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GCSE (9–1)

commentaries and
Paper 2

Autumn 2021

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in English Language 2.0 – Unseen Text Preparation Anthology
Paper 2 – Issue 1 – September 2021 © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Paper 2: Commentaries and marks
Question 1
Candidate Mark Comment
Candidate 1 0 Response makes a general statement which is
not directly linked to the text
Candidate 2 1 The response covers bullet point 1 in the mark

Question 2
Candidate Mark Level Comment
Candidate 1 4 2 Response offers explanation of writer’s use of
language with relevant references. While not
fully developed, terminology is used correctly,
and response can be awarded top of L2
Candidate 2 3 2 A response offering some explanation of the
extract in places
Candidate 3 6 3 A response that fully meets criteria for L3 with
analysis offered of writer’s use of language
Candidate 4 2 1 Response offers mainly comment without being
entirely secure in the understanding of the
reference chosen
Candidate 5 3 1 Some subject terminology evident but meaning
isn’t always clearly understood.
Candidate 6 6 3 A well written response meets all criteria for L3.
Offers some analysis of text in places with a
selection of references that support and clarify
points being made. Supported by accurate us of
terminology throughout.
Candidate 7 6 3 Response offers analysis of text with suitable
references and terminology used accurately
Candidate 8 6 3 Fully meets all criteria for Level 3

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in English Language 2.0 – Commentaries and marks– Paper 2
- September 2021 © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Question 3
Candidate Mark Comment
Candidate 1 1 The response identifies ‘sound’ as a way Marie
Laure identifies places and objects

Question 4
Candidate Mark Level Comment
Candidate 1 4 2 Response only offers comment on structure so
is limited to Level 2. The 2 paragraphs offered
do provide general comment on writer’s use of
structure with references and some use of
terminology to support
Candidate 2 6 3 Meets all criteria for Level 3, offering
explanation of how Language and Structure are
used by the writer, deploying suitable references
and terminology to support
Candidate 3 9 5 Awarded a score into L5 as analysis is offered
generally consistently with a selection of
references used carefully to aid the response
Candidate 4 2 1 General comments are offered without much
explanation. There are no references used to
support the comments being made.
Candidate 5 3 2 Awarded for comments on structure as
candidate takes the approach of looking at the
whole piece and how it develops.
Candidate 6 4 2 The response is focussed primarily on the
writer’s use of repetition and offers general
comment on the extract with some use of
relevant subject terminology.
Candidate 7 8 4 Response offers exploration of both Language
and Structure with selection of references valid
and discerning.
Candidate 8 7 4 Response offers exploration in places and uses
references to support.

Question 5
Candidate Mark Level Comment
Candidate 1 6 3 This long response fully meets the L3 criteria
with 3 similarities offered with evidence to
support the points made. This response is
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in English Language 2.0 – Commentaries and marks– Paper 2
- September 2021 © Pearson Education Limited 2021
longer and more detailed than is needed for
AO1 – synthesis.
Candidate 2 3 2 Attempts to explore 3 similarities but these are
generally unsupported with references from the
Candidate 3 6 3 This succinct response offers 3 similarities with
evidence to support the points being made.
Candidate 4 2 1 Offers 3 similarities but they are very similar to
each other. There is also very little reference to
the text to support the points being made.
Candidate 5 5 3 3 distinct similarities offered with supporting
evidence. Some references are not entirely
relevant to the similarity being discussed
Candidate 6 2 1 Offers 1 similarity. Candidate has attempted to
analyse the references which is unnecessary for
this question.
Candidate 7 4 2 2 similarities offered with supporting evidence
allowing synthesis of writers’ ideas
Candidate 8 5 3 3 similarities are offered with references
although the final similarity is quite brief.

Question 6
Candidate Mark Level Comment
Candidate 1 5 2 Response offers comment on more obvious
comparisons but does show some
understanding of the writers’ ides and
perspectives. Limited references are used to
support which hold back the response to middle
of L2
Candidate 2 8 3 A mid-level 3 response that offers some
comparison between the text and selects
references to support. Explanation is not always
secure and is more of a ‘comment’ in places.
Candidate 3 12 4 Response awarded a score in the middle of L4
as texts are explored in terms of writer’s ideas
and perspectives. This is supported by use of
references to highlight points made
Candidate 4 5 2 A L2 response that offers comment on obvious
comparisons although the comments are not
consistent. Lack of references to support

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in English Language 2.0 – Commentaries and marks– Paper 2
- September 2021 © Pearson Education Limited 2021
comments means response sits in middle of
Candidate 5 4 2 Response offers obvious comparisons with
some comment on writers’ ideas and
perspectives. Lack of references from the text
keeps the response in the bottom of the level.
Candidate 6 7 3 Response considers a range of comparisons
and attempts to explain writers’ ideas and
perspectives although the focus on the two texts
is slightly unbalanced. Response is limited by
the references offered to support comparisons.
Candidate 7 11 4 Response chooses to approach question in 2
halves – answering the question about the 2
texts separately. All of the L3 criteria are met
and response is awarded an additional mark at
L4 for the balanced use of references.
Candidate 8 11 4 All L3 criteria are met, with response
considering a range of comparisons between
the texts with references provided. Awarded an
additional mark at Level 4 for attempts to
explore the texts in some detail although not
always consistently

Question 7 and 8
Candidate Mark Level Comment
Candidate 1 9 (AO5) 2 A fairly simple piece of writing but does show
ability to communicate clearly. Some awareness
7 (AO6) 2
of audience and purpose is evident, and a
straightforward tone is largely maintained.
Response is suitably paragraphed although
somewhat brief. Meets all criteria for L2 in AO5
Similar L2 for AO6 as response is generally
accurately written with some control of sentence
types and punctuation. While not consistent,
purpose and clarity is at L2.
Candidate 2 13 (AO5) 3 AO5 is awarded a high Level 3 for a clear ability
to communicate and select material for impact
9 (AO6) 3
and effect. The development of the piece is
limited in places so a score of 13 was felt to be
a fair reflection of AO5
Again, a score of 9 is at the higher end of Level
3 as the piece is largely accurate and attempts

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in English Language 2.0 – Commentaries and marks– Paper 2
- September 2021 © Pearson Education Limited 2021
some variety in terms of vocabulary and
sentence structures. However, this is not always
secure and is awarded a score near the top of
the Level
Candidate 3 22 (AO5) 5 A strong response that is working well at Level 5
for both AOs. Most criteria are met in both
15 (AO6) 5
Levels although it felt slightly fragmented so
wasn’t awarded the top of L5 for AO5
Similarly, working well for Level 5 in AO6, the
response’s use of extensive vocab was evident
but not always ‘strategic’.
Candidate 4 12 (AO5) 3 Response offers a clear purpose and sense of
audience although some lack of imagination
9 (AO6) 3
hold marks back – the tried and tested ‘dream’
narrative can work well but often feels forced.
Writing attempts to build suspense effectively
with a solid internal dialogue being used
alongside some attempt at use of rhetorical
devices to support. AO5 sits in the middle of L3
Largely accurate, the response uses some
variety of sentence forms and punctuation to
help develop the internal monologue and
attempt o build suspense. Evidence of
attempting to use a variety of vocab in places
although not always securely. AO6 sits towards
the top of L3.
Candidate 5 9 (AO5) 2 A basic response that does attempt to engage in
places. Descriptive language is utilised well in
8 (AO6) 3
places with some attempt to use features at
times. While there is room for improvement,
response shows some ability and awareness of
audience and is awarded top of L2 for AO5
Response meets all criteria for L2 for AO6 and
is awarded an additional mark for the use of
varied vocabulary in places. Range of
sentences and punctuation is limited.
Candidate 6 19 (AO5) 4 Response is engaging and works effectively at
Level 4. Ability to communicate effectively and
14 (AO6) 5
imaginatively is evident throughout, supported
by effective use of devices and style to maintain
engagement of the reader. Scored at the top of
L4 for AO5
Sentence variety and use of effective
punctuation helps to support the overall
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in English Language 2.0 – Commentaries and marks– Paper 2
- September 2021 © Pearson Education Limited 2021
effectiveness of the writing, as is a varied use of
Candidate 7 19 (AO5) 4 Response quickly establishes control of
sentence types at the start to create an
13 (AO6) 4
engaging opening. Features are used to create
impact with secure ability to communicate
evident. Cyclical structure of the writing is
effective. Response meets all criteria at L4 for
A range of vocab is used selectively with
sentence types and punctuation used with
accuracy. Awarded all marks in L4.
Candidate 8 15 (AO5) 4 A confident piece of writing that meets all the
criteria for Level 3 in AO5. The building of
11 (AO6) 4
tension and clear tone, alongside the use of
features such as repetition for deliberate effect,
led to a score at the lower end of L4.
Similarly, all criteria for Level 3 in AO6 are
achieved, alongside evidence of a wide
vocabulary being used effectively.

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in English Language 2.0 – Commentaries and marks– Paper 2
- September 2021 © Pearson Education Limited 2021

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