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Proposed customization Customization description Enabled legal entities

@ALF000018S Get WBS item price while creating p4030

WBS Item Price To PO Get WBS item price while creating p4030
Update packing slip status in proUpdate project contract status when4030
Billing rule UOD item attributes Item and its dimensions tab in billing4030
Copy milestone Copy milestone functionality while w4030
Bank gurantee reference Bank guarantee reference tab in all 4030
User end details User end detail tab on line details i 4030
Purchase requition from item rePurchase requisition from item requirement customizations regarding item category etc
Work breakdown structure Work break down structure customizations in All projects
Shop Order Number Shop Order # fields on Project 4050
Credit note reason Credit note reason on E invoice on I 4030
Create request for quotation Request for Quotation button on all 4050
All Projects workflow enable disaProject Stages Enabled disabled 4050
SKU Customization Enable SKU Customization for WBS 4030
Sales team detail Sales team detail customization on sales order for sale rep & support rep
Search Name Config Serach Name should be changed and come from concatenated string with the value of Config
PurchPool On the creation of purchase order the purchpool field should be mandatory
Purch Pool StandAlone On the creation of purchase order the Stand Alone should be filled and if field not StandAlon
Sales order type Aqeesa-customization : sales order type (journal to sales order) change on workflow approva
Cancel sales order It shows the custom cancel order functionality on sales order and hides the standard one
Recall sales order Recall will be enable when sales ord5040
Disable sales order fields It will disable all the tab pages ex 5040
Sales rep 1 financial dimension It will enable the customization for automatically populating the financial dimension on creati
Sales order action pane on workIt will enable the ReleaseToWareho 5040
Sales rep and support rep lookupIt will enable the customized Sales rep and support rep lookup on projects, sales agreement a
Conditional, withholding, and HoIt will enables the customization which makes withHolding PO, Conditional PO, and Hold-PO
Minimum order value Enable disable the minimum order value for Aqeesa. Pass or Fail status depends upon this cu
Mandatory financial dimension It will enable the customization which makes financial dimension mandatory for Sales order,
Auto appointment creation Appointment creation on creation of Loads in advance warehousing
Validate SO before submitting wValidate sales order before submitting workflow
Landed cost auto calculation Landed cost auto Recalculation
Packing preparation Packing preparation
Sales price It will enables the sales price on sales order line if sales order is created from sales agreemen
Button line quick quote and ret If sales pool is slip then disable these Button line quick quote and retail add item menu item
Sales/Support responsible commsales reps and support reps commission fields enabling disabling in sales order based on sales
Return date on sales order Sales order return date based on sales pool avail physical check
Quantity could not be greater thQuantity could not be greater than existing quantity when sales order pool contains slip orde
Quantity greater than existing a Quantity could not be greater than existing And Must be greater than zero when sales order
Slip sales item lookup on sales o Slip sales item should populate in sales line item lookup and lookup validation on sales order
Payment mode and payment term Payment modes and payment terms lookup on sales order from allowed payment terms on s
Teco pr complete process and it Teco PR process and its all dependent fields and processes. Note: This is the only one to enab
Sales reps and sales taker valida Apply sales reps and sales taker validations on sales order, sales agreement, and project
Disabling org number on customValidates org number on basis of uniqueness, makes org number mandatory on customers/v
Mandatory financial dimensionsMandatory financial dimension which set in system administration for SO, PO, SA and Project
CRM integration process CRM integration of aqeesa. It involves the agreements, sale order and project creation from C
Sales rep financial dimension Copy sales rep 1 financial dimension if sales responsible is set on sales order | sales agreeme
Copy sales reps agreements Copy sales/support reps to sales order if sales order is created from sales agreement
Exclude credit management on sIf sales order pool have exclude credit management check set to yes then on sales order alwa
Copy sales reps projects Copy sales/support reps to sales order if sales order is created from project
Copy sales pool id for SO Copy sales pool id from AR parameters, when sales order is being created from Projects
Advance billing rules Advance payment terms on sales order from SO paym-terms master data
Hold codes insertion on sales order workflow approval. Those hold codes which are in advanc
SO created from SA enable/disabl If sales order created from sales agreement, disable fields
Shortage quantity on purchase oShortage quantity will set on purchase order when going to create from sales order
Sales order custom margin Custom margin will show on sales order ((sales price - custom item unit cost) / sales price) * 1
Retention invoice Create separate number sequences for invoices created through retention
Hour journal field customizaionsEnable or disable fields based on remaining amount in customer transactions on hour journa
Item arrival customization For testing item arrival quantity issue
HS Code on Item Id modificationModifying item on purchase order lines assigns item commodity code on HS code
Initialize purchase line ETA dat Initializes purchase order line ETA date with ETA date from purchase order header
Convert sales order from journalConvert sales order from journal to sales and confirm it on workflow approval on sales order
PO from master planning PO creation from master planning,if change management is active , PO will be in draft state, i
Make arabic description non-maMake arabic description non-mandat5040, 5032
Confirm SO on workflow approvaMake arabic description non-mandatory on Purchase orders
Only post item arrivals journals Only post item arrivals journals if they have at least one line with <c>Posted</c> field checke
Item arrival actual part code fiel Copy actual part code from item configuration on item arrival journal lines.
Sales line reason code with tax- Sales line reason code will be enable/disable when tax item group change. If tax item group i
Create purchase order from salePurchase order creation from sales order initializes with shortage quantity from sales order li
Automatic location on purchase Changing inventory dimensions on purchase order lines automatically populates location from
Init pegging from PO lines Insert pegging data from purchase order lines when creating purchase orders from planned o
Initialize purchase order financi Initialize purchase order financial dimensions from sales orders
Hides terms and conditions field from Purchase order header
PR Line Modification StarLink Purchase requisition Line modification for StarLink
Sales order financial dimension Copy sales order id to financial dimension
Change status on project invoiceChange status on project invoice
Update hold status on inventoryUpdate hold status on inventory item purchase setups
Project billing rules set in lines This customization makes it so that project billing rules are not set in billing rule lines unless p
Enable delivery note to customeEnables or disables delivery note to customers on shipment form
Date of receipt on item arrival li Initialize item arrival lines date of receipt from date of receipt on header
Fill Orderer, PO qty on item arrivFill Orderer, PO qty on item arrival
System date on lines is copied f System date on lines is copied from system's current date
Item id validation on sales agre Bypassing the system validation on sales agreement when modify the item id on agreement l
External item reference External item id reference from product master when item id modified. It gets the external it
System date on item arrival fromSystem date on item arrival from header to lines copy
Sales order validation on deletioSales order deletion will not be able until a posted advance invoice exist against that sales or
ALF Skip Arabic Description ManSkip Arabic Checks on selected Entit5040
Sales Order Confirmation TME Saels order confirmation journal button enable disable tme
Al-Shula Preferred Delivery Day Enables validation on sales order pac5040
Al-Shula Enabling Credit Limit VaEnabling Credit Limit on Completing5040
Al-Shula Grn Fields Alshula Enabling Some Fields for Grn Produc5040
Sales advance invoice Sales advance invoices
Hold newly created item until a Hold newly created item until workf5040
Al-Shula Default Order Setting f Enabling Default Order Settings for 5040
Al-Shula Additional Field Item MAdditional Fields on Master Data Fo 5040
Customized Fiedls Row Enabling + Menu Item Dab Code
Vendor on hold Vendors on hold customization for 5040, 5030, 50SK
Al-Shula Enable Fields On Posti Al-Shula Enable Fields On Posting O 5040
Al-Shula Due Date and Payment Al-Shula Enable Fields of Due Date 5040
Al-Shula Reason for Revision Al-Shula Enable Reason for Revision5040
Al-Shula DAB Codes And CustomAl-Shula Enable DAB Codes and Cust5040
Sale order hold codes Hold codes insertion on sales order workflow approval. Those hold codes which are in advanc
Advance billing rules for advanceIt will link the payment terms with advance billing rules on SO, and on changing payment term
Packing Slip report aqeesa Packing slip report cerating issue at alshula, so please disable this for AlshulaLegalEntity
Sales line batch reservation Hold removal
ding item category etc

ng with the value of Configuaration and Style Dimension on creation of new saleorder

and if field not StandAlone error is thrown

ange on workflow approval
hides the standard one

nancial dimension on creation of project. This customization is for Aqeesa.

projects, sales agreement and sales order forms

nditional PO, and Hold-PO enables if PO status is open order or received
atus depends upon this customization.
mandatory for Sales order, Purchase order, Sales agreement, and Projects

eated from sales agreement

retail add item menu item
n sales order based on sales rep 2

der pool contains slip order check yes. it also contains the unit conversion case for quantities.
han zero when sales order pool contains avail physical check yes. This case also tells us the loan and cash case of SO
p validation on sales order line item dropdown.
lowed payment terms on sales order pools
This is the only one to enable each and everything required or belongs to teco pr process (from Pr request to sales order creation, po creati
reement, and project
mandatory on customers/vendors. Org number for KSA region has a limit of 10 characters
for SO, PO, SA and Project
and project creation from CRM Screen
ales order | sales agreement | project
m sales agreement
es then on sales order always created in exclude from credit management state
created from Projects

d codes which are in advance billing rules

from sales order

m unit cost) / sales price) * 100

ansactions on hour journals

ode on HS code
se order header
w approval on sales order form
, PO will be in draft state, if change management is not active, The created PO will be in Approve state.

c>Posted</c> field checked

change. If tax item group is zero-rated/Exempt then it will be enabled. If reason code is empty then invoice could not be generated
quantity from sales order lines
ally populates location from warehouse data
hase orders from planned orders

in billing rule lines unless prepayment is yes

the item id on agreement lines

ified. It gets the external item id from product master and place it in SA, SO, lines in external item description field

e exist against that sales order.

d codes which are in advance billing rules
on changing payment terms the records shall start inserting in advance billing rule tabs from payment terms
or AlshulaLegalEntity
to sales order creation, po creation, packing slip etc)
e could not be generated

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