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(Regina 0852 3863 5320)

(Atalya 0895 1273 7700)

(There will be a limit of 30 contestants for this competition)
The competition consists of 2 preliminary rounds, semi-final and final. The competition is held
on hybrid, online for the semi-final and onsite for the final. Each school is only allowed to send 3
representatives to take part in this competition. 6 participants will be announced to advance to
the final round and the best 3 participants will be announced as winners.


The contestants must deliver a speech in the form of Persuasive and Argumentative speech.
Contestants must:
1. Do their persuasive speech for the semi final round and argumentative speech for the
final round.
2. Use the following themes that have been provided:
● “Reality shows are a source of exploitation” (theme for semi final round)
● “Is celebrity culture good or bad and why?” (theme for final round)
3. Develop the themes and make it creative and persuasive.
4. The themes of the speech are not the title of the speech so it is hoped that participants can
make their respective titles according to the theme.
5. The speech script is a script that has never been used in any speech competition before.
6. The speech manuscript is the original manuscript made by the participant or supervisor
and is not the result of plagiarism. If the judges find plagiarism more than 3%, the
participant will be disqualified.


1. Video performance and speech script must be submitted through Google Drive:
● Filename: SPEECH COMPETITION - Participant’s Name - School’s name.
2. The participant’s name and the theme must be written on the top right corner of the
3. The script must be written in Times New Roman, 12pt, with 1.5 spacing, and justified.
The script must be sent in PDF form.
4. All submissions must be done by January 14th, 2023 23.59 WIB at the latest. Late
submission will receive 5 points deduction from the total score.


1. The speech will be in the form of a Persuasive Speech.
2. The contestants have to wear appropriate clothes.
3. Videos must meet the following criteria:
● Filmed horizontally.
● Filmed in a proper place, no passerby, minimum background noise, and adequate
● Filmed from a static position.
● Filmed from one camera angle.
● The video must be taken in a cowboy shot position.
● Facial expression and voice must be clear.
● The quality of the video must be at least 480p.
4. The speech must be recorded in a single take.
5. Additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, banner and animated backgrounds)
are permitted within the recording as long as no distractions are created. You may only
put the persuasive words in the banner.
6. Back sound is not permitted.
7. The contestants are allowed to make a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation file with a
maximum of 6 slides. The PowerPoint file has to be submitted with the format: SPEECH
COMPETITION - Participant’s Name. Along with the script via email:
8. The speech must not contain RELIGIOUS, RACIAL, AND SEXUAL PREJUDICES.
9. The contestants are not allowed to read their script while delivering their speech.
10. The speech should last about 5-7 minutes. If a performance lasts less than 4 minutes 30
seconds or over 7 minutes 30 seconds,still allowed and no point deduction . If it exceeds
the specified time, the participant will get 5 point deduction
11. The judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are irrevocable.
1. The speech will be in the form of an Argumentative Speech.
2. The contestants have to wear appropriate clothes.
3. Maximum duration of speech is 7-10 minutes. Participants are given 5 minutes to
prepare. If a performance lasts less than 7 minutes 30 seconds or over 10 minutes 30
seconds, still allowed and no point deduction. If it exceeds the specified time, the
participant will be immediately stopped and get 5 point deduction
4. The contestants are not allowed to read their script in any form while delivering their
5. Participants will be given a random serial number and will be called according to the
serial number that has been given.
6. The speech must not contain RELIGIOUS, RACIAL, AND SEXUAL PREJUDICES.
7. The judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are irrevocable.
8. The best 3 participants will be announced as winners.

Linguistic Competences
● Grammatical accuracy : 5
● Vocabulary : 5
● Pronunciation : 5
● Fluency : 5
● Voice quality : 5
Textual Competences
● Quality of ideas : 5
● Organization (coherence & Cohesion) : 5
● Style & Register : 5
● Politeness : 5
● Tone of Voice : 5
Pragmatic Competence
● Academic Conventions : 5
Total Score : 55
The Explanation of Scoring Criteria
1. Grammatical Accuracy
The contestant has to deliver a speech with the correct grammar.
2. Vocabulary
The contestant has to deliver a speech in a good command of broad vocabulary and
idiomatic expression.
3. Pronunciation
The contestant has to acquire a clear, natural pronunciation, and intonation.
4. Fluency
The contestant has to express their ideas fluently and spontaneously, almost effortlessly.
5. Voice quality
The contestant’s voice can be heard by the listener, not too loud nor too quiet.
6. Quality of ideas
All of the ideas are relevant to the aims or topic of the speech.
7. Organization (coherence & cohesion)
The contestant can produce a clear, smoothly flowing, well-structured speech and show
controlled use of organization patterns.
8. Style & Register
The contestant can control shifts of formal and informal register.
9. Politeness
The contestant can mediate effectively and take account of sociocultural differences.
10. Tone of Voice
Wide range of idiomatic expressions and appropriate emotional expressions.
11. Academic Conventions
The contestant has to deliver a speech with appropriate and accurate use of reference to

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