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War is only ever destructive and brings nothing good.

Evaluate this view

War is known as one of the most devastating things a nation can go through although efforts
have been made to end it, this has been not successful so far. But according to Darwin's theory
of ‘natural selection’ we are told that the strongest always survives in the battle of survival since
it focuses on the elimination of inferior species gradually over time. but is it really what a world
needs right now to show each other who the powerful one is rather than being together and
supporting each other. It is well said that ‘war happens when language fails’ and the biggest
example of this is world war 1&2 .

War is known as one of the most sentimental topics a person can talk about. Since it only
caused bad memories of it to be left behind in a long term plan as people till now have not
forgotten how brutal and disturbing it was for people in those times to live- buried inside the
trenches for weeks, bomb shelling on their forever homes, for example Hiroshima nagasaki.
People are still suffering the effects of that war for the last 78 years .people also forget the little
things like a sense of belonging and liberty in the name of patriotism and start supporting the
wrong side causing it to later become a pointless order and regretting their decision and a great
example of this is in the 19s while supporting the triple entente and triple alliance italy supported
the wrong side and ended up getting no profits from the treaty.

An inevitable part of war is precisely the loss of life. Sadly,lots of the lives that get lost are of
innocent people who get caught up in the situation leaving horrifying memories for the family. A
great example of this is the diary of Anne Frank where she wrote about her days living in a
hideout and loss of her external family members as Germans were killing jewish people in the
1940 showing the brutal reality of the time when they used to go days without daily necessities
and food for living. This very precisely tells the overuse of the power that mankind holds that it
could not comprehend killing their own people.

Wars are not the answer to the world's issues however, It is said that War is a bigger picture of
poverty, illiteracy, pollution and all the other current issues that we are going through.During
wars a country's way of being and dealing these internal issues also depends on its position in
the war therefore during wars, there is great economic growth causing people to enhance their
lifestyle in ways they can go on to survive the war as the economy booms providing jobs since
manufacturing thrives as people start to buy more weapons and ammo which benefits the
people selling the weapons causing more technological advancements as new machines are
built than the opponent. Fighter planes are a great example of an invention in these times during
the 1945

War has historically been the worst mark on humanity. Although it was started by us, it is now
beyond the power of any human force. To preserve humanity, the entire human species must
now reflect on this. Otherwise, neither humanity will survive nor war.

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