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Francia, Anime L.

DLOMT 3-3 January 5, 2024

1. Aside from five (5) United State, Japan, China, Korea, dubai major countries mentioned in the
lesson discussed, what may be the sixth country you should consider for expansion or working.
Cite at least three (3) major reasons why. Expound your answer.
 Australia boasts a strong and stable economy, providing a stable business environment.
A favorable business environment is created by its robust regulatory framework,
transparent legal system, and well-developed infrastructure. This consistency may be
helpful to businesses looking for a safe and dependable market.
 Great Quality of Life: Professionals and their families find Australia to be a desirable
destination due to its great quality of life. The nation’s emphasis on work-life balance,
first-rate healthcare system, and diversified cultural landscape all add to the happiness
of its workforce.
 Australia’s geographic location within the Asia-Pacific region makes it a key entry point
to a number of quickly expanding markets. Being present in Australia gives you access to
neighboring Asian economies, which opens up trade and corporate expansion prospects
throughout the Asia-Pacific area.

2. Some of the tenets of good international business ethics are compliance with workers’ rights and
providing healthy, culturally sensitive working conditions, following diversity guidelines in hiring
practices, conducting business operations within the framework of laws and regulations and
operating in an environmentally sustainable manner. Provide real-life examples of how
understanding these international business ethics have influenced business strategies and
operations across diverse regions.
 Workers’ Rights and Conditions: For instance, the international sportswear giant Nike
came under fire for its labor policies at its foreign factories. As a result, the business
established tighter labor laws, a more transparent supply chain, and partnered with
NGOs to promote workers’ rights. This change boosted Nike’s brand recognition and
customer trust in addition to improving working conditions.

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