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Quick Bytes -Answer Key

1. Communication
2. Sender
3. Communication
4. Decoding
5. The five employability skills are communication skills, Self-management skills, Basic ICT skills,
Entrepreneurial skills and Green skills
6. Communication is defined as the interchange of thought or information between two or more people
to bring about mutual understanding.
7. The communication features are;
 Communication is a two-way process. Only when the sender sends a message that is received,
understood and acknowledged by the receiver is the communication complete.
 Communication involves an exchange of ideas, facts, opinions, gestures, emotions and actions
between the sender and the receiver.
 Communication involves a systematic chain of events and every component involved is

1. Verbal
2. Visual
3. Gestures
4. The three basic methods of communication are—
1. Verbal communication 2. Non-verbal communication 3. Visual communication
5. The two types of verbal communication are Oral and Written communication.
6. The two advantages of oral communication are
 Time saving: When immediate decisions have to be taken and there is a paucity of time, the ideal
method of communication would be oral communication as it ensures immediate transmission.
 Cost effective: Communication within the organisation, when done orally, does not involve any
7. Written communication.

1. Assumptions
2. Environment
3. Experiences
4. A perspective is a person’s point of view, outlook or attitude on something. It is derived from a Latin
root word meaning ‘look through’.
5. Visual, language, past experiences, prejudice, feelings and environment. (any two)
6. Prejudice is a pre-conceived notion that is not based on facts/reason or personal experience.

1. Declarative (positive) - He plays the piano, and she sings along.
2. Declarative (negative) - They have not lived together for over twenty years.
3. Imperative (request) - Play with intensity and courage.
4. Imperative (command) - Be there at five.
5. Interrogative - Did you take your vitamin this morning?
6. Exclamatory - Oh, I didn’t see you come in!

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Session – 5
Interjection - Wow!
Noun – Ron, Raj, performers, scores, examination.
Conjunction - and
Perfect tense - have been
Adjective – declared
Adverb – best, highest
Article – the, the, the
Preposition – with, in

Session – 6
The a X the the X The a the

Session - 7
a. pass the exam -
b. cracked windshield -
c. reckless manner -
d. down the stairs -
a. Jack and Jill went up the hill.
b. See how fast the three blind mice run.
c. He pulled out a plum.
a. Shirley b. Mountains, valley c. face, Stream, water
4. Do it yourself

5. The fastest runner finished first

Adjective Adverb

6. The = article
quick = adjective
brown = adjective
fox = noun
jumps = verb
easily = adverb
over = preposition
the = article
lazy = adjective
dog = noun

1. Accountability
2. Initiative
3. Stress
4. Self-management may be defined as the management of oneself which includes taking responsibility
for one’s behaviour and well-being. It means having what it takes to take charge of your everyday
roles and responsibilities, emotions, medical needs and everything else about you.
5. Self-management is important since by learning to manage our personal lives well, we will eventually
get efficient at managing our professional lives better too. This will make us more efficient and
effective at work.

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 Self-management breeds self-discipline as you learn to manage your time and resources
 Self-management will boost your self-confidence as you find yourself managing things
7. Do it yourself
 By knowing our goals, what to do for the goals, and then how to be able to meet them.
9. Time management is essential to managing anything effectively.
10. The initiative is an important self-management skill to develop creativity and leadership qualities.

a. False b. False c. True
a. SWOT - Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats
b. Social, Physical and cultural
3. When your goals are ones that are attainable, as you achieve them, you feel a sense of pride and
accomplishment which will make the confidence in yourself grow.
4. The family is the basic unit of a society.
5. Morale
6. The society made up of neighbours, friends, relatives, teachers, school mates and even strangers.

1. Lab tests (extensively)
2. Forecast
3. You can design bridges, houses and flyovers, etc. They are used to design cars, aeroplanes and many
4. It is used to store information about customers, to take out money from an ATM and to deposit and
withdraw money from the account.

1. Microprocessor
2. Ports
Projector – Images generated by a computer are produced on a large, flat screen using for a large
Speaker – It is connected to a computer’s sound card to output sound and is used for multimedia
presentations and in gaming.
4. The data in its raw form is the Input. The process of converting raw data to information is called Data
Processing. The processed data is called as output and the process forms the IPO cycle
Keyboard - The most common input device, which is used to input data in form of text.
Mouse - A mouse is a pointing device used with a graphical interface to click on the icons on the
screen or monitor.
6. Serial Port –
1. Used for connecting external modems and computer old model mouse.
2. Transfers data Slowly, one bit at a time.
Parallel Port –
1. Used for connecting scanners and printers.
2. Transfers 8 bits of data at a time

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1. Eight
2. Binary
3. 1024
4. Cloud
5. Blue-ray
6. True
7. Flash memory is used in the form of memory cards for digital cameras and mobile phones.
Used in the form of pen drive in desktop computer, laptops, etc.
8. Secondary memory is also called as external memory or auxiliary memory. This memory cannot be
directly accessed by the CPU, because it is not accessible via the input/ output channels. The data
from the secondary storage has to be transferred to the RAM before it can be used by the processor.
Magnetic tapes, hard disk, flash memory, optical disk are examples of such memory
RAM is used to store the data and instructions needed during program execution. It can be accessed
by the CPU directly. The CPU continuously reads instructions stored there and executes them as
required. The stored data is lost when power is turned off. Thus, the RAM is said to be of volatile
nature. It is also known as read/write memory as data can be written on and read from it. It is small
sized, light but quite expensive.

ROM mainly stores instructions required by a computer during start-up. It stores the program BIOS,
which is required to initially boot the computer. BIOS (basic input/ output system) is the program
which the microprocessor uses, to get the computer system started when it is turned on. The
contents of ROM are permanent and they stay even when power is switched off. Initially ROM was
not re-writable and the programs were written on it by the manufacturer of the computer.

1. Starting
2. Desktop
3. Drag
4. Mouse
5. When you restart the computer after you have switched off the power, it is called a cold boot.
6. Arrow keys
7. Scroll – It means to roll the scroll wheel of the mouse with the index finger. It is used to move a page
up and down

1. Taskbar
2. Start
3. Four
4. .txt
5. The Operating System is an interface between the application software and computer. Without the
operating system, the application programs would be unable to communicate with the computer.
6. Notepad and Calculator
7. Windows operating system
8. Computer and Recycle bin

1. Communication
2. Website
3. Keywords

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4. Google and Bing
5. The companies that provide Internet service to the user are called as Internet service providers.
6. The basic requirements of Internet are –
 A computer with good processor
 Modem (modulator-demodulator).
 A telephone connection
 A browser software
 Internet service provider.

1. Hyperlink
2. Offline
3. Webpage
4. E-shopping
5. Yahoo and Ask

1. Reply All
2. Quoting
3. Compose
4. Web
5. Google
6. Disadvantages of E-mail
1. E-mails may carry viruses and Trojans which can harm your computer and steal information
from it too.
2. Many people send unwanted e-mails to others which are called spam mails. It takes some time to
filter them out.
3. Your storage space is limited and it is necessary to empty the mail box from time to time.
7. Some of the popular e-mail service providers are Yahoo! Mail, Gmail. The more recent options are, and Zoho mail.

1. Whatsapp, Intagram, Twitter, etc.
2. Network security is related to the methods which are required to protect the data and devices in the
network. When there are many users on the network, it is important that only the people who are
authorized should be able to access and make changes to the data.

1. a. b. Merchandiser c. Sole proprietor
2. a. Private Limited Company b. Hybrid business c. Two
3. a. False b. False c. True
a. Beauty salons, repair shops, law firms, banks, schools, etc. (any one)
b. Grocery stores, Chemists, automobiles dealers, mobile phone, etc. (any one)
c. ONGC, Tata Motors, TCS, etc. (any one)

5. Sole proprietorship business - A kiosk is a small, stand-alone booth typically placed in high-traffic
areas for business purposes. It typically provides Food, information and applications on education,
commerce, entertainment, and a variety of other topics.
6. Hybrid business

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1. a. Development b. Entrepreneur c. Entrepreneurship
2. a. False b. False c. True
3. a. Opportunity b. Many entrepreneurs c. Skills and knowledge
4. Leadership qualities are essential for an entrepreneur to be able to make his/her team along to
achieve his/her goal.
5. Participation of NGOs would give the participants hands-on training and experience.
 Be practical about money
 A business requires a huge time commitment
 Hold yourself to what you say.

a. Biotic factors are Plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms.
b. Abiotic factors are Wind, water, sunlight, atmosphere, soil, temperature.
c. Autotrophs are plants, bacteria, algae.
d. Heterotrophs are Humans, animals and some plants like pitcher.
e. Non-renewable resources are fossil fuels, natural gas, coal, oil.
a. Ecosystem. b. Disturbance c. Artificial or built d. Natural resources e.
a. Autotrophs b. Ceramic c. ecological imbalance d. conservation e. Plant and
maintain trees.
a. iv b. ii c. v. d. i e. iii
 Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors
 Take shorter showers
 Turn off the water tap while brushing your teeth
 Water your lawn only when it needs it
 Do not run the hose while washing your car
6. Renewable resources – They are once used are replenished by nature over a relatively short period of
time. Ex. Water.
Non-renewable resources – They have a limited supply and take millions of years to form. Ex. Fossil

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