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When I hear the word mathematics, the first thing that comes to mind is that mathematics is
simply a collection of numbers with a smattering of letters that complicates my thinking.
However, as Sir. Agno stated, mathematics is a subject that occurs in my daily life and also in
the lives of everyone, as it exists in almost everything, in the form of patterns, sequences, or
properties, business, and so on. It altered my perspective on mathematics, showing that it is
about more than problem solving and computing; it also provides us with a means of
understanding the world. Mathematics almost entirely explains what we see in our
surroundings, what we use, and what we do. Additionally, mathematics enables us as students
to explore and learn about mathematical patterns found in nature and teach us that everything
is can have a mathematical explanations.

During our first discussion, we discussed what "mathematics" is, as well as the "study of
patterns," "parts of patterns," and the various sequences (Fibonacci, arithmetic,
geometric,harmonic). The new information I've gained is that mathematics is an abstract form
of science concerned with numbers, quantity, and space (Oxford). Additionally, I learned that
mathematics is not just about numbers; it is also about reasoning, inferring logically, and
generalizing. Mathematics is universal; as Sir. Agno stated, "math is always present." What I've
learned about patterns is that they are composed of arrangements, repetitions, predictions,
and recurring forms. Patterns also have distinct components: symmetry, which refers to an
object that retains its shape when rotated, fractals, which are objects composed of repeated
cubes or tiles, spirals, which are curved patterns composed of a central point and a series of
circular shapes, foam, which is an object trapped in a liquid or solid by a gas, and lastly, the
stripe the best example would be the zebra. Additionally, I discovered that the Fibonacci
sequence is named after Leonardo Piscano, Bonacci's son. I hope that as we continue this
subject, what I learned in the first discussion about the nature of mathematics will be added,
allowing me to answer this question more broadly in the future.
Certain qualities are nurtured by mathematics and they are the power of reasoning, creativity,
abstract or thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and .Math helps us have better
problem-solving skills specifically in Analytical thinking because it refers to the ability to think
critically about the world around us. Having ability in reasoning one of the contribution of
mathematics in humankid because it let you think logically in any situation, analytical and
reasoning skills are essential because they help us solve problems and look for solutions. There
are also another contribution if mathematics in humankind,such as, math helps us to tell time,
it helps us with our finances (specifically how we will balance our expenses), it makes as a
better cooker because how can you make the dish delicious if you put too little or too much
seasonings, so you also need math in cooking, and also math helps us to enhance our critical
thinking. math may be difficult to understand but it has many achievements and benefits given
to our world. let me be honest, I really don't have much knowledge in math but even so I like
the subject of math because it also challenges me even if sometimes my head hurts in
comprehension. in real human life, math will never be lost, so let's just accept that even if we
are not as smart as others in math, we still get benefits from it.

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