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Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Meaning
1 Account for v /əˈkaʊnt fɔːr/ Chiếm (phần trăm, tỉ lệ...)
2 Architecture n /ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər/ Kiến trúc
3 Bamboo n /ˌbæmˈbuː/ Tre
4 Nhà rông, nhà sinh hoạt cộng
Communal house n /kəˈmjuːnl haʊs/
5 Custom n /ˈkʌstəm/ Phong tục tập quán
6 Costume n /ˈkɒstjuːm/ Trang phục
7 Crop n /krɒp/ Vụ mùa, vụ trồng trọt
8 Diverse adj /daɪˈvɜːrs/ Đa dạng
9 Diversity n /daɪˈvɜːrsəti/ Sự đa dạng
10 Ethnic group n /ˌeθnɪk ˈɡruːp/ Nhóm thiểu số
11 Exhibit v /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ Triển lãm
12 Exhibition n /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ Buổi triển lãm
13 Establish v /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ Thiết lập, hình thành
14 Phức tạp (đòi hỏi sự công phu và
Elaborate adj /ɪˈlæbərət/
tỉ mỉ)
15 Five-coloured sticky
n Xôi ngũ sắc
rice /faɪv ˈkʌlərd ˈstɪkɪ raɪs/
16 Feature n /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/ Đặc điểm, nét
17 Flute n /fluːt/ Cái sáo
18 Floating market n /ˈfləʊtɪŋ ˈmɑːrkɪt/ Chợ nổi
19 Folk adj /fəʊk/ Dân gian, truyền thống
20 Gong n /ɡɒŋ/ Cái cồng, chiêng
21 Highland n /ˈhaɪlənd/ Vùng cao nguyên
22 Livestock n /ˈlaɪvstɒk/ Gia súc
23 Minority n /maɪˈnɒrəti/ Thiểu số
24 Majority n /məˈdʒɒrəti/ Đa số
25 /ˌəʊpən ˈeər
Open-air market n Khu chợ (ngoài trời); chợ trời
ˈmɑːrkɪt /
26 Overlook v /ˌəʊvərˈlʊk/ Nhìn ra, đối diện
27 Ornament n /ˈɔːrnəmənt/ Trang sức
28 Peoples n /ˈpiːplz/ Các dân tộc
29 Post n /pəʊst/ Cái cột
30 Play role in v /pleɪ rəʊl ɪn/ Đóng vai trò
31 Poem n ˈpəʊɪm/ Bài thơ
32 Poultry n /ˈpəʊltri/ Gia cầm
33 Preserve v /prɪˈzɜːrv/ Bảo tồn
34 Population n /ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ Dân số
35 Plantation n /plɑːnˈteɪʃn/ Đồn điền
36 Raise v /reɪz/ Chăn nuôi
37 Region n /ˈriːdʒən/ Khu vực
38 Religion n /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ Tôn giáo
39 Religious adj /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ Thuộc về tôn giáo
40 (Be) recognized by v /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ Được công nhận bởi
41 Tượng trưng (cho yếu tổ cuộc
Represent v /ˌreprɪˈzent/
42 Soil n /sɔɪl/ Đất trồng trọt
43 Stilt house n /stɪlt haʊs/ Nhà sàn
44 Staircase n /ˈsterkeɪs/ Cầu thang bộ
45 Statue n /ˈstætʃuː/ Tượng
46 Specialty n /ˈspeʃəlti/ Đặc sản
47 Spiritual life n /ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl laɪf/ Đời sống tinh thần
48 Terraced field n /ˈterəst fi:Id/ Ruộng bậc thang
49 Unique adj /juˈniːk/ Độc đáo
50 World heritage sites n / wɜːld ˈherɪtɪdʒ saɪts/ Di sản Văn hóa Thế giới
51 Weave v /wi:v/ Đan, dệt
52 Wooden adj /ˈwʊdn/ Bằng gỗ
53 Worship ancestors v /ˈwɜːʃɪp ˈænsestərz/ Thờ cúng tổ tiên
Phụ âm k (look), qu (queue), ch (school)

Phụ âm g (good)

1. Yes / No Question
- Câu hỏi nghi vấn là loại câu hỏi trả lời bằng Yes (có) hoặc No (không).
Cấu trúc: Be / Trợ động từ + S + V (theo thì)?
Yes, S + be / trợ động từ
No, S + be not / trợ động từ + not
E.g. Do you like cats?
Yes, I do. /No, I don’t
2. Wh-questions
 Common Wh-words:
WHO Ai? (Chủ ngữ/tân ngữ) E.g. Who is he?
WHOM Ai? (tân ngữ) E.g. Whom do you like?
WHAT Cái gì? (chủ ngữ/tân ngữ) E.g. What are they?
WHICH Cái nào? (có lựa chọn) E.g. Which do you like, cream or
WHERE ớ đâu? E.g. Where will you go?
WHEN Khi nào? E.g. When did you leave?
HOW Như thế nào? (tính từ) Cách E.g. How are you?
thức? (trạng từ) Phương tiện E.g. How do you go to school?
WHOSE+ N Của ai? E.g. Whose book is this?
WHY Tại sao? E.g. Why don't you go?
WHAT/WHICH + N Hỏi cụ thể danh từ E.g. What colour do you like?
HOW + ADJ/ADV Hỏi cụ thể tính từ/trạng từ E.g. How big is it?
HOW MANY + Ns/es Hỏi số lượng (đếm được) E.g. How many books are there?
HOW MUCH+ N Hỏi số lượng (không đếm E.g. How much beef do you like?
HOW MUCH được) E.g. How much does it cost?
Hỏi giá tiền
HOW OLD Hỏi tuổi E.g. How old is she?
HOW LONG Hỏi thời gian bao lâu E.g. How long does it take you?
Hỏi chiều dài E.g. How long is the ruler?
HOW OFTEN Hỏi tần suất E.g. How often do you dine out?
HOW FAR Hỏi khoảng cách E.g. How far is it?
HOWTALL/HIGH Hỏi chiều cao/độ cao E.g. How tall are you?
 How to make a W-H question (Cách đặt câu hỏi)
Dạng 1: Câu hỏi chủ ngữ chỉ người
Who + V+ ...?
E.g. Who lives in London with Daisy?
Dạng 2: Câu hỏi cho động từ
What + am / is / are I will / can / may / should / do / does / did + S + do (theo thì)?
E.g. What are you doing now?
I’m drawing.
E.g. What does your mother do in her free time?
She watches TV.
E.g. What can they do?
They can dance.
Dang 3: Câu hỏi cho tân ngữ, nơi chốn, thời gian ...
What / Where / When... + am / is / are I will / can / may I should / do / does / did + S + V (theo
thì) ?
E.g. When do John and Lan get up every day?
They get up at 6 a.m.
E.g. Where is she living now?
She is living in Ha Noi.
E.g. Why should we learn English?
Because we can travel around the world.
3. Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable * Singular Nouns
nouns Danh từ số ít (Số lượng là 1) A car
A + từ bắt đầu bằng phụ âm An apple
Ngoại trừ: universe, uniform...
An + từ bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm:
Ngoại trừ: hour, heir, honor
* Plural Nouns
Danh từ số nhiều (số lưọng từ 2 trở lên) two cars
Danh từ biến đổi Ns/es hoặc danh từ bất quy tắc twenty watches
thirty people
Uncountable Chỉ chất khí, lỏng, rắn, nguyên vật liệu, thực phẩm.... (Các water, flour, metal
nouns danh từ này không kết hợp với mạo từ a/an hoặc thêm
đuôi số nhiều s/es)
 Quy tắc chuyển danh từ số ít sang số nhiều
Dạng số ít Dạng số nhiều
1. Thêm -s Cat Cats
(Hầu hết các trường hợp) Pen Pens
Tree Trees
Motorbike Motorbikes
Machine Machines
2. Thêm -es Tomato Tomatoes
(Kết thúc: o, s, ss, x, ch, sh) Fox Foxes
Bus Buses
Sandwich Sandwiches
Bush Bushes
3. Chuyển -y  -ies Party Parties
(Kết thúc là phụ âm + y) Trophy Trophies
(Không áp dụng với nguyên âm + y)
4. Chuyển f/fe  ves Leaf Leaves
(kết thúc f/ fe) Wife Loaves
Knife Wives
5. Giữ nguyên Deer Deer
Sheep Sheep
Fish Fish
6. Chuyển đặc biệt Child Children
Person People
Tooth Teeth
Foot Feet
Man/woman Men/women

Exercise 1. Circle the words with /k/.
change scarf key city
school clock knife coat
Exercise 2. Circle the words with /g/.
good suggest giant again
gift bag girl gender
Exercise 3. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. knock B. key C. pocket D. milk
2. A. queen B. square C. queue D. quick
3. A. carrot B. city C. cake D. class
4. A. chopstick B. chicken C. cheek D. character
5. A. age B. give C. garden D. guitar
Exercise 4. Find the word which has different stress from the others.
1. A. costume B. diverse C. feature D. market
2. A. custom B. livestock C. highland D. bamboo
3. A. diversity B. pharmacy C. establish D. religious
4. A. overlook B. plantation C. religion D. minority
5. A. peoples B. poultry C. preserve D. worship


Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
communal house ornament costume gong bamboo
terraced field poultry livestock posts flute

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

Exercise 2. Reorder the letters to make correct words, then match them with their meanings.
1. C-O-L-N-M-M-A-U-S-H-O-E-U A. a group of people who have a shared sense of identity
 ______________________ because they have their own cultural background, traditions,
history, language, etc.
2. S-U-E-C-O-M-T B. a centre consisting often of a single building for a
 ______________________ community's social, cultural, recreational, and civic activities
3. H-T-E-N-C-I-O-U-R-G-P C. a round piece of metal that hangs in a frame and makes a
 ______________________ loud deep sound when it is hit with a stick
4. C-E-O-T-L-I-K-S-V D. a set of stairs inside a building
 ______________________
5. L-I-S-O E. to make cloth, a carpet, a basket, etc. by crossing threads
 ______________________ or narrow pieces of material across, over and under each
other by hand or on a machine
6. I-S-C-A-S-A-E-T-R F. the clothes worn by people from a particular place or
 ______________________ during a particular historical period
7. R-C-E-A-D-R-E-T G. the top layer of the Earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow
 ______________________
8. V-W-E-A-E H. used to describe a continuous row of similar houses that
 ______________________ are joined together in one block
9. P-T-O-S I. the animals kept on a farm, for example cows or sheep
 ______________________
J. a piece of wood or metal that is set in the ground in a
10. O-G-G-N
position pointing upwards, especially to support something or
 ______________________
to mark a point
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Exercise 3. Circle the odd one out.
1. A. custom B. costume C. diverse D. ethnic group
2. A. gong B. flute C. drum D. poem
3. A. crop B. poultry C. cattle D. livestock
4. A. stilt house B. tall buildings C. communal house D. terraced field
5. A. weave B. specialty C. raise D. preserve
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
communal ethnic terraced stilt bamboo
floating Heritage Site speciality costumes poultry
1. You can find a lot of traditional _______________ houses in this area.
2. Hoi An ancient town was recognized as a World Natural _______________ in 1999.
3. If you go to Sapa, you can distinguish people from different ethnic groups by their
4. Famous _______________ rice fields can be found in Yen Bai, Ha Giang.
5. Some _______________ farmers keep ducks and geese in their farms.
6. When we went on a trip to Tay Nguyen, we stayed in a _______________ house with local people.
7. _______________ is a sustainable building material that is actually stronger than wood, bricks or
even concrete.
8. There are 54 _______________ groups in Viet Nam recognized by the Vietnamese government, and
each has their own language, traditions, and subculture.
9. If you visit the north-western region of Viet Nam, you must try five-coloured sticky rice which is
well-known as a _______________ of this area.
10. One of the most famous _______________ markets in Viet Nam is Nga Bay floating market in Hau
Giang province.
Exercise 1. Decide whether each of the following nouns is Countable (C) or Uncountable (U)? Write
in the blank.
1. group _______ 11. field _______ 21. flower _______
2. people _______ 12.banana _______ 22. water _______
3. farmer _______ 13. tree _______ 23. salt _______
4. land _______ 14. ash _______ 24. mountain _______
5. technique _______ 15. soil _______ 25. information _______
6. population _______ 16. pollution _______ 26. free time _______
7. area _______ 17. crop _______ 27. nature _______
8. garden _______ 18. rice _______ 28. money _______
9. village _______ 19. com _______ 29. game _______
10. culture _______ 20. coffee _______ 30. musical instrument _______
Exercise 2. Write the plural form of the nouns below.
1. river __________________ 11. dish __________________
2. costume __________________ 12. leaf __________________
3. buffalo __________________ 13. kite __________________
4. sheep __________________ 14. loaf __________________
5. tree __________________ 15. mouse __________________
6. strawberry __________________ 16. child __________________
7. toy __________________ 17. goose __________________
8. person __________________ 18. fish __________________
9. piano __________________ 19. man __________________
10. woman __________________ 20. foot __________________
Exercise 3. Put the words in brackets into the plural form where necessary.
1. Minority groups have their own musical __________________ (instrument) like dan tinh and gong.
2. The King use sticky __________________ (rice) to make Banh Chung.
3. My grandmother used to teach me many folk __________________ (song).
4. The staircase of a Muong’s stilt house has an odd number of __________________ (step) such as 5,
7 or 9.
5. A big stilt house stands on high __________________ (post).
6. The Lahu build their houses from (wood) and wild banana __________________ (leaf).
7. Most minority(woman) weave clothes and do __________________ (housework).
8. In the mountains, there is not much __________________ (land) for growing __________________
9. The number of minority __________________ (child) going to school is going up.
10. People in the mountains live close to __________________ (nature).
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with a correct auxiliary verb.
1. __________________ minority children usually learn to work at ten?
2. __________________ a stilt house made from natural materials?
3. __________________ the Music Festival occur annually?
4. __________________ stilts house popular among different ethnic minority groups?
5. __________________ the Bahnar and Ede have a communal house as the heart of their village.
6. __________________ your trip to Korea cost a lot of money last month?
7. __________________ it far from your town to the city centre?
8. __________________ the Khmer mostly earn their living from weaving and farming?
9. __________________ these communal houses the largest and tallest ones in the village?
10. __________________ you go to Ha Giang with your friend next week?
Exercise 5. Complete the questions with the correct question words from the list below.
How much How far Which Whose Where
How often How Why Who Whom
How many What When
1. __________________ are you going to do this weekend? - I will just stay at home and cook some
2. __________________ do you go to the gym? - Twice a week.
3. __________________ are you so sad? - Because I’ve lost some money.
4. __________________ does this dress cost? - £50.
5. __________________ do you get there? - By train.
6. __________________ tall is your house? - 12 metres.
7. __________________ are you going to meet tonight? - My online friend.
8. __________________ shirt do you want, the blue or the black one? - The blue one.
9. __________________ bike is in front of my house? - Mr. Smith’s, I think.
10. __________________ flour do you need to make your cake? - 600 grams is enough.
11. __________________ times have you visited Ha Noi? -3 times.
12. __________________ does your new teacher look like? - He’s tall.
13. __________________ is it from your house to the nearest bus stop? - 500 metres.
14. __________________ did you buy these tomatoes? - In the market.
15. __________________ have finished all the homework? - Laura and Jane.
Exercise 6. Complete each sentence with a suitable question word.
1. __________________ ethnic group has a larger population, the Ede or the Thai?
- The Thai.
2. __________________ languages can you speak?
- Four languages.
3. __________________ is die biggest house in the village?
- I think it’s the communal house.
4. __________________ books are on the table?
- Mine.
5. __________________ do the Ede mainly live?
- In Dak Lak province.
6. __________________ do the Thai hold Hoa Ban festival?
- Every year.
7. __________________ is the village chief of the Ede?
- The oldest man.
8. __________________ is it from here to the campfire?
- Just about two kilometres.
9. __________________ is “Chapr”?
- It is a unique musical instrument of the Raglai people.
10. __________________ do they cook five colored sticky rice?
- On special occasions.
Exercise 7. Underline the correct options.
1. Are / Can / What we find the most beautiful terraced fields in Mu Cang Chai?
2. Is / Are / Do performing lion dances one of the activities at the Mid-Autumn Festival?
3. Were / Was / Is there any food or drinks at yesterday's party?
4. Do I Did / Were the Kinh usually decorate their house with peach blossom at Tet?
5. Are / Do / Will you have a trip to the Viet Nam Museum of Ethnology next week?
6. Is / Does / Do it interesting to join the Hoa Ban festival?
7. Were / Are / Have they performing folk dances at the moment?
8. What I How / Which kinds of activities do the Thai often do in the Water Festival?
9. Whose Ị Who / Whom performance will win the first prize in the firework Festival 2023?
10. Which / How / What tall is the stilt house in your village?
11. How many days / day / daies did you spend on your trip to Sapa?
12. When / What time / How often is the Tay’s festival held annually?
13. How many / much / some times a day do you brush your teeths / stooth / teeth?
14. There isn’t some / any / much rice left. We need to buy some / much / many if we don't want to
eat breads / bread / a bread.
15. Thanks for the party. I had so many / some / much fun there.
Exercise 8. Circle the correct answers.
1. My uncle works in __________________ coffee plantation in Dak Lak.
A. a B. an C. some D. much
2. How __________________ ethnic groups in Viet Nam do you know?
A. much B. often C. many D. tall
3. There are only __________________ waterwheels left in this village.
A. much B. some C. a few D. a little
4. You can get __________________ information if you go to the museum with me.
A. a lot of B. many C. a D. any
5. __________________ stilt houses stand on wood, bamboo, and __________________.
A. Do-leaf B. Does - leaves C. Does – leaf D. Do – leaves
6. __________________ your grandmother like folk __________________.
A. Do-music B. Do-musics C. Does – music D. Is – music
7. __________________ there 54 ethnic groups in Viet Nam?
A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does
8. Do Vietnamese __________________ often eat moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival?
A. person B. people C. persons D. peoples
9. Among mountainous regions in Viet Nam, __________________ one will you want to travel to?
A. what B. when C. how D. which
10. __________________ did you go with last year when you participated in the Hoa Ban festival?
A. Whom B. When C. Where D. Whose
11. __________________ does it cost to visit this bamboo village?
A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How
12. We are going to cook Vietnamese food including __________________ and
A. fried rices / beef noodle soup B. fried rice / beef noodle soups
C. fried rice/ beef noodle soup D. fried rices / beef noodle soups
13. I’ll make a tuna __________________ for you.
A. sandwiches B. sandwichs C. sandwiches D. sandwich
14. My grandfather raised __________________.
A. some deer B. a few deers C. much deer D. many deers
15. Vietnamese people are used to using __________________ when having meals.
A. ehopstick B. chopsticks C. ehopstickes D. chopstiekces
Exercise 9. Circle and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences.
1. Tom has just eaten some biscuit, an apple, and a big orange.
A. has B. biscuit C. an D. a
2. Were they have boarding schools for minority students in 1960?
A. Were B. have C. schools D. minority students
3. How many cheese do you need to make three pizzas?
A. How many B. cheese C. to make D. pizzas
4. When you shop tor groceries, remember to buy me some onions and a bottles of cooking oil.
A. groceries B. some C. a bottles D. cooking oil
5. Does most mountain girls know how to weave clothing?
A. Does B. girls C. how D. clothing
6. Was your trip to the USA cost much? - Not. not too much.
A. Was B. the C. much D. too much
7. Why will you stop eating fast food? - Until I am not busy.
A. Why B. will C. eating D. Until
8. We will have fried fishs and creamy roasted carrot soup for dinner.
A. fishs B. carrot C. soup D. dinner
9. When do the White Dao women dress every day? - They always wear white pants.
A. When B. women C. dress D. pants
10. How long does the Gong Festival occur? - Annually.
A. How long B. does C. occur D. Annually
11. Can I have some condensed milks in the coffee, please?
A. Can B. some C. milks D. coffee
12. Do you going to attend die Hoa Ban festival in Dien Bien?
A. Do B. attend C. festival D. in
13. Will the dancers performing their traditional dance now?
A. Will B. dancers C. their D. dance
14. Is Mua Sap some popular folk dance of the Thai people?
A. Is B. some C. folk dance D. Thai people
15. We don’t need too much sugars. There’s still a packet in the cupboard.
A. too much B. sugars C. a D. packet
Exercise 10. Underline and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. Emma has washed the dishs after dinner. ____________
2. Oh my god, I put too much salts into the soup. ____________
3. My teacher was angry because some students did not do their homeworks. ____________
4. It is very dangerous to play with knifes. ____________
5. It took me around five to six hour to finish my job. ____________
6. My daughter likes a cheese very much. ____________
7. I asked my professor for a advice on my career. ____________
8. On my way to the countryside, I saw some buffalo. ____________
9. There is only a few bus on the road today. ____________
10. Mr. John has three child, two boys and one girl. ____________
Exercise 1. Read the passage and choose the best answers.
Viet Nam is a multi-nationality country with 54 ethnic (1) ____________. The Viet (Kinh) people
account (2) ____________ 87% of the country’s population and mainly inhabit the Red River delta,
the central coastal delta, the Mekong delta and major cities. The other 53 ethnic (3) ____________
groups, totalling over 8 million people, are scattered over mountain areas (covering two-thirds of the
country’s territory) spreading from the North to the South. Among ethnic minorities, the largest ones
are Tay, Thai, Muong, Hoa, Khmer, and Nung with a (4) ____________ of around 1 million each, while
the smallest are Brau, Roman, Odu with several hundred people each.
A number of ethnic minorities had (5) ____________ some farming techniques. They grew rice
plants in swamped (6) ____________ and carried out irrigation. Others (7) ____________ hunting,
fishing, collecting and lived a semi-nomadic life. Each group has its own (8) ____________, diverse
and special. Beliefs and religions of the Vietnamese ethnic minority groups were also disparate from
each other.
Adapted from:
1. A. groups B. team C. minorities D. majorities
2. A. in B. for C. of D. at
3. A. minority B. majority C. small D. large
4. A. religion B. inhabitants C. population D. people
5. A. invented B. developed C. created D. mastered
6. A. pasture B. paddy fields C. highland D. terraced fields
7. A. did B. made C. went D. used
8. A. belief B. style C. costume D. culture
Exercise 2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.
The Dao ethnic group, which has many names such as Đông, Trại, Dìu Miền, and Kim Miền, has a
total population of nearly 1 million people. They live mainly in the northern mountain provinces of
Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Lai Chau and Tuyen Quang and the midland provinces of Phu
Tho, Vinh Phuc, and Hoa Binh.
A small number of the Dao group, who traditionally live in the northern mountain provinces,
have migrated to the Central Highlands. There are many subgroups differentiated by habits, customs,
and costumes, for example, the Red Dao, Dao Quần Chẹt, Dao Lo Ga, White Pants Dao, and Dao
Thanh Y. Each Dao group is easily identified by their costumes. Generally, a woman’s costume
includes a shirt, skirt, headscarf, a pair of leggings, and jewellery. A man wears a short shirt with a line
of buttons. Doctor Vo Mai Phuong of the Viet Nam Museum of Ethnology says: “The Red Dao people
wear red costumes from top to toe. They have red shirts, leggings, pants, headscarves, and belts. The
Dao Tien are the only Dao group who wear skirts embroidered with the images of coins. The Dao
Quan Chat are also called Sơn Đầu, which means painted head, because the women shave off their
hair, paint their heads, and cover their heads with traditional headscarves. The White Pants Dao
always wear white pants.”
The Dao have maintained their traditional culture in costumes and language. Although they
include many groups living in many different localities, they speak one language.
Social development and integration have affected many ethnic minority customs, but the Dao
people have maintained their unique cultural values and in doing so have helped to preserve and
promote the culture of Vietnam’s 54 ethnic groups.
Adapted from
1. Which ethnic group is mentioned in the passage?
A. the Viet Kinh B. the Dao C. the Thai D. the Ede
2. Which of the following provinces is NOT mentioned as the place they live in the passage?
A. Ha Giang B. Phu Tho C. Lai Chau D. Ca Mau
3. How is each Dao group easily identified?
A. by their costumes B. by their traditions
C. by their appearance D. by their language
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. A man wears a long shirt with a line of buttons.
B. The Dao ethnic group has a total population of nearly 1.5 million people.
C. The Dao speak one language.
D. The Red Dao people wear red costumes from top to knee.
5. Why are the Dao Quan Chat call Sơn Đầu?
A. Because the women shave off their hair, paint their heads, and cover their heads with traditional
B. Because a woman’s costume includes a shirt, skirt, headscarf, a pair of leggings, and jewelry.
C. Because they are the only Dao group who wear skirts embroidered with the images of coins.
D. Because many groups live in many different localities.
Exercise 3. Fill each blank with a suitable word in the box to finish the passage.
passed down highlands language goods

corn artisans minority costume

The Hmong, or Meo, who number about 800,000, are found in villages known as giao throughout
the (1) ____________ of northern Viet Nam. The Hmong migrated to Viet Nam from southern China
at the beginning of the 19th century.
The Hmong (2) ____________ group has been subdivided into branches classified by women’s
(3), ____________ dialect and customs. For example, the Hmong of Sa Pa are called Black Hmong
because of their predominantly black clothing. The most colourful sub-group are the Flower Hmong,
found in large numbers around Bac Ha in Lao Cai province, who wear bright-coloured clothes with
(4) ____________ is the main staple of Hmong people, but rice is often grown on terraces
watered with the aid of irrigation. Hemp is grown to be woven into textiles, and cotton is also
cultivated in some villages. As skilled (5) ____________, the Hmong produce a variety of items,
including handwoven indigo-dyed cloth, paper, silver jewellery, leather (6) ____________, baskets
and embroidery. The Hmong have no written (7) ____________. Their legends, songs, folklore and
proverbs have been (8) ____________ from one generation to the next through the spoken word.
Adapted from:
Exercise 1. Make questions for the underlined words
1. Of 54 ethnic groups in Viet Nam, the Kinh is the largest?
2. This dish is called five-coloured sticky rice because it has five colours: red, yellow, green, purple and
3. There are 54 ethnic groups in Viet Nam.
4. The H’Mong people wear a V-shaped front collar T-shirt.
5. The Dao live mainly in the northern mountain provinces of Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Lai
Chau and Tuyen Quang and the midland provinces of Phu Tho, Vinh PhuC. and Hoa Binh.
6. The Dao ethnic group has a total population of nearly 1 million people.
7. I once saw a bamboo house on high posts in a travel brochure.
8. If you go by car, the distance between Ha Noi and Ha Giang is 104 km.
9. The Ede’s harvest festival is usually held in October.
10. The Thai hold ceremonies to worship their ancestors annually.
Exercise 2. Make questions for the underlined words.
A: ________________________________________________________________________________
B: We want to present some interesting facts about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
A: ________________________________________________________________________________
B: The Tay don’t allow guests to sit in the room of their altar.
A: _______________________________________________________________________________
B: My mother bought a costume of the Bahnar at an open-air market in Kon Turn.
A: _______________________________________________________________________________
B: They dug canals to bring water to their rice fields.
A: _______________________________________________________________________________
B: The Kinh speak Vietnamese language.
A: ________________________________________________________________________________
B: The Khmer have three main festivals in a year.
A: ________________________________________________________________________________
B: The visitors can get to the Cat Cat village by motorbikes.
A: ________________________________________________________________________________
B: I spent three days exploring Ha Giang.
A: ________________________________________________________________________________
B: Most people in the village live simply and happily.
A: ________________________________________________________________________________
B: The open air market is about 3 kilometres from our village.
Exercise 3. Transform these sentences into a Yes / No Question.
1. The local people walk to the market every day.
2. Artists from the Central Highlands will give Cong performances in the festival.
3. The Hoa Ban Festival takes place in Lai Chau.
4. It is three kilometres from the village to the nearest river.
5. I have been to Sapa several times.
6. I have been to Sapa several times.
7. We can find terraced fields in the northern mountainous regions.
8. They built their houses on stilts to prevent flooding from tides or storms.
9. The Tay are the earliest known minority in Viet Nam.
10. The population of the Tay ethnic group is about 1.7 million.
Exercise 4. Reorder the words / phrases to make questions.
1. does / what / prepare / your / time / mother / breakfast? - At six o’clock.
2. long / you / learnt I how / have / English? - For 5 years.
3. to / John / does / go / how / school / every day? - By school bus.
4. bed / did / go / when / they / yesterday / to? - After they finished their homework.
5. how / is / from / nearest / far / house / it / to / your / the / supermarket? - About 3 kilometres.
6. brother / can / car / your / drive / a? - Yes, he can.
7. you / are / to / holiday / next / in / going / your / England / spend / month? - No, I am not.
8. you / cucumbers / did / from / garden / your / harvest / yesterday? -Yes, I did.
9. we / will / a / watch / the / about / documentary / Nung? - No, we won’t.
10. the / largest / second / are / ethnic / Tay / group / in / the / Viet Nam? - Yes, they are.
Exercise 5. Write questions from the clues.
1. How / you / live / this / mountainous / village? - For 2 years.
2. Why / you / want / visit / National / Museum?
3. the / Rong / house / serve / centre / Ede / house?
4. the / Cham / Ninh Thuan / raise / sheep / cows?
5. How / ethnic / minority / group / Viet Nam?
6. you / attend / Thai’s / water / festival / last year?
7. the farmers / herd / buffaloes / the / pasture / the / moment?
8. Where/Khmer/live?
9. How / three-day / trip / Mu Cang Chai / cost?
10. only / few / minority / groups / live / stilt / houses?

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