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Subject: Apology for the Late Submission of Final Requirement

Dear Ma’am,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for the delayed
submission of our final requirement in your subject. I understand the importance of adhering to
deadlines, and I deeply regret any inconvenience my tardiness may have caused.
Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances and unexpected challenges emerged in the final stages
of our project, causing a delay in its completion. I take full responsibility for not managing my
time effectively and for any impact this may have on the grading process.
To ensure transparency, I want to provide you with an overview of the challenges we faced
causing the delay of our submission:

1. Internal conflict withing the group. None of us have showed interest in completing the work
including me. Honestly, I’m tired of doing thing all by myself hence I just waited for them to
work and initiate yet none of them even showed interest. The last output we had in your subject,
it was only me who actually accomplished it all that’s why I get tired.
2. Time Management. We simply weren’t able to manage our time effectively.
3. Inadequate planning and division for labor.( Which I admit that it was all our fault.)

I understand the importance of meeting deadlines, and I assure you that this situation is not
reflective of my commitment to your class or my dedication to producing quality work. I value
the knowledge gained throughout the semester, and I am committed to learning from this
experience to improve my time management and project planning skills.
I sincerely hope you can find it in your understanding to accept our submission despite the delay.
I am more than willing to accept any consequences resulting from this situation.

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Jabillo, Kien Saimon L.

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