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Vol. 88, No. 4, 404-409. 1999

Optimization of L-Lactic Acid Feeding for the Production of

Poly-D-3-Hydroxybutyric Acid by Alcaligenes eutrophus
in Fed-Batch Culture
Department of Food Scienceand Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 6-10-I Hakozaki,
Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
Received 29 March 1999/Accepted 9 July 1999

We investigated optimization of the feeding of c-lactic acid for the production of poly-o&hydroxybutyric
acid [P(3HB)] by Alculigenes eutrophus in a fed-batch culture system. An acidic substrate solution was fed
automatically so as to maintain the pH of the culture liquid at 7.0. Feeding of a substrate solution containing
45% (w/v) L-lactic acid, 6.2% (w/v) sodium L-lactate, 5.8% (w/v) ammonia water and 1.8% (w/v) potassium
phosphate [at a molar ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N molar ratio) of 101, allowed the L-lactate concentration
in the culture liquid to be maintained at approximately 2 g/Z and the cell concentration reached 27.4 g/Z after
15 h of cultivation. To promote P(3HB) production, a two-stage fed-batch culture consisting of a culture for cell
growth and one for P(3HB) accumulation was carried out. When the substrate solution, whose C/N molar ratio
was 23, was fed during the P(3HB) accumulation phase, the cell concentration and the PQHB) content in the
cells reached 103 g/Z and 57.6% (w/w), respectively, in 51.5 h.
[Key words: Alcaligenes eutrophus, poly-D-3-hydroxybutyric acid, L-lactic acid, pH-stat substrate feeding,
high cell density cultivation]

Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a polyester that is into polylactate, which is one of the chemically synthe-
used as a raw material for the production of biodegrada- sized biodegradable plastics. However, our fermentation
ble thermoplastics. Many microorganisms accumulate system enables the use of lactic acid solution, which con-
PHA as an intracellular storage material under restricted tains other organic acids such as acetic acid and formic
growth conditions (1). Alcaligenes eutrophus is one of acid. Our previous studies (15, 16) demonstrated that the
the best known PHA-producing bacterium and is also growth of A. eutrophus was significantly inhibited when
used for the commercial production of PHA (2). the concentration of L-lactate (as sodium salt) in the cul-
However, a major hurdle in the practical applications of ture system reached more than 5 g/l. When organic acids
PHA is the high production cost, as compared to that of are used as the carbon source in fermentation, their con-
petrochemical thermoplastics. One approach to reduce centrations in the culture liquid must be kept at low
the production cost of PHA is to use more inexpensive levels in order to achieve a high cell density. However, it
carbon sources, for example, starch (3), plant oils (4), is very difficult to maintain the concentrations of organic
whey (5) and molasses (6). Agricultural waste materials, acids at low levels over long culture periods by the usual
like lignocellulose, are considered to be desirable as a control methods. Recently, we succeeded at maintaining
carbon source for the production of PHA. the acetic acid concentration in the culture liquid at
Although xylose is one of the main components of approximately 1 g/I using a pH-stat feeding method during
lignocellulose, few commercial products can be obtained the heterotrophic growth of A. eutrophus, in the pre-
from xylose at present. Pseudomonas cepacia (7, 8), culture stage of the two-trophic phase culture for the
Pseudomonas pseudoflava (9) and recombinant Esch- autotrophic production of P(3HB) from CO2 (17). This
erichia cofi harboring PHA biosynthesis genes from feeding method enabled high cell concentrations to be
A. eutrophus (10) produced PHA from xylose but high obtained using organic acids as the carbon source.
productivity of PHA was not obtained. In contrast, a In this paper, we report optimization of the feeding
lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis IO- 1, isolated in of L-lactic acid for the production of P(3HB) by A.
our laboratory, produces L-lactic acid together with a eutrophus in a two-stage fed-batch culture system. We
small amount of other organic acids from xylose at a attempted to maintain the L-lactate concentration in the
high rate (ll-13), A. eutrophus cannot assimilate xylose culture liquid at a low level during the cell growth. We
(14) but can utilize L-lactate and acetate which results in subsequently examined the effect of the molar ratio of
a competitive growth rate (15, 16). Therefore, we have carbon to nitrogen (C/N molar ratio) in the substrate
developed a culture method for the production of PHA solution, on the P(3HB) yield.
from xylose employing these two bacteria. Our method
consists of an initial culture stage for the conversion MATERIALS AND METHODS
of xylose to L-lactate by L. lactis IO-1 and a subsequent
culture stage for the production of a kind of PHA, poly- Microorganism, media and culture conditions A.
D-3-hydroxybutyrate [P(3HB)], from L-lactate by A. eu- eutrophus ATCC 17697T was used in this study. The
trophus. Highly purified L-lactic acid is also transformed inoculum (25 ml) was grown in a test-tube in a medium
consisting of 7.5 g/I sodium L-lactate (Showa-Kakou
* Corresponding author. Co. Ltd., Osaka), 5.Og/l polypeptone (Nihon Seiyaku

TABLE 1. Compositions of the substrate solutions used in this study

Composition (w/v %)
C/N molar ratioa
L-Lactic acid Sodium L-lactate NHIOH K2HP0db
Experiment 1 - 20.0 - -
Experiment 2 10 33.3 - 3.9
Experiment 3-1 10 50.0 - 5.8 1.8
3-2 10 45.0 6.2 5.8 1.8
3-3 10 40.0 12.4 5.8 1.8
Experiment 4 phase A 10 45.0 6.2 5.8 1.8
phase B 23 50.0 - 2.5 0.8
nhase C 46 50.0 - 1.3 0.4
phase D 181 50.0 - 0.3 0.1
a mol carbon/mol nitrogen.
b P/N molar ratio (mol phosphorus/mol nitrogen) was set at 6.10 X 1O-2.

Co. Ltd., Tokyo) and 5.Og/l yeast extract (Difco Labo- (15, 16), cell cultivation at a high density could not be
ratories, Detroit, MI, USA) at 30°C for 12 h. Fed-batch achieved by batch operation. Therefore, a fed-batch cul-
cultivation was carried out in a l-1 glass fermentor jar ture was carried out to obtain a high concentration of
(MDS-UlOO, B. E. Marubishi Co. Ltd., Tokyo) and the cells and P(3HB). To maintain the concentration of L-lac-
initial working volume was set at 400 ml. Various acidic tate in the culture liquid at low levels, a 20% (w/v) L-lac-
substrate solutions were fed into the fermentor to main- tic acid solution was fed by the pH-stat feeding method
tain the pH of the culture broth at 7.0 as monitored (Experiment 1). The result is shown in Fig. 1. L-Lactate
by a pH-controller (PHC-2201; Able Co. Ltd., Tokyo). concentration was kept below 5 g/l by feeding the L-lac-
The compositions of the acidic substrate solutions used tic acid solution but was not kept constant. After 6 h
in this study are shown in Table 1. The composition of of cultivation, ammonia water was added to the culture
the culture medium basically consisted of 3.Og of liquid to give an ammonium ion concentration of 1.Og/l
sodium L-lactate, 1.8 g of (NH&S04, 0.5 g of KH2P04, in order to stimulate cell growth. A maximum specific
1.O g of MgS04.7H20, 20 mg of CaS04. 2Hz0, and 0.5 growth rate of 0.45 h- * was observed between 4 and 8 h
ml of trace element solution in 1 1 of distilled water. of cultivation. At the end of this cultivation period
Lactic acid, used as the carbon source, was in the (29.5 h), the concentrations of the cells and P(3HB)
form of approximately 90% (w/v) L-lactic acid solution were 18.0 g/l and 11.1 g/l, respectively. Even though the
(Wako Pure Chemical Industry, Osaka) and 50% (w/v) nitrogen source (ammonium ions) was not limited for cell
sodium L-lactate solution (Showa-Kakou). The trace growth in this fermentation process, the content of
element solution contained 119 mg of CoC12, 16.2 mg P(3HB) in the ceils was relatively high [61.8% (w/w)],
FeC& . 6H20, 118 mg of NiC&. 6Hz0, 153 mg of CrClr . probably due to a shortage of nutrients such as phos-
6Hz0, 156 mg of CuS04.5H20, and 15.6g of citric acid
in 100 ml of 1.0 N HCl. The culture temperature was
controlled at 30°C. The partial pressure of dissolved oxy-
gen (DO), in the culture liquid was monitored by a mem-
brane-type DO electrode (Able) and maintained above
5 kPa by controlling the agitation speed and introducing
pure O2 gas into the fermentor.
Analytical methods Dry cell weight (DCW) was de-
termined by centrifuging 1 ml of culture broth at 4000 x
g for 10 min and drying the harvested cells at 105°C.
For determination of P(3HB) concentrations, cells from
0.2-l.Oml of the culture broth was centrifuged, the
resulting cell pellet was hydrolyzed with 0.5 ml of 2.0 N
NaOH at lOO”C, and the hydrolyzate was neutralized
with 0.5 ml of 2.0N HCl. The concentration of D-3-
hydroxybutyric acid in the hydrolyzed sample was deter-
mined by high-performance liquid chromatography as
described by Karr et af. (18). L-Lactate concentration
was determined by an enzymatic sensor (L-lactate ana-
lyzer YSI-23L; Yellow Springs Instruments, Yellow
Springs, OH, USA). The concentrations of ammonium 0
and phosphate in the culture were determined by a modi- 0 10 20 30
fied indophenol method (19) and Allen’s method (20), re-
spectively. Cultivation time (h)

FIG. 1. Time course of fed-batch culture with pH-stat feeding of

RESULTS 20% (w/v) L-lactic acid solution (Experiment 1). The arrows indicate
the addition of ammonia water into the culture liquid to obtain an
Feeding of L-lactic acid solution Since the cell ammonium concentration of 1.O g/l. Symbols: concentrations of L-
growth of A. eutrophus was inhibited when the lactate lactate (A), ammonium ions (A) and P(3HB) (0); DCW (0); and total
concentration in the culture liquid increased to 5 g/l amount of L-lactic acid fed to the fermentor ( 0 ).

phate and magnesium.

Feeding of a mixture of L-lactic acid and ammonia
water To obtain a high concentration of P(3HB), it
is essential to increase the cell concentration before
P(3HB) starts to accumulate in the cells. Therefore, a
two-stage fed-batch culture, consist of a first culture for
cell growth and a subsequent culture for P(3HB) accumu-
lation, is often recommended. We first focused on how
to increase the cell concentration in the culture during
cell growth. In our previous study, a C/N molar ratio of
10 (mol carbon/mol nitrogen) in the substrate solution
was found to be the most effective for increasing the con-
centration of A. eutrophus cells, when acetic acid was
fed by the pH-stat feeding method (17). Therefore, a
mixture of L-lactic acid and ammonium solution, which
was prepared at a C/N molar ratio of 10, was fed as the
substrate solution into the culture system by the pH-stat
feeding method (Experiment 2). As shown in Fig. 2, a
specific growth rate of about 0.45 h -’ in the exponential
growth phase was observed and the cell concentration
was 26.5 g/l at the end of 15 h of cultivation. The con-
tent of P(3HB) in the cells at the end of 15 h of cultiva-
tion was 34.7% (w/w). As cultivation proceeded, the L-
lactate concentration in the culture liquid decreased to 25
almost zero (not completely zero), while the concentra-
tion of ammonium ions in the culture liquid increased.
The C/N molar ratio during cultivation was calculated 0
and is shown in Fig. 2. The value was almost 10 (mol 0 5 10 15 20
carbon/mol nitrogen) between 2.5 and 12.5 h of cultiva-
tion, but subsequently, increased markedly. This result Cultivation time (h)
suggests that a C/N molar ratio of 10 is suitable for cell
FIG. 2. Time course of fed-batch culture with pH-stat feeding of
growth in the exponential phase (between 2.5 and 12.5 h a substrate solution whose C/N molar ratio was 10 (Experiment 2).
of cultivation). On the other hand, the phosphate ions in Symbols: change in C/N molar ratio with substrate consumption by
the culture liquid were completely consumed after 12.5 h cells ( n ); concentrations of t-lactate (A), ammonium ions (A), phos-
of cultivation. We observed that the cell growth rate phate ions (0) and P(3HB) (0); DCW (0); and total amount of L-
decreased after 12.5 h of cultivation. This may be due to lactic acid fed to the fermentor ( 0 ).
the shortage of phosphate. For optimal cell growth, feed-
ing of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus appeared to be changed, the concentration of acetate in the culture
important. We estimated the required amount of car- liquid also changed in accordance with the acid-base
bon, nitrogen and phosphorus for the production of 1 g balance of the culture liquid, in order to maintain a con-
of cells, based on the results of Experiment 2. The stant pH. Thus, the concentration of the inactive ion
results are summarized in Table 2. The required amounts works as a mediator controlling the acetic acid concentra-
of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus were 5.22 X 10 2, tion in the culture liquid. We introduced this method
4.74 x 10~-3 and 2.89 x 10--4, respectively. Therefore, the into our culture system and used sodium ions as the inac-
C/N and phosphorus to nitrogen (P/N) molar ratios tive base. The substrate solution thus consisted of sodi-
were 1.11 x 10 and 6.10 x 10 m2, respectively. Based on um L-lactate with various sodium concentrations accord-
this analysis, we used a substrate solution with a P/N ing to the experimental aim (Experiment 3-l to 3-3). The
molar ratio of 6.10 x 10 2 for subsequent experiments. results are shown in Fig. 3. When a sodium-salt free-
Feeding of a substrate solution containing sodium ions substrate solution was fed (Experiment 3-l), the L-lactate
Ikeda et al. (21) were able to control the acetic acid con- concentration in the culture liquid gradually decreased
centration at levels lower than the inhibitory level in a with cultivation time. The concentrations of ammonium
pH-stat culture by feeding acetic acid as the sole carbon ions and phosphate ions in the culture liquid were main-
source. In their system, inactive acid or base for the tained at approximately 0.5 g/l and 0.3 g/l, respectively
microorganism was fed together with acetic acid. If the (data not shown). The cell concentration reached 22.4
pH of the culture liquid was kept constant, the acid-base g/l and the P(3HB) content in the cells was 39.5%
balance of the culture liquid did not change. When the (w/w) at the end of 15 h of cultivation. When a sub-
concentration of the inactive ion in the culture liquid strate solution containing 12.4% (w/v) sodium L-lactate

TABLE 2. The molar ratio of carbon or phosphorus to nitrogen consumed by the cells
Nutrient consumed by cells” Element consumed by cells” Molar ratio of C/N or P/N
Nutrient (mol/g-cells) Element (mol/g-cells) (C or P mol/N mol)
L-Lactic acid 1.74x10 2 c 5.22 x 10 m2 1.11 x 10
Ammonium ion 4.74 x IO-3 N 4.74x 10~3
Phosphate ion 2.89 x 10m4 P 2.89~ 10 4 6.10~ lo-*
a Data were obtained from the result of Fig. 2.

When a substrate solution containing 6.2% (w/v) sodium

L-lactate was fed (Experiment 3-2), feeding of the sub-
strate solution was activated and the L-lactate concen-
tration in the culture liquid was maintained at approxi-
mately 2 g/l until 15 h of cultivation. The concentrations
of ammonium ions and phosphate ions in the culture
liquid were also maintained at approximately 0.5 g/f and
0.3 g/l, respectively (data not shown). The cell concentra-
tion reached 27.4 g/l and the P(3HB) content in the cells
was 22.8% (w/w) at the end of 15 h of cultivation. Cell
growth was promoted by controlling the L-lactate concen-
tration at low and constant levels, which resulted in a
relatively low P(3HB) content in the cells.
Effect of C/N molar ratio on P(3HB) accumulation
We carried out a two-stage fed-batch culture to produce
P(3HB). In the first culture stage for the cell growth, the
substrate solution with a C/N molar ratio of 10, was fed
until the end of the exponential growth phase (12 h of
cultivation) as described above. In the subsequent cul-
ture stage for P(3HB) accumulation, substrate solutions
with C/N molar ratios of 23, 47 and 181 were fed to ex-
amine the effect of the C/N molar ratio on P(3HB)
accumulation (Experiment 4). The results are shown in
Fig. 4. In all cases, the concentrations of ammonium
ions in the culture liquid decreased to almost zero when
0 5 10 15 20 the C/N molar ratio of the substrate solution was
changed. When a substrate solution with a C/N molar
Cultivation time (h) ratio of 181 was used (Fig. 4, phase D), the cell concen-
FIG. 3. The changes in L-lactate concentration in culture liquid, tration reached 22.9 g/l and the P(3HB) content in the
DCW and P(3HB) content in the cells in the fed-batch culture with cells was 57.6% (w/w) at the end of 20 h of cultivation.
pH-stat feeding of substrate solutions containing various concentra- This was similar to that obtained when an ammonium-
tions of sodium L-lactate (Experiment 3-l to 3-3). Symbols: feeding of free substrate solution was fed in the P(3HB) accumula-
substrate solution containing 0% (w/v) ( q ), 6.2% (w/v) (0) and tion phase (data not shown). When a substrate solution
12.4% (w/v) (A) sodium L-lactate. with a C/N molar ratio of 47 was used (Fig. 4, phase
C), the cell concentration reached 45.3 g/l and the
was fed (Experiment 3-3), the L-lactate concentration in P(3HB) content in the cells was 33.5% (w/w) at the end
the culture liquid gradually increased and as a result of 32.5 h of cultivation. In this cultivation, the cell
poor cell growth was observed. The concentrations of growth rate slowed down when the C/N molar ratio of
ammonium ions and phosphate ions in the culture liquid the substrate solution was changed, and accumulation
also increased with cultivation time (data not shown). of P(3HB) in the cells was not promoted. When a C/N



0 10 20 30 40 50 600 10 20 30 40 50 600 10 20 30 40 SU bo

Cultivation time (h)

FIG. 4. Time course of fed-batch cultures with pH-stat feeding of substrate solutions, with various C/N molar ratios (Experiment 4). Until
12 h of cultivation, a solution with the C/N molar ratio of 10 [containing 6.2% (w/v) sodium L-lactate] was fed (indicated by phase A). Subse-
quently, the substrate solution with C/N molar ratios of 23 (indicated by phase B), 47 (C) or 181 (D) was fed to promote P(3HB) accumulation.
Symbols: concentrations of L-lactate (A), ammonium ions (A) and P(3HB) (0); DCW (0).

molar ratio of 23 was used (Fig. 4, phase B), cell growth L-lactate analyzer. The concentration of L-lactic acid in the
associated with the formation of P(3HB) was observed. hydrolysate was higher than that in the non-hydrolyzed
The cell concentration increased to 103 g/l and the supernatant (the maximum concentration of oligomers
P(3HB) content in the cells was 57.6% (w/w) after was approximately 2 g/l). In general, oligomers of lactic
51.5 h of cultivation. The overall productivity and yield acid dissociate into lactic acid at low concentrations of
of P(3HB) were 1.15 g/l. h and 0.176 mol 3HB/mol lactic acid over a long period (24). Therefore, a portion
lactic acid, respectively. It appears that the formation of of the remaining oligomers gradually dissociate into
P(3HB) was enhanced with a balance of activity of lactic acid in the culture liquid, and the cells consume
P(3HB) biosynthesis and cell formation by feeding of the dissociated L-lactic acid. However, it is necessary to
substrate solution with a C/N molar ratio of 23. maintain the L-lactate concentration in the culture liquid
at an almost constant level for optimal cell growth. We
DISCUSSION therefore introduced Ikeda’s method into our culture sys-
tem to maintain L-lactate concentration in culture liquid
Lactic acid exhibits an inhibitory effect on cell growth, at a constant level. Sodium ions were used to mediate
therefore, it is necessary to maintain the concentration control the L-lactate concentration in the culture liquid.
of L-lactate in the culture liquid at low levels throughout When a substrate solution containing sodium I.-lactate
fermentation. When an organic acid is fed as the carbon 16.2% (w/v)], L-lactic acid, ammonia water and phos-
source, feedback control is probably more suitable than phate was fed, the L-lactate concentration in the culture
other control methods such as constant rate feeding and liquid could be maintained at approximately 2 g/l. which
exponential rate feeding. The pH change in the culture is the optimal level for cell growth.
liquid can act as an indicator to control the feeding of Most PHA-producing bacteria accumulate PHA in
the substrate solution, and some studies have reported their cells under nitrogen-limited conditions. However,
the successful control of substrate concentrations by the the activity of PHA biosynthesis is considerably damaged
pH-stat feeding method. Choi et al. (22) reported that under conditions of nitrogen deficiency (25). To obtain
high P(3HB) productivity [4.63 (g/l.h)] was obtained by higher yields of PHA, some researchers attempted the
the pH-stat fed-batch culture of recombinant E. coli addition of a small amount of a nitrogen source to the
strains harboring Alcaligenes latus PHA biosynthesis culture system in the PHA accumulation phase. Suzuki
genes, by feeding glucose at a concentration of 2Og/l. et al. (26) reported that a C/N molar ratio of 25 was the
Kim et al. (23) reported the production of poly(3-hydro- most effective for the accumulation of P(3HB) in fed-
xybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) [P(3HB-co-3HV)] by A. batch cultures of Protomonas extroquens sp. K using
eutrophus by feeding 2Og/l propionic acid solution as a methanol as the sole carbon source. In our results, a
co-carbon source in a pH-stat culture, however, the cell C/N molar ratio of 23 was also effective for the accumu-
concentration and PHA yield were not high (PHA con- lation of P(3HB) from L-lactic acid. These findings indi-
centration was less than 2 g/Z). In a previous study (17), cated that the activity of PHA biosynthesis is maintained
we succeeded in the automatic control of the acetic acid over a long time by the feeding of a substrate solution
concentration at approximately 1 g/l, by pH-stat feeding with a C/N molar ratio of 23-25, using methanol or L-
of a substrate solution with a C/N molar ratio of 10, lactic acid as the sole carbon source. On the other hand,
therefore the cell concentration reached 48.6 g/l at the Rhee et al. (27) also reported that a C/N molar ratio of
end of 21 h of cultivation. Similarly, we introduced the 139 (a molar ratio of glucose to ammonium ion of 23.1)
pH-stat feeding method to the culture system for the was the most effective for the production of P(3HB-
production of P(3HB) from L-lactic acid in this study. co-3HV) in fed-batch cultures of Alcaligenes sp. SH-69
However, the L-lactate concentration in the culture liq- from glucose as the sole carbon source. Therefore, it
uid decreased with cultivation time and the pH-stat feed- seems that the most suitable C/N molar ratio for the
ing method did not work as successfully as it did when accumulation of P(3HB) differs with the strains and car-.
acetic acid was used. We considered that the decrease in bon sources used. It is well known that an increase in
L-lactate concentration in the culture liquid was a result the C/N molar ratio of the substrate solution leads to an
of factors such as, the buffer effect of CO* evolved from increase in the P(3HB) content in the cell (26). In this
the cells in the culture liquid and the oligomers of lactic study, the C/N molar ratio of 47 (Experiment 4 phase
acid remaining in the culture liquid. Oligomers of lactic C) did not yield a higher P(3HB) content in the cells
acid are spontaneously formed by condensation, in a than that obtained with a ratio of 23 (Experiment 4
high concentration lactic acid solution (24). As the sub- phase B). We cannot however explain this result satisfac-
strate solution used in our study contained 20-50% (w/v) torily.
L-lactic acid, the formation of 2-5% (w/v) oligomers, Linko et al. (28) carried out fed-batch cultures 0:‘ A.
which are mainly dimers of lactic acid (lactyl lactic acid), eutrophus H16, by feeding a lactic acid solution periodi-
in substrate solution was estimated from Bezzi and cally, and obtained cell and P(3HB) yields of 11.8 g/i
Watson’s data (24). Therefore, lactic acid and its oligo- and 7.1 g/l, respectively. We investigated optimization of
mers were fed into the fermentor according to the in- the feeding of L-lactic acid in a two-stage fed-batch cul-
crease in pH. The oligomers remained in the culture ture system and obtained high cell and P(3HB) yields of
liquid without being utilized by the cells. Consequently, 103 g/l and 59 g/l, respectively. In this study, we estab-
the concentration of oiigomers increased while the concen- lished a method for high-cell-density cultivation and
tration of L-lactic acid decreased with cultivation time. high production of P(3HB) using commercial-grade L-
We observed the presence of oligomers of lactic acid in lactic acid. We are now investigating the utilization of the
the culture supernatant by the following method. The culture broth, obtained during lactic acid production by
culture supernatant was subjected to hydrolysis with L. lactis IO-1 from xylose, as the substrate solution for
2.ON NaOH at 100°C for 2 h, and the concentration the effective production of P(3HB) by A. eutrophus.
of L-lactic acid in the hydrolysate was measured using a

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