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Class code:

Student’s name: Nguyen Hoang Khang

Peer editor’s name: Pham Chi Thinh
Date: 11/10/2023



1. With an increasing number of people eating fast food, which if eating too regularly can
cause health issues, some people think that the only solution is ban it completely. To what
extent do you agree?

1st draft

As the boosting quantity of individuals eating unhealthy food, that if consuming frequently is likely to
create physical problems, several people believe that the government should make it illegal. It is
believe that ingesting fast food have an adverse bearing on humans, but I partially support the idea.

There are many compelling reasons why eating convenient food should be forbid. Firstly, it is well-
know that over-consumed fast food behavior has done people a great health dissvervice. According to
reports, ingesting unhealthy dishes is driving force behind heart disease, obesity, and diabetic. Beside
that scientists call fast food for pseudostressors as it is a factor which can create depression or stress.
So completely cutting back on over-eating convenient dishes will allow individuals to have a physical
and emotional well-being. In addition to that consuming junk food can break family bond. For
example, eating convenient dishes is delicious and saving time, so this can cause uncoucious eating
outside habit. As a result, this habit can make some distance between family members and destroy
oppotunities to talk understand and love.

However, notwithstanding the fact that eating junk food give rise to many mental and physical
problems, I think that we should not ignore the unshaken importance of consuming fast food. Infact,
eating unhealthy food can be convenient. For example, it is a good choice for people who do not get
up early because they can have a nutritious and great taste meal before they go to work or school.

In conclusion, despite of the fact that over-consumed unhealthy food do more harm than good, but I
think that the school of thought argues that we should make it illegal is not appropriate.

Self-assessment (checklist)
Content Y/N Comments/ Suggestions

Task Response
Does the essay contain at least 180 words? Y
Is the topic addressed in the introduction? Y
Does the author clearly state his or her opinion in the
thesis statement?
Is each of the paragraphs related to the topic? Y
Does the conclusion summarize the main ideas/
restate the thesis statement, and give the author’s Y
final opinion?
Coherence & Cohesion

Does the essay have an introduction, two body

paragraphs, and a conclusion?
Is there a clear topic sentence in each paragraph? Y
Does the writer include any relevant examples
and/or other supporting details (explanation, reasons, Y
Are there at least 4 transitional expressions used
correctly (e.g.: First, Nevertheless, Moreover, etc.)?
Lexical Resource

Has the question been paraphrased properly? Y

Does the writer repeat the vocabulary? Y
Are there any spelling errors? N
Does the essay contain vocabulary specific to the
Grammar Range and Accuracy

Does the writer use a range of simple, compound,

and complex sentences?
Have the verb tenses and subject-verb agreement
been checked?
Has punctuation been used correctly? Y
Time management

Was the task completed within 40 minutes? N

Peer assessment (checklist)

Content Y/N Comments/ Suggestions

Task Response
Does the essay contain at least 180 words? Y
Is the topic addressed in the introduction? Y
Does the author clearly state his or her opinion in the
thesis statement?
Is each of the paragraphs related to the topic? Y
Does the conclusion summarize the main ideas/
restate the thesis statement, and give the author’s Y
final opinion?
Coherence & Cohesion

Does the essay have an introduction, two body

paragraphs, and a conclusion?
Is there a clear topic sentence in each paragraph? Y
Does the writer include any relevant examples
and/or other supporting details (explanation, reasons, Y
Are there at least 4 transitional expressions used
correctly (e.g.: First, Nevertheless, Moreover, etc.)?
Lexical Resource

Has the question been paraphrased properly? Y

Does the writer repeat the vocabulary? Y
Are there any spelling errors? N
Does the essay contain vocabulary specific to the Y

Grammar Range and Accuracy

Does the writer use a range of simple, compound,

and complex sentences?
Have the verb tenses and subject-verb agreement
been checked?
Has punctuation been used correctly? Y
Time management

Was the task completed within 40 minutes? N

Final version

As the boosting quantity of individuals eating unhealthy food, that if consuming frequently is likely to
create physical problems, several people believe that the government should make it illegal. It is
believe that ingesting fast food have an adverse bearing on humans, but I partially support the idea.

There are many compelling reasons why eating convenient food should be forbid. Firstly, it is well-
know that over-consumed fast food behavior has done people a great health dissvervice. According to
reports, ingesting unhealthy dishes is driving force behind heart disease, obesity, and diabetic. Beside
that scientists named fast food “pseudostressors” as it is a factor which can create depression or
stress. So completely cutting back on over-eating convenient dishes will allow individuals to have a
physical and emotional well-being. In addition to that consuming junk food can break family bond. For
example, eating convenient dishes is delicious and saving time, so this can cause uncoucious eating
outside habit. As a result, this habit can make some distance between family members and destroy
oppotunities to talk, understand and love.

However, notwithstanding the fact that eating junk food give rise to many mental and physical
problems, I think that we should not ignore the unshaken importance of consuming fast food. Infact,
eating unhealthy food can be convenient. For example, it is a good choice for people who do not get
up early because they can have a nutritious and great taste meal before they go to work or school.

In conclusion, despite of the fact that over-consumed unhealthy food do more harm than good, but I
think that the school of thought argues that we should make it illegal is not appropriate.

Rubric for grading

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