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Innovative and Ethical Leadership



Course Outcome 2: Leadership and Different Approaches



BUSINESS with the theme: “To Assess Personal Ethical Leadership an Organizational
Ethical Culture”
Date: October 8,2023
Venue: BukSU Hotel Laboratory, Malaybalay City
Time: 1:00pm


Abres, Rowena L.
Borja, Early Joy L.
Fongtong, Rhizamae M.
Sinoy, Aljhun A.
Sungahid, Lanie Jane A.
Tabat, Rhenna M.


Dandan, Meryl Jane M.

Luzon, Elizar
Manaran, Louloua Chilly C.
Onipa, Shairyn B.
Ranque, Rudin L.
Suello, Mary Ann S.

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Pages 3-9

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Brainstorming/ Discussion/ Minutes
Date: September 24,2023
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Bukidnon State University Main Campus
Topic Presenters
Prepare 1 descriptive phrase or
● Leadership and Rudin Ranque / Rhizamae sentence for Q&A 2-3 MINS
Different Fongtong
Mary Ann Suello / Rowena Prepare 1 descriptive phrase or
● Transformation
Abres sentence for Q&A
al Leadership
Prepare 1 descriptive phrase or
● Servant Elizar Luzon /Early Joy Borja sentence for Q&A
Prepare 1 descriptive phrase or
● Positive Shairyn Onipa / Aljhun Sinoy sentence for Q&A
Meryl Jane Dandan,/ Lanie Prepare 1 descriptive phrase or
● Innovative
Jane Sungahid sentence for Q&A
Louloua Chilly Manaran / Prepare 1 descriptive phrase or
● Strategic
Rhenna Tabat sentence for Q&A
Analyze workplace ethics and the role of leaders in fostering ethical behavior in the
Topic Presentation PPT: Mary Ann S. Suello

Ice Breaker – Related to the Topic

1ST ICE BREAKER – short dance (AGADO)

2ND ICE BREAKER- jumbled words (Rowena Abres)

Certificate of Participation: Mary Ann S. Suello

Certificates for the resource speakers and participants

Signatories: College Dean, Program Head- MBA
Gather class master list
Signatory/ies (team leader/team secretary)

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Evaluation Form: Rhena M. Tabat

Participants will evaluate.

2 forms in 1 bond paper

To research evaluation format

Present with the team the sample format for discussion and finalization
1 page, a4 sized bond paper

Program leaflet: Lanie Jane A. Sungahid

Attendance Sheet: Lanie Jane A. Sungahid

Token: Meryl Jane M. Dandan

For the participants who actively participates during the Q&A portion
(chocolates or small souvenir)

Monetary gift to Resource speaker

Contribute money for all expenses incurred

Resource Speaker: Early Joy L. Borja

Invite Mr. Lloyd S. Cabantac- President, MBA Student Organization

Seminar Facilitator: Louloua Chilly Manaran

Meetings/Program Documenter: Meryl Jane M. Dandan

Curriculum Vitae of the Presenter: Meryl Jane M. Dandan

Individual and submit to Meryl Jane M. Dandan

Snacks: Pica-pica

Portfolio Creation: All documents shall be gathered and compiled

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HOSTS: Rhizamae M. Fongtong

Aljun A. Sinoy


Opening Prayer: multimedia (short prayer)

Opening Remarks: Rudin Ranque

Resource Speaker Introduction: Early Joy L. Borja

Resource Speaker: Early Joy L. Borja

Rationale/Objectives: Meryl Dandan

Topic Presentation:

a. Leadership and Different Approaches: Rudin Ranque

b. Transformational Leadership: Mary Ann Suello / Rowena Abres

Ice breaker

c. Servant Leadership: Early Joy Borja

d. Positive Leadership: Shairyn Onipa

Ice breaker

e. Innovative Leadership: Lanie Jane Sungahid

f. Strategic Leadership: Rhenna Tabat

Participants Interaction:

● Q&A/ Insights gaining: 6 QUESTIONS

● Participants clarifications/ questions on the topics presented

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● Team interaction with the participants (it is the team’s time to ask the participants what

leadership approach are they into or they prefer to) 3 participants

● Quiz: identification of what Leadership approach is being described (6


Closing Remarks: Elizar Luzon

Planned timeframe for the presentation

Opening Prayer 1:00-1:05

Opening Remarks Rudin Ranque 1:05-1:10

Resource Speaker Intro 1:10-1:15

Resource Speaker 1:15-1:30

Rationale/Objectives Meryl Dandan 1:30-1:35

Topic Presentation

a. 1:35-1:55

b. 1:55-2:15

Ice Breaker 2:15-2:20

c. 2:20-2:40

d. 2:40-3:00

Ice Breaker 3:00-3:05

e. 3:05-3:25

f. 3:25-3:45

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Participants interaction

Q&A 3:45 onwards


Participants preference

Distribution of Certificates

Evaluation forms

September 4,2023 at COB ,

initial discussion

Accreditation Room class G-185

together with Instructor, Dr.
Joy Amor P. Montales

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Planning and Virtual meet-up with class G-47 and G-185 (CO2 presenters) dated
September 13,2023.

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Face to face meet-up for final planning and discussion dated September 24,2023 at
Bukidnon State University Main Campus.

Final discussion with the seminars together with MBA instructors, Dr. Rosita K.
Quibra and Dr. Joy Amor P. Montales dated October 2,2023

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Pages 11-32
The Program

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Welcome remarks by Dr. Joy Amor P. Montales

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Rationale for the whole seminar by Dr. Rosita K. Quibra.

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The hosts Ms. Rhizamae Fongtong and Mr. Aljhun Sinoy.

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The resource speaker Mr. Lloyd S. Cabantac, the President of the MBA Student
organization and currently on his 2nd year in MBA program.

Topic Presentation:

Leadership and Different Approaches: Rudin L. Ranque

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Transformational Leadership: Mary Ann S. Suello

Transformational Leadership:
Rowena L. Abres

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Servant Leadership:
Early Joy L.Borja

Positive Leadership:
Shairyn B. Onipa

Innovative Leadership:
Lanie Jane A. Sungahid

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Strategic Leadership:
Rhenna M. Tabat

A Post & Pre-test was given to the participants amidst the seminar

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The Open Forum

Question-and-answer portion afterwards which was successfully answered by the


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Dr. Rosita K. Quibra gave insights about the topic presented, emphasized that
leadership style varies based on every situation and the person itself.

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Registration and attendance

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CO2 Group Presenters together with (front from left to right) Dr. Rosita Quibra,
Mr. Lloyd Cabantac & Dr. Joy Amor Montales

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Attendees who received tokens for garnering the highest points in the post-test given.

Class G47 and G185 attendees and presenters together with the class professors.

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Sample Copy of Certificates given to the attendees of the seminar

Seminar Evaluation Form Result

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An online evaluation form was hovered at the end of the seminar as a means of
feedback generation and determining the level of satisfaction of the participants
for the seminar conducted. The results of the said evaluation are the following:

1. The goals of the presentation were clear

2. The style of the presentation was organized

3. All presenter was well prepared

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4. All presenter was engaging & dynamic

5. I found all of the presenters easy to interact with

6. My overall evaluation of the presenters – excellent

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7. Were the objectives of the seminar communicated to you?

8. Did the seminar meet all of its stated objectives?

9. Did the seminar address the concerns of your business/ organization?

10. Will the seminar help you to improve your ability to deliver within your
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11. Are you committed to implementing at least one of the recommendations or

objectives learned?

12. Quality of the seminar materials

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13. Technical Support Services (Audio/ Visual setup)

14. Food Services

15. Please list 2 specific things you enjoyed MOST and learned from the

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16. Comments/Recommendations:

Topic presentation: Power point presentation can be access through this link:

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Pages 33-56
Workplace Ethics and the Role of Leaders in Fostering Ethical Behavior in the

Abres, Rowena L.

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Leadership is a big idea that affects how things work in groups, organizations,
and even our society. In this reflection paper, we'll talk about several ways to be a
leader. These ways are called transformational leadership, servant leadership, positive
leadership, innovative leadership, and strategic leadership. Each way has its own
special ideas and methods. Let's see what makes them important and how they can be
used in different situations.

What I like the most, is the transformational leadership approach where it is

called transformational leadership, where leaders inspire and motivate their team to
do great things. They have a vision, charisma, and they encourage thinking and caring
about each person in the team. They help their team members grow and feel like
they're part of something important. I like this style because it shows how leaders can
bring about positive changes. I learned that in this type of leadership style a leader can
involve his/her members in decision making.

I also learned that servant leaders are different from traditional leaders. They
believe that leaders should serve their team. They focus on the needs of their team and
help them develop. This creates a sense of togetherness and shared responsibility. It's a
reminder that leadership isn't just about being in charge; it's about helping others
succeed. This approach can create a kinder and more understanding leadership style.

The positive leadership is all about being optimistic, strong, and using positive
psychology to make organizations better. This style looks at people's strengths, not
their weaknesses. It creates a positive and happy environment for the team. Leaders
using this style pay attention to what's going well and support their team, which
boosts productivity and job happiness.

In the innovative leadership, the innovative leaders encourage new ideas and
changes within their organizations. They like to try new things, take risks, and talk
openly with their team. They make a culture that values creativity and isn't afraid of
change. I like this approach because it's all about moving forward and challenging the
usual way of doing things.

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Finally, the strategic leadership states that strategic leaders make a clear plan
and guide their team or organization toward long-term goals. They understand what
their group is good at, where it needs help, and what opportunities or threats are out
there. They make smart decisions, use resources wisely, and can adapt when things
change. This approach is important because it's about having a well-thought-out plan
and following it to keep an organization successful.

Therefore, Leadership isn't just one thing; it's a mix of different ways to lead. As
a leader, or someone who wants to be one, it's important to know these different styles
and use them in the right situation. Thinking about transformational, servant, positive,
innovative, and strategic leadership, I've learned that leadership is about more than
just being in charge. It's about inspiring, helping, staying positive, trying new things,
and having a clear plan. The best leaders can use these different styles to fit what their
team or organization needs.

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Borja, Early Joy L.

The cultivation of leadership abilities holds significant importance as it

facilitates the attainment of both personal and professional accomplishments.
Simultaneously, individuals frequently encounter challenges in cultivating their
leadership aptitude and competencies. It is crucial to prioritize cultivating a proficient
leadership style that can facilitate an individual's growth in both their professional and
personal domains.

Last October 08, 2023, we hosted a seminar about different leadership and its
role. Students should study many leadership responsibilities; therefore, developing
their leadership abilities should be a fundamental component of their education. The
latter approach will facilitate the development of students' adaptability, enabling them
to effectively apply their leadership skills and abilities while also allowing them to
employ the most optimal leadership style. Therefore, it may be argued that students
possess the potential to become influential leaders.

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Fongtong, Rhizamae

Reflecting on the importance of workplace ethics and the role of leaders in

fostering ethical behavior in the organization is crucial for creating a positive and
productive work environment. Ethical behavior in the workplace is not only a matter
of personal integrity but also a fundamental component of an organization's culture
and success. I learned that leaders play a pivotal role in establishing the ethical tone
within an organization. Their behavior, decisions, and communication should
consistently reflect a commitment to ethical values. When leaders prioritize ethics, it
sends a clear message to employees that ethical conduct is expected and valued this
sets the tone in the organization.

An organization's ethical guidelines should be clearly defined in a

comprehensive code of conduct. Leaders should ensure that these guidelines are
communicated effectively, understood, and followed by all employees. They should
lead by example in adhering to these guidelines. Ethical leaders foster a culture of
open and transparent communication. They encourage employees to speak up about
ethical concerns without fear of retaliation. This open dialogue helps identify and
address ethical issues before they become major problems.

Leaders need to hold themselves and others accountable for their actions.
When unethical behavior is identified, it is essential to take appropriate action and
demonstrate that unethical conduct will not be tolerated. Leaders should invest in
ethical training and education for their employees. This includes providing
resources, workshops, and discussions on ethical decision-making and the
organization's code of conduct.

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Ethical leaders ensure that mechanisms are in place to protect
whistleblowers. This allows employees to report ethical violations without fear of
retaliation, which is essential for maintaining a culture of ethics. Leaders should
make decisions based on the organization's core values rather than short-term
gains. By aligning their decisions with the organization's values, they set a
standard for ethical decision-making at all levels. Consistency in applying ethical
principles is key. Leaders must ensure that ethical standards are upheld uniformly
throughout the organization. Inconsistencies can erode trust and morale.

Ethical leaders are prepared to handle ethical crises with grace and
integrity. They should have plans in place to address these situations promptly
and effectively, minimizing the impact on the organization. Leaders should have a
long-term vision for ethical behavior in the organization. Ethical leadership is not a
one-time effort but an ongoing commitment to fostering an ethical culture.

Ethical leaders set the foundation for a culture of integrity, trust, and
accountability, which can lead to increased employee satisfaction, improved
reputation, and long-term success. Ethical behavior in the workplace is not a
choice; it is a necessity that should be embedded in an organization

Sinoy, Aljhun A.

P a g e 36 | 73

Title: "A Comprehensive Reflection on Innovative and Ethical Leadership:

Evaluating Ethical Leadership, Organizational Ethical Climate, and Workplace
Ethics in Leadership Roles"

The seminar, about Innovative Leadership and Ethical Leadership; assess

personal ethical leadership and organizational ethical culture and also the discussion
of workplace ethics and role of leaders gave an overview of the characteristics linked
to these styles of leadership and how they can affect organizations. This reflection
paper aims to discuss the points from the seminar and analyse how traits of ethical
leadership can greatly impact an organizations culture and overall success.

The session placed emphasis on the critical characteristics that innovative

leaders have. They provide a good example for their team members by acting in
ways that they want them to act and thinking. Since it promotes respect, trust, and
credibility within the team, this quality serves as a solid foundation for effective
leadership. Leaders that are inventive are also open to change. They are flexible and
quick to adjust to new situations. This adaptability is essential in a hectic, dynamic
work environment. It enables leaders to take advantage of opportunities and
obstacles to help their businesses develop and endure.

Another essential quality is having equal respect for everyone. This

encourages variety, inclusivity, and a sense of community among the team members.
Employees are more likely to contribute their original viewpoints and ideas in an
inclusive atmosphere, which can promote creativity. Fair mediation and open
communication were mentioned as crucial qualities. Openly communicating leaders
foster a culture where ideas are discussed, information is shared, and problems are
resolved. Fair mediation helps to resolve disputes and keep a positive work

The program also emphasized how critical stress management is for creative
leaders. They can make wise decisions and keep their cool in stressful situations
because to this talent. It serves as an effective model for their teams on how to deal

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with pressure and stress. Another crucial area of the seminar's attention was ethical
leadership. Strong ethical leaders serve as role models for their people and establish
a culture of ethics across the company. Respect for all people, regardless of their
background, status, or position, is one of the essential characteristics of ethical

Employees feel valued and appreciated because of this regard, which

promotes an environment of fairness and equality. Open communication is a key
component of ethical leadership, as stated in the section on innovative leadership.
Ethical leaders promote open communication and transparency, making sure that
information is shared honestly and without bias. The need of ethical leaders in
settling disputes and ensuring that justice is done was underlined.

Their capacity for impartial mediation is consistent with their moral values,
fostering a feeling of justice and accountability. Effective stress management is just
as important for moral leaders as it is for creative ones. The value of making moral
decisions even in difficult circumstances is demonstrated by ethical leaders who
remain cool under pressure. The program also discussed the negative effects of bad
leadership, including low morale among employees, high attrition, a lack of trust,
and poor communication.

Roadblocks that impede an organization's development were examined,

including ineffective decision-making and opposition to change. Poor leadership has
also been linked to a lack of responsibility, greater conflict, decreased creativity, and
diminishing performance. This emphasizes the importance of creative and moral
leadership in fostering a successful organizational culture.

In conclusion, the lecture on "Innovative Leadership and Ethical Leadership"

stressed the importance of the major characteristics connected with both leadership
philosophies in determining organizational performance. It was clear that these
leadership philosophies foster cultures where integrity, respect, and trust may
flourish. The discussion of the negative repercussions of bad leadership acted as a
clear reminder of the potential negative effects that ineffective leadership could have
on businesses. The need of ethical leadership was further highlighted by the
presentation of ethical frameworks as a manual for instilling ethical values in
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leaders. In conclusion, the seminar gave useful insights on the fundamental
characteristics that leaders should have in order to promote creativity, morality, and
overall organizational success.

Sungahid, Lanie Jane A.


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In order to foster a culture of integrity, trust and accountability in the
company, workshops on professional ethics and leadership roles are an important
element. It also benefits employees and the company as a whole, but at the same
time helps to bring about better ethics and responsibility in society.
The series of seminar conducted on October 8, 2023 about workplace ethics
and the role of leaders is significant and really highlighted key areas of the different
leadership approaches which can be useful in all aspects. The following are the
important key points that I derived from the said activity:
 Leadership and different approaches
This topic is consisting of different leadership approaches such as
transactional leadership which is a type of leadership characterized by its
focus on exchange or transactions among the leaders and their followers is
transactional leadership. This is based on the principles of rewards and
punishment, which are frequently applied in more traditional organizational
settings. Another type of leadership is charismatic leadership in which
personality and charisma has been used in the organization to lead their
people since they have that sense of inspiring others especially during crisis.
Laissez-faire leadership is also part of the approaches in which the organization
encourages the employee to create decisions on their own and making them
independent and self-motivated. However, this is only applied to companies
who have skilled employees that they can stand on their own.
Another type of leadership is autocratic in which the leader controls
significant decision-making power, and most often makes decisions by way of
unilateral action with limited input from team members is authoritarian
leadership. There is a high degree of authority and direction from the leader
in this leadership approach. This is opposite to the laissez-faire leadership.
Moving on to the other type of leadership, democratic leadership is a leadership
style that promotes collaboration, openness of communication and shared
decision making between members of the team wherein participation is
present. The leader seeks input and feedback from his team in this method of
leadership, where collective decisions are taken.

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Situational leadership is also a flexible leadership model that emphasizes
the need for leaders to adapt their leadership style based on the specific
situation and the maturity or readiness of their followers and leaders should
adjust their approach to match the needs and abilities of their team members.
Next, we have the type of leadership that I really found unique which is the
Quiet leadership wherein leaders tend to focus on building strong
relationships, active listening, and leading by example. This kind of
leadership seems so humble that the organization is so eager to build strong
relationship towards the employee in order to improve performance. Last
approach is adaptive leadership which is a little bit similar to situational
leadership. It is a framework of leadership focused on a leader's ability to
manage and lead his team or organization in complex and dynamic situations
is called adaptive leadership. Adaptable leaders have the ability to adapt to
new challenges and are adept at facilitating innovation and problem solving
on their teams.
 In connection with the leadership approaches stated above, there is also
transformational leadership that aims to inspire and motivate the followers in
order to realize their full potential and exceed what they have set for
themselves. It calls for the development of a vision, supporting an essential
sense of purpose and promoting innovation and progressive change at
organizational level. Transformational leaders, who have a significant impact
on their teams and organizations, are often considered to be charismatic
 Another important type of leadership is servant leadership which is a
philosophy and style of leadership that stresses the role of the leader as a
servant to the team and the greater good of the organization or community.
The needs of the followers are taken into account by servants' leaders, while
they focus on supporting and encouraging them to achieve their fullest
 Positive leadership is the management approach that focuses on promoting a
positive and optimistic organizational culture, where leaders and members of
teams work together to achieve common objectives while maintaining an
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atmosphere of support and constructiveness. Positive leaders set a goal of
bringing excellence to their teams, creating an environment which promotes
healthiness, participation and achievement of shared objectives.
 Innovative leadership is a management style and approach which stresses the
ability of an organization to be inspired, encouraged or driven by innovation.
In order to improve the organization’s efficiency and competitiveness,
innovation leaders take active steps in finding new ideas, processes and
 Strategic leadership is style of leadership, and the approach to it, which
focuses on its ability to direct an organization or team in setting objectives
and attaining them for a period of time is strategy leadership. Responsibilities
for driving the organization's direction, taking decisive decisions and creating
a vision of the future are vested in senior management.

In general, leadership is a broad term and a broad area consisting of different

approaches but with a common goal, which is to lead the organization in the best
way they can for sustainability. The different approaches have proven effective in
different fields and situations. When the seminar was not yet conducted, I really had
one view of what leadership really is, which is to lead only, and that the leaders
applied different strategies to make their subordinates follow them. However,
during the seminar, I really found the activity very exciting, especially when the
different leadership approaches were tackled by different MBA students. There, I
found out that there is also a type of leadership wherein the leader allows the
subordinates to make decisions on their own, which is really amazing for me.
Moreover, I also realized that being a leader is not just about forcing the team to
follow your own rules and decisions. Instead, it is more about creating open
leadership wherein everyone in the organization can share thoughts and ideas and
contribute to the improvement of the organization’s performance. Furthermore,
creating a good relationship in the organization is one of the most effective ways to
bring out the best in every employee. Thus, being a leader requires a lot of skills and
abilities to lead by example and exercise work ethics. Leading by example will
enable the subordinates to follow and trust the leaders in all ways, and it is very

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important for the leaders to always listen and collaborate for effective innovation
and sustainability.

Tabat, Rhenna M.
Navigating through the Approaches of Leadership: Am I a Great Leader?

P a g e 43 | 73
Leadership plays a vital role in every organization. An organization must have a
great leader to attain success and foster a harmonious relationship with the members
and society. With the famous quote, “Leaders are not born, they are made”, the
subject MBA 201 Innovative and Ethical Leadership provides an avenue and
opportunity to train and equip students with the necessary knowledge to be a great

With the seminar that we conducted involving the different approaches of

leadership, I have learned different leadership styles that are proven effective in
fostering growth for the organization. My learnings from the said seminar are the
 Transformational Leadership
I have learned that a leader must encourage team members to make
improvements starting for themselves and for the organization. A leader
should encourage and inspire team members to make the required
transformation for the organization to attain success. As there are different
types of transformation, a leader must know what are the needed changes or
transformations in the organization. Meanwhile, a leader should understand
and know each team member's needs and concerns also the strengths and
weaknesses of each member for the leader to adapt its management
techniques. Furthermore, a leader must be a good example. A leader should
primarily make the needed transformation for himself and for the
organization in order for its team members to be inspired and follow.
 Servant Leadership
Servant leadership primarily means leading with a heart. I have
learned that this leadership style not only considers customers but also values
employees wherein a leader’s management style is looking out for their
interest. This style establishes trust between the leader and the employees and
customers as there exists a shared vision between them. Also, I have learned
that this approach of leadership is a steward of a group’s resources and
teaches other leaders to serve others while still achieving the goals set forth by
the business. Thus, it can be implied that if an organization/business aims for
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a high corporate social responsibility the leader should primarily use this
 Positive Leadership
I have learned that when a leader is sociable and creates an enjoyable
at the same time productive workplace, the leader is using a positive
leadership approach. A leader always creates a positive atmosphere in the
workplace amidst the challenges in order for the team members to stay
productive and reach the goal. This approach means that a leader is
supportive, optimistic, and humble. Also, the leader always encourages the
team to do better and to help one another thus fostering collaborative team
efforts. Meanwhile, in times of challenges, this leader is resilient enough to
restore a positive ambiance after challenging situations. The leader never fails
to work and motivate their teams towards positive outcomes.
 Innovative Leadership
This approach of leadership prioritizes making changes to improve the
organization/business performance. In innovative leadership, the leader
highlights in the team members the need for them to innovate and inspires
them to be organized and exert extra efforts to make innovation thus attaining
the goal. This leadership does not only focus on having new products but also
crafting new methods as well as services, and techniques to satisfy clients and
networks. As there are different types of innovation, a leader must know how
to assess what type of innovation an organization must have. In this approach
of leadership, the leader must be effective and at the same time efficient with
the innovation done or needs to be done.

 Strategic Leadership
In strategic leadership, the leader must be a master of strategy
visioning and implementation. This means that a leader must know how to
conceptualize the organization's vision and strategically implement the vision
with the help of the team members. I have learned that a strategic leader
should be strategic enough in communicating the vision to the team ensuring
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that they will believe in the same vision and work to achieve such vision. In
addition, I have learned that aside from having the characteristics to be an
effective strategic leader, there are also ten (10) skills that a strategic leader
must have wherein the said skills can be learned through attending seminars,
workshops, and trainings. Meanwhile, the ways to become a strategic leader
are somehow attainable as long as you have the willingness to unleash the
field of leadership.

With the seminar conducted, I was able to understand that innovative and ethical
leadership in business is highly essential. It serves as a stepping zone for a business
to attain the long-term vision in such a way as to earn success. The seminar allowed
me to understand that being innovative comes in many ways. Every business must
have a leader who knows how to assess the needed innovation and communicate it
effectively to the team. As there are different types of needed innovation, a leader
must know how to influence the team for them to work in accordance with the
needed innovation. On the other hand, with regards to ethical leadership, it relates
to my understanding by making me realize that in every situation a leader must
choose those decisions considered to be ethical. This means that amidst challenging
times especially in times of crisis, a leader must stay ethical both in principles and in

Meryl Jane M. Dandan


P a g e 46 | 73
Leadership is the process of influencing and guiding individuals or groups toward
achieving common goals or objectives. With the topics presented with all of my
groupmates last October 8,2023, I fully understood the concepts and the types of
leadership wherein varies from individual to individual and different leadership
plays a great role in ones’ organization. The topics presented were; leadership and
different approaches; transformational, servant, positive, innovative and strategic

Leadership styles really depends on the type of industry or type of business, there
are leadership that doesn’t responds with the type of situation. Different situations
and organizations may require different leadership approaches. Effective leaders
often blend elements of these various approaches based on the needs of the moment
and the characteristics of their team and organization. The most successful leaders
are flexible and adaptable in their leadership style. It helps leaders identify areas for
improvement, refine their leadership approach, and align their actions with their
values and goals. Regular self-assessment and feedback from others are essential for
personal and professional growth as a leader.

The seminar conducted made us think and realize that there are so many ways of
being a leader that has pros and cons and every leadership style has its uniqueness
to the others.

Elizar Luzon

P a g e 47 | 73
An essential foundational pillar of organizations is ethical leadership. Particularly if
one of the objectives of this organization is innovation, which is now essential to any
organization's survival on both an incremental and disruptive level. In light of this,
we may go even farther and assert that ethical leadership is essential to survival. The
fact that "Don't be evil" is the motto of one of the most innovative large
organizations, Google, no longer surprises me. Although the connection between
ethics and innovation may initially seem tenuous, the research is very strong. Let's
run over a few instances quickly:
According to research, managers who are seen as moral role models uphold their
employees' rights with respect, dignity, and autonomy. When this occurs, workers
are empowered and content, and they show their appreciation by working more for
the company. An organization with engaged and devoted employees is produced by
leaders that treat their staff fairly and encourage participation in decision-making.
This encourages workers to go above and beyond to come up with a novel solution,
even if one already exists.
We naturally have more faith in individuals who we perceive to be moral. Trust
between the manager and his team and among employees is increased by ethical
leaders. Employees are able to observe a shared set of values and behaviors through
their supervisors' actions. As a result, workers are given the confidence and safety to
question the existing quo and express their ideas. Additionally, because the group's
objectives and guiding principles coincide with their own, employees come to
believe that their job matters. Their motivation is increased, particularly if the
organization's aims are self-transcending (making the world a better place) rather
than self-enhancing (getting a raise), which is once again closely related to ethical
behavior in the workplace.
Those that follow ethical leaders do so because they are trustworthy and inspiring.
Only a company with moral management can communicate a shared goal that
workers support. Without them, the vision will be little more than an inside joke
among the staff or, at worst, just marketing speak. A shared vision is a fantastic
lubricant to keep a company operating smoothly in a common direction with a
trusting environment, which again encourages increased interaction among staff

P a g e 48 | 73
members with a shared objective and greater autonomy, which results in...
The development of their employees is a priority for moral leaders. They don't serve
as only a means to an aim. They frequently exhort them to enroll in the courses that
will best serve their demands and advance their competence. Employees feel more
competent and confident taking on more tasks as a result, which starts a beneficial
cycle of growth. As a result, the cycle will continue with future middle and upper
management growing into moral leaders.

Manaran, Louluoa Chilly C.


P a g e 49 | 73
After the topic presentation for course outcome 2: Workplace Ethics and
the Role of Leaders I was able to learn that leadership is a skill that everyone can
possess. There are no exact terms of qualifications but as long as a person is
passionate enough to lead is a confirmation that a leader is born. Every individual
is a leader in its own way and capacity.

The course was presented through a seminar set-up which involves a

group of professional individuals with different areas of specialization and
workplace. There seem to be challenges in meeting schedules to consolidate each
report assigned to every student. But the thing is there are those who are skilled
enough to gather everyone in the group to come up with an informative output. I
saw participants were very participative during the seminar and showed interest
in the topic presented. A well-conducted presentation shows that everyone is
eligible to become a leader regardless of what position they have in an
organization as long as they have that distinctive passion and qualities to become a
Everyone is eligible to become a leader regardless of what position you
have in an organization as long as you have that innate passion and qualities to
become a leader.
Being in an organization with a member-based culture comes with great
responsibility to be a good leader in our own little way regardless of the position
we are handling. I myself learned that even though I am currently in a supervisory
level position my co-employees also possess leadership skills within them and so
being an

P a g e 50 | 73
observant leader, I am able to delegate tasks fairly to them. This will guide and
help them grow in their own ways and unleash their leadership skills.
I have learned that being a leader does not stick to a single leadership
approach. It is often and most of the time a case-to-case basis shift or combination
of leadership approaches that an individual puts on.
The seminar was conducted successfully and each team member delivered
their piece well. It only shows that in all situations leaders do exist.

Onipa, Shairyn B.

P a g e 51 | 73
Analyzing workplace ethics and the role of leaders in fostering ethical
behavior in the organization is the topic which we presented last October 8, 2023. I
was assigned at the Positive Leadership topic that gives me a lot of learnings
specially on how to handle people in an organization. Upon listening on my
groupmate’s topic, I totally understand how good leadership works in an

In my personal experience, I’ve observed that when a leader prioritizes good

ethical behavior in the organization it will create a good impact on employee’s
performances, they will feel valued and motivated. A leader should encourage
employees to speak out their concerns specially on ethical behavior related concerns.
It is necessary for leaders to clear the ethical guidelines of the organization so that
the employees will be guided accordingly. Having a regular meeting and training is
one of a good strategy to help employees understand more the policies of the

Promoting a good workplace ethics is not just an obligation nut it can be use
also as strategic advantage because if they prioritize ethics, it will attract and retain
employees, enhance team performance and create a good reputation.

P a g e 52 | 73
Ranque, Rudin L.

Leadership is like being the captain of a ship. It's not just about giving orders,
but also about navigating through storms, inspiring the crew, and keeping everyone
focused on the destination. A good leader leads by example, fosters a positive and
collaborative environment, and knows how to make tough decisions when needed.
It's not always about being at the front; sometimes, it's about empowering others to

I was one of the speakers at the leadership seminar that we held on October 8,
2023. Because I had experience managing BUPHARCO branches, I was able to offer
my insights on how to become a leader. I had the opportunity to discuss my
methods and how I use several leadership philosophies. I am also very happy that I
was able to learn more from my classmates. I discovered that some of us approach
leadership in our own unique ways.

I took away from the seminar that each of us has a distinct style when it
comes to acting as a leader, and since each of us came from a different organization,
our approaches also differ. Additionally, our instructors Joy Montales, DM, and
Rosita Quibra, DM, taught us some additional vocabulary.

Suello, Mary Ann S.

P a g e 53 | 73

Leadership has always been one of the foundational pillars of

organizational success. It is a highway that leads every vehicle to its destination if
appropriately navigated by the driver. Hence, leaders are the driving force of an
organization. They play a vital role in promoting positive influence to the people
in their organization to achieve their goals. In this course outcome, a slew of
ruminations has been unfolded and unlocked that surely affected the perceptions
of leadership.

From the get-go, leadership is mainly used to navigate the organizational

processes and operations. It creates mobility for the people in the organization to
meet the goals and objectives. From my experience, being in the leadership ground
was never easy. You have to be strategic enough to have order and power to
positively bring out the best of everyone in your organization. From the course
outcome, it made me realize that being a leader is both a privilege and a
responsibility. You have to be flexible enough to lead such an organization to its
best performance. Use and apply different kinds of leadership styles, however,
they fit, depending on what the organization needs or what the employees need to
create a successful operation. The course outcome, made me realize that applying
one leadership style is not ideal for every organization. It is deemed not effective. I
was also able to get the gist of every leadership style, its uniqueness, and its
disadvantages. Indeed, nothing is ever perfect in this world. Each leadership style
has its strengths and weaknesses. This is why the leader must balance and do
whatever it takes to manage the organization well. With that, I also learned that
being a leader is also being innovative if you want the organization to frolic with
success, to create a competitive advantage. To maximize what the organization has
and transcend to a whole new level of innovation.

All things considered, leadership might not be the easiest thing to do, but it
will always be a huge perspective and wisdom provider. It will lead you to know
different kinds of people with different backgrounds and perspectives, even

P a g e 54 | 73
religious and economic backgrounds. It will make you see things way better
because of knowing and leading. Being an innovative and ethical leader is more
than that, it has a more profound connotation that can never be taken away. Well,
in a nutshell, I learned that leadership comes with responsibility and courage to be
the pillar of an organization. If there’s one thing I deeply acknowledge is, that in
this generation, leadership should be one thing that most people, especially the
young generation should learn. Leadership that is anchored by integrity and a
heart to be of service to inspire and motivate. It might not be something that’ll
come out easy, but surely it will be something that they’ll carry for the rest of their

P a g e 55 | 73
Vitae of
Pages 58-80

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Address: Purok 5, Kulasihan, Lantapan, Bukidnon

Contact No: 09639523241
Email Address:
Birthday: June 30, 1996


To establish a career in teaching with a future-oriented institution, offering opportunities for growth
and development where I can showcase my skills in the field.


 Effective communication skills, both in oral and writing.

 Good Leadership and Interpersonal Skills.
 Analyze complex problems and identify and definite solutions.
 Understand professional, ethical, legal, and social issues & responsibilities relevant to
professional teaching practice.


 Master of Business Administration

Bukidnon State University (ongoing)

 Professional Education
Valencia Colleges Incorporated (2019)

 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Management

Bukidnon State University (2014- 2018)
 Dean lister 2ND SEMESTER S.Y 2016-2017
1ST SEMESTER S.Y 2017-2018
 Secondary Education
Mindanao Arts and Technological Institute (2012-2013)
Barangay 9, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
1st Honorable Mention
 Primary Education
Magsal Elementary School (2006-2012)
 Valedictorian

P a g e 57 | 73

 FACULTY MEMBER (February 2023-Present)

Fortich St., Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
(Alae Branch) Alae, Cagayan De Oro, Misamis Oriental, Phil.
 On-call Dining Crew (April 2018)
Amadeo Steaks and Asian Cuisine
Claro St, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
 On the Job Training (June- September 2017)
Development Bank of the Philippines- Malaybalay Branch
Bonifacio Drive, Malaybalay City
 Part-time Cashier (2016)
Seabas Convenience Store
Capitol Site, Malaybalay City



October 2022 (SOC-SCI MAJOR)


 Generika Drug Store (Retail Operations Training)

Carmen Branch, Cagayan De Oro City
Bukidnon State University


P a g e 58 | 73
Name: Early Joy L. Borja
Age: 24 years old
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’5’’
Weight: 71 kg.
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Birth: September 05, 1999
Place of Birth: Kalasungay, Malaybalay City,
Languages: English / Tagalog / Visaya


Intern – Malaybalay City Accounting
Office (November 2017)
Student Leader- Student Body BUKIDNON STATE UNIVERSITY
Organization-College of Business Bachelor of Science in Business
BukSU (2019-2022) Administration major in Financial
Student Assistant- Bukidnon State City of Malaybalay
University Sports Coordinators Office 2022
(S.Y 2019-2020)
Private Tutor Teacher – Catholic Filipino SECONDARY
Academy Homeschool under Ms.
Maedeleine Chua (January 2022- SENIOR HIGH
Customer Service Representative- Accountancy and Business Managament
Concentrix Cagayan de Oro (June 2022 – Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
October 2022) 2018
Book Keeper- Petrina Construction
(February 2023) JUNIOR HIGH
Accounting Unit (March 2023 - Current) Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Zone-2 Kalasungay, Bukidnon

P a g e 59 | 73
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Purok 5, Central Publacion, Kalilangan, Bukidnon 8718
Kalilangan, Bukidnon 8718

My career goal is to establish my own BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company,
leveraging my skills as a virtual assistant to provide exceptional service to clients. Simultaneously, I
aspire to complete my Master's Degree in Business Administration to broaden my knowledge and
become a significant influence in today's business landscape. My aim is to be a catalyst for
innovation and success in the business sector, contributing to the growth and development of
businesses and the professional development of individuals in the industry.


I am a highly skilled and motivated professional with a diverse skill set encompassing
Photoshop, communications, leadership, painting, drawing, video editing, and photo editing. My
passion for the arts, combined with my proficiency in multimedia tools, allows me to creatively
express ideas and communicate effectively.

My track record of achievements includes:

(Pinkamahusay na Pamahayagang Pampaaralan, Regional Schools Press Conference),
Champion in Standard (Dance Sports), Champion in Poster Making at Bukidnon State University-
Kalilangan, Service Award for my dedication, Academic Excellence, Most Outstanding Athlete of the
Year, Grand Champion in Poster Making Contest, Champion in Sepak Takraw.
I am also the recipient of the Outstanding Student Award, which reflects my commitment to
excellence in both academics and extracurricular activities. My comprehensive skill set and
exceptional achievements make me a versatile and dedicated professional ready to contribute
effectively to any team or project.


Level School Address Year Graduated

College Bukidnon State University Purok 4, Kinura, 2023
Kalilangan Campus Kalilangan, Bukidnon
High Kalilangan National High Ninoy Aquino, 2018-2019
School School Kalilangan, Bukidnon
Elementary Kalilangan Central Purok 4, Kinura, 2012-2013
Elementary School Kalilangan, Bukidnon

Page 61 | 73
Position Organization/Club Inclusive Date
Graphic Artist Junior Financial 2019-2021
Managers Club
Vice president Junior Financial 2022-2023
Intern Student/ OJT FICCO Kalilangan 2023

Inclusive Date Title of Seminar/Training Agency
November 9, 2022 Writing Minutes of Meetings, Student Affair and Services
Resolution and Inter-office
November 9, 2022 Gender Fair language: What it Student Affair and Services
November 23, 2022 Budgeting making and Allocation Student Affair and Services
of Funds Classification of
Expenses and Auditing
November 23, 2022 Clarifying Roles in the various Student Affair and Services
organizations and preparation of
activity designs.
January 21, 2023 Excels Skills for Business Junior Financial Executive
January 26, 2023 Workplace Ethics Pre-Internship
January 26, 2023 Data Privacy Protections Pre-Internship
February 11, 2023 Safe Space Act GAD
February 11, 2023 Anti-Sexual Harassment GAD

Recognition/Honor Received Academic Year
Certificate of Recognition PINKAMAHUSAY 2018
Champion in Standard (Dance Sports) 2019
Champion in Poster Making in Bukidnon 2019
State University-Kalilangan
Certificate of Recognition Student 2021
Publication STYLUS
Certificate of Appreciation Online Art 2021
Page 62 | 73
Gallery and Art Show
Service Award 2022
Certificate of Academic Excellence 1st 2022
Most Outstanding athlete of the year 2022
Grand Champion in Poster Making Contest 2022
Champion in Sepak Takraw 202
Certificate of Academic Excellence 2nd 2022
Certificate of Participation Writing Minutes 2022
of Meetings, Resolution and Inter-office
Certificate of Participation Gender Fair 2022
language: What it Matters?
Certificate of Participation Budgeting 2022
making and Allocation of Funds
Classification of Expenses and Auditing
Certificate of Participation Clarifying Roles 2022
in the various organizations and preparation
of activity designs.
Certificate of Participation Excels Skills for 2023
Business Specialization
Certificate of Participation Safe Space Act 2023
Certificate of Participation Anti-Sexual 2023
Most Outstanding Student of the Year 2023

Graphic Design Skills:
 Photoshop
 Painting
 Drawing
 Poster Making
Multimedia Skills:
 Video Editing
 Photo Editing
Communication Skills:
 Written and verbal communication
 Report writing

Page 63 | 73

Name Position Company/Organization Contact Number
Richard S. Sudario, Campus In- Bukidnon State 09675706515
MMBM charge University-Kalilangan
Ray A. Gillaco Branch FICCO Kalilanngan 09454320593
Manager Branch
Mary Ivan Napalla CEO ACS Standard VA

I hereby certify that the information provided in this form is true and correct.

Signature over printed name Date: October 28, 2023

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Zone 2, New Compostela, Damulog, Bukidnon


Strong individual who is committed in serving the academic industry. I am a

lifelong learner who has a strong desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, and
experiences throughout my journey, and open to new ideas and perspectives that
could help me in my professional growth.


Age : 23 years old

Date of Birth : January 5, 2000
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single

Tertiary : Bachelor of Business Administration Major in Financial

Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus, 2018-2022

Senior High : Xavier de Damulog High

School Poblacion, Damulog,

High School : Xavier de Damulog High School

Poblacion, Damulog,
(2012- 2016)

Elementary : New Compostela Elementary School

New Compostela, Damulog,


Page 65 | 73
● Cum Laude
Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2021-2022)

● Outstanding Performance Awardee

Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2021-2022)

● Leadership Awardee
Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2021-2022)

● Service Awardee
Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2021-2022)

● Hon. Mayor Melino Buro Academic Excellence Awardee

Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2021-2022)

● Commendable Student
Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2018-2022)

● Student Body Organization Officer

Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2018-2022)

● Editor in Chief, School Publication

Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2018-2022)

● Assistant Secretary, Junior Financial Management Council

Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (2018-2022)
● Salutatorian - Xavier de Damulog Senior High School (2018)
● Student Body Organization Treasurer, Xavier de Damulog High School (2017-

● Editor in Chief, School Publication- Xavier de Damulog High School (2016-


● S3 CAT Officer, Xavier de Damulog High School (2016-2018)

Page 66 | 73
● Honor Student- Xavier de Damulog Junior High School (2016)

First Honor (2012)


● Seminar on leadership and different approaches

Bukidnon State University-BukSU Hotel
October 8, 2023
● Servant Leadership
Bukidnon State University- Alubijid and
Baungon Campus, March 02, 2022

● News Writing
Bukidnon State University- Alubijid and
Baungon Campus, March 02, 2022

● Anti-Violence Against Women and Children Act

and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control
Damulog Municipal Gymnasiun
October 30, 2019

● Basic Finance Seminar- Workshop

Damulog Municipal Gymnasiun
March 7, 2019

● Good Governance and Leadership Ethical

Decision Making
Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus
March 6, 2019


● Basic Computer Skills in MS Operations

● Office Management and Leadership Skills

Page 67 | 73
● Communication Skills

● Food and Beverages Customer Servicing

● Cooking and Event Decorating skills

● Goal oriented

● Committed and hardworking


● Customer server and assistant decorator at KenCakes and Catering

Poblacion, Damulog, Bukidnon (2017-2022)

● In-Campus Trainee
Bukidnon State University Damulog Campus (May 2022)

● Freelancer at Zwerl Website

Summer Job

● Cashier at Salas Grocery Store

Poblacion, Damulog, Bukidnon
Summer Job


Mrs. Mary Margarette J. Versano Isabel Dakina, MBM

Kencakes and Catering Services Manager BukSU Damulog Campus

Zone 6, Poblacion, Damulog Bukidnon Zone 9, Poblacion, Damulog,
8721 Philippines 8721 Philippines
Cel. Number: 09559987240 Gmail:

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