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Guidelines for Conversion of Hostel to Day Scholar

1. Students wishing to convert from hostel accommodation to day scholar status should
reside with their parents during their studies.

2. To initiate the conversion process, parents should submit a written request in person
to the Head of Students Welfare (HoSW office).

3. The following documents are to be submitted to the HoSW in person.

a. Hostel Vacating Request/Clearance Form (Template 1).

b. Parent request letter- The letter should be handwritten by the parent.
c. Undertaking Letter - Parents should provide an undertaking letter (Template 2).
d. Transport Request Form (Template 3) - If transportation services are required.

4. Once the HoSW approves the conversion request, all the submitted documents will
be forwarded to the Administrative Office for further processing.
Template: 1

Undertaking Letter
(Hostler to day scholar conversion form)
The HOSW (Head of Student Welfare)
Amrita School of Engineering,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Chennai Campus.

Subject: Undertaking for Conversion from Hostel Accommodation to Day Scholar Status
Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Parent's Full Name]…………………………………………, residing at [Parent's

…………………………………………………………….hereby undertake the responsibility for my
ward…………………………………………………………………, with Roll number
………………………..., converting from hostel accommodation to day scholar status.

I understand and agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. I will ensure that my ward stays with me at the aforementioned address during their
2. I take full responsibility for my ward's safety and well-being while commuting between our
residence and the college premises.
3. I will support and ensure my ward's compliance with the rules and regulations applicable
to day scholars, including punctuality, attendance, submission of required documents, and
any other obligations set forth by the institution.
4. I understand that, upon converting to day scholar status, my ward will no longer be
provided with hostel facilities, and I will be responsible for their accommodation
5. I will maintain open communication with the college authorities, promptly informing them
of any changes in our contact information or circumstances that may affect my child's day
scholar status.
I hereby declare that all the information provided in this undertaking letter is true and accurate
to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false information or failure to comply with the
terms and conditions may result in the appropriate disciplinary measures.

Date: Yours sincerely,

Mobile No:

[Parents/Guardian Signature]
Template: 2

Application To Vacate Hostel

Please fill in BLOCK letters

Name of the Hostel

Registration #

Student Name

Branch and Year of Study

Student Contact #

Reason for vacating

Name of the Account
Holder (as it appears in

Name of the Bank

Account #



Signature with Date

For Resident Warden Use

Student Hostel Joined Date: Expected date to vacate:

Signature of the Chief Warden

For Admin Office

Details Hostel Amount Mess Amount

Total Amount Paid for the AY

Total Amount to be refunded

Template: 3

Application Form for Bus Service

Name : ____________________________________ Roll No. : __________________________________

Branch : ____________________________________ Year of Study : __________________________________

Mobile : ____________________________________ E Mail ID : __________________________________

1. Academic Year: ______________________________________________________

2. Present Address: ______________________________________________________



3. Boarding Point: _______________________________________________________

Date: ………….…………..…. Signature of the Student


Boarding Point Allocated: _____________________________________


1. Amount Paid : Rs………………………………….

2. Receipt No. : .........…………………............ Dated:…..……………....

Rules & Regulations
1. Travel by college transport is an extension of your presence in the classroom. Hence the
same discipline and decorum must be maintained.
2. The Bus-In-Charge will be the reporting authority for all matters.
3. Students must always wear the uniform and ID card, apart from carrying the Bus Pass.
4. Only Students’ names appearing in the Approved List must board the bus.
5. Students must travel only on the route allotted to them.
6. Any Incidence of ragging will meet with strict disciplinary measures.
7. Seating arrangements stipulated by the Bus In-Charge must be followed, and any act of
insubordination will be treated as a matter of indiscipline.
8. Collection of money for any occasion and celebrations of any kind is prohibited during
travel by bus.
9. Students must not play music loudly (use headphones/earphones/EarPods) or
talk/discuss loudly, thereby causing disturbance to the others in the bus.
10. Students must not call or talk to the driver on any matter. The Bus In-Charge will be their
point of contact.
11. The college can add, alter, or amend any of the above rules at any point of time, and it will
be binding on the students.

Students who do not abide by the above rules will face severe disciplinary action, including
withdrawal of bus service and/or expulsion from college, as the case may warrant.

I have read and understood the rules and regulations and will abide by the above rules.

Student’s Signature Parents/Guardian Signature

Name: Name:

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