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Materials Science and Engineering, 68 (1984) 11-18 11

Hysteresis Energy of Cyclic Loading


Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (Czechoslovakia)
(Received April 24, 1984; in revised form July 24, 1984)

ABSTRACT energy o f a spectrum o f blocks o f harmonic

cycles, representing service loading, obtained
In this paper the effect o f loading history by a counting m e t h o d from a random process.
on the deformation response o f a low carbon
steel is examined and some results on the de-
termination o f the shape and area o f stabi- 1. INTRODUCTION
lized hysteresis loops obtained under cyclic
loading are presented. The hysteresis energy A cyclically loaded material absorbs a cer-
A W (as represented by the hysteresis loop tain a m o u n t of energy AW in every cycle,
area) can be determined from which is usually characterized by a hysteresis
loop area (Fig. 1). Numerous experiments
A W = 4 1 - - ~ n, have proved that the accumulation of fatigue
damage is clearly governed by the plastic de-
(o a is the stress amplitude, n' = f(Oa) and n formation amplitude eap and so it is natural to
and k are parameters the values o f which are look for the correlation between the value of
available in the literature) or on substitution the hysteresis energy (or the cyclic plastic
of strain energy) and the value of the load ampli-
tude. This is a rather important practical
0 a ~-- ~Cap n
problem because this energy seems to be a
(eap is the plastic deformation amplitude) convenient measure of the accumulated
from fatigue damage [2].
The determination of the cyclic plastic
1--n' strain energy absorbed in a certain material
AW = 4 , ke~p "+1
Alternatively, if the averaged value o f the ex-
p o n e n t n' is assumed to be O. 15, then the Y
hysteresis area can be found from

AW = 3 --~-


AW = 3keap n+l
Experiments have proved that these equations
give sufficiently accurate results, that n' does
not depend on the frequency o f loading (up
to 15 Hz) and that the hysteresis loop (cyclic
plastic strain) energy can be expressed as a
linear function o f the stress amplitude o~ or
plastic strain amplitude eap (on a double- Fig. 1. Hysteresis loop and coordinate system for the
logarithmic scale). Using these results it is calculation of the hysteresis loop area according to
possible to quantify the cyclic plastic strain Morrow [ 1].

0025-5416/84]$3.00 ~) Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands


volume during repeated loading (i.e. the The values of the parameters k and n are avail-
amount of accumulated loop areas) is not able for most engineering materials in refer-
simple. It m a y be measured directly but re- ence books (see for example ref. 3) or can be
quires rather sophisticated equipment, es- readily obtained for a given specimen by a
pecially when random loading is involved (e.g. quick method [4].
a computer-controlled system with suitable Combining eqns. (1) and (2) gives
software). This is w h y for the hysteresis 1-- n' (Oal+n]:lln
energy application and practical estimation of AW = 4 , \~- (3a)
the fatigue life it is more convenient to deter- l+n
mine this energy b y calculation. The aim of 1--n'
this paper is therefore to propose suitable AW = 4 - - , k•ap n+l (3b)
relations for the theoretical estimation of the l+n
hysteresis energy value based on the material where k and n correspond to the CSSC of a
and loading parameters characterizing the given loading process. This is a rather im-
cyclic loads, to verify experimentally their portant point because the CSSC shape m a y
applicability and also to estimate the influ- depend on the loading parameters [5] and on
ence of some environmental (service) factors the method employed to determine these
on the a m o u n t of hysteresis energy. parameters [6] as well as on the loading
history [7, 8].
Because it is not easy to obtain the rela-
tionship n' = f(Oa) experimentally for the
2. BASIC R E L A T I O N S F O R T H E H Y S T E R E S I S range of stress amplitudes most widely used in
ENERGY CALCULATION fatigue applications, we shall assume at this
stage that the average value of n' is about 0.15
For an estimation of the hysteresis energy [9]. This assumption simplifies eqn. (3), and
the area of the hysteresis loop, which charac-
terizes the energy corresponding to one load-
ing cycle, can be used. In order to determine
(9al+nll n
AW = 3 ~ - / (4a)
the value AW of this energy, Morrow [1] as-
sumed a power law relationship b e t w e e n or
stress and strain and derived that AW = 3keap n+l (4b)
1--n Another important piece of information
AW = 4 1 + n" o~e~p (1)
which can be used as the fatigue damage
criterion is the energy W~ to fracture. Its value
where oa is the stress amplitude, eap is the
depends on the load amplitude (W~ increases
plastic deformation amplitude and n' is the
as the load amplitude decreases [10]) and can
exponent determining the w a y in which the
be estimated approximately if it is assumed
hysteresis loop depends on the stress ampli-
that most steels exhibit a short saturation
tude, i.e. n' f(Oa).
period (stabilization) of their cyclic mechani-
Because fatigue life estimation should in-
cal properties. In other words, AW is constant
corporate the various loading process param-
over a substantial part of the fatigue life or
ters (such as the loading mode (stress or strain
cycling), the mean value, the frequency (the W~ = AW Nf (5)
velocity of loading)) as well as the material
where N~ is the number of cycles to fracture
parameters, it is appropriate to determine the
obtained from the corresponding S-N
hysteresis loop area by means of the param-
(WShler) curve or Manson-Coffin curve.
eters that describe the cyclic stress-strain
These parameters are also usually available
curve (CSSC).
(see for example ref. 3).
The plastic portion of the CSSC is generally
The situation changes slightly when vari-
defined as the relation between the stabilized
able (service and environmental) loading,
stress o~ and the plastic strain amplitude e~p
which is generally of a stochastic character, is
in the form
considered. For this case we use information
Ha : k6ap n (2) a b o u t the accumulation of hysteresis energy

and the corresponding damage caused by one plastic deformation amplitude and the total
typical variable-load unit which may be deter- deformation amplitude were then recorded.
mined, for example, from a spectrum of In addition, the cyclic load and deformation
blocks of various harmonic amplitudes ob- were also monitored with an oscillograph and
tained by a counting m e t h o d (usually by the the stabilized hysteresis loop for each load
"rain f l o w " m e t h o d [7]). If the hysteresis amplitude was photographed. The applied
energy of a block spectrum is denoted as Wbb frequencies in the cyclic tests were 1, 5, 8, 10
then it can be found as a sum of the energies and 15 Hz.
absorbed from individual amplitudes, i.e.
Wbl= ~a lAW i (6)
i 4. E X P E R I M E N T A L R E S U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O N

where ai is the number of amplitudes at the From an analysis of the photographed

ith load level. hysteresis loops the following results were

3. E X P E R I M E N T S 4.1. Relationship between stress o and plastic

deformation ep in a stabilized hysteresis loop
The aim of the experimental programme The results obtained are plotted in Fig. 2.
that we designed was (1) to verify the assump- It is obvious that on a double-logarithmic
tions used in the derivation of eqn. (1) (es-
pecially the power law relationship between
the stress and the strain in the hysteresis
loop), (2) to estimate the value of the expo-
nent n' and its dependence on the load ampli-
tude, (3) to check whether the hysteresis loop b 700

area AW is frequency independent (for a given

load amplitude) and, if so, to confirm that n'
would change with the rate of loading because
5oo i __ h
the CSSC shape does not depend on fre- ~o-3 ,o-2
quency up to 1 0 - 1 5 Hz [5], (4) to compare (a) [p

the experimental AW values with the AW

values calculated from eqn. (3) based on the 700
CSSC, (5) to assess the possibility of using the
simplified equations (4) or in other words to
determine the influence of n' = f(Oa) on the
accumulated energy value and (6) to compare 500

the harmonic block spectrum energy value

determined from eqn. (6) with the true z.OC
energy obtained experimentally for various
arrangements of blocks or harmonic cycles
(various loading histories). 30C
The experiments were carried o u t with a
computer-controlled MTS system using 25£
cylindrical low carbon steel specimens (yield
stress, 320 MPa; ultimate tensile strength, (b ) 10.4 10-3 ~p
620 MPa; carbon content, 0.4 wt.%) loaded
in a strain-controlled symmetric tension- Fig. 2. E x p e r i m e n t a l l y d e t e r m i n e d r e l a t i o n s h i p (re-
compression mode. For the CSSC determina- gression line) b e t w e e n stress a n d plastic d e f o r m a t i o n
tion the stepwise one-specimen m e t h o d was in a h y s t e r e s i s l o o p (for t h e s y s t e m origin l o c a t e d at
adopted, in which each amplitude level was O' in Fig. 1): (a) in t h e l o w cycle fatigue r a n g e ( % =
4 2 2 MPa, n' = 0 . 1 3 7 a n d r 2 = 0 . 9 3 3 ) ; (b) in t h e h i g h
applied up to the stabilization of the me- cycle fatigue r a n g e (line 1, o a - 269 MPa, n ' - 0 . 3 1 3
chanical properties of the material. The a n d r 2 = 0 . 9 6 0 ; line 2, o a -- 358 MPa, n r = 0 . 2 6 8 a n d
stabilized values of the load amplitude, the r2 = 0.995).

scale they m a y be approximated by linear 4.3. Relationship between the stress ampli-
lines with very good correlation coefficients. tude and the hysteresis loop (cyclic plastic
This agreement is slightly better for higher strain) energy
amplitudes (Fig. 2(a)) than for lower ampli- Figure 4 shows the relationship between
tudes (Fig. 2(b), line 1, for which oa corre- the hysteresis loop energy A W in 1 cycle and
sponds to a stress amplitude about 30 MPa the stress amplitude oa obtained for an ap-
above the fatigue limit), but in all cases the plied frequency of 1, 5, 8, 10 and 15 Hz and
linear representation is satisfactory. Thus it stress-controlled loading. From the experi-
can be concluded that the proposed relation-
mental points it is clear that on a double-
ship aa = constant × ep" between stress and logarithmic scale this relationship can also be
plastic deformation is correct and adequately approximated by a straight line. For example,
describes the hysteresis loop shape. This also for a frequency of 1 Hz, oa = 328(AW) °'°s9
agrees with the results published in ref. 11. (correlation coefficient r 2 = 0.966) is ob-
tained whereas, over all the frequencies used,
4.2. Value o f the exponent n' the c o m m o n equation is Oa = 321(AW) °'°96
The results in Fig. 2 show that the slope of (r 2 = 0.902).
the lines which correspond to n' changes with When similar experiments were carried out
variation in stress amplitude. This is also in strain cycling, the result obtained was
obvious from Fig. 3. qualitatively the same: the relationship be-
It should be mentioned, however, that the tween the plastic strain amplitude eap and the
n' values exhibit a rather wide scatter, es- hysteresis loop energy AW in 1 cycle is also
pecially in the range of amplitudes between linear (on a double-logarithmic scale) but the
high and low cycle fatigue. For this reason the scatter is smaller (Fig. 5). For a frequency of
curve shown has been taken from a large 1 Hz, therefore e~p = 1.11× 10-3(A W)°'71s
number of results averaged for various fre- (r 2 = 0.988) and, for all the points taken as
quencies, each point corresponding to a given one set, eap= 1.12 X 10-a(A W)0''/23 (r 2 =
range of the stress amplitudes. From Fig. 3 0.954).
it is evident that the widely accepted n' value From these results it can consequently be
of 0.15 is more appropriate for higher stress concluded that the hysteresis loop energy A W
amplitudes (low cycle fatigue), whereas for in 1 cycle is not frequency dependent up to
lower stress amplitudes the value of n' is 15 Hz. This is also true for the exponent n' of
higher. It seems therefore that a better esti- the loop. Nevertheless, care should be taken
mation of n' for both fatigue ranges should be when applying stress-controlled high stress
about 0.2. amplitudes, where cyclic creep can occur. In
such cases the rate of loading may obviously
influence AW.
It should be emphasized, however, that our
500 concept of the hysteresis loop shapes is valid
only in the crack initiation stage or at best
450 until the m o m e n t when the propagating
,?. fatigue crack substantially reduces the cross
section of a specimen tested. If, in contrast,
the crack becomes very long, the tensile half-
350 cycle occurs over a smaller cross section and
consequently the stress amplitude in the
300 strain-controlled cycling decreases (Fig. 6).
During the compressive half-cycle the crack
2501 is closed and so the cross section hardly
changes; the compressive peak value is there-
fore approximately constant.
For stress-controlled cycling, deformations
o.~ 0:2 0'.3 o, 0.4 during the tensile half-cycles increase because
Fig. 3. Changes in the hysteresis loop exponent n' of the stress increase over the remaining cross
with the stress amplitude o a. section. In compressive half-cycles the situa-

"S V




I !
o.01 o.1 1.o AW(MPa) 10
Fig. 4. Experimentally determined relationship between the stress amplitude oa and the hysteresis loop energy
AW in 1 cycle for various loading frequencies: o, 1 Hz; v, 5 Hz; o, 8 Hz; x, 10 Hz; v, 15 Hz.



5x10-4 ~ o "

Y o

o'.1 o:3 11o ; ; lO

AW (r,4Pe)
Fig. 5. Experimentally determined relationship between the plastic deformation amplitude (~ap and the hysteresis
loop energy AW in 1 cycle for various loading frequencies: o, 1 Hz; T, 5 Hz; o, 8 Hz; x, 10 Hz; v, 15 Hz.

tion again does n o t change because of the oa = 761ea °'117 (for strain control [4]) to-
crack closure. gether with the experimentally det erm i ned
relationship o~ = f(n') f r o m Fig. 3.
4.4. Comparison of the calculated and experi- T he agreement b e t w e e n the experimental
mental values o f the absorbed energy and theoretical points is satisfactory although
Figures 7 and 8 show the experimentally b e t t e r results were obtained for strain-con-
d e t e r m i n e d and calculated values of the trolled cycling (Fig. 8). Moreover, t here is
hysteresis energy A W in 1 cycle for various obviously not m u c h difference bet w een eqns.
stress and plastic strain amplitudes. T h e calcu- (3) and (4), corresponding t o the strain lines
lated AW values were obt ai ned f r o m the 1 and 2. T he theoretical curve 2 in Fig. 7
CSSC parameters using eqns. (3) and (4) and based on the a p p r o x i m a t e equation (4a) gives
f r o m the CSSC o f the material in t h e f o r m an even bet t er correlation with the experi-

mental points than does the more accurate assume that the cyclic plastic strain of a block
curve expressed b y eqn. (3a). This suggests spectrum is also influenced in a similar way.
that the variation in the exponent n', or in This fact is experimentally verified in Fig. 9
other words the experimental dependence for four different block spectra (three of
oa = f(n'), is n o t very crucial; therefore, for these spectra are composed of blocks of
an estimation of the energy absorbed A W in harmonic cycles and one spectrum represents
1 cycle, eqn. (4) can be adopted. a set of individual cycles, the number of
cycles being the same in all cases, however). It
4.5. Hysteresis loop (cyclic plastic strain) can be seen that the largest energy and conse-
energy o f a block spectrum with various load- quently the most advanced fatigue damage
ing histories belongs to randomly distributed cycles except
Because the fatigue life is often influenced at the highest applied load levels for which
b y the loading history, it is reasonable to cyclic creep occurs.
This result suggests that for the most reli-
able laboratory verification of the service
fatigue life based on a block spectrum (ob-
O" tained by a counting method) a randomly
distributed sequence of cycles should be used.
,1 Such a block spectrum is probably the most
extreme representation of a service load [1],
,2 yielding the most severe damage compared
with other loading histories. Moreover, such
a random arrangement of individual cycles is
probably the closest approximation to the
original random process.
j The theoretical (predicted) curve e in Fig.
p" j" 9 corresponds to eqn. (6) which does not take
into account the stress cycle sequence. It fol-
lows the trend of curve d for the random
sequence of cycles and agrees with it moder-
Fig. 6. Evolution of the hysteresis loop shape due to
cyclic loading: curve 1, stabilized hysteresis loop of ately well, especially in the high cycle fatigue
a crack-free specimen: curves 2-6, hysteresis loops of range. So eqn. (6) could be used to estimate
a specimen with a propagating fatigue crack. the cyclic plastic strain energy of a typical

350 xT
}( o



"" "" / • X
• 2
200 <]
0.01 0.1 1.0 10
AW (MI~)
Fig. 7. Relationship between the calculated and experimentally determined values of the hysteresis loop energy
AWin 1 cycle and the stress amplitude o a for various loading frequencies: 0, 1 Hz;T, 5 Hz; o, 8 Hz; ×, 10 Hz;
V, 15 Hz; line 1 , - - , obtained from eqn. (3a); line 2, - - - , obtained from eqn. (4a).




1x10-4 ~ __ , __ i
o.ol o.1 -- o'.6-4.0 6 lo
AW (MPo)
Fig. 8. Relationship between the calculated and experimental values of hysteresis loop energy AW in 1 cycle and
the plastic deformation strain amplitude 6ap for various loading frequencies: $, 1 Hz; A, 5 Hz; o, 8 Hz; x, 10 Hz;
A, 15 Hz; line 1, - - , obtained from eqn. (3b); line 2, - - -, obtained from eqn. (4b).

280 113 cyctes 113 cycles 113 cyCtes


240 113 cycles



I I I 1 I

20 50 100 200 500 1000

W b ~ (MPa)

Fig. 9. Comparison of the calculated cyclic plastic strain energy Wbl of a block spectrum according to eqn. (6)
with the experimentally determined energies for four differently arranged block spectra a-d as a function of the
standard deviation s a i n each block: curve e, ~ - , calculated Wbl (eqn. (6)); curve a, - - O - , experimental block
spectrum a; curve b, ~ , experimental block spectrum b; curve c, --" A .--, experimental block spectrum c;
curve d, X , experimental block spectrum d.

service r a n d o m u n i t . H o w e v e r , it s h o u l d b e t u d e s i n a b l o c k s p e c t r u m . I n o u r case t h e
understood that the differences between the block spectrum contained 113 amplitudes
e n e r g i e s g i v e n b y t h e c u r v e s s h o w n i n Fig. 9 with the corresponding amplitude distribu-
might depend on the distribution of ampli- t i o n p l o t t e d i n Fig. 10.

(4) E q u a t i o n (6) can be used t o e s t i m a t e

t h e cyclic plastic strain e n e r g y o f a t y p i c a l
o 16
&l service u n i t w i t h a r a n d o m loading c h a r a c t e r .
(5) T h u s , if possible, t h e l a b o r a t o r y verifi-
12 c a t i o n o f service fatigue life s h o u l d be b a s e d
o n a r a n d o m s e q u e n c e o f a m p l i t u d e s in a
b l o c k s p e c t r u m o f h a r m o n i c cycles ( p r o v i d e d
t h a t a r a n d o m p r o c e s s is n o t used).

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