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Task 1: Watch the video 1 and answer the following questions:
1. Provide some information about Quartz Power Group
 Energy company in UK
2. Who are participants (name, job positions)
 Marcus: the managing director
 Maya: the finance director
 David: the sales and marketing director
 Anna: the customer services director
3. What's the agenda of the meeting?
 Maya: have to start some cost-saving measures => need a strong workforce
 David: costumer don’t like their office?
 Anna: review our costumer account procedures from first contact => hiring external
4. What have they decided?
 Look for a market research company they could work on
5. Write a brief minute for the meeting
 Reason for meeting: sale figures for their region are down
 Project ideas:
+ Maya: have to start some cost-saving measures
Difficulty: need a strong workforce
=>Marcus: need to stop the downturn in sales and regain market share
+ David: their products are competitive
+ Anna: review our costumer account procedures from first contact to after sales care
Difficulty: hire external researcher, a neutral view on their position in the market
customers views on them
=> Marcus: ask David look for a market research company they could work on
Task 2: Watch the video 2 and answer the following questions
Paul, the HR Manager at Quartz Power Group, held a meeting to talk about a new training

1) What is the reason for the meeting?

 Discuss a new training program for the call center
2) Who is chairing the meeting?
 Paul: the human resources manager at Quartz Power Group
3) Who are participating in this meeting?
 David: market researcher
 Anna: customer service manager
 Maria: developing and running the trainer
4) What issues are they discussing?
 David: work with market research agency to gather information and what they thought of
us => costumers were not happy; they are not getting good service => they are leaving us
for another supplier
 Anna: refresher course starts completely from scratch a waste of time and money => we
have to look at customer contact from start to finish and try to implement
 Maria: start with a review of the current training approach look at what we need to do to
address the problems brought up in the survey
5) What solution have they come up with?
 Start with a review of the current training approach and look at what we need to do to
address the problems brought up in the survey
6) Write a brief minute for the meeting
 Reason for meeting: sale figures for their region are down
 Project ideas:
+ David: work with market research agency to gather information and what they thought
of us => costumers were not happy; they are not getting good service => they are leaving
us for another supplier
+ Anna: refresher course starts completely from scratch a waste of time and money =>
we have to look at customer contact from start to finish and try to implement
+ Maria: start with a review of the current training approach look at what we need to do
to address the problems brought up in the survey
 Solution: Start with a review of the current training approach and look at what we need to
do to address the problems brought up in the survey

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