Prelim in CFLM2

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I have learned that the leadership when we talk leadership is art of motivating a group of

people to act towards of achieving a common goal or something that you want to achieved.

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide

followers or other members of an organization.

Actually as an effective leader do inspire and motivate, and those who know how to bring out

of the best in themselves and others help their organization to thrive and grow. Especially

really wants to know what people think, the leader asks his or her employees. If you're leader

you have an easy level of honest communication with their teams, peers and organization.

Decision-making is a leadership skill that managers use to assess a situation and determine

how the organization may proceed. And the other term of decision making is at the center of

several intellectual discipline, economics, politics, system analysis and psychology to cite the

main ones. While making a decision must have positive and negatives of each option. In a

simple words of decision making to s solve a specific problem. But we have a process of the

decision making to gathering information in order to identify and create alternative answers

to the questions in other words, the meaning of decision making is that there must be an

answer to each question in order to discover or overcome the problem that we want to solve.

I have learned it's all about management is goal oriented process so that means always aim at

achieving the organizational objectives or to attain goal/ accomplished something. Includes

all those people who are concerned with managing an organization. It is sum of organized

activities by a group of people. Management involves decision making at various level of

organization for getting things done by others.

If you're good management is the backbone of successful organization. Managing an

organization means getting things done to achieve life's objectives and managing an

organization means getting things done through other people to achieve its objectives.

Management is a set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organizing, directing

and controlling, and the application of these. principles in harnessing physical, financial,

human and informational. resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational


However, I have learned that is POWER of Leadership refers to the ability to a person has to

control another actions such that he or she behaves according to his or her wishes. Such

power is a capacity or potential as it means a potential that does not need to be realized in

order to be effective. There may be a power but it doesn't need to be used to be successful.

In the last term, that I have learned it’s about MCDA which means Multiple Criteria Decision
Analysis. As it means of that is focuses on solving problems, while very old this field of
decision making has drawn attention from many researchers and practitioners, and is still
widely debated as there are many MCDA approaches that can produce very different results
when applied to exactly to the same data. Decision making concepts can a solution be seen as
problem, solving process that generates a solution that is a considered to be ideal or at least

They have Group Decision Making which means also known Collaborative decision making
is a situation faced when individuals collectively make a choice from the alternatives before
them. The decision is the no longer attributes to any single individual who is member of
group. This is because the result applies to certain system of individuals and social classes
such as social power. While individual decision making in general, a person takes prompt
decision, when in a group keeping any one person responsible for a wrong decision is not
easy. Human decision taking usually saves time, resources and energy as individuals make
timely and rational choices. Although taking group decision takes a lot of time, money and

In the Decision Making Models in Criminal Justice for criminal justice, decision making
requires more than studying the rules and applying them to individual cases. Decision are
based on discretion that is, the exercise of human judgement in order to make decision about
alternative courses of action. Professional in criminal justice have a little time to make
important decision which may be the difference between life and death. While is no decision
making process that is fool proof, training, conditioning and practice among criminal justice
leadership can help these professionals react more rationally and strategically in the heat of
the moment.


I learned a lot in the subject, it is about personal values, characteristics, and formation,

especially how to be a leader in our subordinates or organizations. As a leadership we need to

motivate and inspire our groups or organization. While in decision making I learned a lot

because of that I'll change my mindset, when you have good decision you're really quickly to

resolve your problems that's the impact of decision making so that you have been discipline

as ourselves and our decision involves self-awareness.


I really annoying if you are moody in every class meeting because of my classmate’s

attitudes or behavior it's not your thing to be angry with the students but we respect you

because of your kindness to us, where did you inherit your moodiness? I hope you are not

annoying with me HAHAHAHA.






Date: Dec 13, 2023

Instructor: Madam Shela Marie M. Egat

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