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I am enthusiastic about learning and growing in every aspect of life. Since childhood, I have
been curious about the world around me and eager to explore it. I have participated in various
activities such as science fairs, debates, and co-curricular events. I have also demonstrated
leadership skills by being chosen as the class representative multiple times. My dream is to
become a product manager in a reputed company. To achieve this, I have completed my B.Tech
degree and acquired skills in Java, Python, and Salesforce, which is my current domain. I have
also gained experience in different roles such as admin, developer, and support engineer. I have
the technical expertise that is required for the job. The next step for me is to pursue a
management degree from a top-notch college. By combining my technical and Kelly’s
managerial skills, I can reach my goal and advance my career further.

The MBA program would provide me with the opportunity to enhance my technical skills and
acquire the knowledge and competencies to work, lead, and innovate in a global environment.
For example, I would learn how to use data analytics and artificial intelligence to optimize
business processes and outcomes. These skills would help me to approach business problems
from a comprehensive perspective and create technological solutions that align with the
strategic vision of the organization. I would also learn how to collaborate effectively with diverse
teams and stakeholders across different contexts and cultures. For instance, I would develop
my intercultural communication and negotiation skills to manage cross-border projects and
partnerships. Some other skills that I would learn from the MBA program are: strategic thinking,
leadership, entrepreneurship, ethics, and social responsibility.

I have set some ambitious goals for my near future, but I am also prepared to adapt if they are
not feasible. In that case, I would explore other opportunities in project management or
technology consulting. These roles would not only require a combination of technical and
managerial skills, but also offer me a variety of career options and paths in the tech industry,
which is my ultimate career aspiration.

I am confident in my abilities to overcome any challenges and shine brightly in any situation. I
have a strong passion for pursuing my goals and I will not give up on them. I wish Kelly would
see my potential and support me in achieving my dream. I believe that with hard work and
dedication, I can make a positive difference in the world. I am always eager to learn new things
and improve myself. I am grateful for every opportunity that comes my way and I try to make the
best of it.

One of the most difficult and challenging situations I faced in my life was when my dad had
heart failure. He was diagnosed with severe blockage in his arteries and had to undergo open-
heart surgery. He is my superhero, my role model, my best friend. I had never seen him in a
weak or vulnerable state. He had always been strong and confident, taking care of our family
and providing us with everything we needed. He had taught me to be brave and courageous, to
overcome my fears and to face the challenges of life. But when I saw him lying on the hospital
bed, hooked on machines and tubes, I felt a surge of fear and anxiety. I feared losing him. I
feared not being able to see him smile, hear him laugh, or hug him again. I feared how our
family would cope without him. I feared how I would cope without him.
As the youngest child in the family, I had a responsibility to take care of my mom and my
siblings. They were also going through a lot of stress and worry. They needed my support and
comfort. I had to be strong for them. I had to be strong for my dad. I realized that fear was not
something that I had to hide or suppress. Fear was something that I had to face and overcome.
I decided to use my fear as a motivation to do my best and to help my family. I prayed for my
dad's recovery and well-being. I encouraged him to be positive and optimistic. I focused on the
present and the future, not on the past and what ifs. I faced my fear with courage and faith.
My dad's heart surgery was a success. He recovered well and regained his health and strength.
I am grateful to have him in my life. I am grateful to have my family in my life. I learned a lot from
this experience. I learned that fear is not a weakness, but a strength. Fear is not a barrier, but a
challenge. Fear is not a curse, but a blessing. Fear teaches us to value what we have, to
appreciate what we can lose, to cherish what we can gain. Fear teaches us to be
compassionate, to be resilient, to be hopeful. Fear teaches us to be human.

My professional background is in IT, where I have worked with Salesforce, a leading CRM tool.
Additionally, I have passion for investment. I like to study Market Strategies and invest.

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