following means the sender-encoding-the message-the channel
decoding-the receiver- noise and feedback. It is estimated that managers spend over 80% of their
day communicating with others. Since most of the basic management process- planning,
organizing, leading and controlling – cannot be performed without effective communication.
Importantly, the relevance of communication keeps advancing as the world becomes a Global
village. The need to become visible to the world has made many organizations to embrace new
technology that would increase organizational performance. There are also many issues affecting
communication ranging from difference in sex, role of silence, inference of government and
cross- cultural inference. Many of sure organization is the NnamdiAzikiwe University, as it
explores the e-learning and e- training to empower its staff and student in the use of the internet
in communicating policies, lectures, staff development and lot more. This would stand as a mile
stone for the university as a whole networked for effective communication and performance.
Therefore it becomes important to emphasize on innovation and effective use of communication
medium or channel to bring about high performance rate. Hence any breakdown in
communication process or chain can have serious adverse effects on organizational performance.
Furthermore knowing fully that poor communication rank as the single most important reason
that people do not advance in their career as stated by Lepsinger&Luacia (1997) it becomes
necessary that Governing Council of UNZIK determines the best “channel” in transmitting
“messages” to their staff or student for effective and positive feedback. Thou there are many
barriers to communication; filtering, selective perception, information overload, personal bias,
language and communication apprehension. Hence management must try to address these
barriers for effective result. Therefore, the purpose of this paper isto identify the roles played by

NnamdiAzikiweUniverity(NAU) in transmitting and managing information to increase the

performance of its staff. Effective communication brings about high performance. However, the
future of NAU to inform and weigh the opinion of its staff before introducing new methods and
technology has adversely affected the relationship between the employer(management) and
employee(staff) in the university. Firstly we shall explain briefly the concepts, importance of
effective communication, relationship between communication and organizational performance.
Also empirical studies would be gathered and analysis would be made using our area of
study ;NnamdiAzikiweUniverity , Awka. The outcome of the research would be to increase the
use of the internet among the staff and students of the university. This would lead to networking
of the university and high rating in the world chart of university. Also staff would be more
equipped to deal with new technology and best practices which most private universities have
embraced. Finally the relevance of effective communication and new innovations would ensure
high performance of both staff and students of the organization under study.

In explaining the meaning of effective communication; it is good to look at the subject matter of
communication in details. Meaningful communication informs and educates employees at all
levels and motivates them to support the strategy (Barrett, 2002). Communication is viewed by
(Haiemann, 2011) as the imparting of ideas and making oneself understood by others. It is also
the process by which information is passed between individuals and/or organizations by means
of previously agreed symbols. Communication is the process by which one party (a sender)
transmits information (i.e. message). It is a continuous process between the two parties involved
and it occurs in many levels, such as intra-individual communication level (Keith, 2014).
Information is transmitted in two ways:- e.g. from a sensory organ to the brain and secondly,
interpersonal level is a situation in which the transmission of information is just between two
individuals. Communication can also occur within or between an individual or group. Effective
communication is a process by which sender of message, received feedback from receiver in
intended (Peter, 2015). Effective communication starts from the sender to its decoding by the
receiver. It is said to be ineffective communication when receiver of the message did not decode
the intended of the sender. It is through feedback that information achieves its desired
results.Berrels A. (2010), Effective communication takes place when the person to whom it is
intended, subsequently, the receiver understand the meaning intended and reacts accordingly.
Effective communication is a transaction of ideas, directory command or guide into oral or
written words, or actions on the path of the communicator in such a way that the receiver gets the
same message and reacts in manner envisaged by the communicator (Victor Akam; 2011). It is
believe by a lot of experts that communication could consciously or unconsciously take place by
writing, reading, taking, listening or moving and any part of the body. All these things mean
something to some person, or group. It has to be stressed that communication in an organization
can take place in any of these means. Communication is a process of effecting change to a

2.4 Theoretical Foundations of Communication and organizational


The concept of effective communication on employees’ performance and its studies has

been based on several theories of which the Systems Theory, Classical and Human

Relations are perhaps the most frequently used.

These theories describe organizational behavior, its communication and more specifically the
organizations effectiveness on communication. Essentially in this context, the theory gives the
approaches from which the researcher can use the effectual communication to measure internal
performance within an organization. In view of this, much consideration will be given to the

Relations Approach and Systems Approach since it gives a holistic view of an organization. The
system theory sees the organization as a system with interrelated parts,

which are connected to each other.

2.4.1 Human Relations – Approach

Around the 1930s, Human-Relations Theory originated and introduced as a substitute
perspective to the classical theory (Kreps, 1990). The theory originally was put to test by

Mayo, Roethlisberger and Dickson’s, which became known as the Hawthorne Studies

(Roethlisberger and Dickson, 1939). The Hawthorne Studies brought to bare four major phases
namely: the illumination studies, the relay assembly test room studies, the interview program,
and the bank wiring room studies. The Human behaviour school of thought shifted from the
prominence on output and work design to the interactions ofindividuals. Emphasis of the
Human-Relations Approach dwells more on the needs of individuals in the organization, the
employee’s participation in decision-making and the opportunity to send and receive messages.
Human Relations asserted that it is vital to determine the individual needs of organizational
members and it is achieved withineffective organization-worker communication.

According to Skinner, Essen &Mersham (2001), effective management communication can be

best accessed through the use of communication audit. Essentially communication is
fundamental in the work of human resources. The importance of the Human Relations
Approach is that it highlights the role of workers and social factors in the effectiveness of
internal communication and the issues such as leadership. In sum, the human relation approach
deals with the interaction between management and employees, their motivation and influence
on organizational events. This throws more light on what management and employees ought to
do to ensure effective internal communication.

This approach will help the study to determine the usefulness of the various communications
channels such as memos, circulars, telephone conversation, the use of

Internet and face-to-face interaction.

2.4.2 Systems Theory

The general system theory was originally proposed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, a biologist in
1968 in his work, General Systems Theory: Foundations, Development,

Applications, was sort to explain the relationship between parts and the whole of living
organisms (Weckowicz, 2000). This sort provides a general analytical framework (perspective)
for viewing an organization. Since then the theory has been used in academic fields such as
psychology, history and physiology. Studies conducted by theorists in management studies
expose a digression from the classical and human relations model. According to Booth (1986)
the systems heory has more valid and applicable stance in internal communication. This is
because the systems approach recognizes the role that communication plays in facilitating
efficient functioning between the various components of the organizations.

In organizational communication research, some main components of the systems theory have
been identified that informs how effective communication leads to employee productivity
namely; wholeness, hierarchical and feedback.

In systems theory, the whole determines the character and functions of parts

(Weckowicz, 2002). Wholeness refers to the interdependence of the various elements that
constitute the system. This means that individual parts of a system contribute to the existence of
the organization.

Conferring to Miller (2009), the concept of an organizational structure indicates that the relations
within an organism are systematized by order of hierarchy rules. In this regard, components the
main systems are designed into subsystems, making up the whole system, which itself operates
within a larger environment. Miller (2009), feedback enables decision makers in the organization
to strategize to be on top of issues thereby building network relationships. Conferring to Salem
(1999), the systems theory operates from primary principles of inter-relatedness and
interdependence, it can be said that the same basic principles form the basis from which
communication audit occurs. GRA has
a hierarchical structure with the various sections functioning as a whole structure and allthe staff
working towards a common goal. The systems theory is therefore appropriate for this study. In
view of this, the researchers would determine the effectiveness of communication leading to
employee productivity and to describe the communication systems at GRA. The Authority
comprises different sections and in order to achieve organizational goals, these sections or
departments need to work together in order to achieve these goals. This means that, there should
be effective internal communication between the management and staff of GRA to attain these

2.5 Empirical Theories on Organizational

Communication In the light of this study, there have been many researchers and theorists who
have dealt into it and brought about many findings, which are been used in most of the modern
organizations as far as effective communication is concerned. Femi (Ph.D.) conducted a study on
“The Effect of Communication on Workers’ Performance in Selected Organizations. In Lagos
State, Nigeria” he saw communication as an important component of organization’s project. This
because it was assumed the global world has become widespread that, most organizations
petition to meet their needs with a lesser resource moral through communication. His research
tests the substantial relationship amid communication and workers’ performance in some
designated organizations in

Lagos State, Nigeria. Statistics for the research were gathered through questionnaire with sample
populace of 120 respondents. The outcome of the research revealed the relationship between
effective communication and workers’ performance, productivity and commitment. Per the
outcome showed in the study, a recommendation was made for managers to communicate with
employees consistently and regularly to improve workers commitment and performance. Wang
(2005) presented a paper, which sought to investigate the functions of socio-emotional-oriented
communication and job-related communication in augmenting institutional commitment in the
People’s Republic of China. A statistical methodology was used to analyze data from a
questionnaire. Sample size of 69 was selected as respondents. The key findings from the study
were that, social-emotional-oriented communication among employees is a positive indicator of
performance. Conversely, the finding failed to establish any unique linkage between horizontal
and social-emotional communications. The paper concluded that, vertical and job-related
communication helps employees of governmental agencies in China to remain focus to the
outlined objectives of their organizations.
Rajhans (2012) also highlighted on employee motivations and performance. From his analysis
morale, motivation and performance of employees has a clear reflection on the manner in which
an organization communicates with its members. The aim of the study was to explore the inter-
relationship between communication and motivation and its overall impact on employee
performance. Rajhans’ (2012), considers the results of a study of organizational communication
and motivational practices followed at a large manufacturing company, Vanaz Engineers Ltd.,
based at Pune, to support the hypothesis propounded in the paper. With a focus on employee
communication, Tumbare (2009) did a research on an internal communication assessment of the
Lilongwe City Assembly. Her study assessed the organizational communication of the
Assembly. Explicitly, the effect of internal communication at the Lilongwe City was measured.
The methodological approach measured their current and ideal amounts of information within
the organization. These are receiving information from others, sending information to others,
action on information sent, channels of communication, communication relationships,
communication and work satisfaction, timeliness of information received from key sources and
sources of information. Findings from a sample of 186 respondents of the Assembly indicated a
great need to receive information and to interact with Assembly management more frequently
than what is happening currently. The communication between subordinates and co-workers
seems to be satisfactory. However, the majority of his respondents expressed the need to engage
with Assembly management on a number of key issues, including staff welfare, salaries and
benefits. Ainobushoborozi (2013), similarly did a study which examined the impact of effective
communication on labour productivity in civil engineering projects with a case study of Kampala
Central division. Multinomial logit (MNL) estimation technique was employed to measure the
existing relationship between effective communication and labour productivity, and other
explanatory variables include work duration spent in a company, educational qualifications,
timely information on changes at work, cooperation at work and adequate training provided to
employees. The findings showed that asking for clarity

in communication, cooperation at work to get tasks completed and timely information about
changes affecting work are statistically meaningful to labour productivity in civil engineering
projects. He stressed that in order to attain the targeted productivity level, managers should
ensure clarity of any instruction at work, provide adequate training to employees, ensure
cooperation at work by providing incentives and finally develop a good communication plan to
ensure timely information delivery especially on changes affecting work. 2.12 Barriers and
Breakdowns in Communication Systems

Communication is deemed ineffective when there is poor listenership, no clarity in speech, bad
timing of sharing information, use of jargons, making sarcastic statement or using careless
words, attaching emotions to speeches, adopting poor non-verbal communication and portraying
deceitful thoughts in communication. Ineffective interaction becomes a blockade to
organizational success (Miller, 2009). In an organization and GRA for that matter, ineffective
communication results when managers at the departmental level fails to interact frequently with
their workforces. Lack or absence of the 7 indicators afore-mentioned (Clarity, consideration,
courtesy, correctness, completion, concreteness and conciseness) also leads to breakdowns in
communication systems. Many at times, wrong perception also hampers communication , that is,
the employees might perceive the message in different meaning which was not intended by the
manager. Meaning that, there can be a problem in encoding and decoding of message as already
stated earlier. Congested organizational structure can also result in communication breakdowns
(Cheryl, 2013). When there are complexities in the organizational structure and the number of
hierarchical levels in an organization, the chances of loss or misinterpretation of messages
becomes greater (Richmond &

McCroskey, 2009). Grapevines as a form of informal channel in communication tend todevelop

in such an organization thereby obstructing effective communication. In absenceof healthy open
door policy, communication may be misunderstood. Poor listening (for instance when the
receiver is not focused to what the sender of message is saying) also leads to ineffective
communication (Miller, 2006). Referring to previous studies, emotions like anger and stress may
also lead to communication breakdown as messages may be interpreted in wrong manner when a
person is angry and frustrated than when he is relaxed. Sometimes, the messages are not
carefully planned

(For example, the medium of transmission of message and the time of message deliveryare not
chosen rightfully). This again makes communication ineffective. Linguistic differences are a
great obstacle in effective communication. This is perhaps due to ambiguity of language.
Managers should try to overcome all the causes for communication breakdowns so as to ensure
organizational success.

Communication and performance

Effective communication is critical to any organization and can help it in many ways. In fact,
communication plays a role in product development, customer relations, and employee
management - virtually every facet of a business' operations. Employees are a key audience
because they often serve as the conduit to other audiences. If employees are informed and
engaged, communications with other constituencies are likely to be strong as well.

Clear Expectations

Effective communications help to establish clear expectations for employees and, perhaps
surprisingly, for customers as well. For employees, clear expectations will convey how their
performance will impact the company and give them an indication of what they need to do to
achieve positive feedback. For customers, clear communication can help manage their
expectations about service issues or even about how best to interact with the organization.
2.6 Strong Relationships
Effective communication builds strong relationships. Trust and loyalty are key factors in any
relationship and both are boosted by communication that is focused on meeting individual needs,
conveying important information and providing feedback - positive and constructive. Strong
relationships with external audiences also build strong solid communication about products,
services and company culture and values.

2.6.1 Ideas and Innovation

Open channels of communication can lead to new ideas and innovation in a number of areas.
Employees that understand what's important to their companies can focus on making
improvements and spotting opportunities for innovation that can help further success. When
employees know their ideas will be sought after, that company leaders will have open minds and
be responsive to their feedback, they're more likely to contribute their ideas. Customers also can
be a source of great ideas to help improve products and services.

2.6.2 Customer Ambassadors

The more employees know about the company, its culture, its products and services, and its
response to any negative issues, the better job they can do of serving as ambassadors to the
community, their friends, relatives and other business connections. Employees who feel they
have a strong, positive relationship with their employers and trust the information they receive
from their employers will be more likely to share that information with others. Employees can be
a highly valued and trusted source of information about a company and its products and services.

2.6.3 Strong Teamwork

Effective organizational communication will lead to strong teamwork and the ability for
employees at all levels of the organization to work together to achieve company goals. In
addition, effective organizational communication will provide employees the knowledge,
structure and positive work environment they need to feel comfortable dealing with conflict and
resolving issues effectively.
2.6.4 Importance of Good Communication in Business
Good communication matters at work because few jobs are solo acts. It takes communication to
work on a team, and even people working alone have to report to their bosses. If you run a
business, you have to tell employees what's expected of them. Bad communication leads to
errors, failure and sometimes lawsuits. Effective communication helps prevent them.

2.6.5 Building a Team

Effective, honest communication can bind employees together. If the staff are talking with each
other on the job, that's a major step towards building a good team. Employees who look forward
to talking with their colleagues are more enthused about coming to work. If they know they can
talk to the boss about problems and that the boss will listen, that binds them to the company.
Good communication builds teams and increases employee loyalty.

2.6.6 Making Things Clear

Confusing instructions and unclear guidelines are bad for everyone. When communicating with
employees, managers have to be clear about what they want and expect. That applies whether the
communication is through meetings, instructions, performance reviews or employee handbooks.
If workers understand their duties and responsibilities, everything flows more smoothly.

2.6.7 Managing Diversity

Good communication is even more important if the workforce is diverse. With a mix of races,
nationalities, genders or faiths on the job, it's easy for people to accidentally offend each other. If
promotion and employee review rules aren't clear, minority workers may feel they've been
discriminated against. Policies that clearly spell out how the company applies rewards and
penalties can clear things up. Clear guidelines telling employees how to treat each other helps
avoid unwanted conflict.

2.6.8 Dealing with Problems

Bad communication causes all sorts of problems. Two employees receive conflicting
instructions. HR issues a warning without finding out what the real issues are. A supervisor
doesn't respond to questions or avoids discussing employee issues. These are all examples of
poor communication. Good communication skills can resolve the problems, or better yet prevent
them from developing in the first place.
2.6.9 Surviving Catastrophe
When the going gets tough, employees get nervous. Will they have a paycheck in six months?
How long should they wait before jumping ship? Is the boss leveling with them about how bad
things are? If management fudges the facts or ducks discussion, it can kill employees' faith in the
company. Talking honestly about the situation can strengthen their trust. The best companies
don't wait until disaster strikes to start communicating. If the company's been honest and
communicating effectively all along, they have a valuable reservoir of trust built up.

2.6.10 Role of internet in communication

The Internet is a global system of inter connected computer networks that use the standard
Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks
that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local
to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking
technologies. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services, most
notably the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (www) and the
infrastructure to support electronic mail. The Internet has enabled or accelerated the creation of
new forms of human interactions through instant messaging, internet forums, and social
networking sites.

Most of the technologies that are unique to the Internet require communication to be done in text
letters with some symbols and punctuation. Communicating effectively involves taking the time,
except in informal communications, to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation and
writing an appropriate message. 3. ISPRS SC WEBPAGE Considering these requirements a
website was designed just before the ISPRS Congress in 2008. The web site is based on
experiences of many years, designed and programmed security standards and user friendly
member module provides member directory, an individual page, member map, message boards
and many more in technical and social.

2.6.11 Communication and Business

The ability to communicate with people both inside and outside your organization is a key
characteristic of successful business builders.

Effective communication strengthens the connections between a company and all of its
stakeholders and benefits businesses in numerous ways: Stronger decision making and faster
problem solving; earlier warning of potential problems; increased productivity and steadier
workflow; stronger business relationships; clearer and more persuasive marketing messages;
enhanced professional images for both employers and companies; lower employee turnover and
higher employee satisfaction; and better financial results and higher return for investors.
2.6.12 The need for communication skills
The importance of communication is not surprising when you consider the staggering amount of
time people spend communicating on the job. One study, published in Business Outlook, based
on the responses from over 1000 employers at Fortune 1000 companies found that workers send
and receive an average of 1798 messages each day via telephone, email, faxes, papers, and face-
to-face communications. Some experts have estimated that the average business executive
spends approximately 75% to 80% of the day engaged in oral or written communication.

The need for communication skills is important in virtually every career. Practitioners in Big Six
accounting firms spend 80% of their work time communicating with others, individually and in
groups. Likewise, engineers spend most of their professional lives writing, speaking, and
listening. Communication ability can result in better chance of promotion

Technical people with good communication skills earn more, and those who are weak
communicators suffer. William Schaffer, international business development manager for
computer giant Sun Microsystems, made the point emphatically: “If there’s one skill that’s
required for success in this industry, it’s communication.”

Over 90% of the personnel officials at 500 US businesses stated that increased communication
skills are needed for success in the 21st century.

Subscribers to the Harvard Business Review rated “the ability to communicate” as the most
important factor in making an executive “promotable,” more important than ambition, education,
and capacity for hard work. Research spanning several decades has consistently ranked
communication skills as crucial for managers.

One twenty-year study that followed the progress of Stanford University MBAs revealed that the
most successful graduates (as measured by both career advancement and salary) developed their
communication skills by choosing courses such as business writing, leading, persuading, selling
ideas, negotiating, interviewing, conducting meetings, resolving conflicts and working with
cultural diversity.

3.0 Introduction
As researchers; this chapter called Research Methodology which means the bridge that links all
the chapters of the research and usually discusses research design, research population, sampling
procedure, sampling size, research instruments, validity and reliability, data collection
procedure, data analysis, and ethical consideration and let this chapter start with the research

3.1 Research design

Burns and Grove (2003) define a research design as “a blueprint for conducting a study with maximum
control over factors that may interfere with the validity of the findings”. Parahoo (1997) describes a
research design as “a plan that describes how, when and where data are to be collected and analyzed”.

In this study, the research design will be a descriptive research design. Descriptive studies are usually the
best methods for collecting information that will demonstrate or describe the existing situation in the
study area. Bickman and Rog (1998) suggest that descriptive studies can answer questions such as “what
is” or “what was.” Descriptive research it does not answer questions about how/when/why the
characteristics occurred.

3.2 Research population

As (Paroo, 2009) defined the research population, is the total number of units, from which data can be
collected, such as individuals, artifacts, events or organizations. (Burns and Grove, 2003) describe
population as all the elements that meet the criteria for inclusion in a study.

This study, visited Telesom company in Hargeisa , Somaliland . The researcher decide to take the
research from Telsome employee specially marketing and sales department they are 120 .

According to the guides from research consultants, the researcher decided to take a possible sample of
this large population to obtain the appropriate data.

3.3 Sampling procedure

As (Ogula, 2005) sampling is a process or technique of choosing a sub-group from a population to
participate in the study. It is the process of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way
that the individuals selected represent the large group from which they were selected. There are two major
sampling procedures in research. These include probability and non-probability sampling with their sub

This study will use probability sampling especially simple random sampling from the target
population.the researcher take 92 from the target population as a sample size
3.4 Sample size
A sample size is a representative sub-set of a target population.

The sample size will be calculated by using Slovin's Formula.-issued to calculate the sample size (n)
given the population size (N) and a margin of error (e). –It is computed as n= N /(1+Ne2).If a sample is
taken from a population, formula must be used to take into account confidence levels and margins of

The correct formula that you have to use is, therefore, n=N/ (1+Ne2).According to the number of
departments in hospital, we can estimates our population as120; this is the value of N .So n, our sample
size will be calculated as N=120/ (1+120*0.05*0.05) =92

Target Location Population Sample Confidence Confidence

population size size level interval

Telesom Hargeisa 120 92 95% 10%


Total 120 92

3.5 Research instrument (Questionnaire and Observation)

As McMillan Schumacher, (2001), a questionnaire is a set of questions or statement that assesses
attitudes, opinions, beliefs, and Biographical information.

The study will use questionnaires and interview (because of the respondents under this study can read and
write) in order to get more detailed information since the questionnaire will provide greater anonymity to
the respondents. The researchers will administer them directly and with the issue of unambiguous items.

3.6.2 Reliability
McMilla& Schumacher (2001), Reliability refers to consistence of measurement or the extent to which
the results are similar over different forms of the same instrument or occasions of data collection and the
extent to which measures are free from errors

The researchers will use the internal consistency measure of reliability especially norm referenced tests
(NRTs). This method is used to determine the reliability of the instruments.

The developed questionnaires and the interview will be administered to the population. The scores of
each administration will be recorded separately.
3.7 Data Analysis
This sub-section discuss the procedure that will be utilized in data analysis techniques to be used in the
current study. After collection of the questionnaires, the first step will task the researcher to read through
them in order to ascertain their numbers and to see how/ if all the items will be responded to.

Secondly, the raw data will be sorted out and edited to identify blank spaces or unfilled items, spelling
mistakes and those that could have been wrongly responded to. Questionnaires will be organized and
classified according to the patterns of the responses given by the respondents, and their homogeneity.
Questions will then be coded for purposes of allocations of the magnitude of what is being measured.

Descriptive statistics will be used in the analysis of the data. Descriptive statistics using frequency
distributions and percentages will be used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics contain discrete
numerical data (Mugenda and Mugenda, 1999).

Descriptive statistics which include frequencies distribution, percentages, and measure of central
tendency such as means, mode and measure of dispersion which includes standard deviations will be
derived. These analyzed data will be used to summarize findings and describe the population sample

The responses will be organized in relation to the themes or research objectives and from this
information, the researcher will write a narrative and interpretive report in order to explain and reflect the
situation as it will be occurring in the selected sample.

The coded data will be entered in the computer for analysis using the SPSS package. The results of the
data to be analyzed will be presented in form of tables that will show numerical values in rows and
columns. Results from descriptive analysis will be presented both in text and tabular form. Figures that
will be drawn from the results in tables will also be used to present the results.

3.8 Ethical consideration

This research will protect confidently 100% the privacy information of the respondent’s response and it
will not be released or given out except for academic purpose for helping the future students who will
interest to prepare a study in this area.

The study will also consider the reputation of the respondents and the researchers will avoid the false
respondent to give false information.

Limitation of the Study

One of the limitations of this study is that it only focused on employee communication which is one of the
determinants of organization performance. Thus, the study left out other determinants of organization
performance such as costumer and management relationship and its effect on performance.
Chapter Four

This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the research findings.
The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study. Data were analyzed to
identify, describe and explore the effect of communication on organizational performance.

Result and discussion

Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents. (Source: primary data 2018)


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

18 to 25 10 10.9 11.6 11.6

25 to 35 56 60.9 65.1 76.7

35 and above 20 21.7 23.3 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0
(Source: primary data 2018)

The most of respondent ages were between 25-35 years old and educated where 60% answered
25-35 of their age. In ethical consideration the study focuses on the reputation of the respondents
and the researchers will avoid the false respondent to give false information. According to this.
The researchers try to assess the age of the respondents and the education level to avoid with the
age that a person under 18 years old and who is under high school level of their education level
to get accurate information of respondents.
3) Number of years in work place

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Last year 6 6.5 7.0 7.0

Last 5 years 12 13.0 14.0 20.9

Valid 10 years only 49 53.3 57.0 77.9

more than 10 years 19 20.7 22.1 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

This result shows that the most respondents worked in company for 10 years (53.26%) where
20% of them worked more than 10 years and 6.5% of the respondent worked last year. That
means the most of respondents are expert and knowledgeable in the company that decreases the
marginal of err or confidence interval of this data.
4) the effect of communication on the performance

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Very high 33 35.9 38.4 38.4

High 24 26.1 27.9 66.3

Valid Normal 25 27.2 29.1 95.3

Low 4 4.3 4.7 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

The result shows the importance of communication and its effect on performance. where the
most of respondents answered very high (35%) and high(26%) where (27%) of them answered
5) There is relationship between communication and performance so the organization’s goals
and objectives cannot be reached without communication

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Strongly agree 24 26.1 27.9 27.9

Agree 60 65.2 69.8 97.7

Disagree 2 2.2 2.3 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

The most of respondents answered agree (65%) that means if there’s no effective or poor
communication whether internally and externally the organization aims never be reached.
6) employee satisfaction in communications of the company

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Very satisfied 23 25.0 26.7 26.7

Neutral 55 59.8 64.0 90.7

Dissatisfied 8 8.7 9.3 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

59.78% of respondents answered Neutral where 25% of them answered very satisfied

It seems that all respondent are happy and satisfied with a communication in a company.

Otherwise if the workers are not satisfied in the communication in the company it will decrease
the efficiency of doing tasks
7) The Relationship between Effective Communication and Workers Commitment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Very high 6 6.5 7.0 7.0

High 38 41.3 44.2 51.2

Valid Normal 39 42.4 45.3 96.5

Low 3 3.3 3.5 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

The most of respondents answered high (41%) and normal (40%) this is indicates the importance
of communication and its effect on workers performance.
8) Poor external communication and its effect on organizational performance

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Strongly agree 9 9.8 10.5 10.5

Agree 25 27.2 29.1 39.5

Disagree 52 56.5 60.5 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

This result shows that 56.52% of the respondent answered disagree where 27% of them Agree
and 9.78% of the respondent answered strongly agree It seems that most workers do not give
importance to external relations, including customers that may cause the company to lose some
of its customers
9) Poor employee relations would effect on organizational performance?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Strongly agree 51 55.4 59.3 59.3

Valid Agree 35 38.0 40.7 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

51 out of 86 of respondent (55.43%) answered strongly agree and 35 out of 86 (38.04%) were
answer Agree.
10) Problem with a memory or difficulty in recalling instructions, details, and conversations of
employee members can cause poor performance?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Strongly agree 62 67.4 72.1 72.1

Valid Agree 24 26.1 27.9 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

This result shows a person who have Problem with a memory cannot complete the tasks as needed or
cannot take responsibility.
11) Does the employee effectively solve problems?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 37 40.2 43.0 43.0

Valid No 49 53.3 57.0 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

53% of the respondents answered no where 40% of them answered yes this shows that the
company problems not solves efficiently. When the company is Service Company this problem
causes poor external relations or loss of the customers. Unsolved or lack of troubleshooting
problems is biggest danger that the service companies faces.
12) Problem solving-skills is very important to apply in any organization performance

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Strongly agree 3 3.3 3.5 3.5

Valid Agree 83 90.2 96.5 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

The result shows that all employee knows the importance of problem solving-skills to apply in
any organization performance. 90% of them answered agree.
13) Responding to customer complaints is the most important thing that employee doing within
the organization.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Strongly agree 15 16.3 17.4 17.4

Valid Agree 71 77.2 82.6 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

77% of respondents answered (Agree) where 16.30% answered strongly agree.
14) Are the employee’s work methods and approach to accomplishing his job effective, efficient, and continuously

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 39 42.4 45.3 45.3

Valid Somehow 47 51.1 54.7 100.0

Total 86 93.5 100.0

Missing .00 6 6.5

Total 92 100.0

(Source: primary data 2018)

Yes, Somehow, no options were given for respondent to answer this question and the result
shows that 51% of them answered (somehow) that means the employee’s work methods and approach to
accomplishing his job effective, efficient, and continuously improving but not as well as needed


5.1 Findings
The main purpose of this research is to investigate the most problems related to communication
between companies and their customers.

The general objective of this research would be to analyses how the communication effect on the
organizational performance.

5.1.1 Objective one

To understand the importance of communication

In (table 4) the result shows the importance of communication and its effect on performance.
Where the most of respondents answered very high (35%) and high (26%) where (27%) of them
answered Normal.

In (table 7) the most of respondents answered high (41%) and normal (40%) this is indicates the
importance of communication and its effect on workers performance.

5.1.2 Objective two

To identify the relationship between communication and performance

In (table 8) the result shows that 56.52% of the respondent answered disagree where 27% of
them Agree and 9.78% of the respondent answered strongly agree It seems that most workers do
not give importance to external relations, including customers that may cause the company to
lose some of its customers.

5.1.3 Objective three

To understand the effect of bad communication on organizational performance In (table 11)53%
of the respondents answered no. where 40% of them answered yes this shows that the company
problems not solves efficiently. When the company is Service Company this problem causes
poor external relations or loss of the customers. Unsolved or lack of troubleshooting problems is
biggest danger that the service companies faces.

In (table 14)

Yes, Somehow, no options were given for respondent to answer the question and the result
shows that 51% of them answered (somehow) that means the employee’s work methods and
approach to accomplishing his job effective, efficient, and continuously improving but not
as well as needed.
Poor employee performance is the biggest problem that the service companies’ faces such as
decrease efficiency, improper troubleshooting and frequent complaints without interruption .This
problem may cause harm to the company or reduce the ability of the company in the market
because of there’s a competitors in market.

Employee communication is a key determinant of organization performance.

This is based on the fact that it facilitates exchange of information and opinion with the
organization and that communication helps in improving operational efficiency thus improving
organization performance.

In this study the researchers found that the result in (table 8) shows that 56.52% of the
respondent answered disagree where 27% of them Agree and 9.78% of the respondent answered
strongly agree it seems that most workers do not give importance to external relations, including
customers that may cause the company to lose some of its customers.

In (table 11)53% of the respondents answered no. where 40% of them answered yes this shows
that the company problems not solves efficiently. When the company is Service Company this
problem causes poor external relations or loss of the customers. Unsolved or lack of
troubleshooting problems is biggest danger that the service companies faces.
The study also recommends that organizations should develop effective communication
strategies. This will facilitate passing of information both within and outside the organization
thus improving performance. And to improve work methods and approach to accomplishing
jobs effectiveness, and efficiency continuously. Also the organization must focuses external
communication as well as internal communication.

Focusing on customer communication is important to the long-term success of any business. In

the early stages of the relationship, effective communication ensures your product or service
meets the customer's immediate needs. As time goes on, regular communication with your
customer base allows you to adapt and grow so you can continue to meet its requirements.

Gaining Clarity

Clarity of communication is important when attempting to understand what the customer truly
needs. Attaining clarity often involves asking key questions to gain a better understanding of the
customer's situation. Providing the customer with a clear understanding of what actions you
intend to take the remedy the situation along with a specific time frame leaves little doubt in her
mind of what to expect and eliminates confusion or misunderstandings.

Reinforcing the Sale

Communication can serve as a valuable reinforcement tool to solidify the purchase. For example,
a salesperson who stays in touch with a customer in the period immediately following the sale
can reinforce the benefits of his product or service and how they meet the customer's needs. They
can also quickly address any problems the customer may have, such as attempting to figure out
how to use a new product. In the process, the salesperson can also lay the foundation for a long-
term relationship leading to repeat sales.

Implementing Change

Your customers' requirements are likely to change over time, and the ability to communicate
with them helps you adapt to their changing needs. If you're a distributor of goods, for instance,
an increase in a customer's business may require a corresponding increase in the frequency of
your deliveries. By maintaining regular communication with the customer, you are better
prepared to provide the needed change in delivery schedule quickly and efficiently. In some
cases, you may even be able to anticipate the customer's need for change and make helpful
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Part one:
1) Your age?
a) 18-25
b) 25-35
c) 35 and above

Part two:

Communication and its effect:-

2) How long have you being worked for the company?

a) Less than 6months

b) 6 months
c) 6 m-1year
d) 1 year-2 years
e) 2 years-5years
f) more than 5 years

3) How much the communication would effect on the performance?

a) very high
b) high
c) Normal
d) Low

4) There is relationship between communication and performance so the organization’s goals and
objectives cannot be reached without communication. Do you agree with?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree

5) How satisfied are you with communications in your company?

a) Very satisfied
b) Neutral
c) Disagree
d) Dissatisfied Satisfied

7) The Relationship between Effective Communication and Workers Commitment?

a) Very Effective
b) Neutral
c) Effective
d) Not effective

8) Poor external communication would effect on organizational performance?

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree

9) Poor employee relations would effect on organizational performance?

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree

10) Problem with a memory or difficulty in recalling instructions, details, and conversations of
employee members can cause poor performance?

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree

11) Does the employee effectively solve problems?

a) Yes
b) No

12) Problem solving-skills is very important to apply in any organization performance did you

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree

13) Responding to customer complaints is the most important thing that employee doing within
the organization. Do you agree?

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
14) Are the employee’s work methods and approach to accomplishing his job effective, efficient,
and continuously improving?

a) Effective
b) Somehow
c) Not effective

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