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(3) People working in a safe and healthful workplace are




(3)Ds of Unsafe Condition




(3) Signs / Indicators of Dirty Unsafe Condition

Cluttered shop floor/ poor housekeeping

Disorganized arrangement of materials/ equipment

Piles of trash/ scrap materials

Presence of leaks, dust, cobwebs

Absence of proper disposal system

Impression disorderliness/ confusion

(3) Signs / Indicators of Difficult Unsafe Condition



Thermal Condition

Material Storage and Handling

Work Position/ Posture

Communication due to loud noise

Sanitary Facilities

(4) Signs / Indicators of Dangerous Unsafe Condition

Emergency exits

Fire extinguishers

Machine guards

Safety signages

Personal protective equipment

Qualified first aider

First aid medicines/ equipment

Health and safety program/ policies

(2) 3Ds of Unsafe Condition Prevention / Control is through

Basic OSHS requirements (good working conditions)

WISE practical measures (good work practices)

(6) Premises of establishments shall refer to:

Workplace layout

Good housekeeping

Proper materials storage and handling

Fire and electrical safety

Machine safety

Waste disposal system

(3) Premises (Workplace Layout)

Adequate Aisles / Passageways

Adequate Spacing

Emergency Exits

(5) Physical Work Environment it refers to:




Airborne contaminants

Imminent danger situation

(5) Welfare Facilities


First Aider and Medicine

Sanitary Facilities

Safe Drinking Water

Dining/Rest Areas

(3) Administrative Requirements

Dept. Order No. 73-05 Series of 2005

OSHS Rule 1966.01

OSHS Rule 1050

(4) Employees Compensation Program

Loss of income benefit

Medical benefit

Rehabilitation benefit

Death benefit

(6) Impact of Labor Standards Compliance

Improves working conditions

Boosts employees morale

Opens opportunities to develop value-added services and products

Sustains / maintains productivity

Enhances the company’s reputation, credibility and competitiveness

Achieves harmonious relationship in the workplace

Multiple Choice

1. It aims to protect every working man against the dangers of injury, sickness or death through safe and healthful
working conditions

a. Simple hazard or risk assessment

b. Practical hazard
c. Unsafe Condition / Unsafe Act
d. Occupational Safety and Health Standards

2. Should be of sufficient headroom, height and width; include designated walkways, railings and boards for
ladders. OSHS 1063

a. Adequate Aisles/ Passageways

b. Adequate Spacing
c. Emergency Exits
d. Workplace lay-out

3. Shall be provided according to the number of machines/ equipment, working tables, workers and tasks
performed. OSHS1062

a. Adequate Aisles/ Passageways

b. Adequate Spacing
c. Emergency Exits
d. Workplace lay-out

4. At least two are required (2) with sufficient width, appropriate signs and free of obstacles. OSHS 943.03

a. Adequate Aisles/ Passageways

b. Adequate Spacing
c. Emergency Exits
d. Workplace lay-out

5. Provision of waste receptacles, conduct of waste segregation, recycling, treatment/ management of solid and
liquid wastes including efficient drainage system. OSHS 1060.01 (4)

a. Proper materials storage and handling

b. Good housekeeping
c. Waste disposal system
d. Fire and electrical safety

6. Provision of shields, casings, railings/ barriers on moving parts of machines to prevent any person or object to
come in contact with them. OSHS 1202

a. Safety signages
b. Machine Guards
c. Waste disposal system
d. Proper materials storage and handling

7. Posting of precautionary reminders/ warnings on dangerous machines/ equipment, work area or work process.
OSHS 1060.01 (1)

a. Safety signages
b. Machine Guards
c. Waste disposal system
d. Fire and electrical safety

8. Provision of fire extinguisher, water tanks if no public water supply system is available, and conduct of fire drill
or other related training or emergency preparedness. OSHS 1944

a. Electrical Safety
b. Machine Guars
c. Safety Signages
d. Fire Protecting Equipment/Facilities

9. Aim at protection of installed circuits, controls and electrical wirings including precautionary measures on repair
or maintenance work on machines. OSHS 1210

a. Electrical Safety
b. Machine Guards
c. Safety Signages
d. Fire Protecting Equipment

10. Shall be maintained at all times for an over-all impression of a clean, safe and wholesome working
environment. OSHS 1060.01 (4)

a. Proper materials storage and handling

b. Good housekeeping
c. Waste disposal system
d. Fire and electrical safety

11. Refer to systematic and safe storage of materials, stable and secure storage areas and use of mechanical
handling equipment. OSHS 1150

a. Proper materials storage and handling

b. Good housekeeping
c. Waste disposal system
d. Fire and electrical safety

12. Change, isolate or enclose work process which emits harmful/ toxic dusts, particulates, fumes or vapors. OSHS

a. Adequate Lighting
b. Proper Ventilation
c. Noise Pollution Control
d. Management of Airbone Contaminants

13. Provide barriers, enclose or isolate sources of noise. Other alternative would be the provision of ear muffs/
earplugs. OSHS 1974.01

a. Adequate Lighting
b. Proper Ventilation
c. Noise Pollution Control
d. Management of Airbone Contaminants

14. Provide natural and artificial ventilation to get rid of hot air and polluting substances. OSHS 1076.01

a. Adequate Lighting
b. Proper Ventilation
c. Noise Pollution Control
d. Management of Airbone Contaminants

15. Allow appropriate illumination for the type of work performed with the use of natural, artificial light fixtures or
both and installation of emergency lighting in case of power failure. OSHS 1075.01

a. Adequate Lighting
b. Proper Ventilation
c. Noise Pollution Control
d. Management of Airbone Contaminants

16. A condition or process that could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm before
abatement. OSHS 1012.02

a. Noise Pollution Control

b. Management of Airbone Contaminants
c. Imminent Danger Situation
d. Proper Ventilation

17. Provision of adequate supply of safe drinking water, separate comfort rooms and washrooms, dining areas and
rest areas. OSHS 1060.01

a. PPEs
b. First Aid Medicines/ Equipment
c. Qualified First Aider
d. Sanitary Facilities

18. Emergency medicines and equipment of adequate quantity as determined by the first-aider or health
personnel of the enterprise. OSHS 1963.01

a. PPEs
b. First Aid Medicines/ Equipment
c. Qualified First Aider
d. Sanitary Facilities

19. May be one of the workers in the workplace and who has immediate access to the first-aid medicines. OSHS
Rule 1961.02

a. PPEs
b. First Aid Medicines/ Equipment
c. Qualified First Aider
d. Sanitary Facilities

20. Furnish workers with PPEs whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous nature of the process or
environment. OSHS 1080

a. Dining/ Rest Areas

b. Safe Drinking Water
c. Sanitary Facilities
d. PPEs

21. Formulation of workplace policy and program on the prevention and control of tuberculosis (TB)
a. Dept. Order No. 73-05 Series of 2005
b. OSHS Rule 1966.01
c. OSHS Rule 1050
d. Registration of Establishments

22. Maintenance of an occupational health program to protect workers against health hazards in the working
environment in order to prevent occupational as well as non-occupational diseases.

a. Dept. Order No. 73-05 Series of 2005

b. OSHS Rule 1966.01
c. OSHS Rule 1050
d. Registration of Establishments

23. Notification and keeping of records of accidents and/ or occupational illnesses.

a. Dept. Order No. 73-05 Series of 2005

b. OSHS Rule 1966.01
c. OSHS Rule 1050
d. Registration of Establishments

24. _____________ that will provide the workers with the necessary benefits such as Loss of income benefit,
Medical benefit, Rehabilitation benefit and Death benefit.

a. Employees Compensation
b. Administrative Requirements
c. Occupational Safety and Health Standards
d. Registration of Establishments

25. In adequate spacing, work room area shall not exceed one person per ___ cubic meters.

a. 10.5 cubic meters

b. 11.5 cubic meters
c. 12.5 cubic meters
d. 13.5 cubic meters

26. Passageways between machinery and equipment shall not be less than ___ cm.

a. 40 cm
b. 50 cm
c. 60 cm
d. 70 cm

27. Store chemicals and other hazardous substances in separate areas with proper labels and warning signs.

a. Proper materials handling and storage

b. Good housekeeping
c. Waste disposal system
d. Fire and electrical safety

28. All circuits should be protected with circuit breaker or fuses. The main power switch and other switches should
be w/in easy reach and clearly labeled as to what they control.

a. Waste disposal system

b. Fire Protecting Equipment
c. Electrical Safety
d. Machine Guards

29. Provide appropriate fire extinguisher near the sources of potential fire, should be within easy reach and
properly labeled.

a. Waste disposal system

b. Fire Protecting Equipment
c. Electrical Safety
d. Machine Guards

30. Examples of artificial and natural ventilation to get rid of hot air and other sources of pollution.

a. Adequate Lighting
b. Adequate Ventilation
c. Noise Pollution Control
d. Management of Airbone Contaminants

31. Use of local exhaust system connected into a collection dust to prevent the worker from being exposed to
harmful dust and vapors.

a. Noise Pollution Control

b. Management of Airbone Contaminants
c. Imminent Danger Situation
d. Proper Ventilation

32. A broken post which may cause roof collapse

a. Noise Pollution Control

b. Management of Airbone Contaminants
c. Imminent Danger Situation
d. Proper Ventilation

33. Refer to amenities which take care of the workers’ safety, health and hygiene.

a. Welfare Facilities
b. First Aid Medicines/ Equipment
c. Qualified First Aider
d. Sanitary Facilities

34. Must have completed a course/ training under PNRC or any organization accredited by the same

a. Welfare Facilities
b. First Aid Medicines/ Equipment
c. Qualified First Aider
d. Sanitary Facilities

35. Emergency medicines & equipment of adequate quantity as determined by the first-aider or health personnel
of the enterprise.

a. PPEs
b. First Aid Medicines/ Equipment
c. Qualified First Aider
d. Sanitary Facilities
36. Which of the following is not included in the impact of labor standards compliance?

a. Improves working conditions

b. Sustains / maintains productivity
c. Boosts employees morale
d. Employees Compensation Program

37. Which of the following is not included in the welfare facilities?

a. PPEs
b. First Aid Medicines/ Equipment
c. Proper Ventilation
d. Sanitary Facilities

38. Which of the following is not included in the physical work environment?

a. Noise Pollution Control

b. Management of Airbone Contaminants
c. Imminent Danger Situation
d. None of the above

39. Which of the following is not included in the premises of establishments?

a. Proper materials handling and storage

b. Good housekeeping
c. Waste disposal system
d. Sanitary Facilities

40. Which of the following is not included in the 3Ds of Unsafe Condition

a. Dangerous
b. Difficult
c. Destructive
d. Dirty

41. Which of the following is not included in the people working in a safe and healthful workplace?

a. Productive
b. Efficient
c. Competitive
d. None of the above

42. Which of the following is included in signs of dirty unsafe condition?

a. Disorganized arrangement of materials / equipment

b. Presence of leaks, dust, cobwebs
c. Impression disorderliness / confusion
d. All of the above

43. Which of the following is included in signs of difficult unsafe condition?

a. Poor Material Storage and Handling

b. Poor Communication due to loud noise
c. Poor Thermal Condition
d. All of the above
44. Which of the following is included in signs of dangerous unsafe condition?

a. No Emergency Exits
b. No Fire Extinguishers
c. No Qualified First Aider
d. All of the above

45. Which of the following is included in the impact of labor standards compliance?

a. No Achieves harmonious relationship in the workplace

b. Enhances the company’s reputation, credibility and competitiveness
c. Sustains / maintains productivity
d. All of the above

46. __________ greatly affect workers productivity as well as the quality of products / services.

a. Physical Work Environment

b. Welfare Facilities
c. Premises of Establishments
d. Labor Standards Compliance

47-48 A ___________ particle will only fall ___________ in static air. This means that a particle remains airbone
most of the working day and can be inhaled.

a. 0.001 and 1 m. in 3.5 hours

b. 0.001 and 1 m. in 3 hours
c. 0.002 and 1 m. in 3 hours
d. 0.002 and 1 m. in 3.5 hours

49. ______________ and made only once except if there is a change of establishment’s name, location, ownership
or reopening after closing.

a. May utilize legal size bond paper for the layout and location plan
b. OSHS Rule 1966.01
c. OSHS Rule 1050
d. Registration is free of charge

50. Establishments classified not hazardous, ______________ showing the name and signature of the owner at the
bottom page.

a. May utilize legal size bond paper for the layout and location plan
b. OSHS Rule 1966.01
c. OSHS Rule 1050
d. Registration is free of charge
Multiple Choice

1. D 11. A 21. A 31. B 41. D

2. A 12. D 22. B 32. C 42. D

3. B 13. C 23. C 33. A 43. D

4. C 14. B 24. A 34. C 44. D

5. C 15. A 25. B 35. B 45.

6. B 16. C 26. C 36. D 46.

7. A 17. D 27. A 37. C 47.

8. D 18. B 28. C 38. D 48.

9. A 19. C 29. B 39. D 49.

10. B 20. D 30. B 40. C 50.

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