Resume PSA Group 8

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group members:

Fadila Tauriza Syahputri (20312472)

Bernica chairunisa (20312604)

Dina Amelia Nasution (20312622)


Accounting theory has close links with financial accounting, especially financial reporting to
external parties. A theory needs to be supported by some research in which there are
hypotheses tested for truth, including in theory public sector and private sector accounting.
Theory has three basic characteristics, namely:

-The ability to explain or explain phenomena that exist (theability to explain).

-The ability to predict (the ability to predict).

-The ability to control phenomena (the ability to control given phenomena).

The objectives of studying accounting theory include:

-To understand the current accounting practices.

-Study the weaknesses and shortcomings of current accounting practices.

-Improve future accounting practices.

To produce relevant and reliable public sector financial statements,

There are several obstacles faced by public sector accounting. These barriers are:


Objectivity is a major obstacle in producing financial statements relevant. The financial

statements are presented by management to report the performance that has been achieved by
management over a certain period of time to which external parties become an organization
stakeholder. Performance report objectivity issues are caused by there is a conflict of interest
between the interests of management and those of interest stakeholder. The accounting
techniques used by management must have degrees objectivity that can be accepted by all
parties who become stakeholders.

Consistency refers to the use of the same accounting method or technique to produce an
organization's financial statements over several time periods consecutive. The aim is that the
financial statements can be compared performance from year to year. Consistent application
of accounting methods is a very important thing important because the organization has a
long-term orientation (going concern), whereas financial statements only report on
performance for one period. And so that does not happen the process of evaluating the
organization's performance evaluation by externa parties, the organization needs to consistent
in applying the accounting method.


Public sector financial statements should be comparable between periods time and with other
similar institutions. Thus, appeal means that financial statements can be used to compare
organizational performance with other similar organizations. Constraints on appeal are related
to objectivity because the more objective a financial statement is, the higher its appeal will be
because on the same basis a different report can be generated.


Financial reports must be presented in a timely manner so that they can be used as a basis for
making economic, social, political decisions, to avoid delays in making these decisions.
Constraints on the timeliness of presentation of financial reports are related to the length of
time it takes for organizations to produce financial reports. The faster the time for
presentation of financial statements, the better it will be for decision making. The problem is
that the more information is needed, the more time is needed to produce this various
information. Financial reports may not be presented on time so that they are irrelevant for
decision making even though they are presented early.


In Presentation of Reports Presentation of information requires a fee. The more information

needed the greater the cost required. Economic constraints in the presentation of financial
statements can mean that the benefits obtained must be greater than the costs incurred to
produce these financial statements.


An information is considered material if it affects a decision, or if the information is omitted

it will result in a different decision. Determining materiality is indeed a subjective
consideration, but this consideration cannot be made according to personal taste. The
considerations used are professional judgment based on certain techniques.

Application of Accounting in the Public Sector

Central Government Accounting

The Central Government Accounting System (SAPP) is a series of manual procedures as well
as computerized ones starting from data collection, recording, summarizing up to reporting
the financial position and financial operations of the Central Government.

The Central Government Accounting System (SAPP) aims to:

1. Safeguard the assets of the Central Government and its agencies through recording,
processing and reporting of financial transactions consistent with generally accepted
accounting standards and practices.

2.Provide accurate and timely information about budgets and activities Central Government
finances, both nationally and useful agencies as a basis for performance appraisal, to
determine compliance with authorization budget and for accountability purposes.

3. Provide reliable information about a financial position agencies and Central Government
as a whole.

4. Provide useful financial information for planning, management and efficient control of
government activities and finances.

-Local Government Accounting

Regional Financial Accounting is a process of recording, assessing, and identifying all

business transactions that occur in Local Government entities, such as provinces, cities, or
district. The output is in the form of financial reports from Regional Financial Accounting
addressed to parties such as the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD), the
Agency Financial Supervisor (BPK), creditors, investors, donors, and other interested parties.

-Accounting for political parties and NGOs

Financial reports made by political parties are annual financial reports and campaign finance
reports. Preparation of Annual Financial Reports of Political Parties refers to PSAK
(Statement of Financial Accounting Standards) No. 45 on accounting for non-profit
organizations, issued by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants. Accounting treatment and
financial reporting of NGOs refers to PSAK No. 45 regarding Accounting Standards for
Non-Profit Entities as well as Party Accounting Political. NGOs carry out integrated
bookkeeping based on bookkeeping regulations apply. NGO financial books are checked by
organizational reviewers and funders. Meanwhile, the authority to receive, store and use
funds as well NGO financial accounting is carried out by the actors of the NGO organization
determined by funding agency based on the status of the NGO in question. NGO budget plan,
after being agreed upon by NGO personnel, it is proposed to the donor agency for approval
become an NGO program or project.
-Foundation Accounting

The main purpose of financial reports is to provide relevant information for fulfill the
interests of donors, management members, creditors, and other parties who provide resources
to the foundation.

-Education and Health Accounting

This accounting also includes processing financial transaction data and presenting reports
finance in educational institutions. Its function is for management financing educational
institutions for operational activities and teaching-learning activities keep it running well and
smoothly. Health Accounting is an activity that cannot be transferred series of activity
management, both in the form of complete accounting and simple.

The goals of health accounting in health organizations are:

1. Provide the information necessary to properly manage the organization, efficient, and

2. Provide information that enables organizational management to report the implementation

of responsibilities.

3. Accounting for Places of Worship Accounting for places of worship is the process of
identifying, measuring, recording, and reporting of financial transactions carried out by a
organization as a form of accountability in managing space resources worship. Recording is
carried out in accordance with the principles of fairness, truth, and accountability.

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