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Certificate of Insurance cum Policy Schedule

RenaultKwid Valid from Valid till (midnight)

T N11AC1581 10 JAN 23 09 JAN 24
Car owner Owner number Owner email
Prime Offer Plan Policy price Car value
Comprehensive with Consumables ₹ 3440.00 ₹ 212277
Please refer overlay for more details

WELCOME! We’re happy to have you at Acko, and promise to be there for you always. You’re now a part of the
Acko Advantage program, which takes care of everything if your car ever runs into trouble. Just call us
immediately on 1800 266 2256 when things go wrong and we’ll take it from there.

Acko Non-Acko
Advantage* Advantage
Free car pick-up
from home,
office or accident
Repairs at our
network of
expert garages.

3-day repair

Cab voucher**
worth Rs.
500/day if
there's a repair

Car drop at your


Cashless and

*Only applicable in selected cities provided you call us immediately - Ahmedabad | Bangalore | Chennai | Delhi | Hyderabad | Kolkata | Mumbai |
**Cab vouchers available in the cities mentioned above. Please refer the Terms & Conditions for more details

Please Note: Previous Policy document is required in case of claim within 30 days of Acko Policy Start Date.

If you are a workshop or garage staff

Please call Acko for quick settlements on 1800 209 9910 [ GST# for workshop Invoice 27AAOCA9055C1ZJ ]

Acko Ge ne ral Ins urance Ltd .

Unit No . 301, E Wing, Lo tus C o rpo rate Park , Off We s te rn Expre s s Highway, Go re gao n (E), Mumbai- 40006 3
Email: he llo @ack o .co m | Pho ne : 1800 26 6 2256 | www.ack o .co m
Pro duct: Private C ar Pack age Po licy | C IN : U6 6 000MH2016 PLC 287385
IRDAI Re g No . 157 | HS N: 9 9 7134 | GS T: 27AAOC A9 055C 1ZJ
UIN: IRDAN157RP0007V02201718/A0009 V01201819 Page 1 o f 6
What’s Covered
A snapshot of all the coverages in this policy.

Accide nts Fire T he f t

Damages caused due to an accident are Damages resulting from self-ignition, In case of theft, insured value of the car
covered. explosion and lightening are covered. will be paid.

C alamitie s T hird - Party Lo sse s C o nsumable s

Damages caused due to earthquake, Third party losses resulting in injury, Covers the cost of consumables like nut,
riots and other natural/man-made death or property damage in case of an bolt, lubricant etc. consumed during car
calamities are covered. accident are covered. repair due to accident.

What’s Not Covered

A snapshot of all the coverages that are not covered in this policy.

No n Accide ntal Damage s C o nse que ntial Lo ss & Nucle ar Risk & War Ille gal Driving
Wear & tear, breakdowns, C o ntractual Liability Damages to your car due to Driving without a valid driving
failures, and deductibles are Indirect damage or liability nuclear risk, war & mutiny license, or under the influence of
not covered. Also arising due to your car alcohol and/or other illegal
consequential damages or accident. substances will not be covered.
liabilities that arise due to car
accidents will not be covered.

T yre s, T ube s & Engine C ar Re vie w Exce ptio n C o mme rcial usage o f the
Damage to tyres, tubes, and Pre-existing Damages as C ar
engine is not covered unless found on vehicle inspection. If the Car is registered as
they are damaged due to an Private vehicle & if it is used
accident. for commercial purpose than
the losses or liability due to
accident during such usage is
not covered in this policy.

The info rmatio n pro vide d he re in abo ve is fo r the purpo s e o f illus tratio n o nly. Fo r mo re de tails o n ris k facto rs , te rms ,
co nditio ns and e xclus io ns , ple as e re ad the po licy wo rdings ( https ://www.ack o .co m/do wnlo ad ) care fully. Page 2 of 6
Private Car Package Policy


Insured Name: SENTHILKUMAR B Registration Number: TN11AC158 1
Address/Pincode: 600073 Make/Model: RenaultKwid
Nominee Name: RENUGADEVI Purchase Year: 2017
Relationship: Spouse Engine CC/Fuel Type: 999 / petrol
Period of Insurance: 10 Jan 23 00:00 hrs to 09 Jan 24 23:59 Engine Number: E029369
hrs Chassis No: MEEBBA00XGC452104
Policy Issuance Date: 07 Jan 23
Policy Number: ACCA00753315610/00


Ve hicle IDV (₹) Acce sso rie s (₹) Bif ue l K it (₹) T o tal IDV (₹)

212277 0 0 212277


Own Damage Pre mium (A) Liability Pre mium (B)

Basic Own Damage ₹ 1226.0 Basic Third Party Liability ₹ 2094.0

NCB Discount ₹ -195.0

Coupon Discount ₹ -249.0

Consumables ₹ 39.0

Net Own Damage Premium (A) ₹ 8 21.0 Net Liability Premium (B) ₹ 2094.0

Total Package Premium ₹ 2915.00

IGST (18 %) ₹ 525.0

Total Premium ₹ 3440.00

Geographical Area: India Voluntary Deductible: ₹0 Hypothecation: NA

No-Claim Bonus: 20 Compulsory Deductible: ₹ 1000

L i m i tati o n s As T o U se: The Po licy co ve rs us e o f the ve hicle fo r any purpo s e o the r than: a) Hire o r Re ward b) Carriage o f go o ds (o the r than s ample s o r pe rs o nal
luggage ) c) Organize d racing d) Pace mak ing e ) Spe e d te s ting f) Re liability Trials g) Any purpo s e in co nne ctio n with Mo to r Trade . Perso n s o r Cl ass o f Perso n s
en ti tl ed to d ri ve: Any pe rs o n ((including the ins ure d), pro vide d that a pe rs o n driving ho lds a valid driving lice ns e at the time o f the accide nt and is no t dis qualifie d
fro m ho lding o r o btaining s uch a lice ns e . Pro vide d als o that the pe rs o n ho lding a valid le arne r's lice ns e may als o drive the ve hicle and that s uch a pe rs o n s atis fie s the
re quire me nts o f Rule 3 o f the Ce ntral Mo to r Ve hicle s Rule s , 198 9. L i m i ts o f L i ab i l i ty. 1. Unde r Se ctio n II-1 (i) o f the po licy - De ath o f o r bo dily injury - Such amo unt as
is ne ce s s ary to me e t the re quire me nts o f the Mo to r Ve hicle s Act, 198 8 . 2 . Unde r Se ctio n II - 1(ii) o f the po licy -Damage to Third Party Pro pe rty - Rs . 7 5 0 0 0 0 T erm s,
Co n d i ti o n s & Exc l u si o n s: As pe r the Indian Mo to r Tariff. A pe rs o nal co py o f the s ame is available fre e o f co s t o n re que s t & the s ame is als o available at o ur we bs ite .
I / We he re by ce rtify that the po licy to which the ce rtificate re late s as we ll as the ce rtificate o f ins urance are is s ue d in acco rdance with the pro vis io n o f chapte r X, XI o f
Mo to r Ve hicle s Act, 198 8 . Stamp Duty o f Rs * * /- is paid as pro vide d unde r Article 4 7 o f Indian Stamp Act, 18 99 and include d in Co ns o lidate d Stamp Duty Paid to the
Go ve rnme nt o f Maharas htra Tre as ury vide Orde r o f Addl. Co ntro lle r o f Stamps , Mumbai at Ge ne ral Stamp Office , Fo rt, Mumbai - 4 0 0 0 0 1., vide this Orde r No .
(LOA/CSD/3 93 /2 0 2 2 /Validity Pe rio d Dt. 15 /0 7 /2 0 2 2 To Dt. 3 1/12 /2 0 2 3 / 2 912 Date :0 1/0 7 /2 0 2 2 ). GSTN: 2 7 AAOCA90 5 5 C1ZJ. IMPO RT ANT NO T ICE: The Ins ure d is no t
inde mnifie d if the ve hicle is us e d o r drive n o the rwis e than in acco rdance with this Sche dule . Any payme nt made by the Co mpany by re as o n o f wide r te rms appe aring in
the Ce rtificate in o rde r to co mply with the Mo to r Ve hicle s Act, 198 8 is re co ve rable fro m the Ins ure d. Se e the claus e he ade d " AVOIDANCE OF CERTAIN TERMS AND RIGHT
OF RECOVERY" in the po licy wo rdings . Di sc l ai m er: The Po licy s hall be vo id fro m ince ptio n if the pre mium che que is no t re alize d. In the e ve nt o f mis re pre s e ntatio n,
fraud o r no n-dis clo s ure o f mate rial fact, the Co mpany re s e rve s the right to cance l the Po licy. The po licy is is s ue d bas is the info rmatio n pro vide d by yo u, which is
available with the co mpany. In cas e o f dis cre pancy/no n re co rding o f re le vant info rmatio n in the po licy, the ins ure d is re que s te d to bring the s ame to the no tice o f the
co mpany within 15 days . This Po licy is to be re ad in co njunctio n with the Po licy wo rdings (https ://www.ack o .co m/do wnlo ad) available o n the we bs ite o f the Co mpany.
On re ne wal, the be ne fits pro vide d unde r the po licy and/o r te rms and co nditio ns o f the po licy including pre mium rate may be s ubje ct to change .


Name C o ntact Email Addre ss

AMAZON PAY (INDIA) PRIVATE 18 00 266 2256 amazon-insurance- 8 TH FLOOR, BRIGADE GATEWAY,26/1 DR.

Acko General Insurance Ltd.

Unit No . 3 0 1, E Wing, Lo tus Co rpo rate Park , Off We s te rn Expre s s Highway, Go re gao n (E), Mumbai- 4 0 0 0 63
Email: he llo @ ack o .co m | Pho ne : 18 0 0 2 66 2 2 5 6 | www.ack o .co m
Pro duct: Private Car Pack age Po licy | CIN : U660 0 0 MH2 0 16PLC2 8 7 3 8 5
IRDAI Re g No . 15 7 | HSN: 997 13 4 | GST: 2 7 AAOCA90 5 5 C1ZJ Fo r Ack o Ge ne ral Ins urance Ltd.
UIN: IRDAN15 7 RP0 0 0 7 V0 2 2 0 17 18 /A0 0 0 9V0 12 0 18 19 Duly Co ns titute d Atto rne y
Page 3 o f 6

Received with thanks from SENT HILKUMAR B a sum of ₹ 3 440.00 towards premium on Car Insurance Policy


Name of Insured: SENTHILKUMAR B
Period of Insurance: 10 Jan 23 00:00 hrs to 09 Jan 24 23:59 hrs
Policy Number: ACCA00753315610/00
Payment Date: 07 Jan 23


Gross Premium ₹2915.00

IGST (18 %) ₹525.0

Total Premium ₹3440.00

We he re by de clare that tho ugh o ur aggre gate turno ve r in any pre ce ding financial ye ar fro m 2017-18 o nwards is mo re than the aggre gate turno ve r no tifie d
unde r s ub-rule (4) o f rule 48 o f C GS T Rule s 2017, we are no t re quire d to pre pare an invo ice in te rms o f the pro vis io ns o f the s aid s ub-rule .


Issuance of this receipt does not amount to acceptance of the risk by Acko General Insurance Limited. The insurance cover for the risk shall be
as per the terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy if and when issued. * Cheque/DD/PO receipt is valid subject to realization of the

Acko Ge ne ral Insurance Ltd.

Unit No. 301, E Wing, Lotus Corporate Park, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (E), Mumbai-
Email: | Phone: 18 00 266 2256 |
CIN : U66000MH2016PLC28 738 5 | IRDAI Reg No. 157 | HSN: 997134 | GST: 27AAOCA9055C1ZJ For Acko General Insurance Ltd.
UIN: IRDAN157RP0007V02201718 /A0009V012018 19 Duly Constituted Attorney
Page 4 of 6


We wish to inform you that the Insurance policy number ACCA00753 3 15610/00 has been issued on the basis
of the information and declaration given by you, the transcript whereof is mentioned below.

Please be informed that this Policy shall be construed to be void ab initio/invalid in the event we find that you have not
disclosed material or correct information required for the purpose of providing the below insurance cover and in case of any
claim arising under the policy in such a scenario, we shall be under no obligation whatsoever to settle such claim to you and the
premium paid by you under this policy shall stand fully forfeited.


Policy Number: ACCA00753315610/00 Previous Policy Expired: Expired
Period of Insurance: 10 Jan 23 00:00 hrs to 09 Jan 24 23:59 Expiry Range: Less Than 10 Days
hrs Previous Policy Insurer: Acko General Insurance
Policy Issuance Date: 07 Jan 23 Previous Policy Number: ACCA004634178 00/00


Car Number: TN11AC158 1 Name: SENTHILKUMAR B
Make/Model: RenaultKwid Email Address:
Type: Private Mobile Number: XXXXXX1148
Fuel Type: petrol NCB: 20
Registration Year: 2017 Address/Pincode: 600073
Insured Declared Value (IDV): 212277
Accessories (IDV): 0
Engine Number: E029369
Chassis Number: MEEBBA00XGC452104


Relationship with Insured: Spouse


Add-o ns/ Othe rs Include d Exclude d

PA Cover -
Consumables -
Car Protect -
Zero Depreciation -

1. No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue and
insurance in respect of any kind or risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any
rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate expect such
rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the prospectus or tables of the Insurer.
2. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to 10 lakh rupees.

Acko Ge ne ral Insurance Ltd.

Unit No. 301, E Wing, Lotus Corporate Park, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (E), Mumbai-
Email: | Phone: 18 00 266 2256 |
CIN : U66000MH2016PLC28 738 5 | IRDAI Reg No. 157 | HSN: 9971 | GST: 27AAOCA9055C1ZJ For Acko General Insurance Ltd.
UIN: IRDAN157RP0007V02201718 /A0009V012018 19 Duly Constituted Attorney
Page 5 of 6
“I/We desire to insure with Acko General Insurance Limited in respect of the vehicle described in this proposal form and confirm that the
statements contained in this application are my/our true and accurate representations. I/We undertake that if any of the statements are found
to be false or incorrect, the benefits under this policy would stand forfeited. I/We agree that this application and declaration shall be promissory
and shall be the basis of the contract between me/us and Acko General Insurance Limited. I/We agree to the Company taking appropriate
measures to capture the voice log for all such telephonic transactions carried out by me/us as required by the procedures/regulations internal or
external to the Company and shall not hold the Company responsible or liable for relying/using such recorded telephonic conversation. In the
event of nonrealization of the cheque or non-receipt of the amount of premium by the Company the policy shall be deemed cancelled ‘ab-initio’
and the Company shall not be responsible for any liabilities of whatsoever nature under this Policy.” I/We agree to receive ‘Certificate of
Insurance or Policy Schedule’ only and shall access the policy terms, conditions and exclusions on the company’s website.

Acko Ge ne ral Insurance Ltd.

Unit No. 301, E Wing, Lotus Corporate Park, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (E), Mumbai-
Email: | Phone: 18 00 266 2256 |
CIN : U66000MH2016PLC28 738 5 | IRDAI Reg No. 157 | HSN: 997134 | GST: 27AAOCA9055C1ZJ For Acko General Insurance Ltd.
UIN: IRDAN157RP0007V02201718 /A0009V012018 19 Duly Constituted Attorney
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