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Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice Education
Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Name: Section:
Instructor: Date:

Directions: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. USE THE SPACE FOR THE

_______1. These people are called ______ in routine activity theory. Crimes will
take place where handlers are absent, weak or corrupt.
a. Handlers b. Handle c. Handling d. Hand

_______2. _________ control the behavior of offenders and potential victims. Examples of
place manager includes merchants, lifeguards, parking lot attendants, recreation and park workers,
janitors, and motel clerks.
a. Managers b. Manage c. Place Manager d. Place Manage

_______3. Crimes then would result from abnormal, dysfunctional or inappropriate mental
processes within the personality of this individual.
a. Psychological Theories b. Sociological Theories c. Biological Theories d. Theory

_______4. Attempting to connect the issues of the individual’s criminality with the broader social
structures and cultural values of society, familial, or peer group.
a. Psychological Theories b. Sociological Theories c. Biological Theories d. Theory

_______5. Traditional sociological theories proposed that crimes was a result of anomie, a term
meaning “normlessness” or a feeling of a lack of social norms, a lack of being connected to society.
a. Norm b. Norms c. normlessness d. ignorant

_______6. It is a representative of particular facts, but those principles are not dependent upon the
particular thing to be explained.
a. Psychological Theories b. Sociological Theories c. Biological Theories d. Theory

_______7. Personality is the major motivational elements that drive behavior within individuals.
a. Psychological Theories b. Sociological Theories c. Biological Theories d. Theory

_______8. This theory believe that evil spirit or demon entered human body to consists sin.
a. evil theory b. demonology c. demonological theory d. demon
_______9. His ideas were premised under the principle of utilitarianism
a. Jeremy Bentham b. Cesare Beccaria c. Johann Kaspar d. Cesare
_______10. He believed that crime is a rational choice and most people are capable to commit
a. Jeremy Bentham b. Cesare Beccaria c. Johann Kaspar d. Cesare
_______11. What theory says that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than
consensus and conformity?
a. Conflict Theory b. conflict c. social conflict theory d. economic
_______12. The word “daimon” refers to?
a. demon b. divinity c. study d. spirits

_______13. This doctrine that the purpose of all actions should be to bring about the greatest
happiness for the greatest number of people.
a. classical school b. utilitarianism c. routine activity theory d. none of the above
_______14. This is use for estimating the probability that a person will engage in a particular kind of
a. retribution b. deterrence c. specific retribution d. none of the above

_______15. This theory considers age, gender and social class of the perpetrators.
a. classical b. neo-classical c. positivist d. routine activity theory
_______16. It is called ______ who have extra "Y" chromosomes.
A. Macho man B. Supermales C. biological factors D. Chromosome syndrome.

_______17. This personality is socially awkward and self-conscious.

A. Ectomorph B. Endomorph C. Mesomorph D. Supermales

______18. This personality is socially awkward and self-conscious.

A. Ectomorph B. Endomorph C. Mesomorph D. Supermales

_______19. This personality is competitive and courageous.

A. Ectomorph B. Endomorph C. Mesomorph D. Supermales

______20. What principles assumes that people seek pleasure and try to avoid pain.
A. Rationality B. Punishment C. Human rightsD. Hedonism

______21. What principle assume that people have freewill and they choose to commit crime.
A. Hedonism B. Punishment C. Rationality D. Human rights

______22. It refers to biological factors that are inherited.

A. Biological factors B. Psychological factors C. Lombroso theory D. Genetic factors

______23. It consists psychological, biological and genetic factors.

A. Biological factors B. Genetic factors C. Psychological factors D. Lombrocian theory

______24. A theory that individual personality is controlled by unconscious mental processes that
are grounded in early childhood.

A. psychodynamic theory B. Psychological theory C. Dynamic theory D. psychotherapy theory

_______25. It is marked by extreme highs and lows; the person alternates between excited,
assertive, and loud behaviour and lethargic, listless, and melancholic behaviour.

A. schizophrenia B. Bipolar Disorder C. Paranoia D. Psychoses

______26. It is a branch of behavior theory, is the most relevant to criminology. The most prominent
social learning theorist is Albert Bandura. Bandura maintains that individuals are not born with an
innate ability to act violently.

A. Behavioral theory B. Social Learning Theory C. Cognitive theory D. Psychological


_____27. This theory maintains that human behavior is developed through learning experiences. The
hallmark of behavioral theory is the notion that people alter or change their behavior according to
the reactions this behavior elicits in other people.

A. Behavioral theory B. Social Learning Theory C. Cognitive theory D. Psychological


______28. It demonstrates that children who are aggressive are more likely to have been brought up
by parents or caretakers who are aggressive.

A. Family interaction B. Environmental experience C. Mass media D. Peers interaction

______29. It involves emotional stability. Individuals who score high on this domain often
demonstrate anger and sadness and have irrational ideas, uncontrollable impulses and anxiety.

A. Neuroticism B. Extraversion C. Openness D. Agreeableness

______30. It is an outright refusal to admit or recognize that something has occurred or is currently

A. Displacement B. Fantasy C. Denial D. Projection

_____31. Which of the following is considered as formal guardians?

a. neighbors b. friends c. parents d. police

_____32. Which of the following chemical methods are widely used to control crime?

a. Chemical castration and Pharmacological interventions

b. Chemical Castor and Pharmacological simulation
c. Chemical castrate and Pharmacological assessment
d. Chemical castrate and Pharmacological interview

_____33. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The individual is the secondary unit of analysis in psychological theories.

B. Personality is the major motivational elements that drive behavior within individuals.

C. Normality is generally defined by social consensus.

D. Crimes then would result from abnormal, dysfunctional or inappropriate mental processes
within the personality of this individual
_____34. Buque failed to secure the front entrance of her home. Diaz utilized the chance to break
into the former’s house. Buque`s negligence or carelessness makes her vulnerable to criminal
A. Victim Precipitation B. Victimless C. Victim D. Victim more

_____35. Mr. Sangco is a mental retarded who experiencing bullying in his classmates. One afternoon
he defended himself, he punched his classmate that cause to bleeding. Is he liable for his actions?

a. YES, because his aware of his action

b. NO, because he is mentally retarded and he is exempted from any criminal liability

c. it depends on the situation

d. none of the above

_____36. Ian wanted to buy the shoes in the mall but no one entertained him because of his dress.
The sales lady prioritizes the other customer because she believed that Ian is a poor guy who can’t
afford to buy the shoes. What type of theory is this?

a. conflict theory b. rational theory c. routine activity theory d. none of the


_____37. Arjay wanted to buy food but doesn’t have any money in his pocket. One day, he saw that
the woman is going to the supermarket, he looks the surrounding if there are no any persons in the
area and he started to get the bag of the woman. What theory is best example?

a. conflict theory b. rational theory c. routine activity theory d. none of the


_____38. Naong a 10 years old child wanted to eat the apple in the store, she steals it and eat it, she
was arrested and given the punishment that she commits. What theory is she portray?

a. classical theory b. rational theory c. routine activity theory d. none of the


_____39. Edumark an introvert boy who loves to be alone, one day he was perceived to steal the
man’s wallet. His family believed that Edu was possess when he steals the wallet of a man. What
theory is he portray?

a. classical theory b. rational theory c. demonological theory d. none of the


_____40. Ms. Hairless has an unusual shape of head, extending jaw bone, and abnormal teeth’s.
According to Lombroso’s, he is considered as:
a. Born Criminal b. Abnormal Criminal C. Occasional Criminal D. Insane Criminal

_____41. Anecito steals food for her family, he was influenced by his father who was a notorious
Robber. According to Lombroso’s Classification of Criminals, Anecito is an example of:
A. Criminaloids B. Pseudo Criminals C. Habitual Criminals D. Born Criminals

_____42. Disire failed to secure the front entrance of her home. Jedelito utilized the chance to break
into the former’s house. Disire’s negligence or carelessness makes her vulnerable to criminal
A. Victim Precipitation B. Victimless C. Victim D. Victim more

_____43. Bundan has a funny, loving, and outgoing personality, he also loves to eat a lot. In William
Sheldon’s Theory, Bundan is an example of:
A. Ectomorphic B. EndomorphicC. Mesomorphic D. Athletic
_____44. Adorable has broad shoulders and a narrow waist, he is outgoing, competitive and a risk
taker. Adorable is considered as a:
A. Ectomorphic B. EndomorphicC. Mesomorphic D. Athletic

_____45. Which of the following is NOT a psychological theory.

A. Social Disorganization Theory B. psychodynamic theory

C. behavioral theory D. cognitive theory

_____46. The following are the Signs and symptoms of conduct disorder EXCEPT.

A. Violate curfew despite their parents’ desire.

B. Run away from home and to be late for or truant from school.

C. Teenagers force someone into unwanted sexual activity.

D. Force Teen agers into someone sexual pleasure

______47. These are the big models of personality EXCEPT.

A. Neuroticism B. Extraversion C. Openness D. Bipolar disorder

______48. The following personalities are psychopathic personality EXCEPT.

A. Sociopath B. Psychopath C. Schizophrenia personality D. Anti-social personality

_____49. These are the physical traits under the born criminals except;

a. Hypersensitivity to pain and touch c. Tattoos

b. Use of special criminal slang d. Unemployment

_____50. Jade has a hypoglycemia caused from excessive amount of alcohol he consumed which
causes him to be aggressive to his friends. This is an explanation to:
A. Crime and Sugar B. Cholesterol and Crime C. Vitamins and Crime D. Alcohol
and Crime

_____51. Attempting to connect the issues of the individual’s criminality with the broader social
structures and cultural values of society, familial, or peer group. This statement is an explanation to:

a. Psychological Theories b. Biological Theories c. Sociological Theories d. Theory

_____52. Which of the following are TRUE?

a. Utilitarianism is a theory that one is motivated by pleasure and the fear of pain, so punishment ca
be used as a deterrent to commit crimes.
b. classical theory began to emerge, which is the study of criminal behavior based upon external
c. demonology is the study of demos or beliefs about demons, especially the methods used to
summon and control them.
d. all of the above
53. The following are the principles of classical school of criminology. EXCEPT

a. Crime is a rational choice, and most people are capable to commit crimes.
b. People will commit a crime after they have compared potential cost and benefits of such actions.
c. Most of the people fear punishment, and the certainty, severity and speed punishment will have
an impact on the level of crime.
d. crime results from the conflicts in society among the different social classes and those laws
actually arise from necessity as a result of conflict rather than a general consensus.

______54. The following are the modern conflict theory, EXCEPT.

a. Competition over scarce resources is at the heart of all social relationships.

b. Structural Inequality, Inequalities in power and reward are built into all social structures.
c. Revolution, Change occurs as a result of conflict between social class competing interest rather
than through adaptation.
d. That should be directed at the totality of society in its historical specificity

______55. Cyrus has a hypoglycemia caused from excessive amount of alcohol he consumed which
causes him to be aggressive to his friends. This is an explanation to:
A. Crime and Sugar B. Cholesterol and Crime C. Vitamins and Crime D. Alcohol
and Crime

______56. These are the personality characteristics of an Endomorph, except.

A. Attention-seeking B. Introverted and Private C. Laid-back D. Loving

______57 Mr. Naong says “I really want pizza, and I don’t have money, so I will steal it” Cape decides
to steal the Pizza, he is not forced to, and he also thinks about it beforehand. In the five key principle
of Lombroso’s Classical School, this is considered as:
A. Rationality B. Hedonism C. Punishment D. Victim Precipitation

_____58. Which of the following are TRUE?

a. Behavioral Theory maintains that human behavior is developed through learning
b. Moral Development Branch focus of which is understanding on how people morally
represent and reason about the world
c. behavior can be defined as something that makes us what we are and also that which make
us different from others.
d. Crime is a result of abnormal behavior due to an imbalanced ego between uncontrolled
drives (id) and society’s expectation about behavior (super ego).

_____59. Under the Endomorph characteristics, which of the following is incorrect?

a. Pear-shaped or round with wide shoulders and hips
b. High body fat in all areas, including arms and thighs
c. Slim ankles and wrists, adding to the “funny” characteristic
d. Proportionate facial features not only did they get the goods on looks

_____60. Aggressive acts are modeled after three primary sources except;
a. Family interaction b. Environmental experiences c. Mass media d. Family Structure

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