Population Worksheet

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 In groups of four attempt the following questions

 Follow the instructions given under each question to develop higher level
(a) (i) Describe how to calculate dependency ratio. [3]
(ii) Explain why the dependency ratio may vary within a country. [4]
Sample answer

‘Often the dependency ratio is high in rural areas as the young working group has
left to find work in the city so leaving the very young and elderly in the village, so
increasing the dependency ratio. In the urban area the influx of young, usually male,
workers reduce the dependency ratio and often the elderly retire to the rural area.’

(b) With the aid of examples, explain why the dependency ratio is changing in many
LICs. [8]

LICs traditionally have a high dependency ratio due to high birth rates, but recently,
with a falling birth rate and ageing population structure, most LICs see a changing
dependency ratio but one that reflects a greater number of old dependents and fewer

So explanation should focus on the economic, social, cultural, technical, political

and environmental reasons that underpin these changes:

(c) ‘Changes in food production have had the biggest impact on reducing mortality.’
With the aid of examples, how far do you agree? [15]

Improved food production (technical advances, etc.) has increased quantity and
quality of food, so reducing mortality caused by famines or poor diets, but there are
other factors.

Modern medicines (both prevention and cure) such as antibiotics have greatly
reduced death rates, but they are only part of the wider improvement in medical and
health services – especially those that reduce infant mortality.

You may focus on the role of education, greater political control (fewer wars), social
developments such as improved status of women, improvements in technology
especially transport, improved incomes, etc. Higher level responses may recognise
that it may vary with location, levels of technology, nature of the population.

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