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C. Bima PTE/AUT/MTV Controllato


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08/03/2010 Data


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0410_T0MAYI051_00 STCS Operator Guide

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STCS OPERATOR GUIDE from p.3 to p.79

0410_T0MAYI051_00 STCS Operator Guide

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Ansaldo Energia



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0410_T0MAYI051_00 STCS Operator Guide

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1. 2. 3. SUBJECT ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 MOTOR.................................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. INTERFACE FIELD .............................................................................................................................................. 4 INTERFACE WITH THE AUTOMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................... 4 OPERATOR INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................................... 5

SOLENOID VALVE ............................................................................................................................................. 14 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 FIELD INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................ 14 INTERFACE WITH THE POWER DISTRIBUTION CUPBOARD ................................................................................ 14 INTERFACE WITH THE AUTOMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 14 OPERATOR INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................... 15


MOTORIZED VALVE ......................................................................................................................................... 24 5.1 5.2 5.3 FIELD INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................ 24 INTERFACE WITH THE AUTOMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 24 OPERATOR INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................... 26


STD ACTUATORS FOR MODULATING VALVES WITH REFERENCE SIGNAL 4-20MA................... 37 6.1 6.2 6.3 FIELD INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................ 37 INTERFACE WITH THE AUTOMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 37 OPERATOR INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................... 38


SINGLE ANALOG INPUT .................................................................................................................................. 49 7.1 7.2 7.3 FIELD INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................ 49 INTERFACE WITH THE AUTOMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 49 OPERATOR INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................... 49


ANALOG DOUBLE REDUNTANT INPUTS .................................................................................................... 51 8.1 8.2 8.3 FIELD INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................ 51 INTERFACE WITH THE AUTOMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 51 OPERATOR INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................... 51


ANALOG TRIPLE REDUNTANT INPUTS ...................................................................................................... 57 9.1 9.2 9.3 FIELD INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................ 57 INTERFACE WITH THE AUTOMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 57 OPERATOR INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................... 57 FUNCTIONAL GROUPS ................................................................................................................................ 60 OPERATOR INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................... 60 STARTING AND STOPPING SEQUENCES ................................................................................................ 66 STARTING SEQUENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 66 STOPPING SEQUENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 72

10. 10.1 11. 11.1 11.2

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This document describes the representation of the video pages of the control station, and the displays of the status and alarms of the control system devices.

This allows the operator to interpret properly the different operational conditions and to give the proper inputs for the process control. It also describes the hierarchical levels of the stations, higher than single users, that is to say the functional groups (GF) and the video pages concerning the steam turbine start and stop automatic sequences.




STCS Operator Station Display

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This command Unit is used with two possible operation status (ON/OFF) which are controlled by output impulse commands from the STCF (the control is set as electric interface externally to the STCS). It is being also used for appliances like motors, pumps, fans and under different voltage and capacity levels (MCC, PC, and MC) 3.1 Field Interface

The field interface signals are as follows:

Motor in Service Input signal to the STCS from power switchgear. Logic level 1 It represents Running

Motor out of Service Input signal to the STCS from power switchgear. Logic level 1 Represents Not Running

Motor Unavailable: Input signal to the STCS from power switchgear. Logic level 0 means that the Unit is available to receive commands; the logic level set on the status "1" means that the Unit is in the anomaly status.

Unit under Testing: Input signal to the STCS from power switchgear. Logic level 0 It means that the Unit can be commanded by the STCS; the logic level set on the status "1" means that the Unit can be controlled by the local control.

Start Command (Close Command) Output signal from the STCS It is an impulse command: the maximum length of the pulse is 2 seconds and it requires the power switchgear to be switched on in order to start the correspondent Unit.

Stop Command (Start Command) Output signal from the STCS. It is an impulse command: the maximum length of the pulse is 2 seconds and it requires the power switchgear to be switched off in order to stop the correspondent Unit.


Interface with the Automation System

Besides the field, the command unit requires a set of standard signals to be exchanged through the system automation software: Automatic Start Command The Unit has, in general, two possible ways of operation which can be selected by the operator: The automatic mode and the manual mode; whenever the automatic mode is selected and the permissive are set to process the command, a logic level "1" of the automatic command for "Start" produces a switch close command/start Unit as output from the automation system.

Automatic Stop Command whenever the automatic mode is selected and the permissives are set to process the command; a logic level "1" of the automatic command for "Stop" produces a switch open command/stop Unit as output from the automation system.

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Manual Forcing of the Unit The logic level "1" forces the Unit to the manual operation, so preventing the selection of the automatic operation mode.

Automatic Forcing of the Unit The logic level "1" forces the unit to the automatic operation, preventing the selection of the manual operation mode.

Emergency Trip Command The logic level 1 produces the output of a switch open command/stop Unit from the STCS. It takes the Unit to an alarm status which requires both the operator to identify it, and a manual alignment of the output command with the Unit status. As a consequence, the command unit is forced to the manual operation mode. The emergency trip is typically used to protect the device (motor).

Start Permissive Command At the logic level 0", the Unit is not allowed to receive any switch close command from the STCS, and as a consequence to start. The permissive is valid both in manual and automatic operation mode.

Stop Permissive Command At the logic level 0", the Unit is not allowed to receive a switch open command from the STCS, and as a consequence to stop . The permissive is valid both in manual and automatic operation mode.

Note: The emergency commands are not subjected to the permissives: They are processed by STCS, independently by the logic level of the permissive.

Control System End of the Start-up Time This signal inhibits the software Unit commands during the control system start-up phase, and it allows the Command Unit status up-date on the basis of the field feedbacks. This prevents the announcement of accidental alarm signals like the incongruence between the command memory and the status of the Unit at the end of the start-up time. At the end of the start-up time this signal raises to the logic level 1, and it releases the Unit in the manual Mode. With the system on, the signal is stable on the logic level "1".

Tripped Unit: Its a signal produced by the Command Unit; at the logic level "1" it means that the switch is in open position, and it was not commanded to the open position.

Alarmed Unit: Its a signal produced by the Command Unit; at the logic level "1" it means that the switch is in the Anomaly status (no correspondence between the command memory and field feedback, unit unavailable, unit tripped, unit in local mode).


Operator Interface

The command unit has to provide the operator interface with the information necessary to control and monitor the Unit; this information are exchanged by means of four signals which are characterized by proper identification tags. Command Pop up and Unit Monitoring It allows to enter the start/stop commands, to change the Unit automatic/manual selection, to monitor the Unit status (switch ON/OFF, Unit trip, Unit unavailable), and to create the cumulative alarm for "Unit alarmed".

Unit Trip Signal It means the Unit is tripped, or stopped without any stop command given by the STCS.
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Unit Running Signal It means that the Unit is running.

Unit Status Monitoring Signal It provides the operator interface with the information concerning the Unit status (manual/automatic, local/remote, permissives)


Graphic Display

The operator interface typically receives this display:

Fig. 3.1 Display of a motor on the operator interface. Unit Symbol It shows the Unit current status. Red: Unit running; Green: Unit stopped; Fuchsia (Cyan): Unit status Bad Quality (information transmission between the processor and the operator interface failure).

Actuator Symbol It is set at the bottom of the Unit Symbols, and shows the command required by the software unit, regardless it is in automatic/manual position. Red: A Running Command to the Unit has been given; Green: A Stop Command to the Unit has been given; Fuchsia (Cyan): Unit status Bad Quality ( information transmission between the processor and the operator interface failure).

Anomaly Symbol It is represented by a frame surrounding the Unit; usually it can't be seen, and it is shown as yellow frame when the Unit is set in "alarm" by the software unit.

A/M Symbol It identifies the automatic/manual selection of the Unit. MANUAL: M Orange; AUTOMATIC: A Green.

T Symbol: It identifies the testing selection of the Unit. When the T symbol doesnt appear, the STCS can command the Unit. When the T symbol appears, the unit cant be commanded by the STCS.

Note: The T is not available when the Unit is not equipped with this operation mode.
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Command Permissive Symbols: It provides the operator with the information concerning the existence of permissives to command the Unit; Non permissive: NP Yellow. The Unit is not commandable (Start if it is in stop position; Stop if it is in start position). No signals: Command permissives available: If the NP Symbol is shown, an accessible pop-up is available by clicking its symbol and displaying the permissive detail of the Unit.

Fig. 3.2 List and availability of the permissives for the start/stop commands.

Unit Identification: Its a black, static text providing the Unit characteristic tag.



Each Unit is characterized by a sensitive area, or a display area interacting with the mouse.

) will recall the The sensitive area is used to Command the Unit: The operator clicking on it ( command pop-up corresponding to the Unit. The Unit associated with the current active pop-up is highlighted by a surrounding light blue rectangle.

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Fig. 3.3 Command Pop up of a Motor Analyzing the pop-up, it may be noted that the upper part displays the information concerning the tag of the commanded Unit and its function in the process. On the right part are displayed the information concerning the status of the Unit: Stop/start, trip, unavailable. On the left part are displayed the commands (start and stop); to command the Unit, the operator should click on the boxes corresponding to the command descriptions. The white boxes on the right side represent the command memory status which means they display the last command given by the control unit. The arrow displays the accomplishment without anomaly of the last command given (matching between the command memory status and the feedback from the field). The lower part of the pop-up shows the entry-key allowing the selection of the Unit automatic/manual mode. The right side text gives information on the current selection ("AUTO for automatic, MAN for manual), and the letter inside the entry-key informs which mode will be activated by clicking on the selection key ("A" for Automatic, "M" for Manual). The "OVR" red signal shows that the Unit is forced to manual. 3.3.3 Alarms

There are three possible alarm signals which refer to the motor command Unit. Tripped Unit: Under the tripped unit condition the following indications are are shown on the operator interface:

Fig. 3.4: Display of a motor in tripped condition.

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Fig. 3.5 Command pop-up in motor tripped condition. Note: Under these conditions the command unit is forced to the manual operation mode. The operator should recognize the alarm condition by entering the stop command.

Unavailable Unit: Under the unavailable unit condition it may have the following signals on the operator interface:

Fig. 3.6: Display of a motor in the unavailable condition.

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Fig. 3.7: Command pop-up in the unavailable condition.

Note: In this case no operator acknowledge action is requested and the alarm status will stay until the availability recovery.

The command unit is forced to the manual mode, and "stop" is the only possible command, as the "start" is inhibited. Mismatch between the Command and the Unit Status: When a command is given and a setting time for each single Unit is over (for the motors, the assumed standard value is 3 seconds) the software unit checks the matching between the command and the field feedback; in case of mismatching, it means that the unit has missed the required status or it has never got it, than an alarm signal is produced. The following figure shows the display, at operator interface, in case of "Unit start" Command.

Fig. 3.8: Display of a motor mismatch between the command (start) and the feedback.

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Fig. 3.9: Command Pop-up displaying a motor mismatch between the command (start) and the feedback .

With the Unit under the alarm status, the Unit start/stop command is inhibited.
The identification of the alarm is based on the realignment of the software unit with the current status of the Unit. The operator should give the command opposite to the failed one and corresponding to the Unit status. The above described anomaly conditions are also displayed in the "alarm" page For instance, in case of tripped motor the alarm page will show the following information:

Fig. 3.10: Motor Alarms in case of tripped motor on the alarm page (the first three from above).
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Note: This type of anomaly produces two types of alarms: The first one is a summary alarm of Unit anomaly; the second one refers to the tripped condition.


Other Operational Conditions

As above described, the command unit foresees some operational conditions which can force it to welldefined status, depending on the configured control logics. These statuses correspond to specific video displays. Manual Forcing of the Unit The Unit cant receive automatic commands from the control system; the operator cant select the automatic operation selection. At the operator interface, it may have the following information:

Fig. 3.11: Display of a motor forced in manual mode.

Fig. 3.12: Command pop-up of a motor forced in manual mode.

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Automatic Forcing of the Unit The operator is neither enabled to command the Unit, nor can he select the manual function mode.

At the operator interface level, it may have the following information:

Fig. 3.13: Display of a motor forced in automatic mode.

Fig. 3.14: Command pop-up of a motor forced in automatic mode.

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The solenoid valves are typically air pressure operated valves moved by a solenoid with spring return to the rest position. A solenoid valve command is a DO (Digital Output) from STCS hold to move the valve in the position opposite to the rest position (solenoid excitation command). 4.1 Field Interface

The field interface signals are as follows:

Valve Opened: Input signal to the STCS Logic level 1 It represents the contact coming from the limit switch in the "valve opened" status.

Valve Closed: Input signal to the STCS Logic level 1 It represents the contact coming from the limit switch in the "valve closed" status.


Interface with the Power Distribution Cabinet

Open Command: Output signal from the STCS. Its a hold command which energize the valve command solenoid to move the valve opposite to the rest position.

Available Unit: Input signal to the STCS, it means power available to the command solenoid.


Interface with the Automation System

Besides the field, the command unit requires a set of standard signals to be exchanged through the system automation software: Energize Auto Command: The Unit has, in general two possible ways of operation which can be chosen by the operator: Automatic or Manual mode. AUTOMATIC MODE: If the permissive conditions to process the command are available, the logic level "1" of the open automatic command energize the "open" command output which opens the valve.

Deenergize Auto Command: If the permissive conditions to process the command are available, the logic level "1" of the close automatic command de-energize the "open" command output which close the valve.

Manual Mode Request: The logic level "1" forces the unit to the manual operation, preventing the selection of the automatic operation mode.

Auto Mode Request: The logic level "1" forces the unit to the automatic operation, preventing the selection of the manual operation mode.
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Emergency Deenergize Command: A logic level 1 produces a deenergize command for the solenoid as output from the automation system; this command is activated regardless of the presence of the open and close permissives, and of the Unit auto/manual selection. After the emergency intervention, the Unit is released in the manual mode operation. It depends on the operator to switch back to the automatic mode.

Release to Energize: At the logic level 0", the Unit is not enabled to receive an energize command from the STCS. The permissive signal is valid both under manual and automatic operation mode.

Release to Deenergize: At the logic level 0", the Unit is not enabled to receive a deenergize command from the STCS. The permissive signal is valid both with manual and automatic operation mode.

Note: The emergency commands are not subjected to the permissive: They are processed by the STCS, independently by the logic level of the permissive.

Control System End of the Start-up Time This signal inhibits the software Unit commands during the control system start-up phase, and it allows the Command Unit status up-date on the basis of the field feedbacks. This prevents the announcement of accidental alarm signals like the incongruence between the command memory and the status of the Unit at the end of the start-up time. At the end of the start-up time this signal raises to the logic level 1, and it releases the Unit in the manual Mode. With the system on, the signal is stable on the logic level "1".

Alarmed Unit: Its a signal produced by the command unit. At logic level 1 it represents the anomaly status of the Unit (missing correspondence between the command memory and the field feedback, power not available).


Operator Interface

The command unit has to provide the operator interface with the information necessary to control and monitor the Unit; this information are exchanged by means of three signals which are characterized by proper identification tags. Command Pop up and Unit Monitoring: It allows to enter the open/close commands, to change the Unit automatic/manual selection, to monitor the Unit status (switch ON/OFF, unit tripped, unit not available), and to create the cumulative alarm for "Unit alarmed".

Unit Supevision Signal: It provides the operator interface with the information concerning the Unit status (manual/automatic, permissives missing)

Unit Position Supervision Signal: It provides the operator interface with the information concerning the Unit condition (valve opened, closed, opening phase, closing phase).

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Graphic Display

The solenoid valve operator interface is typically represented as follows:

Fig. 4.1: Display of a SOV on the operator interface. Unit Symbol:It shows the Unit current status. Red: Valve: opened Green: Valve closed; Flashing Red: Valve Opening: Flashing Green: Valve Closing: Yellow: Both Control-stops displayed; Fuchsia: Valve in Bad Quality condition (issues arising during the information transmission between the processor and the operator interface failure).

Actuator Symbol: It is set above the Unit Symbol, and shows the command required by the software unit, regardless it is in the automatic/manual position. Red: opening required; Green: closing required; Fuchsia: Valve in Bad Quality condition (information transmission between the processor and the operator interface failure).

Anomaly Symbol: It is represented by a frame surrounding the Unit; usually it can't be seen, and it is shown as yellow frame when the Unit is set in "alarm" by the software unit.

A/M Symbol: It identifies the automatic/manual condition of the Unit. MANUAL: M Orange; AUTOMATIC: A Green.

Command Permissive Symbols: It provides the operator with the information concerning the existence of the permissive to command the Unit; Non permissive: NP Yellow. The Unit is not commandable (to the open position if it is in close position; to close position if it is in "open" position). No signal: Command permissives are available.
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If the NP Symbol is shown, then an accessible pop-up is available by clicking its symbol and displaying the permissive detail of the Unit.

Fig. 4.2 List and availability of the permissives for opening or closing valve. Unit Identification: Its a black, static text providing the Unit characteristic tag.



Each Unit is characterized by a sensitive area, or rather a display area interacting with the mouse.

The sensitive area is used to command the Unit; the operator should click on the Unit in correspondence of the sensitive area and a command pop-up will appear corresponding to unit. The unit associated with the current active pop-up is highlighted by a surrounding light blue rectangle.

Fig. 4.3: Command Pop up of a Solenoid Valve.

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Analysing the pop-up, it may be noted that the upper part displays the information concerning the tag of the commanded Unit and its function in the process. On the right side are displayed the information concerning the status of the Unit: Opened, Closed, unavailable. On the left side are displayed the commands (open and close); to command the Unit, the operator should click on the boxes corresponding to the command descriptions. The white boxes on the right side represent the command memorythat means they display the last command given by the control unit. The arrow displays the accomplishment without anomaly of the last command given (matching between the command memory status and the feedback from the field). The lower part of the pop-up shows the entry-key allowing the selection of the Unit automatic/manual mode. The right side text gives information on the current selection ("AUTO for automatic, MAN for manual), and the letter inside the entry-key informs which mode will be activated by clicking on the selection key ("A" for Automatic, "M" for Manual). The "OVR" red sign shows that the Unit is forced to manual.



There are two possible alarm signals which refer to the solenoid valves command Unit. Unavailable Unit: Under the unavailable Unit condition it may have the following signals on the operator interface:

Fig. 4.4: Display of a solenoid valve in the unavailable condition.

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Fig. 4.5: Command pop-up of a solenoid valve in the unavailable condition.

Note: In this case the operator must not perform any aknowledge action, unless a change has occurred due to the power supply shortage, and the alarm status will persist until the availability will be restored. The command unit is forced to the manual operation mode.

Mismatch between the Command and the Unit Status: When a command is given and a setting time for each single Unit is over (for the solenoid valves, the assumed standard value is 5 seconds) the software unit checks the matching between the command and the field feedback; it the test shows mismatch because the Unit has missed the required status or it has never got it, than an alarm signal is produced. The following figures show the displays, at operator interface level, in case of "Unit opened/closed Command.

Fig. 4.6: Valve Anomaly: failure to close (Valve body flashing).

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Fig. 4.7: Valve Pop-up displaying the close command, and feedback missing.

Fig. 4.8: Valve alarms: failure to open (with closed limit switch).

Fig. 4.9: Valve Pop-up: failure to open (with closed limit switch).
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In case of failure to open or failure to close, the operator can proceed with the alarm acknowledge procedure, by giving the command corresponding to the effective valve position. The operator should select the manual mode (if the Unit is in automatic) and give the command opposite to the failed one and corresponding to the current Unit status.

The above described anomaly conditions are also displayed in the "alarms" page For instance, in case of solenoid unavailable the alarm page will show the following information:

Fig. 3.11: Solenoid valve Alarm in case of unavailability on the alarm page (the second from above).


Other Operational Conditions

As above described, the command unit foresees some operational conditions which can force it to welldefined status, as a consequence of the configured control logic. These statuses correspond to specific indications on video displays.

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Manual Forcing of the Unit: The Unit is not enabled to receive automatic commands from the control system; the operator is not enabled to the automatic operation selection. At the operator interface level, it may have the following information:

Fig. 4.11: Display of a solenoid forced in manual mode.

Fig. 4.12: Command pop-up of a solenoid forced in manual mode.

Unit Forced in Automatic Mode: The operator is neither enabled to command the Unit, nor he can select the manual function mode. At the operator interface level, it may have the following information:

Fig. 4.13: Display of a solenoid forced in automatic mode.

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Fig. 4.14: Command pop-up of a solenoid forced in automatic mode.

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The MOV command unit is used to command the motorized valves This unit command foresees a creation of impulsive contacts to require the valve open/close procedure.


Field Interface

The foreseen field interface signals are as follows:

Available Unit: Input signal to the STCS from the driver. Logic level 1 It means that the Unit is available to be controlled; at the logic level "0" it means that the unit is in the anomaly status.

Opened Valve: Input signal to the STCS Logic level 1 It represents the contact coming from the limit switch in the "valve opened" status.

Valve Closed: Input signal to the STCS. Logic level 1 represents the contact coming from the limit switch in the "valve closed" status.

Motor Running: Input signal to the STCS Logic level 1 shows that the motor is activated, and it causes the valve moving.

Position Transmitter: Input signal to the STCS. Analog Type (4-20mA), it shows the position of the valve from 0 to 100%. The position transmitter instrument can be installed or not; it is an option.

Remote Unit: Input signal to the STCS. Logic level 1 It means that the Unit can be controlled by STCS; at the logic level "0" means that the unit can be controlled by the local control.

Open Command: Output signal from the STCS. It is an impulse command: maximum length of time 2 seconds. It is memorized by the positioner and starts the motor to rotate in the opening sense.

Close Command: Output signal from the STCS. It is an impulse command: maximum length of time 2 seconds; it is memorized by the positioner and starts the motor to rotate in the closing sense.


Interface with the Automation System

Besides the field, the command unit requires a set of standard signals to be exchanged through the system automation software: Automatic Open Command The Unit has two operation modes which can be selected by the operator: The automatic mode and the manual mode; whenever the automatic mode is selected and permissive
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conditions are set to process the command, a logic level "1" of the automatic command of the control unit produces an Open Command as output of the automation system. Automatic Close Command whenever the automatic mode is selected and the permissive conditions are set to process the command, a logic level "1" of the automatic command of the control unit produces a Close Command as output of the automation system.

Manual Mode Request: The logic level "1" forces the unit to the manual operation, preventing the selection of the automatic operation mode.

Automatic Mode Request: The logic level "1" forces the unit to the automatic operation, preventing the selection of the manual operation mode.

Emergency Open or Close Command The logic level 1 produces an emergency Open/ Close command coming from the STCS. The emergency command is released regardless of the presence of permissives for the Unit open/close and auto/manual selection. The output command is maintained until the emergency command stay on 1, at the same time the automatic/manual command are inhibited and the command unit is forced to the manual operation mode. It depends on the operator to switch back to the automatic mode.

Close Permissive Command: At the logic level 0", the Unit is not enabled to receive a close command from the STCS. The permissive is valid both with manual and automatic operation mode.

Open Permissive Command: At the logic level 0", the Unit is not enabled to receive an Open command from the STCS. The permissive is valid both with manual and automatic operation mode.

Note: The emergency commands are not subjected to the permissive: They are processed by the STCS, independently by the logic level of the permissive.

Control System End of the Start-up Time This signal inhibits the software Unit commands during the control system start-up phase, and it allows the Command Unit status up-date on the basis of the field feedbacks. This prevents the announcement of accidental alarm signals like the incongruence between the command memory and the status of the Unit at the end of the start-up time. At the end of the start-up time this signal raises to the logic level 1, and it releases the Unit in the manual Mode. With the system on, the signal is stable on the logic level "1".

Alarmed Unit: Its a signal produced by the command unit. At logic level 1 it represents the anomaly status of the Unit (missing correspondence between the command memory and the field feedback).

Trip Unit: Its a signal produced by the command unit. Logic level 1 represents the not-requested stop of the valve control motor.

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Operator Interface

The command unit has to provide the operator interface with the information necessary to control and monitor the Unit; this information are exchanged by means of four signals which are characterized by its identification tag. Command Pop-up and Unit Monitoring It allows to enter the start/stop commands, to change the Unit automatic/manual selection, to monitor the Unit status (Valve opened/closed, Unit incongruence), and to create the cumulative alarm for "Alarmed Unit".

Unit Trip Signal: It means Unit tripped, or motor stopped without any "stop" command, or reached limit switch.

Unit Supevision Signal It provides the operator interface with the information concerning the Unit status (manual/automatic, permissives missing, local/remote selection).

Unit Position Supervision Signal It provides the operator interface with the information concerning the Unit condition (valve opened, closed, opening phase, closing phase).


Graphic Display

A MOV is shown on the operator interface typically in this way:

Fig. 5.1: Display of a MOV on the operator interface. Valve Symbol: It shows the Unit current status. Red: Opened Valve: Green: Valve closed; White: Intermediate Position; Yellow: Both Control-stops displayed; Flashing Red: Valve Opening; Flashing Green: Valve Closing; Fuchsia: Valve in Bad Quality condition (issues arising during the information transmission between the processor and the operator interface failure).

Actuator Symbol It is set above the Unit Symbol, and shows the command required by the software unit, regardless it is in automatic/manual position.
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Red: opening required; Closing required; Yellow: Motor Trip: Fuchsia: bad quality. Anomaly Symbol It is represented by a frame surrounding the Unit; usually it can't be seen, and it is shown as yellow frame when the Unit is set in "alarm" by the software unit.

A/M Symbol It identifies the automatic/manual condition of the Unit. MANUAL: M Orange; AUTOMATIC: A Green.

Command Permissive Symbols: It provides the operator with the information concerning the existence of permissives to command the Unit; Non permissive: NP Yellow. The Unit is not commandable (to the open position if it is in closed position; to closed position if it is in "open" position). No signal: Command permissives are present. If the NP Symbol is shown, then an accessible pop-up is available by clicking on it displaying the permissive detail of the Unit.

Fig. 5.2 List and availability of the permissive at the open/closed position. L/R Symbol It identifies the local/remote selection of the Unit. Remote: R green; The STCS is enabled to command the Unit. If in Local: L Orange; the STCS is disabled to command the Unit and the commands are enabled only locally.

Note: The R/L signal is not available when the Unit is not equipped with the local column.

Unit Identification: Its a black, static text providing the Unit characteristic tag.
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Each Unit is characterized by a sensitive area corresponding with the Unit Symbol (


The sensitive area is used to Command the Unit: The operator should click on the Unit in correspondence of the sensitive area, and a command pop-up will appear corresponding to the unit. The unit associated with the current active pop-up is highlighted by a surrounding light blue rectangle.

Fig. 5.3: Motorized Valve Pop-up

Analyzing the pop-up, it may be noted that the upper part displays the information concerning the tag of the commanded Unit and its function in the process. On the right part are displayed the information concerning the status of the Unit: Open/close, unavailable, block. On the left part are displayed the commands (open and close); to command the Unit, the operator should click on the square boxes corresponding to the command descriptions. The central input key (ask) is instead used to acknowledge the block in the intermediate position. The white boxes on the right side represent the command memory that means they display the last command given by the control unit. The arrow displays the accomplishment without anomaly of the last command given (matching between the command memory status and the feedback from the field). The lower part of the pop-up shows the entry-key allowing the selection of the Unit automatic/manual mode. The right side text gives information on the current selection ("AUTO for automatic, MAN for manual), and the letter inside the entry-key informs which mode will be activated by clicking on the selection key ("A" for Automatic, "M" for Manual). The "OVR" red signal shows that the Unit is forced to manual.

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There are three possible alarm signals which refer to the valves command Unit. Unavailable Unit: Signal coming from the driver in alarm position. At the operator station level, it may have the following information:

Fig. 5.4: Display of an unavailable valve

Fig. 5.5: Command Pop-up of an Unavailable Valve.

Trip Valve: Under the tripped unit condition, it may have the following signs on the operator interface:

Fig. 5.6: Display of a valve with tripped motor after a closing command.

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Fig. 5.7: Pop-up of a valve command with tripped motor after a closing command. Under these conditions the command unit is forced to the manual operation mode. The operator should recognize the alarm condition by entering the stop command (ACK). After the acknowledgement, if the Unit is available (or when it becomes available), its possible to enter open/close command according to the permissives.

Fig. 5.8: Display of a valve with tripped motor after the acknowledgement command.

Fig. 5.9: Pop-up of a valve command with tripped motor after the acknowledgement command.

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Fig. 5.10: Display of a valve with tripped motor after the acknowledgement command and available.

Fig. 5.11: Display of a valve with tripped motor after the acknowledgement command and available.

Mismatch between the Command and the Unit Status: When a command is given and a setting time for each single Unit is over (for the valves, the assumed standard value is 30 seconds) the software control unit checks the matching between the command and the field feedback; in case of mismatching, it means that the unit has missed the required status or it has never got it, than an alarm signal is produced. The following figures show the display, at operator interface level, in case of "Unit opening/closing Command.

Fig. 5.12: Valve anomaly: failure to open.

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Fig. 5.13: Valve Pop-up displaying the Open command, and feedback missing.

In case of failure to open or failure to close, the operator can proceed with the alarm condition procedure, by giving the command corresponding to the effective valve position. The operator should select the manual mode (if the Unit is in automatic) and give the following commands. - If the Unit has not left the starting limit switch. The command opposite to the failed one and corresponding to the actual Unit status; - If the Unit has left the starting limit switch. The ACK command to acknowledge the intermediate position status (see the description valve trip in the previous paragraph).

The open/close fail alarm is also issued also when the valve limit switch feedback is lost even if no command is given. In this case, as above described, the operator can acknowledge the alarm condition, by giving the ACK command corresponding to the actual intermediate position (valve not-opened, notclosed).

The above described anomaly conditions are also displayed in the "alarms" page. For instance, in case of motorized valve with tripped motor the alarm page will show the following information

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Fig. 5.14: Motorized valve with tripped motor Alarms (the first two from above). Note: This anomaly produces two types of alarms: The first is connected to a Unit anomaly; the second typically refers to the tripped condition. .


Other Operational Conditions

As above described, the command unit foresees some operational conditions which can force it to welldefined status, depending on the configured control logics. These statuses correspond to specific video displays.

Manual Forcing of the Unit The Unit is not enabled to receive automatic commands from the control system; the operator is not enabled to the automatic operation selection. At the operator interface level, it may have the following information:

Fig. 5.15: Display of a valve forced in manual.

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Fig. 5.16: Command pop-up of a valve forced in manual mode.

Unit Forced in Automatic Mode: The operator is neither enabled to command the Unit, nor he can select the manual function mode. At the operator interface level, it may have the following information:

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Fig. 5.17: Display of a valve forced in automatic mode.

Fig. 5.18: Command pop-up of a valve forced in automatic mode.

Unit Selection "Local": The Unit is not enabled to receive manual/automatic commands from the control system; and the operator cant give any command. The graphic display of the Unit and its control logic system look for field feedback coming from open/closed limit switch, without create any mismatch alarm. When the command is re-activated by remote, the Unit is released in manual mode without creating any alarm or spurious commands. At the operator interface level, it may have the following information:

Fig. 5.19: Display of a valve selected in local mode.

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Fig. 5.20: Command pop-up of a valve selected in local mode.

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STD Actuators for Modulating Valves with Reference Signal 4-20mA

The modulating valves are controlled by analog signal coming from the STCS. The signal is produced by the logics through the APID controller (Advanced Proportional, Integral, Derivative Controller), where the exit (CO: Control Output) of the controller is connected to the field by means of an analog output card which converts the analog range 0-100% of the CO in a standard value 4-20 mA. So that the valve opens up proportionally to this signal. The regulation loop function is, as the word says, to modulate the command output so that the process variable (loop feedback) handled by the controller, could align as much possible to the set Set-Point (SP). 6.1 Field Interface

Valve Position: Input signal to the STCS (if foreseen) AI (Analog input) coming from the position transmitter of the valve, standard value 4-20 mA. 4 mA is equal to 0% 20 mA is equal to 100%

Process Variable or Feedback: Input signal to the STCS. AI (Analog input) coming from the controlled process variable transmitter, standard value 4-20 mA. 4 mA is equal to the minimum value of the variable; 20 mA is equal to the maximum value of the variable;

CO Position Reference: Output signal from the STCS. AI (Analog output) directed to the valve actuator, standard value 4-20 mA. 4 mA is equal to 0% 20 mA is equal to 100%


Interface with the Automation System

Besides the field, the command unit requires a range of standard signals to be exchanged through the system automation software: Forcing Open to 100%: At the logic level 1 and Forcing Close not available, CO appear to be forced to 100% Open (20 mA) On the pop-up appears COTR (Control Output Track).

Note: The forced opening comes independently from the automatic or manual condition.

Forcing Closed to 0% At the logic level 1, CO appears to be forced to 0% Close (4mA) On the pop-up appears COTR (Control Output Track).

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Note: The forced close prevails on the open and comes independently from the automatic or manual condition.

SP Forced from Outside: At the logic level 1 the set-point is not settable anymore by an operator, but the value is defined by the logic. The SP icon on the pop-up disappears and the SPTR text appears (Set Point Tracked).

Manual Forcing: At the logic level 1, the regulation is forced in manual. The automatic/manual selection disappears from the pop-up: On the pop-up will appear MNLK, MANUAL

Automatic Forcing: At the logic level 1, and under no manual forcing condition, the control loop can be forced in automativ mode. The automatic/manual selection disappears from the pop-up: On the pop-up will appear MNLK, AUTO.

Position lock: At the logic level 1, the CO is blocked to the last value. On the pop-up appears COTR. Note: This condition has less priority than the forcing close/open conditions.

Bad Quality CO At the logic level 1", it means anomaly of the command signal 4-20 mA. The regulation is completely locked, independently of any other operation condition, and the CO command is tracking on the feedback position. On the pop-up appear MNLK, COTR and MANUAL.

PV Bad Quality At the logic level 1, the unit is forced to the manual operation mode. On the pop-up will appear MNLK, MANUAL Under these conditions the operator can handle the CO manually.


Operator Interface

The command unit has to provide the operator interface with the information necessary to control and monitor the Unit; this information are exchanged by means of five signals which are characterized by proper identification tags. Command Pop-up (A/M Regulation Station): It permits to set the SP and CO values, to change the Auto/Manual selection, and to monitor the regulation status (A/M mode, PV measure, CO value, SP value).

Unavailable Unit Signal: It shows that the Unit is not commandable because of the anomaly in the reading the CO control signal feedback.

Manual Forcing Alarm Signal: It represents the previous automatic regulation which has been transferred to manual because of the intervention of the forcing logic.

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Valve Position: The signal represents the valve position feedback value.

Valve Position not Valid: The signal represents the bad quality valve position feedback value.

Valve Position Wrong: Alarm signal represents the excessive deviation between the CO command and the position feedback.


Graphic Display

On the display pages the control device is typically represented as follows:

Fig. 6.1: Display of a modulating valve 4-20 mA on the operator interface.

Unit Symbol: It shows the Unit current status. Red: Valve Opened (CO>3%) Green: Valve Closed (CO<3%); Fuchsia: Valve in Bad Quality condition (information transmission between the processor and the operator interface failure). .

Anomaly Symbol: It is represented by a frame surrounding the Unit; usually it can't be seen, and it is shown as yellow frame when the Unit is not commandable because of the CO fault.

A/M Symbol: It identifies the automatic/manual selection of the regulation. MANUAL: M Orange; AUTOMATIC: A Green.

Vlv Position: Value of the position feedback.

Vlv Anomaly Position: It's a frame surrounding the valve position value; it is usually invisible, and it becomes yellow when an excessive deviation between the valve position and its command is noticed.

Unit Identification: Its a black, static text providing the Unit characteristic tag.

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Each Unit is characterized by a sensitive area, or rather a display area interacting with the mouse. ) in The sensitive area is used to command the Unit; the operator should click on the Unit ( correspondence of the sensitive area and a command pop-up will appear corresponding to unit. The unit associated with the current active pop-up is highlighted by a surrounding light blue rectangle.

Fig. 6.2: Pop-up showing a PID in automatic mode. Analyzing the pop-up, it may be noted that the upper part displays the information concerning the tag of the commanded Unit and its function in the process. On the left side are shown the PV and SP values, with their range and bargraph. On the right side are shown the enter-keys for the A/M selection mode and the set set-point (SP) and control output (CO). On the lower part are shown the current value of the CO command and its bargraph. At last, in the lowest area of the pop-up are shown the operation mode data. - COTR: The command output is forced by the control system logic. - MNLK: The auto/manual mode of the regulation station is forced by the logic. - SPTR: The set-point value is forced by the control system logic. - LOCAL: Signal always present, it shows that the regualtion station is not subjected to the control of a remote PC, external to the control system. The pop-up available entry-keys have the following functions:
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a) A/M Entry- Key It allows the automatic/manual mode selection of the Unit. The text under the entry-key gives information on the current selection ("AUTO for automatic, MAN for manual), and the letter inside the entry-key informs which mode will be activated by clicking on the selection key ("A" for Automatic, "M" for Manual). b) Set Point: SP value set by the operator. Its the value around which it should be regulated the process variable (PV). The set-point values can be entered by number keys, selecting the icon (SP), or by clicking with the mouse of the blue arrows next to the set point entry-key: Single arrow for small increases 0.2%, double arrows for increases equal to 4%.

c) Control Output: CO value set by the operator. If there are no forcings coming from the logic and with the manual selection, the CO value can be entered by number entry-keys, selecting the icon (CO), or by clicking with the mouse of the blue arrows next to the CO entry-key: Single arrow for small increases 0.2%, double arrows for increases equal to 4%.

d) Cascade Selection: If the application software provides this feature, besides the A/M selection icon, a cascade selection (CASC) is also available. The selection in cascade mode switches the operation of the control loop in the automatic mode with a set-point defined by the control logic.



There are different possible alarm signals which refer to the valves regulating Unit. Unavailable Unit: If he command feedback reading is not valid, the following display is shown:

Fig. 6.3: Display of an unavailable regulating valve

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Fig. 6.4: Pop-up of an unavailable regulating valve

Manual Forcing: If the regulation is forced in manual mode, the following display is shown:

Fig. 6.5: Display of a regulating valve forced in manual mode

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Fig. 6.6: Pop-up of a regulating valve forced in manual mode Note: The forcing in manual mode alarm is produced only if the regulation was in automatic mode. In case of manual mode forcing, whwn the control loop is selected in manual mode, no alarm is produced.

Valve Position error: If the control system detects an excessive difference between the command output and the position feedback, the following display is shown:

Fig. 6.7: Display of a regulating valve in case of position error.

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Fig. 6.8: Pop-up of a modulating valve in case of position error.

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Fig. 6.9: Alarm of a regulating valve with position error (first from above).

Regulation Alarm: If the control system detects an excessive deviation between the set-point (SP) and the controllod variable (PV), or if the PV exceeds the set H/L limits, the station shows the following information:


The PV is higher of the SP set threshold The PV is lower of the SP set threshold The PV is above the threshold of High Alarm The PV is below the threshold of Low Alarm

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Other Operational Conditions

As above described, the command unit foresees some operational conditions which can force it to welldefined status, as a consequence of the configured logics. Under these circumstances, even though there is no alarm condition in itself, specific displays are shown.

Forcing Position: When the regulating valve position command is forced by the control logic, the following information is shown:

Note: The forcing type (position open/closed/locked) is represented by the graphic symbol colour and by the value of the CO/ position feedback). The position forcing may be or may not be associated with the manual/automatic forcing, depending on the configuration software of the control loop.

Fig. 6.10: Display of a regulating valve forced to close.

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Fig. 6.11: Pop-up of a regulating valve forced to close.

Forcing in Automatic Mode: If the regulation is forced by the control logic in auto mode, the following display appears:

Fig. 6.12: Display of a regulating valve forced in automatic mode

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Fig. 6.13: Pop-up of a regulating valve forced in automatic mode Forcing the Regulation Set-point: If the regulation is forced by the control logic and it is not available to the operator, the following display is shown:

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Fig. 6.14: Pop-up of a regulating valve with set-point tracking the calculated value.


Single Analog Input

The analog inputs are processed by the macro MEAS. This is used for all the single measures. For each input channel it is foreseen an alarm to highlight the "Bad Quality", that means that the input signal is out of the range or there is a failure of the acquisition card. The analog tag, associated with the measure values, can create low/high alarms. Dedicated digital tags can issue alarms for very low or very high values of the measure. 7.1 Field Interface

The analogue standard input 4-20 mA/RTD/TE comes from the field. 7.2 Interface with the Automation System

The MEAS macro performs the following validity checks.

Input signal out of range. Anomaly of the input card.

The resultant bad quality signal is made available to the control logic for further processing. 7.3 Operator Interface

The graphic display shows the analog reading:

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Red on yellow background in case of H/L alarm; Black on grey background in normal conditions; Blue without the value in case of bad quality;

Fig. 7.1: Display of measures on graphic box H alarm (above), normal (middle), bad (below)

Fig. 7.2: Display of measure in normal conditions

The following alarm tags are foreseen: Analogue value tags with H/L alarms Digital Tag for Bad Quality input Digital tag for HH alarm (if present) Digital tag for LL alarm (if present)

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Analog double reduntant inputs

The double reduntant analogue inputs are processed by the macro MEAS2. This macro accepts 2 analog inputs and produces a validated signal. The macro foresees the automatic/manual mode selection. - MANUAL Mode: The operator can select one of the two inputs; - AUTOMATIC Mode: The average between the two input channels is usually selected.


Field Interface

The analog inputs A and B come from the field. 8.2 Interface with the Automation System

The MEAS2 macro performs the following checks, and provides the control logic with the validated value of the double measure, and the "bad quality" signal, carrying out the following checks: 8.3 Out of range of each input; Anomaly of each input card. High decrease rate of each input (only if the corresponding control loop is in automatic mode). High deviation between the two inputs (only if both are valid), Very high deviation between the two inputs (only if both are valid). Operator Interface

The command macro has to provide the operator interface with the information necessary to control and monitor the double measure; this information are exchanged by means of eight signals which are characterized by proper identification tags. Command Pop up and Measure Monitoring: It allows executing the channel selection commands, to change the automatic/manual selection of the measure, and to produce the cumulative alarm for the measure anomaly (a non-valid channel, high deviation, very high deviation).

Channel A and B Analog Values: Display the two input channels.

Double Measure Analog Value: Displays the selected measure value which can be equal to the selected channel or to the average of the two channels.

Channel A and B Bad Quality: Alarm tags detecting channel A and B invalidity.

Double Measure Bad Quality: Alarm tag identifying invalid double measure.

Very High Channel Deviation: Alarm identifying an excessive deviation between the two measure channels.

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Graphic Display

On the display pages the double measure typically is represented as follows:

Fig. 8.1: Display of a double measure on a graphic box with handling pop-up Double Measure Value Display: - Black on grey background in normal conditions; - Black on yellow background in case of H/L alarm; - Blue on fuchsia background in case of bad quality;

A/M Symbol It identifies the automatic/manual of the measure. - MANUAL: M Orange; - AUTOMATIC: A Green.

Anomaly Symbol It is represented by a frame surrounding the A/M symbol; it is usually invisible, and it is shown as yellow frame when a channel in invalid or there is an excessive deviation between the two channels.

Further, the measure panel are foreseen to provide detailed information on the double measure handling.

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Fig. 8.2: Double Measure Panel



Its possible to call to the handling pop-up of the double measure both from the graphic page and from the measure panel. The double measure pop-up has the following characteristics:

Fig. 8.3: Command pop-up of a double measure (Canal A manual selected)

Fig. 8.4: Command pop-up of a double measure (average selected, high deviation)
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Analysing the pop-up, it may be noted that the upper part displays the information concerning the tag of the measure and its function in the process. On the right part are displayed the information concerning the status of the measure: Channel invalid and deviation between the channels. On the left part are displayed the selection commands (can1, can2, average); to make the selection, the operator should click on the boxes corresponding to the command descriptions. The white boxes on the right side represent the selection memory that means they display the last selection made, while the white triangle represents the last non-anomaly selection made. The lower part of the pop-up shows the entry-key allowing the automatic or manual mode selection of the measure. The right side text gives information on the current selection ("AUTO for automatic, MAN for manual), and the letter inside the entry-key informs which mode will be activated by clicking on the selection key ("A" for Automatic, "M" for Manual). The "OVR" red signal shows that the selection has been forced.

Manual Forcing: The operator can select the channel A or B. The selected input is transmitted to the regulation. The invalid measure signal is produced when the selected channel is invalid. The operator cant lock manually the average of the two inputs. The operator cant switch from the channel A to the channel B without passing through the average selection (this avoids effects on the regulation associated to the measure). The operator cant select the invalid channel.

Automatic Operation: In the automatic mode the average between the two inputs is transmitted by the macro to the regulation. The selection station is forced to the automatic mode after a while, if the station is in manual mode and the average is selected. When a high deviation between the two valid channels appears, the operator can select manually one of the two channels. If one of the two channel is invalid (because of one of these reasons: its out of range, the input card is in bad quality, the signal decreases at high rate), the macro automatically selects a valid channel and commutes to the manual mode.



Several alarm signals produced by the double measure macro are foreseen: Double Measure Invalidity: The invalidity is produced in these cases:

The selected channel is invalid. The average is selected, and one of the channels is invalid. The average is selected and a very high deviation between the two channels is present. Both the channels are invalid.

Input Channel Invalidity: This alarm shows an anomaly of a measure channel.

High deviation between the channels: Alarm identifying a high deviation between the two channels.
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Very High Deviation between the Channels: Alarm identifying an excessive deviation between the two channels.

The figures reported below represent the signal on the operator interface corresponding to the above mentioned alarm conditions.

Fig. 8.5: Display of a manually forced double measure selected on channel A because of the anomaly (bad quality) of the channel B.

Fig. 8.6: Alarms Page of a manually forced double measure selected on channel A because of the anomaly (bad quality) of the channel B (first two from above).

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Fig. 8.7: Display of a double measure with high deviation between the two channels, and channel A selected by the operator.

Fig. 8.8: Display of the measure with high deviation between the two channels (first from above).

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Analog Triple Reduntant Inputs

The three redundant analog inputs are processed by the simplified MEAS3M macro. This macro accepts three analog inputs, and produces a validated signal. The macro foresees the automatic selection of the mean value among the three signals in case that all the signals are valid, and there is no deviation between the measures. If the macro diagnostic rejects one of the measure, one of the remaining (the higher or the lower) is selected according to the plants safety criteria. 9.1 Field Interface

The analog inputs A, B, and C comes from the field. 9.2 Interface with the Automation System

The MEAS3 macro performs the following checks, and provides the control logic with the validated value of the triple measure, and the "bad quality" signal, carrying out the following checks: 9.3 Out of range of each input; Anomaly of each input card. High deviation between each couple of channels. Operator Interface

The command macro provides the operator interface with the information necessary to monitor the triple measure. Channel A, B and C Analog Values: Displays the three input channels.

Triple Measure Analog Value: It displays the selected measure value which usually is the mean value between the three channels. (for example: A=55.3, B=61.2, C=55.1 then the selected value is 55.3).

Channel A, B and C Bad Quality: Alarm tags detecting channels A, B, C invalidity.

Triple Measure Bad Quality: Alarm tag identifying invalid triple measure.

Channel deviation: This alarm shows the deviation of a channel deviation against the other two.

Measure Supervision Signal: It provides the operator interface with the information concerning the measure status (channel deviation, measure invalidity)

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Graphic Display

On the display page the triple measure is typically represented as follows:

Fig. 9.1: Triple Measure Panel Triple Measure Value Display: - Black on grey background in normal conditions; - Black on yellow background in case of H/L alarm; - Blue on fuchsia background in case of bad quality;



Different alarm signals produced by the triple measure macro are foreseen: Triple Measure Invalidity: The invalidity is produced in the following cases:

At least two channels are rejecteded because of their invalidity or excessive deviation with the others. One of the channels is invalid, and the difference between the other two channels is beyond the set threshold.

Input Channel Invalidity: This alarm shows an anomaly of a measure channel.

Channel Deviation (pre-alarm of measure nvalidity): The alarm means that a channel has been rejected because invalid or different from the other channels.

The figures reported below represent the signal on the operator interface corresponding to the above mentioned alarm conditions.

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Fig. 9.2: Display of a triple measure with the channel C excluded because of highdeviation.

Fig. 9.3: Display of triple measure alarm with one channel excluded because high deviation (first from above).

Fig. 9.4: Display of a triple measure invalid.

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Fig. 9.5: Display of a triple measure invalid.


Functional Groups The Functional Groups manage and coordinate the units concerning homogeneous parts of the controlled process, in a proper way. They are placed at a higher level than the units themselves. The standards functions corresponding to the functional group level are: The Auto/Man group: When all the permissives are present, the functional group can be selected in automatic mode. In the Auto status the units of the functional group are commanded in automatic mode, and they are started/stopped depending on the process condition. The selection in Manual mode of the functional group doesnt modify the automatic/manual status of each unit which remains stable in the operation mode where they are. The stop logic of the group. After the manual selection of the functional group, it's possible to give the STOP command, with an appropriate sequence of actions which takes the units of the same group in the status assigned by the logic to the "stopped group" condition. At the end of the sequence, all the group units are transferred to manual mode.

The function group has no direct interface with the field; it exchanges command and feedback signal only with the subordinate unit logic.


Operator Interface The operator interface of each functional group is made by a display tile which represents the following information:

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Fig. 10.1 Display tile of a Functional Group on the operator interface.

Operation Mode Manual (Orange Background) Automatic (Green Background) Stop (Orange Background) Stopped Group Non-highlighted Stop (Grey Background) Active Group When the small-square next to "MAN" becomes green, it means that all the requirements for the Automatic of the functional group are met. By clicking of the small-square a summary windows is activated. It summarizes all the requirements necessary, and it shows their presence (if available). For example, window with one missing permissive

Fig. 10.2 Window with missing permissive.

Example of a window with all the permissives available, and relevant information on the functional group tile.

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Fig. 10.3 Window with all permissives.

When all the permissive are present, by clicking on the MAN key of the tile a pop-up is shown allowing the operator to command the automatic and manual status of the functional groups. Example of pop-up in the manual status:

Fig. 10.4 Pop-up representing the manual mode and the functional group in manual mode. Analyzing the pop-up, it may be noted that the upper part displays the information concerning the tag of the functional group to be commanded, and its function in the process. On the right part are displayed the information concerning the group status: Manual/Automatic. On the left part are displayed the commands (manual and automatic); to command the Unit, the operator should click on the boxes corresponding to the command descriptions. The white boxes on the right side represent the command memory that means they display the last command given by the control unit. The arrow displays the accomplishment without anomaly of the last command given (matching between the command memory status and the feedback from the field). The lower part of the pop-up shows the entry-key allowing the selection of the check-box automatic/manual mode. The right side text gives information on the current selection ("AUTO for automatic, MAN for manual), and the letter inside the entry-key informs which mode will be activated by clicking on the selection key ("A" for Automatic, "M" for Manual).
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The "OVR" red signal shows that the Unit is forced in manual mode. The operator can require the automatic or the manual of the functional group when the command popup is selected in the manual mode. When the command pop-up is selected in automatic mode, the operator cant perform commands through the pop-up, and the automatic/manual mode requests come from a higher level logic, that is to say the start up and shut down sequences described below. Example of pop-up in the manual status, and automatic status signal of the functional group on the pop-up and on the tile of the group

Fig. 10.5 Pop-ups representing the manual mode, functional group, and check-box in the automatic mode. When the pop-up is in automatic mode, the functional group commands in manual and automatic mode are not provided by the operator, but by the logic (sequence).

Fig. 10.6 Pop-up representing the automatic mode, and the functional group in automatic mode. By clicking on the small square next to the ON a window is shown summarizing the process condition and the units status concerning the functional group which must be present so that the group itself can be considered completely started.

For example, window showing some conditions missing.

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Fig. 10.7 Windows with missing ON conditions When all the units of the functional group reach the status required by the logic of the group to declare the group itself completely started, the small square next to the ON becomes green. Example of a window where all the conditions are met and functional group tile in automatic mode and in operation.

Fig. 10.8 Windows and tile with all the ON conditions present.

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If during the operation one of the units of the functional group switches to manual, the operator will be informed by the flashing yellow AUTO signal appearing on the functional group pop-up.

Fig. 10.9 Tile with GF in auto and unit in manual mode To stop the functional group is necessary to switch it to the manual mode. This action does not modify the operation status of the group units.

Fig. 10.10: Check-box with GF in operation and in manual mode. Then, by clicking on the STOP box it is shown the command pop up to activate the STOP of the group. At the end of the stop sequence, the tile presents the following information:

Fig. 10.11: Check-box with GF in manual and unit stopped.

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Starting and Stopping Sequences The hierarchical level higher than the functional group are the automatic sequences of start up and shut down of the steam turbine. Each sequence is made of a certain number of steps corresponding to the functional group handling or to an operation phase of the unit; e.g. resetting, rolling up, loading up or down loading, tripping and rotor cooling.


Starting sequence The starting sequence is represented in a dedicated video page which displays all the 15 steps, and highlight the one under execution, other useful information, and the start-up commands, how to start-up, interrupt or re-initialize the sequence.

Fig. 11.1 Start up sequence with stopped group.

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The higher part of the screen shows the entry-keys which allow activating the pop-ups to give the START-PAUSE inputs. The text START UP PERMISSIVE is green when all the permissives needed for the start-up are available, but it's white when some permissive is missing. By clicking on the rectangle containing the text a window opens up which list the permissives necessary for the start-up and highlights the missing ones.

Fig. 11.2 Missing permissives.

Fig. 11.3 Available permissives.

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By clicking on the START rectangle, a pop-up activates allowing to initiate the start-up sequence through the Start command.

Fig. 11.4 START Pop-up. In the same pop-up the RESET command carries the sequence back to the step 1, leaving the functional groups in the same status where they are. A following new START command produces the re-start of the sequence, and as it finds some steps ready because their feedbacks are available, rapidly it run through the steps again starting from the number 1, and effectively retaking its real action from the step where it has been interrupted. In the windows, on the right part of the screen, are displayed some messages with the colour code reported under the windows: White feedback: waiting step Green feedback or current status Yellow feedback missing after maximum operational time. Indeed, each step foresees a waiting time and a maximum operating time. The waiting time is the minimum staying time in the step, even though the step feedbacks are already available. The operating time is the time within which all the step feedbacks should be present so the step can be considered executed. If a step is not executed within its maximum operating time, an alarm signal is produced and the sequence is set in pause, and it stops in the current step waiting for the operator action. The operator can decide to wait for feedbacks, and in this case once the step feedbacks come, the operator can go on with the sequence by activating the Sequence Alarm Reset which acknowledges the sequence alarm and the START command. The sequence rapidly runs through all the executed steps and goes on with the non-executed steps. The operator can temporarily stop the sequence by entering the PAUSE keys, and recalling the command pop-up by clicking on the "PAUSE" rectangle and activating the concerned command. The pause can be interrupted with the reset key in the same pop-up. In this case the sequence
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restarts directly from the stop where it has been interrupted. The operator task consists in verifying that all the conditions set by the previous executed steps are still available for the sequence re-start. If the operator decides to give the shut-down input and re-start from the beginning, he must activate the shut-down sequence.

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Fig. 11.5 Start sequence at step 8

In correspondence of the step n. 8 all the days spent with the turbine stopped are recorded and the remaining waiting time with the turbine on the turning gear, is calculated depending on the stand-by days. By clicking on the small box on the check-bock in correspondence with the step n.8 a window opens up listing the permissives necessary for speed up:
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Fig. 11.6 Run up permissives. By clicking on the windows on the last line on the grey small square corresponding to override waiting on turning gear a pop-up is activated allowing the authorization of the sequence speed up, without waiting that the time with the turbine on the turning gear is over.

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Shut down Sequence The shut down sequence is represented in a dedicated video page which displays all the 15 steps, and highlights the one under execution, other useful information, and the commands to start the sequence, to interrupt the sequence or re-initialize the sequence.

Fig. 11.7 Page of the stopping sequence. The shut down video page is similar to the start-up sequence page. Also in this case, the higher part of the screen shows the entry-keys which allow activating the pop-ups to give the START-PAUSE inputs.

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P.S. Grosso D. Calamani

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The text SHUT DOWN PERMISSIVE is green when all the permissives needed for the shutdown are available, but it's white when any of the permissive is missing. By clicking on the rectangle containing the text a window opens up which list the permissives necessary for the shut-down and highlights the missing ones.

Fig. 11.8 Missing permissives.

Fig. 11.9 Available permissives.

By clicking on the START rectangle a pop-up activates which permits to initiate the shut-down sequence through the Start command.

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Fig. 11.10: START Pop-up. In the same pop-up the RESET command carries the sequence back to the step 1. The windows in the right part of the screen has the same function of messages displaying which has been described for the page dedicated to the start-up sequence. Also the waiting times have the previous described meaning. If a step is not executed within the concerned maximum operational time, an alarm signal is produced and the sequence is set in pause, and it stops in the current step, waiting for the operator action. The operator can decide to wait for feedbacks, and in this case once the step feedbacks come, the operator can go on with the sequence by activating the Sequence Alarm Reset which acknowledges the sequence alarm and the START command. The sequence rapidly runs through all the executed steps and goes on with the non-executed steps.

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Fig. 11.11: Shut-up sequence is ready to be initiated.

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Fig. 11.12: Shut up sequence at step 57

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P.S. Grosso D. Calamani

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REVIEW N. rev. Description Page (P) Chapter(C) Date Rept./Init.

First issue

08 March. 2010

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P.S. Grosso D. Calamani

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ABB SpA Power Systems Division



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