The Myer Test

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The Myer-Briggs Typen Indicator Test

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The Myer-Briggs Typen Indicator Test
The online test is a self-report inventory that allows one to fill in certain questions
based on strongly agree or strongly disagree levels. The questionnaire developed by Myers-
Briggs identifies the user's personality type by considering one's strengths and preferences.
Isabel Myers and her mother, Katherine Briggs, developed the work, relying on Carl Jung's
theory of personality types. Jung's work provided Myers and Briggs with the Extraversion-
introversion dichotomy to describe how individuals interact with the world around them. The
results often include the E or I connotation. However, the Extraversion and introversion
constructs are used differently in the MBTI. The MBTI considers extraverts as "outward-
turning" and is more action-oriented. Extraverts also enjoy social interaction and are expected
to feel energized after social interactions.
In contrast, introverts are "inward-turning." Introverts tend to think deeply and are
selective with their social interactions. A set of 93 choice questions determines the diverse
personalities. However, it is essential to note that the European version has 88 questions.
Results Analysis
ENTPS are rare and only makeup 3.6 % of the population. The personality test results
indicate that I am an ENTP or an entrepreneur. The ENTP personality is one of the 16
different personalities under the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. According to the results, some
of the famous personalities who fit within this personality include Barrack Obama. The
personality results indicate that I am innovative, expressive, clever, and idea-oriented. The
personality is at times associated with those who are "visionary," "innovators," and
"debaters." One of the positives I have learned from the study is that I have the ability to
interact with others and engage in rational debates. Conversations about things that interest
me allow me to feel energized. However, at times, I find myself in a position where I lose
sight of close relationships with others. One of the main drawbacks is that I may appear
pushy and rude at times, while others may view me as impatient and harsh. The results
further indicate that I may be in a position where I may not be excellent at making plans and
completing projects since I am likely to view different possibilities, making it wise for me to
work with others to formulate ideas. The personality trait test results, however, indicate I
should refrain from planning and implementing.
Changing my personality type
According to the test results, there are certain areas I need to work on. My primary
weaknesses include the possibility of being argumentative. With the possibility of making
every issue an argument, some of the persons I work with are likely to find the behavior
unwelcome. In addition, I need to work towards formulating workable schedules and routines
and avoid a scenario where I'm not too fond of schedules. I further have to work on a need to
respect and recognize the input of others and not view their actions as a way of controlling
me. According to the personality test, I don't particularly appreciate being controlled. I
further have to minimize taking frequent breaks and focus on my work to avoid being
Gussone, F. (2021). Myers-Briggs personality test: what you need to know. Mental health.
King, S. P., & Mason, B. A. (2020). Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator. The Wiley Encyclopedia
of Personality and Individual Differences: Measurement and Assessment, 315-319.
My Personality Test. (2018, April 02). 100% free personality test - discover yourself.
Retrieved October 07, 2021, from

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