Study On Humanoid Robot With Specifications

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of the Experiment: 01
Name of the Experiment: Study on Humanoid Robot with Specifications
1. To know about the Humanoid Robot
2. To know about the specifications of Humanoid Robot
3. To know about the classifications of Humanoid Robot
4. To know about the applications of the Humanoid Robot

The word "robot" comes from the Czech word "robota," which means "forced labor" or "work."
The term was first introduced by Czech writer Karel Čapek in his 1920 play "R.U.R." (Rossum's
Universal Robots), which depicted humanoid machines that were created to perform labor and
eventually rebelled against their human creators. Čapek's play popularized the use of the term
"robot" to refer to artificial beings, and it has since become a widely recognized term in the field
of robotics. Today, the word "robot" is used to refer to a wide range of machines that are designed
to perform tasks automatically, and it has become an integral part of our modern technological
The History of Humanoid Robot:
The idea of creating humanoid robots can be traced back to ancient myths and legends, such as the
story of the golem in Jewish folklore and the automata of ancient Greece. However, it was not
until the 20th century that the concept of humanoid robots became a reality. One of the first
attempts at creating a humanoid robot was made by American inventor George Moore in the early
1900s. Moore's robot, named "The Mechanical Man," was designed to perform simple tasks such
as walking and waving its arms. In the 1920s and 1930s, Japanese inventor Makoto Nishimura
developed a series of humanoid robots that were capable of walking, running, and performing
simple tasks. Nishimura's robots were primarily used for entertainment purposes, and they became
popular attractions in theaters and exhibitions. In the 1950s, American roboticist John McCarthy
proposed the idea of creating intelligent machines that could learn and reason like humans. This
led to the development of artificial intelligence and the creation of more sophisticated humanoid
robots, such as the WABOT-1, which was developed by researchers at the Waseda University in
Japan in the 1970s. In recent years, the development of advanced sensors, materials, and
computing technologies has led to the creation of even more sophisticated humanoid robots, such
as ASIMO, developed by Honda in 2000, and the Atlas robot, developed by Boston Dynamics in
2013. These robots are capable of performing complex tasks and interacting with humans in a
more natural and intuitive way. While humanoid robots are still in the early stages of development
and are primarily used in research and development, they have the potential to revolutionize many
industries, from healthcare to manufacturing, and could one day become an integral part of our
daily lives. The concept of generations of humanoid robots is not an official classification, but it
is a useful way to describe the different stages of development of humanoid robots. Here is a
general overview:
Figure 1.1: Humanoid Robot Evaluation
• First-generation humanoid robots: The first generation of humanoid robots emerged in the
1960s and 1970s. These robots were very basic, with limited capabilities and no real
intelligence. They were mostly used for research purposes and were not capable of
performing practical tasks.
• Second-generation humanoid robots: The second generation of humanoid robots emerged
in the 1980s and 1990s. These robots were more advanced than the first generation, with
improved sensory and motor capabilities. They were capable of performing more complex
tasks and could interact with humans to a limited extent.
• Third-generation humanoid robots: The third generation of humanoid robots emerged in
the 2000s. These robots were even more advanced than the second generation, with
improved sensory and motor capabilities, as well as greater intelligence and autonomy.
They were capable of performing more complex tasks and could interact with humans in a
more natural way.
• Fourth-generation humanoid robots: The fourth generation of humanoid robots is currently
in development. These robots are expected to be even more advanced than the third
generation, with greater intelligence, autonomy, and adaptability. They are expected to be
capable of performing a wider range of tasks, from healthcare to manufacturing, and could
become an integral part of our daily lives.
The development of humanoid robots is an ongoing process, and new advancements are being
made all the time, so the classification of humanoid robots into generations is a fluid concept.
Classifications of Humanoid Rotos:
1. Design-based Classification:
This classification is based on the physical design of the robot. Humanoid robots can be
classified into three types based on their design:
• Biped: These robots have two legs and resemble human beings in their posture and
• Wheeled: These robots use wheels for locomotion and do not have legs. They are designed
to move on flat surfaces and are not as versatile as biped robots.
• Legged: These robots have more than two legs and are designed to navigate through rough
2. Capability-based Classification:
This classification is based on the robot's abilities and features. Humanoid robots can be
classified into different categories based on their capabilities, such as:
• Manipulation: These robots are designed to manipulate objects, perform tasks requiring
dexterity and precision.
• Locomotion: These robots are designed to move in different environments and terrain
• Perception: These robots are designed to sense their environment through sensors, cameras,
and other sensory systems.
3. Size-based Classification:
This classification is based on the size of the robot. Humanoid robots can be classified into
different categories based on their size, such as:
• Small-Sized: These robots are typically less than one meter in height and weigh less than
20 kg.
• Medium-Sized: These robots are typically between one to two meters in height and weigh
between 20 to 50 kg.
• Large-Sized: These robots are typically more than two meters in height and weigh more
than 50 kg.

To carry out this study, we examined the features of different humanoid robots that are now on the
market. We also looked at scholarly studies on humanoid robots and their uses. In order to
determine the common features and requirements of humanoid robots, the data gathered was
Components of Humanoid Robot:
A humanoid robot is a complex machine that consists of various components, each of which serves
a specific function. Here are some of the key components of a humanoid robot:
• Actuators: Actuators are the components that control the movement of the robot's joints
and limbs. They can be hydraulic, electric, or pneumatic, and are typically made from metal
or plastic materials.
• Sensors: Sensors are the components that enable the robot to sense its environment and
gather information about its surroundings. They can include cameras, microphones, touch
sensors, and force sensors.
• Control system: The control system is the component that manages the robot's behavior
and movements. It can be programmed using a variety of software tools and languages,
and can include artificial intelligence algorithms for decision making.
• Power source: A humanoid robot needs a reliable source of power to operate. This can be
provided by batteries, solar panels, or a power cable.
• End-effectors: End-effectors are the components that enable the robot to interact with its
environment. They can include hands, grippers, and other tools.
• Frame and body: The frame and body of a humanoid robot provide the structure and
support for the other components. They can be made from a variety of materials, including
metal, plastic, and composite materials.
• User interface: The user interface is the component that enables humans to interact with
the robot. It can include a touch screen, voice recognition, or other input devices.
These are just some of the key components of a humanoid robot. Depending on the specific design
and purpose of the robot, there may be additional components or variations on these components.

Specifications of a Humanoid Robot:

• Height and Weight: Humanoid robots can vary in size and weight. The average height of a
humanoid robot is between 1.5 to 2 meters, and the weight can range from 50 to 100 kg.
• Locomotion: Humanoid robots can move in different ways, including walking, running,
and crawling. They can navigate through different terrain types, including flat surfaces and
rough terrain.
• Manipulation: Humanoid robots can manipulate objects, perform tasks requiring dexterity
and precision. They can use end effectors such as grippers, hands, and feet to interact with
the environment.
• Communication: Humanoid robots can communicate with humans and other robots
through various communication devices such as microphones, speakers, and wireless
communication modules.

Joints of Humanoid Robots:

Humanoid robots have several types of joints, each of which allows the robot to move and perform
different actions. Here are some of the most common types of joints found in humanoid robots:
• Ball and socket joint: This type of joint allows for a wide range of motion in multiple
directions. It consists of a spherical surface (ball) at the end of one bone and a
corresponding concave surface (socket) in another bone.
• Hinge joint: This type of joint allows for motion in only one plane or direction, similar to
a door hinge. It consists of two flat surfaces that rotate against each other.
• Pivot joint: This type of joint allows for rotation around a central axis. It consists of a
cylindrical bone that rotates within a ring of bone or ligament.
• Gliding joint: This type of joint allows for sliding motion between two flat surfaces. It is
found in the wrist and ankle joints of humanoid robots.
• Saddle joint: This type of joint allows for motion in two directions, such as in the thumb
joint of humanoid robots. It consists of two saddle-shaped surfaces that fit together.
• Screw joint: This type of joint consists of a threaded rod and a matching nut. As the nut is
turned, the rod moves up or down, allowing for linear motion.
These joints are typically made of strong and lightweight materials, such as metals or composites,
and are actuated by motors or other mechanisms to enable the robot to move its limbs and body in
a controlled and precise manner. The specific types and number of joints vary depending on the
design and purpose of the humanoid robot.

Applications of Humanoid Robots:

Humanoid robots have a wide range of applications across many industries. Here are some
• Healthcare: Humanoid robots can be used to provide assistance and care to patients in
hospitals and care homes. They can help with tasks such as monitoring vital signs,
administering medication, and providing emotional support.
• Education: Humanoid robots can be used to teach and interact with students in schools and
universities. They can help with language learning, STEM education, and social skills
• Entertainment: Humanoid robots can be used for entertainment purposes, such as in theme
parks and museums. They can perform dances, sing, and interact with visitors.
• Manufacturing: Humanoid robots can be used in manufacturing to perform tasks that are
repetitive or dangerous for human workers. They can help with tasks such as assembly,
packaging, and quality control.
• Research: Humanoid robots can be used in research to study human behavior and
cognition. They can also be used to test new technologies and systems.
• Customer service: Humanoid robots can be used in customer service to provide information
and assistance to customers in retail stores, airports, and other public places.
• Disaster response: Humanoid robots can be used in disaster response situations to search
for survivors and deliver supplies in areas that are too dangerous for human workers.
These are just some of the many applications of humanoid robots. As technology continues to
advance, the potential uses of humanoid robots will continue to expand.

With the ability to perform complex movements and interact with their environment in ways that
are similar to humans, Humanoid robots are well-suited for a wide range of applications, including
healthcare, education, entertainment, manufacturing, research, customer service, and disaster
response. While there are still challenges to overcome in terms of cost, reliability, and safety, the
potential benefits of humanoid robots are too significant to ignore. As research and development
continue, we can expect to see even more advanced and sophisticated humanoid robots that will
continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.

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