Conditionals Worksheet

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Rewrite the sentences using the second conditional.


My car is out of order. I won't drive you there.

If my car wasn't out of order, I would drive you there.

1. I don't know his address. I can't contact him.


2. He is ill. He can't go skiing.


3. He doesn't like tomatoes. He won't eat the salad.


4. I travel on my own because I speak English.


5. We don't have enough room in our house. You can't stay with us.


6. You aren't lucky. You won't win.


7. I go to bed early because I work so hard.


8. I am eighteen. I can vote.


9. Go to Corfu. You may like it.


10. You'll manage it. Don't panic.

Use the words to make the second conditional statements and questions.

I'd play with you ________________________________________________________________________.

help me | with the housework | you | if

I'd play with you if you helped me with the housework.

1. I wouldn't go there _______________________________________________________________.

be | I | if | you

2. ________________________________________________________, we'd catch an express train.

to Paris | have | if | to travel | we

3. _____________________________________________________________if you didn't commit it?

a crime | you | to | admit

4. Jim would be happier _____________________________________________________________.

you | about it | if | not tell him

5. If you won this match, ____________________________________________________________?

win | you | the tournament

6. _________________________________________________________________if it were cloudy?

go | we | to the beach

7. I wouldn’t mind _________________________________________________________________.

tell me | you | if

8. If I renovated the house, __________________________________________________________?

a hand | give me | you

9. What would you do ______________________________________________________________?

back | he | the money | not give you | if

There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline it and correct it.

If you helped me, we will finish in time. would finish

I can't go out. Believe me, I wouldn't stay at home if I'm not ill. ________________________

If my mum was younger, she studied at university. ________________________

I can't afford this car. But I'd buy it if I have more money. ________________________

I don't speak French. If I'd speak French, I'd live in Provence. ________________________

If you aren't my best friend, I wouldn't tolerate your behaviour. ________________________

Paul is unemployed. He would be happier if he founded a job. ________________________

He doesn't want to do the exam. But he could enter university if he'd ________________________
pass it.

I don't know his phone number. I'll text him if I knew it. ________________________

They wouldn't travel to Egypt if they can't stand hot weather. ________________________

If I were you, I should listen to your parents. ________________________

Make first or second conditional sentences.

1. My sister is ill. She won't go out.

If my sister wasn't ill, she ________________________________________ out.

2. I won't cook for you. I'll be busy on the weekend.

I won’t cook for you I _____________________________ busy at the weekend.

3. Won't he drink anything? He'll be thirsty.

If he ________________________________________ anything, he'll be thirsty.

4. I don't have a driving licence. I can't drive you there.

If I _____________________________a driving licence, I could drive you there.

5. We'll go to the beach. The weather will be sunny.

We’ll go to the beach if the weather _____________________________ sunny.

6. I feel so tired because I don't sleep well.

I ______________________________________________ so tired if I slept well.

7. I don't know how to do it. I can't help you.

I could help you if I ______________________________________how to do it.

8. Try this meal. You will like it.

If you _______________________________________ this meal, you will like it.

9. Marion is much older than me. I won't marry her.

If Marion ___________________________________ much older, I'd marry her.

10. I'll give you this map. You won't get lost.

If I give you this map, __________________________________________ lost.

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