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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Palawan
Bancalaan, Balabac, Palawan


Time Allotment: 1hr
a. Content Standard
. The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
The different levels of biological organization.
b. Performance Standard
The learners should be able to:
Employ appropriate techniques using the compound microscope to gather
data about very small objects.
c. Learning Competency
S7LT-IIc-3 Describe the different levels of biological organization from cell
to biosphere;
d. Learning objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
 Identify the parts that makes up an organism
 Explain the function of each part
 Appreciate the importance of different parts that work together in an
II. Subject Matter
a. Lesson: From Cell to Organism
b. Reference: Biology books, Module
c. Materials: Illustration of different systems in the human
d. Values Integration: What will happen to the whole system
if one organ is defective or damaged?
III. Learning Activities
A. Preparation
1. Daily routine
a. Prayer
b. Greeting
c. Checking of attendance
d. Collecting assignment
2. Recall
What are the different systems of the human body?
3. Motivation
What makes the pen mighty?
There are parts of 4 different ball pens. Identify which part belongs to which ball pen.
Identify the function of each part. What if one part is missing how will it work compare
to the ball pen with complete parts?
What are organisms? What makes them up?
C. Presentation
Organ Systems work together to help organisms met their basic needs. The digestive system helps
organisms get energy from the food they eat. The circulatory system moves the nutrients that come
from the digested food, along with blood, to the different parts of the body. How do you think do the
other organ systems work together?

D. Activity
1. Pre-activity
a. Grouping
b. Setting standard
c. Rubric assessment
2. Activity Proper
STRATEGY: Selection Reading/Discovery Approach
Activity 1: What makes up an Organism?
The students will read the selection and answer the questions that follow. The activity seeks to
answer the questions: What are organisms? And what are they made up of?
3.Discusion and Concept Formation
Q1. What parts of the human body do you see?
Q2. To which organ systems do these part belong?
Q3. Can you identify these organ systems?
Q4. How do these organ systems work together?
Q5. What parts of the human heart do you see?
Q6. What do you think will happen to the heart if any of these parts were injured or damaged?
Q7. If these parts of the heart were injured or diseased, what do you think will happen to the
Q8. What parts of the human kidney do you see?
Q9. What do you think will happen to the kidney if any of these parts were injured or diseased?
Q10. If these parts of the kidney will have injured or diseased, what do you think will happen to the
Q11.What procedures can a medical doctor do to correct an injury to these organs?
Q12. What do you think will happen to the organs if these tissues were injured or diseased?
Q13. If these tissues were injured or diseased, what do you think will happen to the organ systems?
Q14. If these tissues were injured or diseased, what do think will happen to the organism?
D. Generalization
1. What are organisms?
2. What makes them up?
3. What do you think will happen to the tissues, organs, and
organ systems if these cells were injured or diseased?
4.What will happen to the organisms?

E. Application
Students may complete the graphic organizer to show the different levels of biological organization from
cell to organism.

F. Valuing

How can you take good care of your body/organs?

IV. Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The heart pumps blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to the different parts of the body? To
which organ system does the heart belong?
a. Circulatory b. Excretory c. Digestive d. Reproductive
2. The organ system of organism consists of the different organs. Why is it important for these organ
to work together?
a. To meet their basic needs and survive
b. To avoid damage of cells
c. To make up an organ system
d. To survive droughts and earth quakes
3. Each part of the organ system plays a specific function. Which of the following structures does not
match its function?
a. Eyes: Sight c. Kidneys: Respiration
b. Heart: Circulation d. Stomach: Digestion
4. Which of the following organs eliminate metabolic wastes and maintain internal balance?
a. muscles b. bones c. kidneys d. heart.
5. Which is the correct sequenced –from biggest to smallest –of the levels of organization in an
a. Cell Organ Organ System Tissue
b. Organ Organ System Tissue Cell
c. Tissue Cell Organ Organ System
d. Organ System Organ Tissue Cell
6. How do digestive system and circulatory system function/ work together?5pts.
7. In your own word how could you take care your body? 5pts.

V. Assignment
In ½ sheet of paper fill up the table below.

Organ system Major organs Function

1. Circulatory
2. Respiratory
3. Skeletal
4. Muscular
5. Nervous
6. Reproductive
7. Excretory
Remarks: _________________________________________________________________________

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Checked by

Head Teacher -III

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