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Course: Project Management

Lecturers: Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh Tien & Dr. Le Xuan Tho

Group 6: Nguyen Thi Huong - 2106080066

Nguyen Dinh Hao Thien - 2106080118
Nhu Thu Phuong - 2006080106
Dinh Thi Xin Hieng - 2006060012
Nguyen Thanh Huyen - 2006080050

Date: 15 December 2023

II. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT ............................................................. 4
1. Project goals ................................................................................................. 4
2. Project objectives........................................................................................ 5
1. Expected project results.............................................................................. 7
2. Project activities and work plan ................................................................ 8
3. Project Beneficiaries ................................................................................. 12
3.1. Direct beneficiaries ............................................................................. 12
3.2 Indirect Beneficiaries: ......................................................................... 12
3.3 A brief analysis of the relevant stakeholders .................................... 12
IV. PROJECT MONITORING AND EVALUATION ................................... 12
1. Monitoring ................................................................................................. 12
2.Evaluation ................................................................................................... 14
V. PROJECT TEAM ......................................................................................... 15
VI. PROJECT BUDGET .................................................................................. 16


a. Project title

Safe sex, save life

Sologan: “Condom are cheaper than aids”

b. Implementing Agent

Group 6 – Members: Nguyen Thi Huong - 2106080066

Nguyen Dinh Hao Thien - 2106080118

Nhu Thu Phuong - 2006080106

Dinh Thi Xin Hieng - 2006060012

Nguyen Thanh Huyen - 2006080050

c. Project Location

Hanoi University

d. Proposed starting date

1st March, 2024

e. Project duration:

2 months

f. Amount requested from the Donor (VND)

6,854,000 VND

g. Government inputs


h. Implementing agent input

Human resources



i. Other donor inputs



Sexual awareness is an essential component of human well-being and healthy

relationships. It encompasses understanding one's own body, consent, boundaries,
reproductive health, reduced abortion rate, and the prevention of sexual violence.
Unfortunately, there remains a significant lack of comprehensive sexual education and
awareness, leading to a multitude of issues that affect individuals and society as a whole.
According to UNICEF, the abortion rate in Hanoi is the highest in 2020-2021 (196.9 per
1,000 live births). We as students of Hanoi University realize the importance of
comprehensive knowledge and awareness about safe sex and abortion. We chose to
carry out a project named " Safe Sex, Save Life - Condom are cheaper than aids”.

College is a time of profound personal growth, exploration, and transition into adulthood.
It is also a period when many young individuals start to engage in intimate relationships
and face various challenges related to sexual health and awareness. However, numerous
college students lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to make informed
decisions about their sexual lives. This knowledge gap can lead to a range of issues,
including unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), sexual assault,
psychological distress and abortion.

"Sexual awareness" is a comprehensive sexual awareness initiative designed to address

these critical issues by promoting knowledge, empathy, and empowerment in the realm
of human sexuality. This project aims to provide accessible, evidence-based information
and resources to individuals of all Hanu’s students. By fostering sexual awareness
among students, this project aims to enhance the well-being of Hanu’s students, reduce
sexual health problems, the abortion rate, …. Ultimately, " Safe Sex, Save Life" strives
to empower Hanoi University’s students with the knowledge and skills they need to lead
healthy, satisfying, and respectful sexual lives as they journey through their college
years and beyond.


1. Project goals

The overarching goal of the “Safe Sex, Save Life” Project is to foster a campus
environment that prioritizes knowledge, communication, and respect in matters of

sexual health. This initiative seeks to empower Hanu’s students with comprehensive
information about sexual well-being, relationships, consent, and diversity. By promoting
open dialogue and dispelling false information, the project aims to contribute to a
college culture where students can navigate their sexual experiences with confidence,
empathy, and a strong sense of personal responsibility.

2. Project objectives

In the college environment, where personal growth and exploration abound, the need for
a comprehensive “Safe Sex, Save Life” Project becomes increasingly evident. This
initiative aims to address the unique challenges and opportunities presented to college
students, fostering an environment that promotes empowerment, knowledge, and respect
in matters of sexual health. The objectives of such a project are multifaceted, designed
to equip students with the tools needed to make informed decisions, engage in open
communication, and contribute to a campus culture that values inclusivity and

One of the primary objectives of the project is the implementation of targeted sexual
health workshops on the Hanu campus. These workshops serve as a cornerstone,
providing students with comprehensive information about sexual health, abortion,
relationships, and consent. By tailoring the content to address the specific needs and
concerns of college life, the project aims to empower students to make responsible
decisions regarding their sexual well-being. Through interactive sessions led by
qualified professionals, these workshops create a space for open dialogue, encouraging
students to ask questions, share experiences, and develop a nuanced understanding of
their sexual health.

A crucial facet of the project's objectives is the dispelling of information and promotion
of factual information. With the development of modern technology, student can easily
search for sexual information. But it also hard for them to distinguish between false
information and helpful knowledge. The project seeks to counteract these through
targeted myth-busting campaigns. Leveraging social media, campus events, and
collaborations with student organizations, the initiative aims to challenge stereotypes
and misinformation, creating a more informed and aware student body and health. By

actively engaging students in conversations that debunk myths, the project contributes
to shaping attitudes that are based on accurate knowledge.

Consent advocacy and skill-building represent another key objective of the Sexual
Awareness Project. Recognizing the importance of fostering a culture of consent on
Hanu’s campus, the project aims to equip students with the tools to navigate intimate
interactions responsibly. Through workshops, awareness campaigns, and the
development of skill-building programs, the project emphasizes the importance of
communication, boundaries, and mutual respect. By providing practical tools for
navigating consent, the initiative strives to create a college culture that values and
prioritizes respectful, consensual relationships.

An inclusive and intersectional approach is integral to the objectives of the Sexual

Awareness Project. The project inherits and continues the traditon of Hanu University is
to celebrate and respect the diversity within students, addressing various sexual
orientations, gender identities, and cultural backgrounds. By organizing events, forums,
and awareness campaigns that embrace inclusivity, the initiative seeks to foster an
environment where all students feel represented, acknowledged, and supported. This
objective ensures that the project is sensitive to the unique experiences and challenges
faced by students from different backgrounds.

Lastly, the establishment of peer-led initiatives and support networks is a fundamental

objective. Recognizing the influential role of peer interactions, the project aims to create
student-led forums, mentorship programs, and safe spaces for discussions. By
encouraging peer-to-peer engagement on sexual health topics, the project leverages
these connections for positive, supportive sexual health outcomes. This objective
recognizes the power of community support in creating a campus culture where students
feel comfortable discussing and seeking guidance on matters related to sexual health.

In conclusion, the objectives of this project are rooted in the belief that knowledge
empowers individuals to make informed choices, and open communication fosters a
campus culture that respects diversity and prioritizes consent. By implementing targeted
workshops, images exhibition, dispelling wrong information, advocating for consent,
embracing inclusivity, and fostering peer support, this initiative seeks to contribute to
the holistic development of Hanu’s students, equipping them with the skills and

knowledge necessary for responsible and respectful engagement with their sexual health.
Ultimately, the project endeavors to create a campus environment where sexual
awareness is not only encouraged but also celebrated as an integral aspect of personal
growth and well-being.


1. Expected project results

The " Safe Sex, Save Life - Condom are cheaper than aids " project at Hanoi University
unfolds through a strategic blend of online and direct activities aimed at addressing the
critical gaps in sexual education. In the realm of online communication, the project
initiates a series of anonymous podcasts, delving into the narratives of individuals who
have encountered the repercussions of unsafe sex. Simultaneously, project information
is disseminated through the project website, providing a dynamic online space for
comprehensive sexual health resources.

The direct activities encompass a multi-phased approach. In the first phase, the project
publishes academic posts on gender, sex, and safe reproductive health. An anonymous
podcast series is launched, offering a platform for individuals to share their experiences
related to unsafe sex. Transitioning into the second phase in December 2023, the project
unfolds an exhibition on sexual health and reproductive education at Hanoi University's
campus. Concurrently, a workshop named "Sex-ed" is conducted, emphasizing the
importance of comprehensive sexual education.

The outcomes of the project are quantifiable and impactful. It reaches 2000 students
through the fan page and website, engages 500 students through an outdoor exhibition,
and raises awareness among 300 Hanoi University students (both men and women) and
20 teachers. The project's total reach extends to 820 individuals, directly benefiting from
the initiatives.

The implementation is organized with meticulous planning and thoughtful execution.

The two-phase approach ensures a gradual and impactful dissemination of information.
Academic posts and podcasts lay the foundation, followed by a tangible on-campus
presence through exhibitions and workshops. This approach harmonizes with the
project's overarching goal: to foster a campus culture that prioritizes knowledge,

communication, and respect in sexual health matters. The " Safe Sex, Save Life " project
at Hanoi University stands poised to leave a lasting impact by equipping its community
with the knowledge and skills necessary for informed, responsible, and respectful
engagement with sexual health.

2. Project activities and work plan

Major Particular Timeline Participant Outcomes

intervention actions

PHASE 1: Online Communication - Academic Posts & Podcast

Publish Disseminating 1th March - -Utilize social media The project garnered
academic informative 30 th April platforms to reach success with 2000
posts about content on 2024 Hanoi University students accessing its
gender, sex, gender, sex, and (61 days ) students. fan page and website.
and safe safe - Encourage students This digital outreach
reproductive reproductive to share project fosters awareness on
heath. health to information within gender, sex, and
empower their networks. reproductive health,
informed showcasing the
- Collaborate with
decision- project's efficacy in
university faculty to
making. utilizing online
involve students in
platforms for impactful
academic discussions.
education within the
- Promote academic university community.
posts through

university newsletters
and official channels.

Launch an Anonymous 1th March - - Ensure the podcast

anonymous Podcast Series: 30th April series is accessible
podcast series Creating a safe 2024 through popular
about the space for (61 days) streaming platforms.
confessions of personal - Collaborate with
people who confessions student groups and
have related to unsafe clubs for podcast
experienced sex, fostering participation.
things related empathy and
- Implement targeted
to unsafe sex. understanding
online campaigns to
within the attract a diverse
community. audience.

PHASE 2 : Direct activities - Exhibition and Workshop

Host an The primary Preparation: - Engage university The outdoor exhibition
exhibition of intervention - Planning and departments to engaged 500 students,
sexual health involves permissions: encourage student providing a tangible
and disseminating 1th - 31th attendance. and immersive
reproductive information March 2024 - Utilize campus experience on sexual
education on through (31days) bulletin boards and health and
HANU's academic posts announcements for reproductive
- Curating
campus covering gender, promotion. education. This hands-
content: 1th -
sex, and safe on approach
31th March - Collaborate with
reproductive demonstrated the
2024 (31days) professors to integrate
health, project's commitment
Execution: the exhibition into
complemented to reaching students
by an on-campus - Exhibition beyond digital
exhibition on campus: - Ensure the exhibition platforms, fostering a

focusing on 13th - 29th is accessible during comprehensive

sexual health April 2024 peak times for student understanding of the
and reproductive (14 days) traffic. subject matter.
education at

Workshop: The core Planning: - Coordinate with The "Sex-ed"

"Sex-ed" intervention is a - Define relevant university workshop successfully
workshop titled objectives and departments for heightened awareness,
"Sex-ed," aiming structure: 1th - workshop reaching 300 Hanoi
to provide 14th March participation. University students
comprehensive 2024 (14 - Create promotional and 20 teachers. This
sexual education days) materials emphasizing interactive session
and foster the educational value fostered a deeper
- Invite
discussions on of the workshop. understanding of safe
speakers and
topics related to reproductive health,

gender, sex, and logistics: 14th - Utilize both online emphasizing the
safe reproductive - 28th March and offline channels to project's impact on
health. 2024 (31days) announce and register both students and

Execution: participants. educators in promoting

essential knowledge
- Workshop:
and fostering a culture
30th April (1
of informed decision-

PHASE 3 : Sexual Awareness Survey

Sexual The survey aims 1th - 15th - Distribute survey

Awareness to assess and April 2024 links through
Survey improve sexual (14 days) university
awareness, communication
fostering channels.
informed - Incentivize survey
discussions on participation with
reproductive relevant rewards or
health and safe acknowledgments.
- Collaborate with
faculty to integrate the
survey into academic

3. Project Beneficiaries

3.1. Direct beneficiaries

At the forefront of the project's direct beneficiaries are the 300 HANU students, a diverse
group representing both men and women. These students actively participate in
workshops, exhibitions, and online activities, immersing themselves in a journey of
experiential learning. The project becomes a conduit for these individuals to acquire a
profound understanding of gender, sex, and safe reproductive health. Additionally, the
20 teachers engaged in the educational initiatives emerge as direct beneficiaries, gaining
valuable tools and insights to guide discussions on sexual health within their classrooms.

3.2 Indirect Beneficiaries:

Beyond the immediate participants, the project's impact resonates with a wider audience.
The online communication strategy, including academic posts and an anonymous
podcast series, extends its reach to students who may not directly engage in workshops
or exhibitions. This wider university community becomes indirect beneficiaries,
benefiting from increased awareness and knowledge surrounding safe sex practices and
reproductive health. Furthermore, the potential outreach extends beyond the university,
encompassing individuals accessing the online content and, in turn, becoming indirect
beneficiaries of the project's efforts.

3.3 A brief analysis of the relevant stakeholders

• Key player (High power, high interest): Hanoi University management

• Meet their needs (High power, low interest): Administration committee of Hanoi
University and Faculty of International Studies
• Show consideration (Low power, high interest): Hanoi University students,
Hanoi University clubs


1. Monitoring

It can be seen that project monitoring is an essential and indispensable part of the project
management cycle. Project monitoring involves tracking metrics, progress, and related
project tasks to ensure everything is completed on time, on budget, and according to
project requirements and standards. With the project “ Safe Sex, Save Life - Condom
are cheaper than aids” We have a monitoring process that helps clarify project goals,
link activities to goals, set targets, report progress to management, and keep
management aware of emerging issues. generated during project implementation.

To begin the project, we established a six-position project unit to make project planning
and implementation simpler and monitoring easier. Thus, in general, the project
operating unit will be responsible for implementing and regularly monitoring all project
activities. Before implementing project activities, at the planning stage, we will hold
meetings with relevant parties to agree on the content of the project plan, especially
activities that stakeholders can participate in with the project team. In particular, after
each phase, we will send results reports to relevant parties to ensure the project is on the
right path and will be promptly adjusted if there are fundamental errors. In addition, for
the operation to run smoothly, we will hold a meeting 1 week before the official
operation to check all available resources.

After reports on the current status and conditions of the project implementation phase,
the evaluation will be the next step for us to evaluate the effectiveness of the project. In
particular, there will be ongoing periodic performance reports to help identify potential
problems such as staffing-related issues or a decline in student ratios in subsequent
activities. Therefore, we will be able to take appropriate measures to promptly respond
to those obstacles. Furthermore, during all stages of project management, we will be
accountable to stakeholders for operations, project and financial outcomes, etc. Finally,
there is the principle of “learning”, essentially through errors or problems that arise
during the activities and are also noted in the reflection sheet, they will help your project
team. We draw some experimental experiences to apply to the next activities and make
them more feasible. It is worth noting that monitoring will be conducted at HANU and
will also be carried out through regular team meetings. Therefore, to achieve this, a work
plan using the Master Progress Chart for a specific timeline along with work deadlines
will be designed and used by us. So we can guarantee what we will do as planned.


In terms of evaluation, our goal is to make sure we've built a cohesive team to build a
practical project for the students at Hanoi University. After each stage of organizing the
workshop and exhibition, we will evaluate the effectiveness and progress of the project.
Besides, communication activities through social media are assessed on an ongoing
basis weekly during the process of the project. At the same time, we will undertake a
process evaluation to ensure that we are achieving project objectives on time and
overcoming barriers as they emerge. Specifically, we will hold internal weekly meetings
and weekly reports with sponsors to check and evaluate each proposed disintegration

In terms of evaluation, our goal is to make sure we've built a cohesive team to build a
practical project. There are five main criteria to assess the project as follows:

- Relevance:
o Are we doing the right thing?
o How significant is the intervention in relation to Hanu students?
- Effectiveness:
o Have the project's objectives been met and what issues have been resolved?
- Efficiency:
o Were the project objectives completed on time?
o To what extent are activities implemented as planned and according to the
set deadlines?
o Have all financial and human resource contributions been provided on
time and have been used effectively?
- Impact:
o What causes the delays and how are corrective actions carried out?
o How much of an influence did the initiative have on the attitudes of FIS
- Sustainability:
o Are the benefits or consequences long-lasting?
o Which key components or areas needs greater attention for the project to
have a better chance of being sustainable?

o How is the sustainability or permanence of the intervention and its effects
to be assessed?


Position Responsipility

1. Team Leader (Nguyen Thi • Responsible for setting goals, planning, directing
Huong) implementation, monitoring, and evaluating the quality of
the proposed activities by holding weekly meetings to
report and understand the work progress.
• needs to be cohesive, someone who guides the members
and accompanies the team to perform the work
• Supervising the work done by other teams and work
2. Project Coordinator • Coordinating project, resources, equipment, and
(Nguyen Dinh Hao Thien) information management activities.
• Contacting with partners.
• Assigning tasks to internal teams and assisting with
schedule management.
3. Media comunity • Planning a media campaign for the project
(Nhu Thu Phuong) • Building and managing media content
• Managing the work of the media department
• Reporting on media campaign results
4. Human Resources • Monitoring the progress of the project to ensure the
department quality of the events.
(Dinh Thi Xin Hieng) • Training inexperienced volunteers to assist with daily
• Being the point person on building skilled teams to tackle
the project and support participants.

5. Finance management • Planning and budgeting a reasonable expenditure.
(Nguyen Thanh Huyen) • Writing a financial report in order to keep track of the
spending process.
• Responsible for the disbursement and the physical
performance of the project
• Analyzing and evaluating risks in order to prevent
financial issues.
• Responsible for logistics activities for each event of the


Activity 1: Constructing safe space

In the digital facet of our project, " Safe Sex, Save Life - Condom are cheaper than aids
" we present an array of online activities throughout the 2-month process. A repository
of erudite academic posts elucidating gender, sex, and safe reproductive health,
contributes to a nuanced understanding of these pivotal subjects. Additionally, we
engage with our groundbreaking anonymous podcast series, providing a platform for
individuals to share candid confessions related to experiences with unsafe sex. This
online initiative seeks to foster informed conversations, challenge societal perceptions,
and promote a holistic discourse on sexual health.

No Items Unit Price Quantity Amount Note


1 Podcast episode 0 3 0 1 ep/week

2 Videos video 0 8 0 1 video/week

3 Posts post 0 16 0 2 posts/week

4 Facebook ads time 250,000 2 500,000 Promoting
& events

5 Podcast studio rental hour 600,000 4 2,400,000

6 Water bottle 5,000 20 100,000 For recording

session; lavie;

Total: 3,000,000 VND

Activity 2: A workshop on sex and reproductive health education

A morning session of this activity is scheduled on 9 AM Friday, March 21, 2024, in the
faculty’s office room. Twenty FIS students are expected to participate. As suggested by
the workshop's title, participants will gain some relevant and practical knowledge that
will aid FIS students in particular and HANU students in general in understanding and
perceiving what safe spaces are and why they are necessary. Additionally, facilitated
interactive activities will include student group discussions and an opportunity for
speakers and attendees to share personal narratives on different effects of the problems.
After the workshop, it is anticipated that FIS students would be able to gain a basic
understanding of safe sex practices and reproductive health.

No Items Unit Price Quantity Amount Note


1 Faculty’s office room room 0 1 0

2 Micro and speaker set 0 2 0

3 Water bottle 5,000 20 100,000 Lavie; 350ml

4 Projector projector 0 1 0

5 Materials set 10,000 22 220,000

6 Fee for guest speaker day 2,000,000 1 2,000,000 fixable

7 Gifts notebook 10,000 21 210,000 Size: A5

8 Standees standee 90,000 1 90,000

Total: 2,620,000 VND

Activity 3: An opened exhibition

When visiting the exhibition space, visitors will learn about the concept of sexual health
and reproductive education as well as some true stories that inspired the artwork. This
event, which features roughly 10 artworks, will take place over one day on the HANU
campus courtyard. Following that, guests will either put down their thoughts on one of
the most striking pictures or provide the organizers with some comments.

No Items Unit Size Price Quantity Amount Note


1 Tables table 0 3 0

2 Wood easels easel Height: 1,3m 20,000 10 200,000 renting

3 Poster poster A3 8,000 3 24,000

4 Brochure brochure A5 2,000 150 300,000

5 Standees standee 80x180 (cm) 90,000 2 180,000

6 Paper color images paper A3 8,000 10 80,000

7 Gifts pin 3,2cm 4,500 100 450,000 Project’s pins

Total: 1,234,000 VND

Overall Total Project Cost: 6,854,000 VND


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