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Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Bálint Markó
Address(es) no. 39-41/18, Alverna st., 400469 Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania
Telephone(s) - Mobile: +40-721726105
Fax(es) -

Nationality Romanian (Hungarian ethnic)

Date of birth 17.10.1975

Gender male

Occupational field Academic research and teaching

Work experience
Occupation or position held preparator
Main activities and responsibilities - teaching Invertebrate Zoology lab courses, Entomology lab courses
- scientific research
Name and address of employer Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Zoology, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, M. Kogâlniceanu st. no. 1
Type of business or sector academic

Occupation or position held assistant
Main activities and responsibilities - teaching Invertebrate Zoology lab courses, Entomology lab courses, Ecology lab courses
- scientific research
Name and address of employer Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Zoology, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, M. Kogâlniceanu st. no. 1
Type of business or sector academic

Occupation or position held lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities - teaching Entomology courses and lab courses, Population Biology courses and lab courses,
Invertebrate Zoology lab courses, Statistics courses and lab courses, Biomonitoring courses and lab
- scientific research
Name and address of employer Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania, M. Kogâlniceanu st. no. 1
Type of business or sector academic

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Markó Bálint © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010
Occupation or position held lecturer, Head of Department
Main activities and responsibilities - teaching Entomology courses and lab courses, Population Biology courses and lab courses,
Invertebrate Zoology lab courses, Introduction to Biology courses, Sociobiology courses and
seminars, Evolutionary Biology courses
- scientific research
- administrative tasks
Name and address of employer Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Hungarian Department of Biology and
Ecology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, M. Kogâlniceanu st. no. 1
Type of business or sector academic

2014–to present
Occupation or position held associate professor, Head of Department
Main activities and responsibilities - teaching Entomology courses and lab courses, Population Biology courses and lab courses,
Invertebrate Zoology lab courses, Introduction to Biology courses, Sociobiology courses and
seminars, Evolutionary Biology courses
- scientific research
- administrative tasks
Name and address of employer Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Hungarian Department of Biology and
Ecology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, M. Kogâlniceanu st. no. 1
Type of business or sector academic

Education and training

Title of qualification awarded B.Sc. in Biology
Principal subjects/occupational skills Invertebrate Zoology, Vertebrate Zoology, Plant systematics, Ecology, Hidrobiology, Entomology, Cell
covered Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Plant physiology, Animal physiology
Name and type of organisation Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
providing education and training
Level in national or international B.Sc. in Biology

1998-2001 (2005)
Title of qualification awarded PhD in Environmental Sciences (thesis defended in 2005)
Principal subjects/occupational skills Biological Basis of Conservation, General Myrmecology, Animal Ecology, Ecological methods
Name and type of organisation University of Szeged, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Ecology, Environmental Sciences
providing education and training Doctoral School, Conservation Ecology Programme – Szeged, Hungary
Level in national or international PhD

Personal skills and

Mother tongue(s) Hungarian

Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
Romanian C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
English C2 C2 C2 C2 C1
German B1 B2 B1 B1 B1
French A1 B1 A1 A1 A1
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

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Markó Bálint © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010
Social skills and competences I am a social person, good at leading discussions, organizing small meetings

Organisational skills and - Good organizational skills, proven by many regional, national (yearly Cluj Biology Days) and also
competences international conferences (2nd and 4th Central European Workshop of Myrmecology, 3rd Meeting of the
Central European Section of the IUSSI) organized by me, or being on the organizing committee
- Also organizer of many field courses in Invertebrate Zoology and Biogeography

Technical skills and competences general technical skills in field ecology research (scientific planning, GPS, thermo-hygrometer, etc.)

Computer skills and competences good knowledge of general softwares (Microsoft Office, Open Office) and statistical softwares (SPSS,
R environment)

Artistic skills and competences

Other skills and competences scientific planning, scientific writing, statistical analyses

Driving licence yes, B

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Markó Bálint © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010

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